San Isidro Party


San Isidro is one of the 135 districts of the Argentine province of Buenos Aires. It is part of the urban agglomerate known as Greater Buenos Aires, located in the northern part of it. Its head is the city of San Isidro. It is part of the First Electoral Section of the Province of Buenos Aires. Along with Vicente López, they are the only parties in Greater Buenos Aires with negative population growth.

Photo of Pasaje in Primera junta - San isidro



Located in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires, 20 km from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. It is bordered to the northwest by the San Fernando district, to the northwest by the Tigre district, to the southeast by the Vicente López district, to the southwest by the General San Martín district, and to the northeast by the Luján river and the Río de la estuary. Silver.


The region responds to the «subfault of the Paraná river», and to the «subfault of the Río de la Plata», with low seismicity; and its last expression occurred on June 5, 1888 (134 years), at 3:20 UTC-3, with a magnitude in San Isidro of approximately 5.0 on the Richter scale (1888 Río de la Plata earthquake).


  • Villa Adelina (CP B1607)
  • Boulogne Sur Mer (CP B1609)
  • Martínez (CP B1640)
  • Acasuso (CP B1641)
  • San Isidro (CP B1642)
  • (CP B1643)

Surface area and population

According to estimates for June 2007, the population was 307,165 inhabitants.

It is 48 km². In 2001, according to the INDEC census, it had a population of 291,505 inhabitants, of whom 138,463 were men and 154,749 women. According to the same census, San Isidro represented at that time 0.8% of the population of Argentina. Said figure constitutes it as the 14th most populous party in the Buenos Aires suburbs.

Regarding the figure for 1991 (299,023), growth was -2.5%.

According to the provisional results of the 2010 INDEC national census, it is inhabited by 291,608 people.


Adrian Beccar Varela, Councilman and then Party Intendent (1913-14). Then he was president of the AFA (1927-29).
José María Pirán (1878-1954), Founder of the San Isidro Nautical Club (1910), Founding Partner and First President of the SIC Club (1935-1940), Director of the CASI Club and the AFA (1927-1929), Fundador of the San Isidro National College (1916), Donated with Dr. Juan Obarrio the current building of the San Isidro People's Library (1910), president of the San Isidro People's Library (1910-1954), president of the School Council, Supreme Court Justice, President of the HCD, Justice of Peace, Intendent of San Isidro (1931)

According to chroniclers who in the 16th century recognized these lands during the epic feat of their discovery, the Guarani Indians came from the north and inhabited the area of the islands and the course of the Paraná River up to what is today San Isidro, while the querandíes occupied the north zone and to the south of the Riachuelo. The former were part of the Confederation of Guaraní peoples whose political, economic and religious center was in Lambaré, an indigenous capital located near what is currently Asunción del Paraguay.

  • •1580: the preds of the San Isidro party are colonized, along with those of Buenos Aires, so Juan de Garay distributes to his solar men, fifths, chacras and stays on the entire northern coast of the city, beginning in the vicinity of San Martín Square in Buenos Aires, to finish a little further and beyond San Isidro. At that time Garay began the cast of 65 farms so that the inhabitants could break the land. It was then arranged that these farms had a width of between 260 and 433 meters for a backdrop (5196 meters), plotted from what today is the intersection of the streets Arenales and Basavilbaso of the City of Buenos Aires. In such a way, the 65 farms occupied about 25,360 rods on the Rio de la Plata, reaching the current Guido Spano street in the San Fernando match.
  • •1706: Capt. Domingo de Acassuso is authorized to transform the particular chapel into a public temple bearing the name of San Isidro Labrador. From that moment on the fields were called "the Holy One"
  • •1784: the beginning of what would eventually become the Party, the creation of a Brotherhood Mayor
  • •1790: Around the chapel a village was erected that would eventually become the city of San Isidro
  • •1825: the port of San Isidro takes historical relevance as it is the base of which the Thirty and Three Orientales started to begin the Liberating Crusade that would result in the Argentine-Brazilian War and later in the creation of the Eastern State of Uruguay
  • •1850: the municipality is created, at the request of a provincial law, and composed of representative neighbors of the place.
  • 1888: At 3.20 p.m. on 5 June, an indigenous earthquake is felt


The municipality has 60% of its inhabitants who have sewer service.


The flag of San Isidro arises from a contest held in 2006 celebrating the 300th anniversary of the creation of the Chaplaincy that gave rise to San Isidro. On May 14, the mayor of San Isidro, Dr. Gustavo Posse, publicly presented the sanisidrense insignia. The creator of the San Isidro flag was the graphic designer of Béccar Sergio Etulain, winner of the contest to design it.

Flag description

A white cloth, parted in half on top, green towards the earring. In the center of the upper quarter of the pole, six golden bezants framed in a circle, firillo flowers, on green leaves of the same tree.


