Saint Andrew
Contenido “San Andrés” refers to several articles:
- St. Andrew the Apostle (s. I), first disciple of Jesus of Nazareth;
- San Andrés Avelino (1521-1608), Italian priest;
- San Andrés Kim Taegön (1821-1846), Korean priest;
- San Andrés Bobola (1591-1657), Polish priest;
- San Andrés Calibita;
- San Andrés Chong Hwagyong;
- San Andrés Corsini (1302-1373), Italian priest;
- San Andrés de Cilicia;
- San Andrés de Creta (650-s. VIII), Greek priest;
- San Andrés de Florence;
- San Andrés Fournet;
- San Andrés Huberto Fournet;
- San Andrés Kaggwa;
- San Andrés Nguyên Kim Thông Nam;
- San Andrés Tran Van Trông;
- San Andrés Dung Lac;
- San Andréspainting painted by Francisco de Zurbarán;
- San Andréspainting painted by José de Ribera;
- (disambiguation) Church of Saint Andrew
- San Andreas, 2015 American film;
- Cacharros de San Andréstraditional celebration of the island of Tenerife, Spain;
- Tables of San Andrés, party in the north of the island of Tenerife, Spain;
- San Andrés Falla, geological failure in America.
- Cordillera de San Andrés, mountain chain in the United States;
- (disambiguation) Island of San Andrés
Administrative divisions
- San Andrés de Gilesin the province of Buenos Aires;
- San Andrés, locality in the party of General San Martín, Buenos Aires province;
- San Andrés de Giles Party, administrative division of the province of Buenos Aires;
- San Andrésthe town of Tucumán province;
- San Andrés, municipality in the department of Beni;
- San Andrés de Machaca, municipality in the department of La Paz;
- San Andrés, district of the city of Temuco;
- San Andrés, municipality in the department of Santander;
- San Andrés, municipality in the department of San Andrés and Providencia;
- San Andrés de Sotavento, municipality in the department of Córdoba;
- San Andrés de Cuerquia, municipality in the department of Antioquia;
- Archipelago of Saint Andrew, Providence and Saint Catherinedepartment of Colombia;
- Island of San Andrés, island part of the Colombian archipelago in the Caribbean Sea;
Costa Rica
- San Andrés de León Cortés Castro, district of the canton of León Cortés Castro of the province of San José;
- San Andrés, town of Pinar del Río Province;
- San Andréslocality of the Province of Holguin;
El Salvador
- San AndrésPre-Columbian archaeological site;
- Castile and Leon:
- San Andrés de Montearadosthe town of Burgos;
- San Andrés de Montejos, town of the municipality of Ponferrada, León.
- San Andrés del Rabanedo, municipality of León;
- San Andrés de las Puentes, town of Torre del Bierzo, León;
- San Andrés de Arroyothe municipality of Santibáñez de Ecla, Palencia;
- San Andrés de la Regla, town of Villota del Páramo, Palencia;
- San Andrés de Soria, town of Almarza, Soria;
- San Andrés de San Pedro, town of Oncala, Soria.
- Andalusia:
- San Andrés Golfthe town of Cadiz;
- Saint Andrew Paul, neighborhood of the city of Córdoba.
- San Andrés, neighborhood in the town of Malaga.
- Galicia:
- The Coruña:
- San Andrés de Cures, parish of the concello de Boiro.
- San Andrés de Teixido, place of the parish of Régoa, concello de Cedeira.
- San Andrés de Meirama, parish of the Concello de Cerceda.
- San Andrés, place of the parish of San Felix de Monfero, concello de Monfero.
- San Andrés de Viladonelle, parish of the concellor of Neda.
- San Andrés de Lesta, parish of the concellor of Ordes.
- San Andrés de Talloparish of the concello de Ponteceso.
- San Andrés de Carnoedo, parish of the concellor of Sada.
- San Andrés de la Pereiraparish of the concellor of Santa Comba.
- San Andrés de Roade, parish of the concello de Sobrado.
- San Andrés, place of the parish of Lago, concello de Valdoviño.
- San Andrés de Illobre, parish of the concellor of Vedra.
- San Andrés de Trobe, parish of the concellor of Vedra.
- Lugo:
- Santo André, town of the municipality of Baralla.
- Santo André de Chamoso, town of the municipality of O Corgo.
- Santo André, town of the municipality of O Corgo.
- Santo André de Logarestown of Fonsagrada.
- Santo Andrétown of Fonsagrada.
- Santo André de Castrotown of Lugo.
- Santo Andrétown of Mondoñedo.
- San Andrés de Masmatown of Mondoñedo.
- Santo André, town of As Nogais.
- Santo André da Ribeira, town of the municipality of Páramo.
- Santo André, town of the municipality of Páramo.
- Santo André de Paradela, town of the municipality of Sarria.
- Santo André, town of the municipality of Sarria.
