Querétaro ( listen)officially the Free and Sovereign State of Querétaro, is one of the thirty-one states that, together with Mexico City, form Mexico. Its most populated capital and city is Santiago de Querétaro. It is located in the central-north region of the country, and borders to the north with the States of Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí, to the south with the state of Hidalgo and the state of Mexico, and to the west with the state of Michoacán. With 11,684 km2, it is the fifth least extensive state — in front of Colima, Aguascalientes, Morelos and Tlaxcala, the least extensive— and with 202.45 hectares / km2, the sixth most densely populated, behind the state of Mexico, Morelos, Tlaxcala and Aguascalientes. It was founded on 23 December 1823.
Querétaro has distinguished itself, in recent years, for being one of the two states in the country with the highest economic growth dynamics. From 1994 to date, it has maintained a higher growth than the national one, due to the fact that national companies and transnationals from the industrial, commercial and service sectors have settled in the state. In 2000, the leap to the manufacturing industry was made, and from 2005 the aerospace industry was present, and the latter is one of the most developed in the entity, so Querétaro has become the fourth center of largest aerospace activities in the world, behind only Singapore, Dubai and Bangalore.
The state has three sites declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco: the zone of historical monuments of Querétaro, in 1996, the Franciscan missions of Sierra Gorda, in 2003, and the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, in 2010.
Querétaro has played an important role in the history of Mexico, due to the fact that in 1810 it was the headquarters of the Querétaro conspiracy where the movement that would ultimately lead to the independence of Mexico was forged. In 1867, Maximilian of Habsburg was defeated, captured, and shot by republican forces, and the republican regime was reestablished in Mexico. In 1917, the current Constitution was drafted in this state.
There are different versions about the origin of the word Querétaro. One comes from the Purépecha K'erhiretarhu (K'eri = big, ireta = town, rhu = place) or K'erendarhu (k'erenda = rock and rhu = place) meaning "place of stones grandes or peñascos". These place names were referring to the city of Querétaro. The state would adopt the name of the capital city. Another pre-Hispanic word in Otomi is Nda Maxei, which means "The great ball game". According to other versions, the meaning of the word Querétaro would have two etymologies, one in Nahuatl which means "place where the ball or ball game is played" and the other Otomi, which means "place of stones". There is also another word in Nahuatl, Tlaxco, which also means "ball game". It also derives from the Purépecha Queretha-Rolru or Queretha-Ro, which means "Place of the ball game." .
Curiously, in 2011 the word Querétaro was chosen as the most beautiful word in the Spanish language. The word was proposed by the well-known actor Gael García Bernal and was chosen in a contest organized by the Instituto Cervantes.
For many years the name of the state was Querétaro de Arteaga, but in 2010 the state congress accepted that it be named only Querétaro, without a last name.
Pre-Hispanic period
The territory now occupied by the State of Querétaro was inhabited by Otomi and Purépecha, the latter being the dominant ones. There was also a small presence of nomadic tribes called chichimecas (pames and jonaces). There are some archaeological sites that date from this time such as El Cerrito in Corregidora, and the sites of Ranas and Toluquilla in the Sierra Gorda.
This State was inhabited in 1446 by Otomi and Tarascan indigenous people, becoming the domain of the Lord of the Purépechas.
Tradition mentions that Querétaro was founded on July 25, 1531 with the arrival of the Spanish under the command of Hernán Pérez Bocanegra y Córdoba, in an alliance with the indigenous Otomí Conín who was the chief of Jilotepec. At the entrance to the city is the monument to this Otomí cacique in black quarry stone, welcoming its visitors. The location was chosen taking into account the place where on July 23, 1531, Conin organized his army to meet with the captains Lobo and Coyote of the Chichimec forces who opposed the advance of colonization.
Although traces of Olmec and Huastec settlers have been found in the Queretaro territory, the most recent native traces were Chichimecas, Otomís - who called these lands the place of the Peñas Grandes - and Purépechas - who knew them as the Place of the Ball Game. Upon the arrival of the Spanish, only the Pame and the Jonaces – both Chichimeca groups – offered resistance to the occupation. The other indigenous tribes willingly accepted to participate in the material and spiritual enterprises that the conquerors began in this region.
Little by little, lookout posts and prisons were built on the Ruta de la Plata, which crossed the so-called Internal Provinces of Querétaro, Cadereyta and Escanela. Along this road, towns and cities grew: first they were inns for the rest of the captaincies that guarded the metal shipments, then commerce and profit haciendas appeared with their essential chapels or churches and, of course, the missions for religious indoctrination.
