Rudi dornbusch

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Rudi Dornbusch (June 8, 1942 - July 25, 2002) was a German economist born in Krefeld.

He studied at the University of Geneva and received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1971. He taught at the University of Rochester, at the University of Chicago, and finally at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He had a great talent for extracting the essence of a problem and making it understandable in simple terms. He explained, for example, price and exchange rate fluctuations with great clarity in what is known as the 'Dornbusch result'.

He died on July 25, 2002 suffering from cancer.


  • Macroeconomics, 1990 (with S. Fischer) 5.a ed
  • International Economic Policy: Theory and Evidence
  • Financial Policies and the World Capital Market1983
  • Economics, 1987
  • The Political Economy of Argentina, 1946–83, 1988
  • Open Economy Macroeconomics.
  • Inflation, Debt and IndexationMIT Press, 1983
  • Macroeconomics Populism. 1990
  • Expectations and exchange rates Dynamics (1976)