

The Rosaceae (Rosaceae) are a family of dicotyledonous plants belonging to the Rosales order. This family includes most of the widely consumed fruit species: apple, pear, quince, peach, plum, cherry, strawberry, almond, apricot, medlar, blackberry, raspberry, etc. It also includes many ornamental species, mainly roses, flowers par excellence, with importance for gardening and the perfumery industry.

The Rosaceae family is very broad, with some 90-130 genera, in which around 2000-2500 accepted species are distributed, whose distribution is almost worldwide, originating mainly from temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere.


The Rosaceae family includes genera with very heterogeneous characteristics, however, the most important common characteristic is the presence of a highly developed thalamus or floral receptacle, which varies from a convex shape (in Rubus, to Fragaria), even concave in shape (in Rosa).

These individuals may have woody or semi-woody stems. The habit of these plants includes: trees, shrubs, climbers, but also perennial herbs by rhizomes or annuals.

The leaves can be simple or compound (paripinnate or imparipinnate), almost always alternate and stipulated, rarely opposite, with a characteristic serrated or toothed edge. The presence of modifications is frequent: spines, stipules and stingers, rarely absent (Spiraea).

Flowers normally hermaphroditic, actinomorphic (sometimes zygomorphic due to differentiation of the sepals in European plants, or also of the petals in tropical ones); perigynes, epigynes or hypogynes; often with a well-developed hypanthus; calyx with five sepals, sometimes with epicalyx; corolla usually with five free petals; tetramers in Sanguisorba; variable androecium, with four or five stamens, and more frequently diplostemonus or polystemonus; Variable gynoecium, from one to five carpels, free or welded, and generally free styles. Solitary flowers or in varied inflorescences (racemes, spikes and corymbs).

Very variable fruits (achene, polyachene with a domed (etherium) or concave (cynorrodon) receptacle, drupe, polydrupe (sorosis), follicle, knob); small seeds, without endosperm (the reserve substances in the cotyledons).


Rosaceae is a family in which the delimitation of its genera (and thus of its species as well) is one of its biggest problems for the systematic consistency of the group.

The following are considered important characters in the systematics of the family: the shape of the receptacle, the type of concrescence of the carpels and their position, the number and arrangement of the seminal rudiments in the carpel, the type of dehiscence and the histology of the fruits, the basic number of chromosomes and the distribution of secondary metabolites.

The name Rosaceae is published by Scottish botanist M. Adanson in Fam. Pl. 2: 286. Jul-Aug 1763; and is conserved for the taxon. Also cited later by Antoine L. de Jussieu, Genera Plantarum: 334. 1789. [2]

Subfamily taxa

The classification of the Rosaceae family is very varied and diverse in subfamily taxa, and has changed a lot over time and according to the different classification criteria proposed by the authors. This is a possible scheme in which the subfamilies are listed in the first place, in the second place the tribes and in the third place the genera in two groups; in addition to the bibliographic reference of each taxon according to the IPNI.

Subfamily Rosoideae

Indehiscent fruit: mostly aggregated achenes or drupes. In the gynoecium, the carpels are numerous and free, the ovary is medium or superior.

  1. Gender Rosa L.: Sp.Pl.1:491, 1753
  2. Gender Hulthemia Dum.: Not.Hulth.13, 1824. (= Rose)
  3. Gender Argentina Lam.: Fl. Franç. 3: 118, 1779

Subfamily Spiraeoideae

Dehiscent fruits, follicle or capsule type.

  1. Tribu Neillieae
    1. Gender Physocarpus (Cambess.) Maxim.:, 1879; nom. cons.
    2. Gender Neillia D.Don: Prodr. Fl.Nepal.228, 1825
    3. Gender Stephanandra Siebold & Zucc.: Abh. Akad. Muench. iii.739.t.4, 1843
  2. Tribu Spiraeeae
    1. Gender Spiraea L.: Sp. Pl.1:489, 1753
    2. Gender Pentactina Nakai: Bot. Mag. (Tokio),xxxi.17, 1917
    3. Gender Sibiraea Maxim.: Act. Hort. Petrop. vi. 116.213, 1879
    4. Gender Petrophytum Rydb: N.Amer.Fl.xxii.253, 1908
    5. Gender Kelseya Rydb.: Mem. N.York Bot.Gard.i.207, 1900
    6. Gender Luetkea Bong.: Mem. Come on. Petersb. Being. VI. ii. 130.t.2, 1833
    7. Gender Aruncus L.: Op. Var.259m 1758.
  3. Tribu Gillenieae
    1. Gender Gillenia Moench: Suppl. Meth.286, 1802
    2. Gender Spiraeanthus (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Maxim.: Act., 1879
  4. Tribu Holodisceae
    1. Gender Holodiscus (C.Koch) Maxim.: T.Imp.S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 6:253, 1879; nom.cons.
  5. Tribu Sorbarieae
    1. Gender Sorbaria A.Braun: Fl. Brandenburg 1:177, 1860; nom.cons.
    2. Gender Chamaebati (Porter) Maxim.:, 1879
  6. Tribu Let's go.
    1. Gender Adenostoma Hook. fake Arn.: Bot.Beechey Voy.139 & 338.t.30, 1832