Shortly after the War of Independence, in 1824, with the Republic already established, a State was erected. Here in 1848 the Congress of the Union was forced to cede half of the national territory to the United States. In 1867, a fleeting emperor, Maximilian I, lost his last battle. And at the beginning of the XX century, the Constitution that governs all Mexicans was promulgated.
Legend of the founding of the city of Santiago de Querétaro
The legend says that «the boxes and bugles resounded, the teponaztle and the huehuetl, the shawm and the snail and to the rhythm of dances and screams the war began, the Otomíes and Purépechas. The conquerors commanded by Nicolás de San Luis Montañez and Fernando de Tapia (Conín) and the Chichimecas under the command of the captains don Lobo and don Coyote. The closed discharges of the rifles resounded in the field. High above, and with the dust raised by the feet of the combatants, the smoke from the gunpowder, and the arrows shot into the wind, and an eclipse of the sun that seems to have occurred at that point, the day darkened in such a way that the stars became visible, and the fight continued without either side surrendering. When the army at the service of the Spanish Crown was failing before the impetus of the indomitable Chichimecas, the Lord Santiago appeared in the heavens mounted on a spirited steed brandishing an iron sword and a large luminous cross. The natives upon seeing her, shouting "He is God", began to dance, surrendered and accepted submission to the Crown of Spain.
This "event" was recorded by chroniclers of the Franciscan order and the earliest accounts date back to the 17th century.
The founding of the city of Santiago de Querétaro
History tells that to achieve this objective, Spain requested the collaboration of the Spanish chief Hernán Pérez and the already Spanishized Otomi chief Nicolás de San Luis Montañez to convince Conín, an indigenous Otomi merchant who was going to this region to sell his products, to join his cause and persuade the natives to allow themselves to be conquered peacefully.
Already baptized Conín as Fernando de Tapia, he carried out his task. However, in concert and without weapons, on July 25, 1531, in Loma del Sangremal, there was a battle between Christians and indigenous people who opposed the conquest. It was a long and bloody battle.
This is where the legend comes in. Supposedly, being already very tired and almost defeated, the Spaniards invoked the Patron Saint of Spain, the Apostle Santiago. When it appeared in the sky, there was an eclipse that completely covered the sun. In the dark, the indigenous people observed a large luminous cross and the figure of the Apostle Santiago riding on his white steed. For the natives this was the sign of their defeat, their God had abandoned them. Instead, Christians received support from his. Thus ended the battle.
Viceregal period
Fray Junípero Serra as founder of the 5 missions of the Sierra Gorda of Querétaro: The Jalpan mission, the Concá mission, the Tancoyol mission, the Tilaco mission and the Landa de Matamoros mission.
The Spanish arrived at an uncertain date, around 1528. Hernán Pérez de Bocanegra y Córdoba allied himself with the indigenous Otomi Conín, chief of Jilotepec, to peacefully conquer the new territories.
In 1531 the city of Querétaro was laid out by Juan Sánchez de Alaniz and by Conín, now baptized with a Castilian name: Don Fernando de Tapia.
In the second half of the XVI century, the convent of San Francisco was erected, the first religious building in the city under the direction and patronage of Don Fernando de Tapia.
In 1655, the town of Querétaro, which was never a town, was granted the title of city of Santiago de Querétaro by the viceroy, Duke of Alburquerque.
In 1712 the title of "Very Noble and Very Loyal City of Querétaro" by King Felipe V of Spain.
In 1726 the construction of the aqueduct began, 80% paid for by Don Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana, Marquis of Villa del Villar del Águila. This aqueduct, one of the most important constructions, is now a symbol of the City of Querétaro.
In 1731 the construction of the temple and convent of San Agustín began, a work of the New Spanish Baroque and was finished in 1743.
In 1735 the water box was inaugurated, which was the first fountain in the city and in 1738 the water reaches the different public fountains scattered throughout the city.
In 1752, the temple of the College of Santa Rosa de Viterbo, a Baroque monument, was dedicated.
In 1763 the Oratory of San Felipe Neri was founded, today the cathedral of Querétaro. The church is dedicated in 1805.
In 1772, Mariano de las Casas, master organ maker and artificer, died.
In 1778 the secularization of the parish of San Sebastián took place.