  • Spinillo flowers: 6 golden flowers (bezantes) representing each of the current localities of the Party.
  • Spine leaves: containing the flowers that are the localities, represents the Party.
  • Inclined plan (formed by half high): represents the most present topographic feature in the geography of San Isidro; from the cliffs that look east, to the hills on the west.
  • White: it represents the Christian faith, in this case the faith that has prompted Acassuso to found the Capellanía.
  • Green: is the color that has characterized San Isidro since its origin. His ancient denomination, "Monte Grande" and even the graminea fields that the colonizers found, already suggest. Although over time it has taken other nuances such as the golden tree that distinguishes it.
  • Spindle (hoe and flowers): A tree in whose shadow, according to legend, Don Domingo de Acassuso dreamed of the "mism very San Isidro Labrador requiring him to raise a chapel in that same place". In 1706, in order to fulfill the mandate of the saint, he founded the Chapel and Capellanía with the advocation of Saint Isidro Labrador, taking the surrounding neighbourhood the same name.


Cathedral of San Isidro.

The cathedral

The Cathedral of San Isidro is located on Avenida del Libertador at 16,200, in front of Plaza de San Isidro. It was inaugurated on July 14, 1898. Its architects were Dunant and Paquin. Neo-Gothic style. Its main tower is 68 m high. Its base is a Latin cross with three naves with a circular apse. The columns are cylindrical and the stone and brick walls have openings with stained glass windows made in France and Gothic rose windows. Some time ago a plan to restore it began. Currently the project has already finished.

The festival of San Isidro Labrador is celebrated on May 15.

The racetrack

The San Isidro Hippodrome, owned by the Jockey Club, was inaugurated on December 8, 1935 (87 years old). It is, without a doubt, one of the largest and most important in America, and is located 22 km north of the city of Buenos Aires, in the Partido de San Isidro, Province of Buenos Aires, occupying an area of 148 hectares.

History of the San Isidro Aerodrome:San Isidro Aerodrome

Museum, Library and Municipal Historical Archive "Dr. Horacio Beccar Varela"

The need for an institution whose mission was to shelter Sanisidro's heritage has its first antecedent in the "Historical and Traditional Museum of San Isidro" that operated for a few months in the house of Fernando Alfaro, the first municipal president, in the Av. del Libertador 16.362, San Isidro, when Pedro Llorens was the mayor.

Years later, on January 9, 1995 -at the initiative of mayor Dr. Melchor Ángel Posse-, the "Municipal Museum, Library and Historical Archive of San Isidro was created, establishing the same residence as its headquarters de Alfaro, one of the oldest architectural exponents of San Isidro.

Consistent with this cultural project, the Municipality of San Isidro purchased one of the most important private historical libraries made up of 5,300 specialized works, many unique in their kind.

The Historical Archive, for its part, owes its origin to the Presbyter Francisco C. Actis, first director of the Municipal Historical Museum “Brig. Gral. Juan Martín de Pueyrredon ”, historian and researcher who, since 1944, took care of gathering all the material that he considered of historical interest from different municipal offices and the Civil Registry.

After almost 11 years of operation in the house of Fernando Alfaro, the institution was transferred to Los Ombúes, a property of great patrimonial value in San Isidro due to its age, the succession of the characters that inhabited it and its privileged enclave on the ravines next to the Río de la Plata.

With contributions to its architecture made between the 18th and 20th centuries, the original mansion from the viceregal period witnessed, according to tradition, the passage of important figures such as José de San Martín, Juan Martín de Pueyrredon and Manuel Belgrano, in the time when Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson owned it.

Over the years it would come into the hands of the Beccar Varela family, who inhabited it until 2005, when –fulfilling the wish of Dr. Horacio Beccar Varela- the donation of the Quinta Los Ombués to the Municipality of San Isidro.

Since May 16, 2006, during the administration of Dr. Gustavo Posse, the «Quinta Los Ombúes». houses the Museum, Library and Historical Archive of San Isidro and since October 2, 2007 it is a National Historical Monument.

The Municipal Historical Museum "Brig. Gen. Juan Martin de Pueyrredon"

Its construction dates back to 1790. It is a Pompeian-style mansion with a quadrangular floor plan, with a large central patio with a cistern to which all the rooms converge.

This Museum bears the name of Brigadier General Juan Martín de Pueyrredón because he was the owner of the house and a fundamental figure in Argentine history. The important patrimony that it shelters is historical, architectural, documentary, bibliographical, pictorial, ecological and landscape. The workshop used by his son, the artist Prilidiano Pueyrredón, is part of it.

Inaugurated on September 16, 1944 but a National Historical Monument since 1941, it has characteristics that are typical of the typical late-18th-century countryside construction.

Feria Artesanal de San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Villa Ocampo

This beautiful eclectic-style residence, located in the town of Beccar, has a rich historical past. It was inhabited for decades by the prestigious Argentine writer Victoria Ocampo (1890-1979). It is currently part of UNESCO's cultural heritage and you can tour its dependencies and gardens. During the G20 Leaders Summit held in Buenos Aires in November 2018, Villa Ocampo was the venue chosen for the first lady Juliana Awada, wife of President Mauricio Macri, to receive the first ladies and companions of the other members of the G20.

San Isidro Artisan Fair

Since 1971 it has been operating in Plaza Miter. In these more than 100 stalls you can see leather products, ceramics, wood, cloth, metal, among other materials. The "San Isidro Craft Fair" is the oldest in the Province of Buenos Aires.