Subfamily Potentilloideae

  1. Tribu Dryadeae
    1. Gender Dryas L.: Sp.Pl.501, 1753.
    2. Gender Fallugia Endl.: Gen.1246, 1840.
  2. Tribu Purshieae
    1. Gender Chamaebatia Benth.: Pl.Hartw.308, 1849.
    2. Gender Cowania D.Don.:, 1825.
    3. Gender Purshia DC. ex Poir.: Encycl. (Lamarck) Suppl.4.623. 1816.
  3. Tribu Geeae
    1. Gender Geum L.: Sp.Pl.1:500. 1753.
    2. Gender Orthurus Juz.: Fl.URSS, ed.Komarov, x.262,616. 1941.
    3. Gender Taihangia T.T.Yu & C.L.Li: Acta Phytotax.Sin.18(4):471. 1980; as Taiahngia.
    4. Gender Novosieversia Bolle: Repert.Spec.Nov.Regni Veg.Beih.72:23. 1933.
    5. Gender Sieversia Willd.: Ges.Naturf.Fr.Berl.Mag.v.397. 1811.
    6. Gender Waldsteinia Willd.: 1799
    7. Gender Coluria R.Br.: Parry, Voy.App.276. 1823.
  4. Tribu Cercocarpeae
    1. Gender Cercocarpus H.B. & K.: Nov. Gen. Sp. vi. 232. t.559. 1823.
  5. Tribu Potentilleae
    1. Gender Potentilla L.: Sp.Pl.1:495. 1753.
    2. Gender Comarum L.: Sp.Pl.1:502. 1753.
    3. Gender Chamaerhodos Bunge: Ledeb.Fl.Alt.i.429. 1829.
    4. Gender Duchess Sm.: Trans.Linn.Soc.x.372. 811. 1811.
    5. Gender Fragaria L.: Sp.Pl.1:494. 1753.
    6. Gender Horkelia Schltdl.: Linnaea 2:26. 1827.
    7. Gender Horkeliella Rydb.: N.Amer.Fl.xxii.282. 1908.
    8. Gender Ivesia Torr. fake A.Gray: Pacific Railr.Rep.6,Pt.3,#2 (Williamson & Abbot) 72. 1858.
    9. Gender Sibbaldia L.: Sp.Pl.1:284. 1753.
  6. Tribu Alchemilleae
    1. Gender Alchemilla L.: Sp.Pl.123. 1753.
    2. Gender Aphanes L.: Sp.Pl.2. 1753.
  7. Tribu Sanguisorbeae
    1. Gender Agrimonia L.: Sp.Pl.2. 1753.
    2. Gender Aremonia Neck. ex Nestl.: Monogr.Potentilla(Nestler)iv,17. 1816; nom.cons.
    3. Gender Spenceria Trimen: Journ.Bot.xvii.97. 1879.
    4. Gender Hagenia J.F. Gmelin: Syst.613. 1791.
    5. Gender Leucosidea Ecklon & Zeyher: Enum.265. 1836.
    6. Gender Sanguisorba L.: Sp.Pl.2. 1753.
    7. Gender Sarcopoterium Spach: Ann.Sc.Nat.Ser. III.v.43. 1846.
    8. Gender Margyricarpus Ruiz & Pavon: Prod.7.t.33. 1794.
    9. Gender Tetraglochin Poeppig: Poepp.Fragm.Syn.Pl. Chile,26. 1833.
    10. Gender Acaena Mutis ex L.: Mant.Plant.ii. 1771.
    11. Gender Polylepis Ruiz & Pavon: Prod.80.t.15. 1794.
    12. Gender Cliffortia L.: Sp.Pl.1038. 1753.
    13. Gender Bencomia Webb & Berthelot: Phyt.Canar.ii.10.t.39. 1846.
  8. Tribu Potaninieae
    1. Gender Potaninia Maximowicz: Bull.Acad.Petersb.xxvii.465. 1881.

