
Representation of Edipo and sphinx, an example of riddles and riddles in Greek mythology.

A riddle is a type of riddle with a statement, usually in rhyming form.

These are simple puzzles that describe something indirectly so that someone can guess it. Clues are included in the statement for its solution. Many riddles are aimed at children, with an educational component, to represent traditions and basic concepts such as animals, fruits or all kinds of objects.

The riddles are posed in different metric and composition formats, although eight-syllable verses, stanzas of two or four verses, and assonant and consonant rhymes are common. Word games are also frequent.

White on the inside, green on the outside. If you don't know, wait.

When the riddle was first posed is unknown, but its practice is recorded in Sanskrit texts, in the Bible, and in classical legends. One of the most traditional is the riddle of the sphinx, a character from Greek mythology:

What is the living being who walks on four legs at dawn, with two at noon and three at sunset?

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