Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online a highly successful MMORPG type franchise and video game, which has a sequel Ragnarok Online 2, another sequel for mobile phones: Ragnarok M: Etenernal Love, and a prequel for mobile phones, Ragnarok Origin, as well as multiple spin offs, for cell phones, portable consoles, desktops, novels, comics, board games, cards, etc.

Did you mean: Toda la franquicia está basada previamente en Ragnarok Into The Abyss, su respectivo manwha. También hay un anime basado en el juego, Ragnarok: The Animation.

This game of Korean origin can have two options to play, which can only exist one of the two, both in separate worlds or both in the same world, depending on the server these are Pay-2 -Play (P2P) generally for monthly payments, or Free-2-Play (F2P) which is generally based on microtransactions for goods and objects in the game (it has certain differences with the first option, depending on the server) although it allows you to play for free if you wish. Lately there have been some changes in some P2P servers, which instead of charging a monthly fee, only a first payment is charged to be able to create the characters, and calling the monthly payments VIP accounts, which can play in P2P or F2P, obviously without some of the restrictions that F2Ps are presented with. Ragnarok Online maintains around 2.9 million subscribers worldwide, with its peak number of simultaneously connected users being 770,000 players in 2004.

The game consists of creating a character who has to develop (level up) by spending time with other users, in a gigantic virtual world, while learning more about his own world and preparing to face various great monsters, called MVPs, which are mostly the final bosses of the dungeons.

The game's graphics are a mix of 2D characters, mixed in a 3D environment. With maps completely made in three dimensions. The way everything is put together gives a very pleasant impression of the game's design.

An offline version, called Ragnarok DS, was created by GungHo Online Entertainment exclusively for the Nintendo DS.


Stats are the attributes that can be given to each character. They are displayed in-game as a sum of X+Y where X is the base amount of the stat that we increase directly by assigning points, and Y is the added amount from additional external bonuses.

Here is a brief description of each of the stats:

  • STR: Strength is the physical strength of the character. It directly influences attacks with body to body weapons, as well as the ability of objects that the character can carry.
  • AGI: Agility is the agility and speed of the character. It influences the speed with which an attack runs, the delay of the animations of the character and also the probability of evading blows of enemies
  • VIT: Vitality is the vitality of the character. It influences the total amount of HP (Life Points), its regeneration, defense against physical attacks and fortress in different strange states, such as poisoning.
  • INT: Intelligence is the intelligence of the character. It influences the damage caused by magical attacks, the amount of SP (Alma Points, also called Maná) and its regeneration, and the defense against magical attacks.

In renewal this stat also influences the reduction of the time in which we cast a skill (cast-time variable).

  • DEX: Dexterity is the character's skill. It influences the aim that it has to approach the enemy (hit), slightly in the speed of attack, the damage done with long-range weapons (the musical instruments are included), reduction of time in the invocation of magic, in the forging of weapons and in the preparation of recovering potions.
  • LUK: Luck is the fate of the character. It slightly influences the attack capacity, as well as the possibility of a critical blow, potions preparation and an evasion variant called Perfect Dodge. It influences resistance to certain altered states.


They are derived from Stats although they can be increased by other means without directly modifying the Stat from which they are derived:

  • CRIT: Critical Ratio (Critical Range), are the probability points of critical blow (ignoring the ability to evade the enemy and its defense) are obtained from the LUK.
  • ATK: Attack (Attack), is the physical attack, which appears as X+Y, where X are the attack points derived from the equipment and the refinement of this, and Y are the attack points that are obtained from the STR. It directly influences the damage the character can perform.
  • MATK: Magic Attack appears as X+Y, where X are the magical attack points derived from the team, and Y are the magical defense points obtained from the INT. It directly influences the damage done with magic.
  • DEF: Defense (Defensa), is the physical defense, which appears as X+Y, where X are the defense points derived from the equipment and the refinement of this, and Y are the defense points that are obtained from the VIT.
  • MDEF: Magic Defense appears as X+Y, where X are the magical defense points derived from the team, and Y are the magical defense points obtained from the INT.

Other variables:

  • Weight Limit: Weight limit that the character can load, is obtained from the base STR (+30 for each point of STR). Certain classes have unique skills and/or equipment that allows them to increase the Weight Limit.
  • Cast Time: Time that takes to execute a skill, is reduced by DEX (T= T base * (dex/150)).

Starting with renewal, a new method for casting skills was added, which is based on 2 types of casting.