Subfamily Pyroideae

Characteristic indehiscent fruit: the knob. In the gynoecium, the carpels are 2-5 and are united; the ovary is inferior.

  1. Tribu Kageneckieae
    1. Gender Kageneckia Ruiz & Pavon, 1794
  2. Tribu Lindleyieae
    1. Gender Vauquelinia Correa ex Humboldt & Bonpland, 1807
    2. Gender Lindleya Kunth, 1824, nom. cons.
  3. Tribu Maleae
    1. Gender Photinia Lindley, 1821
    2. Gender Heteromeles
    3. Gender Eriobotrya J. Lindley, 1821
    4. Gender Rhaphiolepis Lindley, 1820, nom. cons, orth. cons.
    5. Gender Sorbus L.:, 1753
    6. Gender Chamaemespilus
    7. Gender Cormus
    8. Gender Torminalis
    9. Gender Aronia Medikus, 1789, nom. cons.
    10. Gender Amelanchier Medikus, 1789
    11. Gender Pyrus L.:, 1753
    12. Gender Malus Miller, 1754
    13. Gender Docyniopsis
    14. Gender Eriolobus
    15. Gender Peraphyllum Nuttall, 1840
    16. Gender Docynia Decaisne, 1874
    17. Gender Cydonia P. Miller, 1754
    18. Gender Pseudocydonia (C.K. Schneider) C.K. Schneider, 1906
    19. Gender Chaenomeles J. Lindley, 1821
  4. Tribu Crataegeae
    1. Gender Cotoneaster Ehrh.
    2. Gender Malacomeles (Decaisne) G.N. Jones, 1945
    3. Gender Chamaemeles J. Lindley, 1821
    4. Gender Pyracantha M.J. Roemer, 1847
    5. Gender Crataegus L.: 1753
    6. Gender Mespilus L.: 1753
    7. Gender I'm sorry. J. Lindley, 1837
    8. Gender Osteomeles Lindley, 1821

Subfamily Amygdaloideae

  1. Tribu Osmaronieae
    1. Gender Oemleria H.G.L. Reichenbach, 1841
  2. Tribu Exochordeae
    1. Gender Exochorda J. Lindley, 1858
  3. Tribu Amygdaleae
    1. Gender Maddenia J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson, 1854
    2. Gender Pygeum
    3. Gender Laurocerasus
    4. Gender Padus Mill.
    5. Gender Cerasus Mill.
    6. Gender Prunus L.: 1753
    7. Gender Armenia
    8. Gender Amygdalus
  4. Tribu Prinsepieae
    1. Gender Prinsepia Royle, 1835

Other subfamilies

Subfamily Kerrioideae
  1. Tribu Rhodotypeae
    1. Gender Rhodotypos Siebold & Zuccarini: Fl.Jap.187.t.99. 1835. (1841?)
  2. Tribu Kerrieae
    1. Gender Kerria DC.: Trans.Linn.Soc.xii.156. 1817.
    2. Gender Neviusia A. Gray: 1858.
Subfamily Ruboideae
Gender Rubus L.: Sp.Pl.1:492. 1753; nom.cons. (Vienna Bot.Cong. 2005)
Subfamily Lyonothamnoideae
Gender Lyonothamnus A. Gray: Proc.Am.Acad.xx.291. 1885.
Subfamily Saidtomanthoideae
Gender Saidtomanthes S. Kurz: Journ.Bot.xi.194.t.133. 1873.
Subfamily Quillajoideae
Gender Quillaja Molina: Sagg. Chile, 354. 1782.
Subfamily Filipenduloideae
Gender Filipendula Mill.: Gard.Dict.Abr.,ed.4. 1754.
Subfamily Coleogynoideae Golubkova, 1991
Gender Coleogyne J.Torrey: Proc.Amer.Assoc.Advancem.Sci.4:192. 1851.

Genus in Rosaceae

See the Rosaceae genera annex.

Botanical classification

A practical —and traditional— classification for the Rosaceae family is given by the division into four subfamilies based on the flowering and fruiting characteristics of each genus. In turn, it is possible to group various genera into tribes and subtribes. The four classic subfamilies are:

  1. Rosoideae, nominotypical family taxon that includes gender Rosa.
  2. Maloideae or Pyroidae,
  3. Prunoideae or Amygdaloideae,
  4. Spiroidae.