In 1797, the Neptune Fountain was inaugurated, designed and made by the architect Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras and the sculpture by Juan Izguerra.
In 1805 the Academy of Fine Arts was inaugurated.
In 1807 the temple and convent of Teresitas was finished. Manuel Tolsá designed the first plans but they were not used. He worked on the Ortiz de Castro work and on the Tresguerras decoration.
Independence of Mexico
In September 1810, Querétaro became the cradle of the independence movement. On the 13th, Epigmenio González, who had an arsenal of weapons destined for the insurgency, was taken prisoner. On the 15th, the corregidor of Querétaro, Mr. Miguel Domínguez, and his wife, Mrs. Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, were arrested. Some historians affirm that she managed to send a message to Captain Ignacio Allende and Miguel Hidalgo, through Ignacio Pérez, a member of his militia who rode to San Miguel el Grande, today San Miguel de Allende to communicate to those who started the War of Independence from Mexico that the conspiracy had been discovered.
United Mexican States
On October 4, 1824, the Federal Republic was established in Mexico, the Constitution included Querétaro as a State of the Federation.
In 1847 Querétaro was named the capital of Mexico, when it was invaded by US forces.
On May 30, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in Querétaro, ending the war with the United States and where Mexico lost the northern half of its territory.
In 1867, two battles were fought between the Republican and Imperial armies on the Cerro de las Campanas during the Siege of Querétaro. Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico is captured, tried and sentenced, being shot on June 19 at the Cerro de las Campanas along with the Mexican generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía.
In 1886, the Queretaro Central Railroad station was inaugurated, built with pink quarry and wood, the style of the American stations of that time.
20th century
On February 5, 1917, Congress proclaimed the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States at the Iturbide Theater, renamed by Governor José María Truchuelo in 1921 to what is now known as the Teatro de la República.
On May 15, 1967, the monument to Benito Juárez was inaugurated on Cerro de las Campanas by President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz.
On February 5, 1985, the Corregidora Stadium in Querétaro was inaugurated, built for the 1986 Mexico World Soccer Championship. The first match was between Mexico and Poland, with a score of 5-0.
On July 25, 1985, the Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez Auditorium was inaugurated, designed by Luis Alfonso Fernández Siurob.
On February 5, 1989, President Carlos Salinas de Gortari inaugurated Los Alcanfores Park.
On February 5, 1991, the ecological park "Querétaro 2000" was inaugurated.
In 1993, the Cerro del Cimatario, considered a national park, was taken over by the State Government.
In 1994, the new Bus Station of the City of Querétaro was inaugurated, being the terminal with the largest platform capacity in all of Latin America.
In 1997, for the first time, a PAN extraction governor emerged: Ignacio Loyola Vera.
In 2009, after two six-year terms of PAN state governments, the second political transition in the executive took place, with José Calzada Rovirosa coming from the Institutional Revolutionary
It is located in the center of the country. It limits to the north with the State of San Luis Potosí, to the west with the State of Guanajuato, to the east with the State of Hidalgo, to the southeast with the State of Mexico, and to the southwest with the State of Michoacán. It is divided into 18 municipalities. Its capital is the city of Santiago de Querétaro (located about 200 km northwest of Mexico City), from which it takes its name.
The State of Querétaro is located in three national geographic zones. These are: Sierra Madre Oriental, Mesa del Centro and Neovolcanic Axis. But in general, most of the state surface is based on irregular terrain that is made up of: the Sierra Gorda (Mexico), the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Sierra Queretana or Huimilpan (which have an average altitude of 2,700 m.a.s.l.). It should be noted that there are also hills or elevations independent of these mountains that have altitudes ranging from 2,000 to 2,600 meters of oceanic altitude. Between the limits of these mountains and mountain ranges lies the area called Bajío, located in the central-southern part of the State. It is composed of extensive valleys and plains that are above 1,900 m s. no. m.. They are occupied for agricultural and livestock purposes. The Bajío of Querétaro is one of the most fertile areas of the country and where the main urban centers of the state are located, such as Santiago de Querétaro and San Juan del Río (Querétaro).
Main elevations of the State of Querétaro.