  • Fixed Cast Time: This type of cast is only reduced with equipment or cards that specify the reduction of this cast. In addition, each skill has different time from this cast or some do not include it in its formula.
  • Variable Cast Time: This type of cast is reduced with the status of skill and intelligence based on the following formula: (dex*2+int) and to reduce this cast to 100% it is necessary that the result of the formula be 530.

Currently in renewal the skills are made up of a mix between these two casts, but some are only based on fixed cast time or variable cast time.

  • ASPD: Attack Speed per Damage (Attack for Damage Velocity), is obtained from the AGI mainly and DEX to a lesser extent, affects the speed with which physical attacks are carried out. Each job has its own base aspd and each weapon has its own delay that reduces aspd.
  • After Cast Delay: The minimum time it takes to execute an ability again, in some cases it is the ASPD itself.
  • Cooldown: Minimum recharge time for each ability to be executed again (not to confuse with After Cast Delay).
  • Perfect Dodge: The probability of dodging a physical attack regardless of the enemy's aim, is obtained from LUK.

Both Stats, Substats and other variables can be increased or reduced by the use of certain equipment, skills and cards.


Jobs are Jobs or character classes that can be created in Ragnarök. There are Jobs for those who like the style of swords, magic, bows, support, etc.

Primary classes Expanded primary classes
Swordman Acolyte Mage Thief Merchant Archer Sp Novice TaeKwon Kid Ninja Gunslinger
Secondary classes Expanded secondary classes
Knight Crusader Priest Monk Wizard Sage Assassin Rogue Blacksmith Alchemist Hunter Bard / Dancer Super Novice EX Star Gladiator (TaeKwon Master) Soul Linker Kagerou / Oboro Rebellion
High Novice
Reborn primary classes
High Swordman High Acolyte High Mage High Thief High Merchant High Archer
Reborn secondary classes
Lord Knight Paladin High Priest Champion High Wizard Professor (Scholar) Assassin Cross Stalker Whitesmith (Mastersmith) Creator (Biochemist) Sniper Clown (Minstrel) / Gypsy
Tertiary classes Expanded tertiary classes
Rune Knight Royal Guard Arch Bishop Shura Warlock Sorcerer Guillotine Cross Shadow Chaser Mechanic Genetic (Geneticist) Ranger Minstrel (Master) / Wanderer Hyper Novice Star Emperor Soul Reaper

Primary Classes

  • Novice: It is the elementary class within Ragnarok Online, without specialization.
  • Swordman: Class specializing in the use of sword and resistance, being also the class that most weapons can use.
  • Mage: Class specialized in the use of elemental magic.
  • Archer: Class specializing in the use of the arch.
  • Merchant: Class specializing in trade and axes.
  • Acolyte: Class specializing in supporting others even if they can fight.
  • Thief: Class specialized in theft and use of daggers, capable of using arc.
  • Taekwon: Class specializing in taekwondo, they cannot use weapons as they specialize in kicks. However, they can equip shields and equip their elemental power attacks, with 7 of the 9 elements of the game that differ from the neutral at their disposal. It is classified as an "expansion" class because it does not belong to the top six and cannot reborn/transcender for the moment.
  • Gunslinger: Class specializing in the use of firearms. The type of equipped weapon determines what skills you can use.
  • Ninja: Class specialized in elementary magic techniques, as well as shurikens and kunais launch. Existing the possibility of massive damage to an opponent under certain conditions.

