

The term rule (and its plural, rules), derived from the Latin regula, can refer either to measuring or calculating some asymmetric object in this encyclopedia:

In human behavior

  • to the rulethe norm to which human behavior must be adjusted;

In calculation and measurement instruments

  • to the graduatedalso simply rule, a measuring instrument with a thin and rectangular plate shape that includes a graduate scale divided into a certain number of length units;
  • to the masonry rule or a type of thick and long rule used in masonry to take distances;
  • to the calculation rulea calculation tool that has several numerical scales to facilitate the rapid and easy realization of complex arithmetic operations;

In logic and mathematics

  • to the rule of three or rule of three simplethe operation used to find the fourth term of a proportion, when the other three are known;
  • to the aligation rulethe rule by which the common price of the mixture of species of different value is found;
  • to the Rule of inferencea method to build valid inferences;
  • to the chain rulea formula for the calculation of the derivative function, of the composition of mathematical functions;

In religious/philosophical/esoteric organizations

  • to the Virgin of Rulean advocation of the Virgin Mary;

In religious orders

  • to the monastic rulesthe set of precepts to be observed by its members;
    • to the Rule of Saint Benedict or benedictina rulethe monastic rule that Benito de Nursia wrote at the beginning of the centuryVI;
    • to the Rule of Saint Augustine or rule agustina, the rules that Augustine de Hipona wrote to organize the life of the community when he founded the monastery of Tagaste in North Africa;

In Freemasonry

  • to the ruleone of the symbols of the masonry;

In biology

  • a rule, the colloquial term known to menstruation or period, which occurs in the last phase of the menstrual cycle, the bleeding experienced by women and some mammal females when the egg, which is expelled from the ovary to be fertilized, is not fertilized;

On geography

  • a Rulea municipality in the province of Ciudad de La Habana;

In environmental organizations

  • to the rule of the three mistakesa proposal on consumption habits, popularized by the Greenpeace environmental organization;

In web design

  • to the rule of the three clicksconcerning the navigation of a website.

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