Name of elevation | Altitude in meters |
Cerro El Zamorano | 3,360 |
Cerro El Espolón | 3,240 |
Cerro La Pingüica | 3,160 |
Cerro Las Vigas | 3,120 |
Cerro Laja | 3,120 |
Cerro La Calentura | 3,060 |
Cerro Bravo | 2,820 |
Cerro Grande | 2,820 |
Cerro El Gallo | 2,760 |
Cerro El Tejocote | 2,720 |
Sierra La Peña Azul | 2,700 |
Cerro Gordo | 2,630 |
Cerro La Virgen | 2,600 |
Peña de Bernal | 2.510 |
Cerro del Cimatario | 2,350 |
The municipality with the highest settlements is Amealco de Bonfil at 2,620 m. And the one with the lowest settlements is Jalpan de Serra, at 760 m (ironically, in the Sierra Gorda region). Santiago de Querétaro and San Juan del Río are located at 1,820 and 1,920 m s. no. m., respectively.
It has an average altitude of 1,900 meters above sea level. The southern half is plains and hills of 2,000 m s. no. m.. The northern half is made up of mountains, high plateaus and large ravines: the Sierra Gorda and the Huasteca from Queretaro.
Querétaro is crossed by the continental watershed. The Pacific Basin begins in the streams coming from Pinal Zamorano forming different streams that form the Querétaro River, and this in turn La Laja in Guanajuato, which later integrates into the Greater Santiago-Lerma Basin. The Gulf of Mexico Basin arises from the El Moro and El Mexicano hills, overhanging the Colón River from El Moro. This, in turn, is the Tolimán River, which is a tributary of the Extoraz and joins the Moctezuma and Pánuco.
Querétaro belongs to two large hydrological basins: the Pánuco basin, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico and irrigates the eastern part, and the Lerma-Santiago basin, which flows into Lake Chapala and later into the Pacific Ocean. In the first basin between the main rivers is the San Juan River, which joins the Tula River to form the Moctezuma River, which marks the eastern limit with the state of Hidalgo; in Sierra Gorda there are quite a few, such as Extoraz and Santa María. The El Pueblito and Querétaro rivers belong to the Lerma basin. The main bodies of water are mainly dams, highlighting among them the Zimapán, Constitution of 1917, San Ildefonso, Centenario, Santa Catarina, La Llave, Jalpan and La Soledad. As well as the lagoon of the Divine Redeemer.
The Metropolitan Area of Querétaro, as well as a good part of central Mexico, Guanajuato and Jalisco, which concentrate a large population, are supplied by the Lerma basin, which is why it is overexploited, showing its effects clearly appreciated in the Lake Chapala that was just about to dry up. In contrast, Tequisquiapan and Colón have high-quality thermal springs and several wells.
There have been many projects intended to supply the city from the Pánuco basin, including a controversial dam on the Extoraz river in the Sierra Gorda region. The Aqueduct II will be built in the following years, to supply the Querétaro Valley and the Semidesert, with water from the Moctezuma River. Acueducto II is expected to meet water needs for the next 30 years. Water is regulated and supplied to urban consumers by the State Water Commission (CEA), a government agency. Querétaro is the cleanest state in Mexico (in the case of water).
The State of Querétaro is distinguished by having non-extreme climates, which are very benign for agriculture. Due to the geography of the State, several municipalities of the same have several types of different climates and range from the driest to the most humid. Of the entity, the municipalities that have a total or partial percentage of dry and/or semi-dry climate:
- Querétaro
- The Marquis
- Correction
- Pedro Escobedo
- San Juan del Río
- Tequisquiapan
- Columbus
- Tolimán
- Ezequiel Montes
- Cadereyta de Montes (central and southern part)
- Peñamiller
These climates are characterized by having high temperatures in summer (not extraordinary) and notable cold temperatures in winter, the maximum temperature on average does not exceed 35 degrees Celsius (in some cases) and the cold temperature on average is 5 to - 1 degrees Celsius respectively. The rainfall period is from May to October, with some very isolated storms in mountainous areas of the municipalities in winter. The average rainfall is 600 mm.
The municipalities that have a warm sub-humid and warm humid climate are those located in the region of the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Gorda:
- Arroyo Seco
- Jalpan (central and northern part)
- Landa de Matamoros
These climates depend a lot on the orography of the place, their summers are very warm with average temperatures of 35 to 40 degrees Celsius, their winters are very pleasant with mild temperatures of 16 to 21 degrees Celsius, precipitation occurs all year round. year, but where it occurs with greater intensity and duration is in spring and summer.
The municipalities that have temperate sub-humid and temperate humid climates are located in two parts, south and northeast of the state.