Secondary and Advanced Classes

  • Super Novice: After a lot of effort and suffering a Novice when arriving at the end of his way manages to become Super Novice is a mastery specialist for almost all primary class skills combining magic with power and distance attacks. Because a true warrior fears nothing a super novice will face anything without fear as abilities is leftover being a small warrior with a big heart. If you want to learn more in day-to-day your job is to be a Super Novice. Class derived from the Novice.
  • Knight/Lord Knight: Because to be a master you have to start being a disciple a knight/Lord Knight is a gentleman who does not hesitate to learn all the existing arts of the weapons in order to be able to destroy their enemies, they have an unbreakable spirit of battle and no matter if they exceed it in number, will fight until the same face of the earth ends and clear always accompanied by his faithful travel companion Peco Peco a great sword that will help you to fight so much And a huge speed of attack. If you challenge a Knight/Lord Knight, do not doubt that you will have a very tough battle ahead of you as it has great agility much resistance great harmony with your weapon and in extreme cases can enter a state of Berrserk fury which transforms it into a semi-dead in the battlefield. If you want to create amazing feats, if you want your name to be known to everyone, if you want to make yourself much stronger in every battle being a knight/Lord Knight is your ideal job. This job is derived from Swordman (Spadachin).
  • Crusader/Paladin: A true defender of life the crusader/Paladin accepts an oath with God to protect both the people and their loved ones, will not hesitate to give their lives for their just and noble causes and will fight to the end to protect them and always helped by his faithful companion Grand Peco who will guide him along the path of light and justice. It is specialized in the use of sword, spear and shield, with or without mount, and with both offensive and defensive skills, support and great resistance. Specialists in the use of shields and the sacrifice of their vital energy with certain offensive techniques and the protection of allies. They are protectors of God since the same gives them the power of light to heal wounds and the strength to defend people, they are very united with people do not hesitate to help them in everything they can since it is an ideal that is part of their personal code as important as their life itself. If you want to protect your loved ones, defend your ideals, help people and always fight for the word of God and light your job is to be a Crusader/Paladin. It's a class derived from Swordman (Spadachin).
  • Assassin/Assassin Cross: A real furtive killer who doesn't give his prey time to defend himself and not even know what just happened, an Assassin/Assassin Cross is a real hunter because his ability to hide gives him a great advantage in the battle, may be very required in groups of warriors but as the wolves who work equally in packing their spirit is always solitary they prefer to travel alone so they learn and they do more If you have a tragic or slope story, if your courage is very admirable since not any insect can be Assassin, if you want to make yourself strong, if you like loneliness so much that you care nothing more than your own ideals your job is to be an Assassin/Assassin Cross. This class is derived from Thief (Chuckles)
  • Rogue/Stalker: The spy or persecutor, specializing in the use of daggers and arches or any weapon that allows him to attack always stealthily, the poaching is his specialty and from the acquisition of the trade they need to learn the art of passing unnoticed; for this they can copy some techniques, use advanced camouflage techniques and confuse with small stunts. Performed robbery and stripping of equipment to their victims will be skills and main weapons of this trade, whose main objective is similar to that of Assasin but less noisy and violent. If you consider yourself a strategist who would be able to dismantle an entire empire from within, or if shedding blood for no reason is not your job. Class derived from Thief.
  • Priest/High Priest (HP): A priest who following the canons of the sacred Bible has decided to fight in the name of God using Sacras and Support magics, these altruistic purposes are necessary in each Priest/High Priest, since they will always be a nail weapon for the healing of allies and the disqualification of enemy abilities. They can become a real discomfort working with a more offensive trade, some are able to impossipate whole teams. Therefore, if what you are looking for is spiritual contact and fervent support to your battle partners, in addition to respecting the sacred magic, the Priest/High Priest is all yours. Class derived from Acolyte.
  • Monk/Champion: Believers who have decided to use the brute force 'in the name of God' unlike their counterpart the Priests, a Monk and later Champion will not hesitate to nominate and mutilate his opponent if he opposes his beliefs or if he is simply in danger, with his mortal offensive abilities for any enemy added to his spiritual techniques of self-supporting this trade is a perfect choice for that user who cannot decantate. So, if your goal is self-realization and spiritual growth through rigorous physical training, this job fits perfectly with you. Class derived from Acolyte.
  • Wizard/High Wizard: The sorcerer is one of the most required trades in the game, not only for its destructive magical attacks if not for its intelligence and versatility, indeed, no other job can handle as many elements as the Wizard/High Wizard which catalogs this trade as one of the best options for clan battle. Summonly unpredictable, your experience is giving you slowly ways to execute the spells more quickly and there is no doubt that this job could put an entire clan in trouble if the latter does not know how to counter it in time. Thus, for any lover of power and absolute wisdom related to magical growth the Hechicero/Hechicero Mayor is the ideal trade. Class derived from Mage.
  • Sage/Professor : (also known as "Scholar") A sage is a mage that has decided to make use of all tricks to cast spells expeditiously, its focus is not power if not efficiency. Your elemental magic covers timely needs and support skills provide you with a place in the clan that cannot be left aside; with the characteristic wisdom of the trade you can even get to have the ability to run a moving spell (hechizo) or use it automatically with just hitting the opponent. There is no doubt that the Sage is an office for individuals with patience, who do not spare power if not in wisdom and timely skills that will surprise any opponent, so if patience is a gift you possess and do not appeal to be a devastating trade if not accurately destructive this trade is for you. Class derived from Mage.
  • Blacksmith/Whitesmith:(also known as "Mastersmith") The blacksmith specializes in several types of weapons and their forge, which gives him advanced handling of axes and mazas and a great offensive power, given the enormous amount of weapons that can possess this trade contrary to others has a clear function: to make use of his mega-trade cart to become wealthy and strange weapons and then to provide it to other members of the clan, however later it is despicable to do the odd magic. Class derived from Merchant.
  • Alchemist/Creator: (also known as "Biochemist") Specialized in the chëmica, both work with different spices and active principles in order to create solutions ranging from powerful healing potions as well as deadly poisons. Ready, silent and mortal these individuals have a great potential that with a little patience can be cultivated to get in between the enemy lines and to make them pieces gradually. With the specialization to Creator/Biochemical (Creator/Biochemist) you will have even the ability to create artificial organisms and use them for combat as weapons, while relying on chemicals and explosives. Its enormous range of possibilities and the ability to jump to an attacking trade to one of support provides this trade one of the best coverages of the game, however for that you will need the gift of learning; the life of alchemists and creators/biochemicals is based on living glued to the books and being prepared to devise new principles that serve in battle, then, if you believe that you meet those requirements cold and are also calculating. Class derived from Merchant.
  • Hunter/Sniper: The hunter and later sniper is a kind of fear, swift and powerful, if you don't have a way to control his frenzy of blows it could be quite late for you, taking into account that his main strategy is that of hit-n-run you might even be provoking to take you to a fatal death at the hands of a trap prepared by themselves. Once you specialize in your skills to the bark your supporting magics and your fleeting attack will give this trade a leading role in any clan. The Hunters live their entire life preparing the aim, they need a lot of mental control and spiritual peace, with such abilities they can unfold without problems; then, if you meet the minimum requirements this job awaits you with open arms. Class derived from Archer.
  • Bard/Clown: (also known as "Minstrel") It is an Archer who, after developing the respective spiritual peace, has left aside the murder (Hunter/Sniper) and has decided to devote himself to music and entertainment. But even if this trade seems to be 100% useless, the truth is that the Minstrel working together with the Gypsy can make the entire clan dance to the contrary literally, by using disqualification techniques. On the other hand, its ability to support whatever the circumstance is given by its playful personality that must be indispensable for any Bard/Clown. So, if fighting isn't your thing and you really like being the group clown, this job is for you. Class derived from Archer.
  • Dancer/Gypsy: Identifies the Bard/Clown only that makes use of the whip and therefore has more scope in its attack, outside of it the function of a Gypsy is to deceive the opponent and then take it by surprise with a disabling ability and wait for another member of the clan to do the dirty work. As I said the Bard/Dancer Clown/Gypsy Duplate has assembly skills that require the presence of both on the team and that increases their performance as support players, so considering them separately could be crazy. Class derived from Archer.
  • Soul Linker: Mudang (Korean Chamber) who can call the souls of the greatest representatives of each trade, putting them in a player of that same trade, unlocking new and powerful options and skills. They also possess offensive magic and incapacitation, as well as some support skills including the ability to automatically resurrect under certain conditions. Class derived from Taekwon.
  • Star Gladiator: Martial artist specializing in star magic, who makes him stronger in very specific circumstances. His ability lies in the power of the Moon, the Sun and the Stars.He can use books as a weapon. Class derived from Taekwon.
  • Kagerou/Oboro
  • Rebellion
  • Star Emperor: Star Gladiator Evolution enables the use of the energy of the universe.It has two types of skills exclusive to PvM(player vs monster) and other exclusive skills for PvP and WoE maps. Now you can reset when you want the memorized maps and monsters of the star emperor skills without the need to get the buff miracle through one of the main skills of this work. Skills are separated into four categories, sun, moon and stars for PvM and universe for PvP and WoE. (Blood on June 20, 2018 on the main South Korean servers).
  • Soul Reaper: Evolution of Soul Linker enables the use of the energy of souls (Blood on June 20, 2018 on the main South Korean servers).

