San Munoz


San Muñoz is a Spanish municipality and town in the province of Salamanca, in the autonomous community of Castilla y León. It is integrated within the region of Campo de Salamanca (Campo Charro) and the sub-region of La Huebra. It belongs to the judicial district of Salamanca.

Its municipal area is made up of the towns of Agustínez, Buenabarba, San Muñoz, Villa Adelfa and the unpopulated area of Gallegos de Huebra, it occupies a total area of 53.90 km² and according to the INE in 2017 it had a population of 241 inhabitants.


The place name San Muñoz originally comes from the name "Sancho Muñoz", which over time was shortened until it ended up in the current San Muñoz. It is worth noting the name of the following town downstream of the Huebra river "Muñoz", which could be related to San Muñoz as there is a theory that it would take such a name because it was founded on lands belonging to a descendant of Sancho Muñoz who at the beginning a population center in that area adopted the same surname "Muñoz".


It is 46 km from Salamanca, on the A-62 or E-80 motorway (formerly N-620) towards Portugal. The municipal area is surrounded by the towns of Castillejo de Huebra, located 8.4 kilometers to the north. To the northwest is Muñoz, 13.2 km away. To the northeast it limits with Aldehuela de la Bóveda, 11.8 km away. To the south it limits with Abusejo, 13.6 km. To the southwest is Cabrillas, 8.7 km away. To the southeast it limits with La Sagrada at 7.5 km. To the east with Carrascal del Obispo at 15.1 km. And to the west, 12.7 km, with La Fuente de San Esteban.

Northwest: Muñoz North: Castillejo de Huebra Northeast: Aldehuela de la Bóveda
West: The San Esteban Fountain Rosa de los vientos.svgThis: Carrascal of the Bishop
Southwest Cabins South: Abusejob Sureste: The Holy


The Huebra river belongs to the Duero Hydrographic Confederation.

Its average flow in recent years is 7.13 m³/s, although its variation is considerable during the different times of the year.

Its name has been taken by the young people of the town as an identifying reference, calling themselves "Hijos del Huebra".


Detail of the map Spain and Portugal1850, by J. Dower, where you can appreciate San Muñoz.

Remains of the Acheulean have been found in San Muñoz, so we assume that in these rich valleys, irrigated by the Huebra River, there were already groups of humans, probably nomads who moved with the herds of animals they fed on. The Acheulean period extends from 350,000 to 128,000 years BC.

Until now, little is known about the pre-Roman peoples who inhabited this area of San Muñoz, although due to the proximity of the Yecla la Vieja castro, we believe that it was inhabited by the Vetones and that later there could have been some Roman and Visigothic villas. These villas would remain from the VIII century without the lords, who would go north after the Arab invasion to find protection from Christian kings. The villas and their lands would remain in the hands of the peasants who took care of them.

However, the foundation of the current town dates back to the repopulation carried out in the Campo Charro by the king of León Alfonso VI in the Middle Ages, remaining framed in the Salamanca jurisdiction of La Valdobla, within the Kingdom of León. This circumscription was created by the Constitution of Innocent IV of 1245, which structures the Cabildo Catedral de Salamanca, and erects a nullius jurisdiction that grants exclusively to the Capitular institution: the so-called Arciprestazgo (or Abbadengo) of Valdobla, around the upper basin of the Huebra River and of which San Muñoz becomes its head. This institution formed a sort of separate territory under the ordinary jurisdiction of the Dean and the Salamanca Council, which appointed visitors every two years. Subsequently, jurisdiction alternated with the bishop every six years until its dissolution in 1866.

Later, already in the XV century, San Muñoz became a secular lordship (maintaining the spiritual one of the Cabildo), which was in the hands of the Benavides family for several generations.

Finally, in the XIX century, with the creation of the current provinces in 1833, San Muñoz was included in the province of Salamanca, within the Leonese Region.

