San Antonio de Los Altos


San Antonio de Los Altos is a Venezuelan city located in the center-north of Venezuela, in the Los Salias Municipality, of the Miranda State, which is also part of the Capital District near Caracas, of the which is 14 kilometers along the Pan-American Highway and 15 kilometers from Los Teques, capital of the Miranda state. Its population is 68,255 inhabitants (2016 census).

Its dominant population is of Spanish origin and Catholic religious tradition, hence the dominance of local patron festivities in honor of San Antonio de Padua. Other settlers of European origin such as Croats and Italians followed them in number.

The majority of its inhabitants work in Caracas and Los Teques, being called "Dormitory City".


It was originally called y#34;San Antonio de Medinaceli#34; by order of Diego de Melo Maldonado, governor of the Province who founded it by decree on May 1, 1683.

Later, the name San Antonio de Los Altos was officially conferred on it in allusion to the Patron Saint of the town and the mountainous characteristic of the region.


San Antonio de Medinaceli, better known as San Antonio de Los Altos, was born on May 1, 1683. It is the oldest town in the Altos Mirandinos. It had two founders: one official, although only on paper, who was Diego de Melo Maldonado, Governor and Captain General of the Province of Venezuela; the other, the real and effective founder, Juan Mijares de Solórzano y Monasterios, first Marquis of Mijares, who in 1692 donated a lot of land to forty immigrant families from the Canary Islands of Spain so that they could cultivate and live on them..

These first settlers, of what was later established as the town of San Antonio de Los Altos, dedicated themselves to agricultural work, and through their work and effort they built the foundations on which the municipality of Los Altos is founded today. You went out.

Around 1950, San Antonio de Los Altos was characterized as a farming town, but starting in 1955, with the commissioning of the Pan-American Highway, the urbanization process began, which resulted in the construction of numerous residential areas, single-family and multi-family homes, for an upper and middle class population made up of professionals, technicians and merchants from Caracas.

This process was accentuated in the decade of the '70s, giving rise to a violent growth of the region, and the consequent demographic explosion, at the same time that it became a dormitory city or satellite city of the capital. of the Republic.

San Antonio de Los Altos was for many years a foreign town that depended on the old Guaicaipuro district, now a municipality. This situation changed on November 17, 1982, the date on which the Los Salias municipality was created, according to a decree issued by the Legislative Assembly of the Miranda State.

This new category responded to a wish of the inhabitants of Los Salias, who in 1982 introduced a feasibility project in which the economic, political and social conditions that San Antonio de Los Altos possessed were outlined, which allowed it to be elevated to the status of autonomous municipality.

It was in November 1982 that the Los Salias municipality was formally established, whose jurisdiction was established in the territory where the foreign municipality of San Antonio de Los Altos was located, with its capital being the city of the same name. Its official operation had to be governed in the month of June 1984 in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of the Organic Law of Municipal Regime in force for the year 1978.

Today, a large part of the second and third generation of Sanantoñeros lives, most of them children of immigrants who settled between the 50s and 70s of the century XX.


It borders the Capital District, the Carrizal Municipality, the Guaicaipuro Municipality and the Baruta Municipality. It covers an area of about 55 km² and has an average altitude of 1600 m s. n. m.


San Antonio de Los Altos has a moderate rainy climate due to its geographical location, since it is located between mountains. The weather in the morning can be around 15 °C and in the afternoon around 28 °C, being changeable. It should be noted that both its inhabitants and tourists, what attracts them most to the Miranda state is its cool and pleasant climate.

Average climate parameters of San Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela
Month Ene.Feb.Mar.Open up.May.Jun.Jul.Ago.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Annual
Average temperature (°C) 23.6 24.5 25 27.8 28.8 29.3 30.9 30.1 29 28.4 26.6 24.6 27.4
Average temperature (°C) 20.2 20 21.9 22.5 23.7 23 23.9 22.8 22.4 21.2 21 20.3 21.9
Temp. medium (°C) 14.1 14 16.1 18.4 18.6 17.8 18.9 17.5 16.5 16.1 15.1 14.7 16.5
Total precipitation (mm) 97 95 100 106 110 112 123 127 136 136 125 99 1366
Days of rain (≥) 9 9 9 10 12 10 11 12 12 10 12 9 125
Relative humidity (%) 81 81 81 81 84 85 86 86 82 81 83 81 82.7
Source: The Weather Channel Interactive, Inc. October 2011


The entity is made up of different public and private institutions


  • Open National University (UNA).
  • Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua (UBA) (Núcleo San Antonio de Los Altos).
  • Universidad de Trabajadores de la América Latina (UTAL).
  • Simón Rodríguez National Training Centre.


  • U.E. The Castors (closed their doors in July 2022)
  • Mater Dei College.
  • U.E. Our Lady of the Kings[1]
  • Colegio Enrique María Dubuc.
  • U.E. Colegio Valle Alto. [2]
  • Community School. [3]
  • U.E. Maria Montessori.
  • U.E. Santa Mariana de Jesus.
  • U.E. José María Vargas. [4]
  • U.E Edith Stein.
  • U.E. Our Lady of the Kings
  • U.E. Martin Tovar and Tovar.
  • U.E. The Salias.
  • Liceo Boris Bossio.
  • Liceo Luis Eduardo Egui Arocha.
  • Instituto de Educación Especial Paula Correa.
  • Good Council Work College.
  • U.E. San Antonio Educational Institute.

Ecclesiastical Parishes

Other religious facilities frequently visited by religious devotees in the Los Salias Municipality:

  • Ecclesiastical parish San Antonio de Padua, located in the historical district of the municipality.
  • Sagrada Familia church, located in Los Castores Urbanization.
  • Ecclesiastical Parish The Nativity of the Lord, located in Terrazas de La Rosaleda Sur.
  • Most Holy Trinity Church, located in the Urbanisation Las Minas.
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, located in the Cuji Sector.

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