Tertiary Classes

The following classes are available after a player reaches level 99 as a secondary or advanced player:

  • Arch Bishop: Increased support skills and added exorcist attack skills and direct attack.
  • Guillotine Cross: Skills with increased poisons, you can create great types of poisons that can disable the opponent.
  • Rune Knight: He specializes in the creation of stones known as Runas and the use of these in battle, he was added a dragon mount with abilities to control and cause harm.
  • Mechanic: Now specialized in robotics, increased axes use skills, now have a Magic/Technological armor known as MADO which can attack and perform defense skills such as producing magnetic fields and other force fields.
  • Ranger: Specialized more in creating traps against enemies, now is available for this class a wolf which can mount or keep next to it.
  • Warlock: Added more damage skills, much greater range and ability to cause multiple states to the enemy, You can memorize spells and release them instantly.
  • Shadow Chaser: Specialized in graffiti and painting talk, as well as the use of masks that disable other characters, has the possibility of copying more skills now.
  • Wanderer: Skills that increase magic damage and magic defense, increased effects dances, greater number of offensive skills.
  • Sura: Added more combo and chain attacks, ability to call spirits has been improved, specialized in offensive and supportive abilities.
  • Royal Guard: Especially in the use of spears, you can now mount a grypho, added band skills which you can use when one or more royal guard are close to the character.
  • Sorcerer: Added magical damage skills of the 4 elements in addition to poison, You can create black holes that catch several characters in time, Now specializes in the use of invocations to which you can call and use in battle.
  • Genetic: Specialized in the creation of a lot of potions with different effects, improved the use of plants in battle, added the creation of new artificial organisms.
  • Minstrel: Skills that increase physical damage and physical defense, songs with increased effects, greater number of offensive skills.

