Contenido The term sample can refer, in this encyclopedia:
In commerce
- to one samplesmall amount of product that is taught or given to make it known or promoted;
In the statistics
- to one samplea set of cases of a statistical population;
In electronics
- to one samplea set of values taken from a continuous signal;
In art
- to one samplean exhibition of works of art of an itinerant or temporary character;
In the biological and health sciences
- to one samplea limited amount of a substance or material used to represent and study its properties (such as biological samples).
The term sample is the adjective corresponding to the noun "sample". The Dictionary of the Spanish language (RAE) indicates that its use is specific to biology and mathematics.[citation required] In this encyclopedia, can refer to:
- to one sample distributionwhich results from considering all possible samples that can be taken from a population;
- a sample statistics, quantitative measure derived from a set of data of a sample;
- a sample error or error estimatewhich arises because of observing not the entire population, but a sample;
- to one average sample;
- a sample space or sampling space (represented with E, S, Ω or U symbols), the set of all possible individual results of a random experiment;
- to one sample variance;
- a sample biasthe distortion that is introduced due to the way the sample is selected;
- a moment sample, the values that characterize a random sample.
Wikcionario has definitions and other information about sample.
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