- Santo André de Boimente, town of the municipality of Vivero.
- Orense:
- San Andrés, place of the parish of Albarellos, concello de Boborás.
- San Andrés de Fonteita, parish of the concellor of Chandrexa de Queixa.
- San Andrés de Piñeira Seca, parish of the concellor of Xinzo de Limia.
- San Andrés, place of the parish of Armariz, concello de Junquera de Ambía;
- San Andrés, place of the parish of Villaderrey, concello de Trasmiras.
- San Andrés de Prada, parish of the concellor of A Veiga.
- San Andrés de Requeixo, parish of the concellor of A Veiga.
- Pontevedra:
- San Andréstown of Gondomar.
- San Andrés, town of Porriño.
- San Andrés, town of the municipality of Salvaterra de Miño.
- Figueir, town of Vilaboa.
- The Coruña:
- Castilla-La Mancha:
- San Andrés del Congosto, municipality of Guadalajara;
- Saint Andrew of the King, municipality of Guadalajara;
- San Andrés, town of the municipality of Lumbreras, La Rioja.
- San Andrés del Valle, town of the municipality of Estollo, La Rioja;
- San Andrés, town of Murcia.
- Asturias:
- San Andrés de los Tacones, town in the council of Gijón.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Gijón.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Noreña.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Oviedo.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Parres.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Salas.
- San Andrés de Llinares, town in the council of San Martín del Rey Aurelio.
- San Andrés, town in the council of San Tirso de Abres.
- San Andrés, town in the Tineo council.
- San Andrés, town in the council of Villaviciosa.
- Canary Islands:
- San Andrés, town of Las Palmas;.
- San Andrés y Sauces, municipality of Tenerife;
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of San Andrés and Sauces, Tenerife;
- Igueste de San Andrés, town in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife;
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife;
- Ladera de San Andrés, town in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Valverde, Tenerife;
- Cantabria:
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Bárcena de Cicero.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Cabezón de Liébana.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Los Corrales de Buelna.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Luena.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Valdeprado del Río.
- San Andrés de Valdelomar, town in the municipality of Valderredible.
- Basque Country:
- Erbera/San Andrésthe town of Echevarría;
- San Andrésthe town of Yurreta;
- Catalonia:
- Sant Andreu-Farners, town of Capolat, Barcelona;
- San Andrés de la Barca, municipality of Barcelona;
- San Andrés de Llavaneras, municipality of Barcelona;
- Sant Andreu de la Vola, town of San Pedro de Torelló, Barcelona;
- Sant Andreu de Bancells, town of Vilanova de Sau, Barcelona;
- Sant Andreu del Terri, town of Cornellá del Terri, Gerona;
- San Andrés Salou, municipality of Gerona;
- Sant Andreu de Socarrats, town of Vall de Vianya, Gerona;
- Sant Andreu, town of Montferrer Castellbó, Lérida;
- Madrid:
- San Andrés, neighborhood in the district of Villaverde.
- San Andrés, municipality in the province of Catanduanes.
Great Britain
- Saint AndrewsScotland city.
- San AndrésIn El Petén.
- San Andrés, municipality of Lempira.
- Aldea de San Andrés, town of the municipality of La Unión.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Tlalnepantla, state of Mexico.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla, state of Nayarit.
- San Andrés, town of the municipality of Magdalena, state of Jalisco.
- San Andrés Cholula, municipality of the state of Puebla.
- San Andrés Larráinzar, municipality of the state of Chiapas.
- San Andrés MíxquicTlahuac village, Federal District.
- San Andrés Ixtlán, town of Gomez Farías, state of Jalisco.
- San Andrés Sakamch'en de Los Pobres, municipality in the state of Chiapas.
- San Andrés Tuxtla (Veracruz), municipality of the state of Veracruz.
- Parque San AndrésColony of the Coyoacán delegation, Federal District.
- San Andrés Totoltepec, village originating from the Tlalpan delegation, Federal District.
- San Andrés Tianguistengo, town in the municipality of Actopan, state of Hidalgo.
- San Andrés Chichayotla, town in the municipality of Calnali, state of Hidalgo.
- San Andrés Daboxtha, town in the municipality of Cardonal, state of Hidalgo.
- San Andrés, town in the municipality of San Bartolo Tutotepec, state of Hidalgo.
- San Andrés Tultepec, town in the municipality of Tula de Allende, state of Hidalgo.
- San Andrésin the province of Chiriquí;
- San Andrés District, administrative division in the Province of Pisco, Department of Ica;
Parks and squares
- San Andrés National Park, protected area in the department of Cajamarca.
- San Andrés, railway station in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- San Andrés, closed railway station of the company Cercanías de Málaga, Spain.
- San Andrés, train station of Guadalajara, Mexico.
- San Andrés TomatlánMexico City Metro Station.
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