These classes are extremely powerful and improve their predecessors. Players can access them when they reach level 99 as secondary or advanced classes, but when they become a secondary class they lose the right to be reborn and therefore lose the advantages of having passed. by the advanced class (its skills and life and magic bonuses). Tertiary Classes can increase the maximum level up to level 175 and work level up to 60.

New Breed

The following race was added on 09/30/2015 to the sakray kRO test server. When you select this race you do not start as a novice and you start on the 'Far-Star' continent; near the city lasagna. This new breed is cats and after solving several adventures you can access the kingdom of Midgard by appearing in the city of Izlude. To return to the city of Lasagna you can access it through Malangdo or Izlude by paying an amount of Zenys. Your base level cap is 175 while the Job cap is 50.

  • Doram: Invocators cat belonging to the Far-Star (Lejanader Star) continent from which the cats that live on Malangdo Island come, contain three branches, physical attack, magic or support attack. Having a recent expansion of your skills from level 100.


Clans, players who come together to fight in the so-called WoE (War of Emperium), share experiences and progress in the game. Each member of the Guild wears the same emblem as their companions, which identifies them among the others. This emblem is established by the Guild Master, who is the leader. The Guilds level up, there are 20 different customizable titles to establish ranks within the Clan, this allows a different Tax (tax) to be established for some group of clan members. The Tax is a percentage of the experience gained that each member donates to level up the Guild. When you level up the Guild you are given a Skill Point to invest in one of the Guild Skills, which affect everything from the possibility of participating in WoE to the number of members a clan can host. Only the Guild Master can use these Skills, the best known being: Recall, or Urgent Call (Different ways of naming it)

War of Emperium

There are 2 versions of these

WoE 1.0

In the War of Emperium (WoE), which usually lasts one hour and is held twice a week, (on some servers) the guilds compete for the 20 castles distributed in areas surrounding Prontera, Geffen, Payon and Al De Baran. Castles are conquered by destroying the Emperium in the central hall of the castle. Each castle has a certain level of defense and trade that can be invested in, each upgrade in trade gives more treasure chests for the guild, upgrades in defense provide stronger guardians and an emperium to aid in the defending. Each castle is unique and gives rise to different strategies to defend or attack. The castles also have Guild Dungeons, which are dungeons that can only be accessed by members of the guild that owns the castle. These are 1 for every 5 castles, meaning that the 5 guilds that own one in the same area can access them., once inside it works like pvp, that is, the members of one guild will be able to kill those of another, and vice versa.

WoE 2.0

In the War of Emperium 2.0 (WoE2), which have the same duration as the first, the guilds compete for 10 castles distributed in areas surrounding Juno and Rachel, these castles are considerably larger and more complex, they consist of 2 stones guardians, 3 barricades and the emperium, plus considerably stronger guardians. To conquer a castle you must first destroy both guard stones, followed by the 3 barricades to finally have access to the emperium. In WoE2 the use of portals within the castle to go from one room to another disappears. Thanks to this, the strategies of WoE 1 are no longer used, where they defended themselves by spamming skills in the warps of the entrances to the rooms prior to the Emperium. In order to create a guild you must enter /"guild name of the guild" the quotes only go when the name has spaces like this /"guild guild name" but if it does not have spaces it must be like this /guild ragnarok



In the Battlegrounds, groups of players face each other in teams. There are 2 types of field (Terra or Flavius) with 2 variants each (12vs12 or 19vs19). In Tierra Valley the teams aim to destroy their opponents' food supply, there is also an contested flag in the middle that provides an advantage to whoever controls it. In Flavius each team has a crystal that they must protect and 2 guardians at their disposal to help them in the task, the crystal cannot be destroyed without first defeating said guardians. For each victory or defeat, badges are awarded (more to the winner obviously) that can be exchanged for character equipment.


