Roger Wolfe


Roger Wolfe (Westerham, Kent, October 17, 1962) is an English poet, narrator and essayist who has lived in Spain since he was a child. Spanish is his main literary language and his style is inserted halfway between expressionism and dirty realism. However, some classify it within the so-called neorealist or experience poetry, which, however, he frequently parodies.


Born in England, he moved with his family to Spain in 1967, specifically to Alicante, where he did his first studies. In 1980 he returned to his native country to study, at West Kent College, English language and literature, as well as French. He has also resided in Oviedo. His poetry has been praised by José Luis García Martín.

His literary production began, formally, in 1986 with the publication of his first book Seventeen poems. Since then he has continued to create, not only poetically, but has also ventured into narrative and essay.

As an example of his poetry, we can choose a passage from "Blaise Cendrars", from his book Arde Babilonia (Madrid: Visor, 1999):

What a terrible five thirty / in the afternoon / only that this is not Granada / but Glasgow, / 17 of the two of a thousand nine hundred / ninety and four - / snow and under zero / out there: the most empty streets / that a batracio degollado / panza above. / I just got married / a couple of straws / to the health of a pu tita / twenties / that will never be mine / and probably / nobody else. / And on the TV / meanwhile / someone boquea / without sound and with Venice / at the bottom: / a pile of spaghetti / putrefacts / floating in frog broth / that like all the poets / who have sung it / and who will undoubtedly sing / will continue to sing / not just sink / on their own mier da good / for much that they pawn / to announce us /



  • Seventeen poemsAngel Caffarena, Malaga, 1986.
  • Lost days in public transport, Anthropos, Barcelona, 1992.
  • Talking about painting with a blind manRenacimiento, Seville, 1993.
  • Arde BabylonVisor, Madrid, 1994.
  • Messages in broken bottles, Renacimiento, Seville, 1996.
  • Five years of bed, Prames, Zaragoza, 1998.
  • Entangled in the mud [Treinta and six English poems. Bilingual edition. Spanish versions of the author.] Collection Line of Fire, Oviedo, 1999.
  • The invention (poetic anthology), selection of Aurora Luque and Emilio Carrasco, Cuadernos de Trinacria, Miguel Gómez Ediciones, Málaga, 2001.
  • Art in the Age of Consumption [poems and stories], Sial, Madrid, 2001.
  • Watch her at this funeral, Editions of the 4th of AGOSTO, Logroño, 2006.
  • Days without bread [anthology], Renacimiento, Seville, 2007.
  • White paper nights. Poetry gathered (1986-2001), Huacanamo, Barcelona, 2008.
  • Outside sings a mile, Huacanamo, Barcelona, 2009.
  • Great hope for a while, Renacimiento, Seville, 2013.
  • Love and a half round, La Galla Science Editions, Murcia, 2014.
  • Steps in the corridor, RavensWood Books, Almeria, 2016.
  • Something more epic. [anthology by the author, with prologue of the same], Renacimiento, Seville, 2017.
  • Poetry is a revolver pointing to the heart (anthology of poems), Collection verse & tale, Aguilar, Penguin Random House, Barcelona, 2019.
  • The English Tree. Editions Harkonnen Books: Madrid, 2021.


  • Who doesn't need anything to support, Aguaclara, Alicante, 1993.
  • The Index of GodEspasa Calpe, Madrid, 1993.
  • My heart is a cold house in the bottom of hell., Aguaclara, Alicante, 1996.
  • Out of time and life, Prames, Zaragoza, 2000.
  • Fuck you, Nostradamus!, DVD, Barcelona, 2001.
  • Dead times, Huacanamo, Barcelona, 2009.
  • Light in the sand, zut editions, Malaga, 2013.
  • The South is a big place, zut editions, Malaga, 2014.


  • All the monkeys in the worldRenacimiento, Seville, 1995.
  • There's a war., Huerga and Fierro editors, Madrid, 1997.
  • I hear the engines of death spin, DVD, Barcelona, 2002.
  • Sit down and write, Huacanamo, Barcelona, 2011.
  • Written with the tongue, Huacanamo, Barcelona, 2012.
  • Pray in life, RavensWood Books, Almeria, 2016.

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