Southern part
- Amealco de Bonfil
- Huimilpan
Northeast part
- San Joaquín
- Pinal de Amoles
- Jalpan (south part)
- Cadereyta de Montes (northwest part)
Due to their altitude with respect to sea level, these municipalities tend to be cooler than the others. Municipalities such as: San Joaquín, Pinal de Amoles, Jalpan de Serra (southern part) and Cadereyta de Montes (extreme northeastern part) are located in the highest part of the Sierra Gorda, which rises to 2,800 meters above sea level.. Its maximum temperature has a range of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature tends to be very cold in winter (from 0 to -5 degrees Celsius) and cold in the other seasons of the year (from 10 to 4 degrees Celsius). The precipitation period is from April to November with an annual rainfall sheet of 800 a.
The average temperatures and rainfall for some cities are:
- Santiago de Querétaro: 18.8 °C / 702 mm
- San Juan del Río: 17.3 °C / 720 mm
- Bonfil amealco: 14.9 °C / 950 mm
- Jalpan: 23.9 °C / 1030 mm
- Tequisquiapan: 19.9 °C / 680 mm
Temperatures are constantly changing, as it is exposed to intense waves of wind and rain.
Natural resources
The vegetation that can be found in the Sierras of Querétaro is represented by fir, pine, oak, oyamel and juniper; there is also copal, mahogany, rosewood, ebony, framboyán, mesquite, nopal, agave, lechuguilla and damiana. In the Bajío there are fruit trees of hawthorn, pear, quince and apple. In the Minera region, cactus, mesquite, maguey and nopal grow, among other plants. In the Mesa del Centro, the vegetation is sparse, but there are nopales, yucca, mesquite and pirul.
Among the most abundant fauna in the area, the following birds, mammals, and reptiles stand out: heron, bobcat, coyote, skunk , lizard, rabbit, parrot, hummingbird, hare, thrush, cacomixtle, owl, rattlesnake, and bats. Towards the center and throughout the northern and eastern part of the state where white-tailed deer, jaguars, jaguars and black bears are typically found. In the Sierra de la Huasteca the typical fauna is composed of opossums, porcupines, tigrillo, badger, quail and turkey. The existence of arid soil and the scant rains that occur in the Bajío, favors the presence of coral snakes, scorpions, lizards, chameleons, spiders, centipedes, crickets, grasshoppers, ants and pinacates.
According to the data provided by the Population and Housing Census 2020 carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) with a reference date of March 15, 2020, the state of Querétaro had until that year with a total of 2,368,467 inhabitants. Of this number, 1,156,820 were men and 1,211,647 were women. The annual growth rate for the entity during the period 2010-2020 was 2.7%.
Historical population | ||
Year | Pob. | ±% |
1895 | 228 551 | - |
1900 | 232 305 | +1.6% |
1910 | 244 663 | +5.3% |
1921 | 220 231 | −10.0% |
1930 | 234 058 | +6.3% |
1940 | 244 737 | +4.6% |
1950 | 286 238 | +17.0% |
1960 | 355 045 | +24.0% |
1970 | 485 523 | +36.7% |
1980 | 739 605 | +52.3% |
1990 | 1 051 235 | +42.1% |
1995 | 1 250 476 | +19.0% |
2000 | 1 404 306 | +12.3% |
2005 | 1 598 139 | +13.8% |
2010 | 1 827 937 | +14.4% |
2015 | 2 038 372 | +11.5% |
2020 | 2 368 467 | +16.2% |
Historical population of the State of Querétaro |
![]() |
Population census (1895 - 1990, 2000 and 2010)Population counts (1995, 2005)Intercensal Survey (2015)Source:INEGI |
Population of municipalities in the State of Querétaro
The State Government is divided into three powers:
- Executive: represented by the governor of the state, elected by vote for a period of 6 years without the possibility of re-election.
- Legislative: Congress of the State represented by 25 deputies of which 15 are elected by vote and the other 10 proportional (plurinominal). The LIX Legislatura (2018-2021) has 11 PAN deputies, 6 MORENA, 4 PRI, one PES, one PVEM, one from the Independent Querétaro Party and an Independent Deputation.
- Judicial: High Court of Justice of the State of Querétaro
In the 2008 Constitution, it is established that the state government refers to any of the three powers, and not only the one headed by the governor in turn.
In each municipality, power is exercised by the City Council, which is made up of the municipal president and the councilors, who have regulatory functions and legislative powers.