Mercenaries are contract characters, there are 3 types Bowman, Fencer and Spearman with different levels and costs, each with different abilities. These do not level up like our character but they do gain some attributes as they fight at our side. The mercenaries possess artificial intelligence similar to that of the Homunculi from Alchemist and Creator. This can be customized by the user within the AI folder.

Slot Enchantment

Each piece of equipment may or may not have a slot in which to compose a card that gives it unique properties. The system is designed to allow the player to take a piece of equipment (within a limited list) and transform it into its slotted version. This has a cost and a success rate that depends on the grade of the equipment in question.


Pieces of equipment can also generally be upgraded; The cost, material and success percentage vary depending on which piece is being treated and the level to which it is improved. The level of improvement is represented by a "+X" at the beginning of the piece's name, the more improved a piece is, the less physical damage our character will receive. Failing to upgrade a piece of equipment immediately destroys that piece (including any cards composed of it). In the case of weapons, there are 4 levels in which they can be classified. The higher the level of the weapon, the greater the attack bonus it receives for each successful refinement but the fewer the number of refinements that can be made to it with 100% safety. Once the number of safe refinements has been exceeded, the team receives a greater bonus for successfully refining. There are pieces that cannot be refined. Ores such as Oridecon (Item) are required to refine certain weapons.


Any character can, after having completed the corresponding quest, learn to cook foods that provide an addition to stats for a short period. These foods range from level 1 to 10 and increase a specific stat depending on the level. Each food is created from specific items. The difficulty of the items varies depending on the level of the food.


Some creatures can be tamed with a special item unique to each race, then they must be fed, equipped with an accessory and can help you as long as their privacy is loyal, and if you take good care of them they will help you in the attack. All pets have various states of mind with respect to their owner and all give an extra bonus, but the loyal state gives a greater extra skill bonus that cannot be accumulated with the bonuses of the other states, such as stats, resistance to states. altered, increased attack and a long etc... The evolution of some pets was also added, such as Orc Warrior, which can evolve into High Orc, increasing the skill bonus it grants. These evolved pets take a long time to become loyal as their hunger bar drops almost 3 times slower than a normal pet but they have the exclusive option (Auto-Feed) to feed themselves when their bar reaches 24%.

Adoption and Marriage

Two characters of the opposite sex can be married, on some servers characters of the same sex can also be married, a ceremony through which they are given a ring with special abilities that can only be used between them.

You can adopt, being previously married, with the only limitation that the adopted character is of base level 50 or lower. Both the parents and the adoptee will receive new skills and other benefits. Since 12/13/2016 on the main servers of the official Korean online Ragnarok server, marriage between demi-human and the Doram race is allowed. It also allows emancipation in adoptions. Three new family skills are added, making a total of six. Adopted characters known as the baby class have less restrictive limitations with this update.


Gravity uses the term "episode" to refer to major updates made to the game. In each update, cities, cards, maps, characters are added, attributes, items, monsters, etc. are modified. RO is currently on episode 17.2.

The Ragnarok Online episodes are:

  • Episode 1: Aldebaran.
  • Episode 1.5: The attack of the ancestors. Glast Heim, Clock Tower.
  • Episode 2: Pets.
  • Episode 3: Comfort.
  • Episode 4: War of Emperium. Turtle Island.
  • Episode 5: Juno.
  • Episode 6: Global Project
  • Episode 6.1: Amatsu.
  • Episode 6.2: Gonryun (Kunlun).
  • Episode 6.3: Umbala.
  • Episode 6.4: Nifflheim.
  • Episode 6.5: Louyang.
  • Episode 7: Ayothaya.
  • Episode 8: Adoption System. Weddings. Transcendental Characters.
  • Episode 9: The sign. Geffenia.
  • Episode 10: The Republic of Schwarzwald.
  • Episode 10.1: Einbroch.
  • Episode 10.2: Lighthalzen
  • Episode 10.3: Noghalt
  • Episode 10.4: Hugel
  • Episode 11: Arunafeltz
  • Episode 11.1: Rachel
  • Episode 11.2: Veins, the desert city of Arunafeltz.
  • Episode 11.3: Nameless Island
  • Episode 12: Resurrection of Satan Morroc
  • Episode 13: New World
  • Episode 13.1: Ash Vacuum
  • Episode 13.2: Meeting with the Unknown
  • Episode 13.3: The Dicastes
  • Episode 14.1: Bifrost
  • Episode 14.2: Eclage
  • Episode 15.1: Phantom
  • Episode 15.2: Recorded Memory
  • Episode 16.1: Banquet for Heroes
  • Episode 16.2: Terra Gloria
  • Special Episode: Lasagna
  • Episode Special Instances: Each day of the week you will have access to a different instance for 24 hours.

