Roemeria hybrida

Flower: side view.
Mature fruits.

Roemeria hybrida, commonly purple poppy or purple ababol, is a species of herbaceous plant in the genus Roemeria of the Papaveraceae family.


It is an annual plant, about 20-40 cm tall, erect, branched, pubescent and with yellow latex. The leaves are alternate, the lower ones petiolate, the upper ones sessile, tripinnate with pointed lanceolate linear segments. The flowers are large, violet, solitary and axillary or terminal, 3-6 cm wide, with 4 rounded petals, with a basal spot, 2 sepals, hairy, drooping. The androecium is made up of numerous stamens, with yellow anthers and dark filaments. The gynoecium has a superior ovary with a three-lobed stigma, seated. The fruit is an erect capsule, 5-10 cm long, fine, longitudinally striated, with a somewhat hirsute/spiny apex that opens at the top with 2-4 valves.


It is used in contrast to colors in gardens, due to the chrome color of the pilgrimage with other flowers and due to its few energy resources and little care.


Roemeria hybrida was first described by Charles Linnaeus as Chelidonium hybridum and published in Species Plantarum, vol. 1 p. 1753 and later attributed to the genus Roemeria by Augustin Pyrame de Candolle who published it in Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale, vol. 2 P. 92, 1821[1].

  • Chelidonium hybridum L.- basiónimo
  • Chelidonium violaceum Lam. nom. illeg.
  • Glaucium hybridum (L.) Dum.Cours.
  • Glaucium integraifolium A.D.Li & Nabiev
  • Glaucium integraifolium A.Li & Nabiev
  • Glaucium mesopotamicum Spreng.
  • Glaucium spurium Steven ex DC.
  • Glaucium trivalve Moench
  • Glaucium violaceum (Lam.) Juss. nom. illeg.
  • Roemeria hybrida subsp. hybrida
  • Roemeria hybrida var. tenuifolia (Pamp.) Täckh. " Boulos
  • Roemeria tenuifolia Pamp.
  • Roemeria violacea (Lam.) Medik. nom. illeg.

Vernacular names

  • Castellano: ababol, purple ababol (7), fine ababols, fine lilac ababols, lilac ababols, poppy (3), blue poppy, golden poppy, purple poppy (8), violet poppy (4), good babaol (3), fine babaol, rosette, rosette. The figures in parentheses express the frequency of the use of the word in Spain.

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