Gynoceum with a single carpel:

Subfamily Prunoideae

Also known as Amygdaloideae, it includes woody and arboreal species, which generally have small and deciduous stipules. The flowers are periginous: the perianth (calyx + corolla) and the androecium are inserted on a cupped receptacle (or thalamus) surrounding the gynoecium; Gynoecium with superior unicarpellate ovary and uniovulate (monomer) that generates a drupaceous fruit.

Genres in Prunoideae

Prunus - Maddenia - Oemleria - Prinsepia - Exochorda.


Gynoecium made up of more than one carpel (polycarp):

Subfamily Rosoideae

+ n free carpels (apocarpic polycarp): Perigine flowers, with apocarpic gynoecium and superior to semi-inferior ovary. Fruit, frequently multiple: polyachene, polydrupe, etherium (multiple drupes on swollen receptacle), cynorrhodon (achenes enclosed in an urn) or dry complex fruits, indehiscent, similar to an achene. numerous uniovulate carpels that produce drupellae or achenes. Stipules well developed and persistent.


Colurieae - Crataegeae - Dryadeae - Exochordeae - Gillenieae - Kerrieae - Neillieae - Potentilleae - Roseae - Rubeae - Sanguisorbeae - Ulmarieae - Incertae sedis (place uncertain)

Gender Rosoideae

Acaena Acomastylis Agrimonia Alchemilla Aphanes Aremonia Bencomia Chamaebatia Cliffortia Coluria Comarum Cowania Dalibarda Dendriopoterium Dryas Duchesnea Erythrocoma Fallugia Filipendula Fragaria Geum Hagenia Horkelia Ivesia Kerria Leucosidea Marcetella Margyricarpus Novosieversia Oncostylus Polylepis Potentilla Rosa Rubus Sanguisorba Sarcopoterium Sibbaldia Sieversia Spenceria Taihangia Tetraglochin Waldsteinia .-

Subfamily Maloideae

+ 5 carpels attached to the hypanthus: woody and arboreal species, with deciduous stipules. Epigynous flowers with apocarpic gynoecium (2-5 carpels) that are fused and inferior ovary; highly developed floral receptacle. Complex type fruit known as pome.

Malus domestica Borkh: (manzano);
Malus sylvestris Miller:
Pyrus communis L.: (peral);
Pyrus bourgaeana Decne: (piruétano, guadapero);
Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz: (show);
Sorbus domestica L.: (common beef);
Sorbus aucuparia L.:
Sorbus terminalis: (subglabro or pubescent beams)
Sorbus latifolia: (show of white-tomentose vines)
Amelanchier ovalis: (medicus, guillom).
Crataegus azarolus L.: (steel);
Crataegus monogyna Jacq.:
Pyracantha coccinea M. J. Roemer: (piracanto, thorn of fire);
Mespilus germanica L.: (nicely);
Cotoneaster integerrimus: (durillo)
Cotoneaster heryanus
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Cotoneaster pannosa
Chaenomeles: (Japanese man);
Crataegus azerolus: (steel);
Crataegus monogina: (subspecies brevispine: albar thorn, majuelo);
Cydonia oblonga: (Asian)
Eriobotrya japonica: (nice, Japanese naspero).
Gender Maloideae

Mespilus _ Pyracantha - Amelanchier

Aria - Aronia - Chamaemeles - Chamaemespilus - Cotoneaster - Cormus - Crataegus - Cydonia - Dichotomanthes - Docynia - Docyniopsis - Eriobotrya - Eriolobus - Heteromeles - Kageneckia - Lindleya - Malacomeles - Malus - Osteomeles - Peraphyllum -Photinia - Pseudocydonia - Pyrus - Rhaphiolepis - Sorbus - Stranvaesia - Torminalis - Vauquelinia - x Crataemespilus.

Subfamily Spiraeoideae

It is proposed as the subfamily that brings together the most primitive genera of the Rosaceae. Mainly woody species. Stipules absent or present, expired or persistent. Perigine flowers with a flat receptacle; superior ovary. Epigynous flower, gynoecium formed by several (5) multiovulate apocarpic carpels (each ovary with several seminal primordia) with marginal placentation (sometimes soldered) that originate follicles or polyfollicles, exceptionally a capsular or polyachene fruit. Ref: [3]


Aruncus - Holodiscus - Kelseya - Luetkea - Petrophytum - Sibiraea - Spiraea - Xerospiraea

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