-> Currently there are only two available: Weekend Instance (Saturday and Sunday) and Friday Instance (Friday), but it will be filled every day of the week in the future.

  • Episode 17.1: Illusion

-> For the first time an entire map is reformed, in episode 16.1 the frontier, castle and interior map is completely changed.

  • Episode 17.2: Varmundt's Mansion


As in any virtual world, Ragnarök Online has a good number of cities. Many cities have been added as new chapters of the game are published:

Kingdom of Rune-Midgard

  • Prontera (capital)
  • Izlude
  • Payon
  • Alberta
  • Morroc
  • Geffen
  • Al De Baran
  • Comfort
  • Umbala
  • Lutie
  • Malangdo

International Project

There are some cities, which have nothing to do with the typical Norse mythology of the game, these cities are called "International Project", as they have international architectures:

  • Amatsu (Japan)
  • Louyang (China)
  • Kunlun/Gonryun (Taiwan)
  • Ayothaya (Thailand)
  • Jawaii (Hawái)
  • Moscow (Russia)
  • Brasilis (Brazil)
  • Dewata (Indonesia)
  • Port Malaya (Philippines)
  • Rock Ridge (North America)
Did you mean:

República de Schwarzwald

Apart from the Kingdom of Rune-Midgard, its surroundings and the countries of the international project, in Episode 5 the capital of the new Republic of Schwartzwald was added, which was expanded with Episode 10, the cities of this republic are the following:

  • Juno/Yuno (capital)
  • Einbroch
  • Einbech
  • Hugel
  • Lighthalzen

Arunafeltz States

For Episode 11, a new nation was created, Arunafeltz States, which is in a bad diplomatic situation with the kingdom of Rune-Midgard, so far there are only two cities and one island:

  • Rachel (capital)
  • Veins
  • Nameless Island

New World

Did you mean:

En el Episodio 13 - y#34;Encuentro con lo desconocido" se ha creado una nueva región del mundo y agregado hasta el momento las siguientes ciudades:

  • Manuk
  • Splendide
  • The Dicastes (Sapha tribe capital)
  • Mora
  • Eclage


They are places to explore and face challenges, some require multiple players to face them, in general they have a prominent monster, considerably stronger than the others known as MvP (Most Valuable Player) or boss. So far Ragnarök Online has 48 dungeons.

Instanced or Memorial Dungeons

These dungeons are different from a common one, basically because they are dungeons with history and in these dungeons you must complete a quest or mission, which is why they cannot be accessed like a regular dungeon or dungeon. These dungeons are accessible when you enter the party since generally at the end of each memorial dungeon there is an MvP or Boss, also the party members must meet the minimum and maximum level. Each party has a time limit to enter and complete a memorial dungeon, if their mission fails they must wait a while to re-enter, during that time any other party can take the dungeon mission. These dungeons are intended to encourage the creation of groups or parties to make the game more sociable and fun. Currently Ragnarök Online officially consists of 14 Memorial Dungeons.


As in every game, there are not only normal monsters, but there are Bosses, which are much more difficult to defeat and generally require more than one player to do so. These Bosses are monsters with more abilities such as summoning slave monsters or the use of skills of lvl higher than 10. They also have a considerably greater amount of HP as well as the damage they cause. Bosses are immune to any type of status (stun, silence, freeze, etc.), but if they suffer the penalty the damage done to them is considered MvP and is indicated with an exclamation above the character. The MvP receives exclusive reward items from the Boss. Bosses also have a drop like any monster in the game, but their cards usually give the user much more power than a normal card. Bosses have different respawn times and some are only summonable through specific quests. Ragnarök Online features some of the following Boss:

- Golden Thief Bug - Baphoment - Valkyrie - Thanatos (Appears through quest) - Ifrit - Ktullanux (Appears through quest) - Osiris - Amon Ra - Pharaoh -Sniper Cecil - Satan - Paranoid Turtles Among others, these are the most common to attack and that give "items" of considerable power.


One of the main characteristics of this game is the large number of objects that can be obtained, most of them from monster drops, these are divided into Consumables, Equippables and Miscellaneous.


These items can be used for various purposes, divided into recovery items, used to recover HP and SP, gain effects or remove them, increase status points, summon monsters, technique scrolls that allow 'casting' 3. 4; a skill without needing to know it, etc.


All these items give a defense bonus depending on the item, the lowest being 0 and the highest being 12. Since the implementation of the renewal system, the team's defense can exceed 50 defense points since now the maximum achievable is greater than 999.