The Ecological Farm

The San Isidro Labrador Educational Farm, which is carried out by the Department of Ecological Education of the Municipality of San Isidro, with the support of the Sanisidrense commune, constitutes a unique space in the metropolitan area, which recreates the rural environment in which you can appreciate the different processes of crops and animal husbandry, as well as the preparation of food, particularly those of plant origin. Throughout the year different activities and guided tours are carried out.

Station Anchorena from the Coast Train.

Transport and mobility

The district is connected to the City of Buenos Aires and the rest of the country by two important arteries, Avenida Centenario, also called Avenida Santa Fe, and Avenida del Libertador, as well as the Pascual Palazzo Highway, a branch of The pan-american highway. The tracks of the General Belgrano Railroad, the Retiro-Tigre branch of the General Bartolomé Miter Railroad and the Tren de la Costa also pass through San Isidro.

Estación San Isidro FFCC Mitre.

Railway stations

  • Boulogne Sur Mer, FFCC Belgrano Norte
  • Villa Adelina, FFCC Belgrano Norte (shared with the Vicente López Party)
  • Martinez, FFCC Mitre
  • Acassuso, FFCC Mitre
  • San Isidro C, FFCC Mitre
  • Beccar, FFCC Mitre
  • Anchorena, Costa Train
  • Las Barrancas, Tren de la Costa
  • San Isidro R, Costa Train
  • Punta Chica, Costa Train (shared with the San Fernando Party)

Municipal policy

With the return of Democracy in Argentina, elective acts were held in the municipalities of the Province of Buenos Aires. In San Isidro, the list of the Radical Civic Union, which had the doctor Melchor Posse as its candidate for Mayor, was triumphant with more than 55% of the votes. The elected Mayor governed uninterruptedly until 1999, the year in which he was replaced in office by his son, Gustavo Posse, elected with more than 52% of the votes.

Subsequently, Mayor Gustavo Posse was re-elected in the executive elections of 2003 (57%), 2007 (45%), 2011 (44%) and 2015 (51%), a year in which he surpassed by more than 31 percentage points to his immediate pursuer. Likewise, he triumphed in every midterm legislative election.

Since 2017, due to the atomization of political forces that managed to exceed the minimum necessary to acquire representation in the Deliberative Council, no political party has its own majority to approve regulations. At present, the municipal government, Peronism and Convocation for San Isidro are represented in the Deliberative Council. However, the municipal Executive Department has managed to approve its Ordinances on the General Budget of Expenses, Fiscal, Tax and Accountability.

Municipal elections

Elections in the 2020s

Elections in the 2010s

Elections in the 2000s

Elections in the 1990s

Elections in the 1980s

Elections in the 1970s and 1960s


San Isidro has a population committed to freedom of expression of a high cultural level that permanently seeks to be informed. For this reason, they will find dozens of graphic, online and radio media through which the inhabitants get closer to the local, provincial and national reality. Among others, they can be informed by these means: Zona Norte Diario ´( Digital newspaper with a wide reach in the north zone.

Informe Norte News portal dedicated to informing about the events and the protagonists of the northern zone and first electoral section of the Province of Buenos Aires. It also has interviews and opinion columns. Property of IP Journalistic and Audiovisual Productions.

Que Pasa Web ( The most widely read digital newspaper in the northern suburbs, it is the main medium that offers journalistic coverage of news from the party of San Isidro.

Radios with offices in San Isidro:

Fm Fenix,

Fm Symphony,

Radio Lares, Fm New Play,

Radio Unyka



Among its numerous sports facilities, mention should be made of four of the most important rugby clubs in the country: Club Atlético de San Isidro (CASI), San Isidro Club (SIC), Club de Rugby Pueyrredón and Colegio Cardenal Newman; all participants in the tournaments organized by the Buenos Aires Rugby Union (URBA). Formerly, the Colegio Nacional de San Isidro was an emblem of national rugby, being twice national champion, although currently the practice of this sport is not developed in said school.

In addition, the Municipality has its own Municipal Rugby School and a Rugby Museum.

These features have established the match as the "National Capital of Rugby".

Stadium of the Acassuso Atleum Club.


As for soccer, Club Atlético Acassuso stands out, which plays in Primera B.


Among the basketball clubs in San Isidro, the Unión Vecinal club of Villa Adelina currently stands out, in the lower divisions they participate in the Top 20 tournament of the basketball federation of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires and also the Social Beccar club and BA.NA.OF


Among the clubs that stand out in hockey are the San Isidro Club (SIC), Club Pueyrredon on grass, Club Atlético San Isidro (CASI) on synthetic and Club Arrows (No Venue defined) on grass. They are part of the AAHBA Amateur Hockey Association of Buenos Aires.

Sports Fields

The party has seven sports fields and four athletic clubs available to residents and schools.


The municipal swimming team stands out, which trains at the Municipal Sports Field located at Int. Neyer 1220. It should be noted that this team has provincial champion swimmers, national champions, South American champions and national records. Being one of the best teams in the country.

Local Media

Other media that cover the district and its neighborhoods are:


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