Ricci scalar curvature


In mathematics, the scalar curvature of a surface is twice the familiar Gaussian curvature. For the highest dimensional Riemannian manifolds (n > 2), it is twice the sum of all sectional curvatures along all 2-planes traversed by a certain orthonormal frame. Mathematically, the scalar curvature or curvature scalar, which is usually designated by the letters R or S, also coincides with the total trace of the Ricci curvature as well as the curvature tensor.

Expression in components

The Ricci curvature climber R can be easily expressed in terms of metric tensor gμ μ .. {displaystyle g_{mu nu }(and its first derivatives) that defines the geometry of the riemannian surface or variety whose curvature scale we intend to find, using Einstein's summing agreement:

R=− − gμ μ .. [chuckles]Interpreter Interpreter μ μ .. λ λ Interpreter Interpreter λ λ σ σ σ σ − − Interpreter Interpreter μ μ σ σ λ λ Interpreter Interpreter .. λ λ σ σ ]− − ▪ ▪ .. [chuckles]gμ μ .. Interpreter Interpreter μ μ σ σ σ σ − − gμ μ σ σ Interpreter Interpreter μ μ σ σ .. ]♪ Gamma ♪

Where the Christoffel symbols that appear in the previous expression are calculated from the first derivatives of the components of the metric tensor:

Interpreter Interpreter kli=12gim(▪ ▪ gmk▪ ▪ xl+▪ ▪ gml▪ ▪ xk− − ▪ ▪ gkl▪ ▪ xm){displaystyle Gamma _{kl}^{i}={frac {1}{2}{2}{im}left({frac {partial g_{mk}}{partial x{l}}}}}}{frac {partial g_{ml}{partial x{k}{partial}}{

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