Salvadoran Academy of Language


The Salvadoran Academy of Language, corresponding to the Spanish Royal Academy, was established in San Salvador, El Salvador, on November 17, 1875 and officially approved by the Spanish Royal Academy on October 1876. Belongs to the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language.


It was born with the name Salvadoran Academy, corresponding to the Spanish Academy, a cultural institution that associates prominent academics and experts in the use of the Spanish language. Many of the most illustrious figures of Salvadoran letters have belonged to it.

In 1915 it was reorganized under the name Salvadoran Academy of Cervantes. This decision would be legalized by Executive Agreement of August 20, 1915, published in the Official Gazette No. 197, Volume No. 79, of August 26, 1915, when the Executive Power approved the Statutes of the "Cervantes" Academy, corresponding to the Royal Spanish Academy, composed of nine articles, in the second of which it was entrusted to tend "To the cleanliness, fixity and purity of the Castilian language". It would be in 1919 when it would adopt its current name.

The Salvadoran Language Academy belongs to the Association of Spanish Language Academies (ASALE); and that is why El Salvador is a State party to the "Multilateral Agreement on the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language", signed on July 28, 1960 in Bogotá, Colombia, which was approved by Executive Agreement No. 108, of the February 13, 1967; Ratified by Legislative Decree No. 280 of April 17, 1967; and published in the Official Gazette No. 76, Volume No. 215, of April 28, 1967, with the reservation that establishes that "El Salvador signs the aforementioned Agreement, stating that it will comply with the economic obligations it contains, in the opportunity and to the extent that its economic and fiscal possibilities allow it.


  • René Fortín Magaña
  • Alfredo Martínez Moreno
  • Margara Zablah of Siman
  • Ana María Nafría
  • Irma Lanzas
  • Jorge Adalberto Lagos
  • Carlos Alberto Saz
  • Luis Salazar Retana
  • David Escobar Galindo
  • Manlio Argueta
  • Luis Alonso Aparicio
  • Matías Romero Coto
  • Pedro Escalante Arce
  • Roberto Rubio Fabián
  • Jorge Lemus Sandoval
  • Lovey Argüello
  • Carmen González Huguet
  • Carlos Ernesto Mendoza

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