These items can be used by the character as equipment, each with its special characteristics. Depending on the character's class, different types of equipment will be allowed to be used.

  • Headgear: These are the only visible items and go to the head, divided into three types: Lower, Mid and Upper Headgears as the most basic ones, we can also find Mid/Upper, Lower/Mid and Upper/Mid/Lower Headgears.
  • Armor:The highest defense, classified into professions and characteristics.
  • Garment: Those who remain in defense, unlike armor, most garments can be used by all classes.
  • Shield: Another important part of the personal defense that cannot be equipped if the carrier uses a weapon to two hands.
  • Weapon: This type of items are divided into Levels from 1 to 4, depending on the level, attack and number of slots they possess, some with elemental features, many known, other originals of the game. This is the most extensive group divided into daggers, one-hand swords, two-hand swords, arches, one-handed axes, two-handed axes, mazas, rods, spears, katars, firearms, whips, musical instruments, handplas, shurikens and books.
  • Shoes: Another part of the armor, from sandals to Mythic shoes.
  • Accessory: These items, unlike others, do not usually grant defense bonus, however they generally grant carrier statistics and some have slots where cards can be placed.


  • A new tab was applied to the character window known as costume tab.
  • In this you can put special equipment, especially headgear.
  • Its main function is to change the sprite shown of the headgear in the character, without disusing the main headgear.
  • These may carry some extra but low-performance bonus, such as +1 on some stat, or some bonus as an increase in experience +0.5%, although they are the exception as they usually don't give any bonus
  • Currently the system shadow was implemented increasing the costume tab slots to each of the parts of the team.
  • Armor, Weapon, Shield, Shoes, Accessory and Earring can be refined up to +10 and each refine provides a bonus of HP and MATK/ATK.
  • This equipment is only obtained by kafra shop.


These items are those that are grouped in the ETC section of our inventory, which are very varied items, many of which only serve to make money by selling them to NPCs or, on the contrary, they can be very valuable by being part of a quest or manufacturing some item or even perform some techniques.

Many cannot be equipped or used directly, with exceptions such as weapon ammunition or materials for techniques.

These range from jewelry, minerals, clothing, utensils, cooking ingredients, damaged weapons, monster residue or simple forage.


The sets are sets of weapons and/or armor that grant bonuses to stats, special powers, or both. Among the best known to players is Pantie (item) plus Undershirt (Item) which grants 5 extra agility points, and 10 fleece points.


Most of the monsters in the game have their card, which is identified by their name, for example, a "Poring" can give us a "Poring Card", a "Dark Lord" can give us a "Dark Lord Card", etc. Cards can be composed on the player's team, being inserted into a "slot" (slot). Also, each card is designed to be composed into one type of team. So for example, a "Fabre Card" It is made to be composed into a Weapon, and a "Thara Frog Card", into a shield; a "Peco Peco Card" in the armor; a "Sohee Card" in footwear; an "Elder Willow Card" in a hat; etc Cards have an infinite number of uses, and can vary most of a character's characteristics. Using the previous cards, the Pupa Card gives +700 HP; the Thara Frog Card gives 30% resistance against human attacks; the PecoPeco Card gives HP +10%; the Sohee Card gives SP +15% and SP-recovery +3%; the Elder Willow Card gives +2 Int, etc.

Each monster holds a card with unique properties, although many can have similar effects.

At the same time, each card has its own drawn portrait of the monster to which it belongs. The drawing style varies in many of the cards since their authors are different. Each card has a border that varies in color depending on the importance of it. Being white border for normal monster cards, gold border for MvP monster cards and red border for MvP cards found in Instanced Dungeons. In the upper right corner of the card image you can see the monster's element and the level of that element (1~4)

The monsters without a card are plants (green plant, red plant, blue plant, yellow plant, white plant, shining plant), they do not give experience either, but they do drop items such as consumables, equipables and miscellaneous items, as well as the monsters of some events.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless. Although it must be said that the possibility of obtaining a card from a monster is very slim. On the official servers it is 0.01% although they can also be obtained from an object called Old Card Album, a special item that generates a random card.


Raganarok Online's background music consists of 138 individual tracks. Made, composed and mixed by SoundTeMP and Hankook Recording Studio. The background music genres are very varied such as jazz, techno, rock and orchestral music. For each expansion in locations, new tracks are added. The game's music gives a pleasant feeling when playing, since the background music adapts well to the map you are on. In 2006, an album called The memory of RAGNAROK was released, which is performed by artists Seung-Yeon, Lee Jeong-Hee and Seo Ji-Hae. The album booklet is shown in Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese.

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