French occupation

War of Independence 1808-1814 San Muñoz de Huebra (Salamanca) Although the war in Spain would be almost seven years later, in 1801 there was already a movement of French troops in San Muñoz (Salamanca). The first French troops to arrive will be the Gironde Expeditionary Corps, under the command of General Lecrec bound for Salamanca and Ciudad Rodrigo in 1801, which had approximately 7,000 soldiers. Proof of this is the following Death Certificate:

"In this Villa de San Muñoz (Salamanca), on August 8, 1801, he died helped with the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, for having not given rise to another relief the disease, Don Alexandre Année, Captain of the Second (2nd) Infantry Battalion of the ten and six and a half Brigade of Ynfantería Ligera of the French Auxiliary Troops of Spain,

They chose to be married, but they gave no news of the name of their consort, or of the place of their nature or neighborhood. He buried himself in the Chapel of Our Lady, with the Ecclesiastical and Military Pomp that used the Troops in the same cases.
And for the record, date ut above

D. Joaquín Marcos del Corral (paraoco of the town at the time). -

November 17, 1812: "Combate of San Muñoz, Salamanca" important action in San Muñoz, next to the Huebra river, between the Allied troops (68,000 men) and the French troops (60,000 men).-


Graphic of demographic evolution of San Muñoz between 1900 and 2021

Source: Spanish National Statistical Institute - Graphical development by Wikipedia.

Population centers

The municipality is divided into several population centers, which had the following population in 2015 according to the INE.

Population Core Population
San Muñoz 256
Villa Adelfa 10
Agustinez 8
Gallegos de Huebra 3
Buenabarba 0


Representación heráldica del blasón aprobado


The heraldic shield that represents the municipality was approved on October 8, 1997 with the following coat of arms:

«I hear a match. First, of gold with a two-eyed stone bridge, sable and exempt. Second, silver with a lion of gules, three bars of gold. Tied of the Spanish Royal Crown»
Official State Gazette No. 264 of 4 November 1997


The municipal flag was approved on May 27, 1999 with the following textual description:

"Cuadrangular and flanked, with a wide double strip of gules, with the Squid of the Municipal Corporation, brochante, escorted from two strips of silver situated at the ends of the fabric"
Official Gazette of Castile and Leon No. 109 of 9 June 1999


The motto with which the municipality of San Muñocense is traditionally referred to is the following:

«For pastures and labor, San Muñoz»

[citation required]

Administration and politics

Municipal elections

Results of municipal elections in San Muñoz
Political party 2019 2015 2011 2007 2003
Citizens (Cs) 48,24823 29,80592 --- --- ---
Popular Party (PP) 43,53742 50.511004 41,321003 6.05170 34,81102.2
Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) 9,41160 16,16321 57.021384 46,621313 48.121414
Union of the Salmantino People (UPSa) --- --- --- 46,621314 ---
Regionalist Unit of Castilla y León (URCL) --- --- --- --- 14,33421




Its patron saint festivities are on June 24, San Juan, festivities with youth entertainment, bullfights, heifers, and running of the bulls on horseback, taking into account the festivities in clubs, bars, and popular festivals. The Carnival festivities, in February, and Halloween, on the night of October 31, are also well-known. Both have brought together a large number of people in recent years.


There are currently three cultural associations in San Muñoz:

  • Asociación de Mayores San Pedro.
  • El Tesoro Women's Association.
  • Asociación Juvenil Hijos del Huebra.


  • The Path of the singular trees of San Muñoz.
  • The Church of St John the Baptist has a beautiful cover, making the building sumptuous by its staircase that gives it access to its location in the Thess of Calvary.
  • The Clock Tower is located in the main square, dating from 1897 and was built by Moses Díez of Palencia, according to its structure.
  • The Christ of Good Death is guarded in the Church, in his own chapel on the right wing. It is a size of the late 16th century. The size is one of the most valuable of the Diocese of Ciudad Rodrigo. It has been exhibited at the Exhibition Images of the Mystery, in the year 2000 and in the Ages of Man of 2006, in Ciudad Rodrigo. It is known almost certainly that it can be a size of Juan de Juni or his workshop, in the area his disciple Lucas Mitata was working. It is a round lump size, polychrome and processional, belongs to the Costume of the Vera Cruz. It was restored in the late 1990s. Proceed on Good Friday afternoon-night.


  • In San Muñoz there is a Hostel that is available to pilgrims who make the Camino Torres, from Salamanca to Santiago de Compostela. Or for those who transit through the Royal Cañada de Extremadura.

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