- State elections 2021
- State elections 2018
- State elections 2015
- State elections 2012
- State elections 2009
- State elections 2006
- State elections 2003
- State elections 2000
- State elections 1997
- State elections 1994
- State elections 1991
Political-administrative division
The municipalities that make up Querétaro are the following:
Municipalities of Querétaro | |||||
Key | Municipality | Municipal head | Key | Municipality | Municipal head |
001 | Amealco de Bonfil | Amealco de Bonfil | 010 | Landa de Matamoros | Landa |
002 | Pinal de Amoles | Pinal de Amoles | 011 | The Marquis | The Cañada |
003 | Arroyo Seco | Arroyo Seco | 012 | Pedro Escobedo | Pedro Escobedo |
004 | Cadereyta de Montes | Cadereyta | 013 | Peñamiller | Peñamiller |
005 | Columbus | Columbus | 014 | Querétaro | Santiago de Querétaro |
006 | Correction | The Pueblito | 015 | San Joaquín | San Joaquín |
007 | Ezequiel Montes | Ezequiel Montes | 016 | San Juan del Río | San Juan del Río |
008 | Huimilpan | Huimilpan | 017 | Tequisquiapan | Tequisquiapan |
009 | Jalpan de Serra | Jalpan de Serra | 018 | Tolimán | Tolimán |
Querétaro is currently one of the states with the highest growth in the national and foreign investment it receives.
Its centralized location with efficient transport routes make it one of the most important logistics corridors in the country, as well as being attractive due to the security that is still perceived in the capital and other municipalities of the State.
Querétaro is an important recipient of investment from Canada, France, Germany, the United States and Japan, among others.
The multiculturalism of the State also places it as one of the most developed and touristic; Not to mention the exponential growth that buildings, shopping centers, bridges, houses, neighborhoods, housing projects, factories, logistics warehouses, etc. have experienced in recent years (due to foreign and national investment).
The city of Querétaro is characterized by its thriving economy in the industrial sector, as a result of which there has been an increasing need for corporate offices that is manifested in the current Vertical construction boom of the city, being this the one that concentrates about 70% of the vertical real estate of the Bajío.
From three years to date, the adoption of the culture of verticality has grown significantly, going from a participation of 12.5 to 26 percent in the total housing built in the entity.
This trend has been driven, to a large extent, by the increasing arrival of people from other states of the country, mainly from Mexico City, where this culture has taken root for many years.
Vertical constructions are concentrating in the Central South and North areas of the capital, mainly in towns such as Milenio III, El Campanario and Juriquilla.
The 2007 Economic Yearbook [1] prepared by the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SEDESU) of the State of Querétaro reports the following:
Regionalization and the agricultural subsector
In the state of Querétaro, the territorial extension dedicated to agricultural activities is subdivided into four Rural Development Districts, which correspond to each of the regions that the dependencies of the branch have delimited according to the similarity of characteristics of the municipalities and that is necessary for the correct planning and promotion of the sector:
The Jalpan Region comprises two areas, mountainous with forestry activity and dry tropics with agricultural activity of medium productive potential.
The Cadereyta Region has a low productive potential in rainfed and irrigated, particularly developed agriculture in the municipality of Colón.
The San Juan del Río Region is the most productive and generally has the best support infrastructure: roads, dams, machinery, producer organizations, and consumption and marketing centers.
Querétaro Region, has a low productive potential in rainfed and an intermediate-advanced level in irrigation.
Agricultural Production 2006
Agricultural production during 2006 can be considered good, since of the total area sown to cyclical crops, more than 61.3 % was harvested, this was the result of the good rainy season in the entity that occurred in this cycle.
Of the volume of production harvested in the autumn-winter cycle, green forage oats, green forage triticale and carrots represented 53.8 % of the total, being the most representative crops of the period. Analyzing the volume of production in the spring-summer cycle, the most important of the year, the cultivation of grain corn reached 36% of the total production of the cycle, which during 2006 was more than 518,759 tons. Other important crops are green fodder corn and grain sorghum, while perennial products reached a production volume of 736,369 tons in the same year, green alfalfa representing 81% of the total.
The livestock subsector is the most important of those that make up the primary activities in the State, since it is distinguished by its great prestige at the national level and by the high quality of its products.
Querétaro, aeronautical leader worldwide. The President of the Republic, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, recognized Querétaro as one of the fastest growing entities in the aeronautical sector. He also exalted that Querétaro is currently the only entity in the country that has two aircraft assembly companies and the only Aeronautical University in Mexico (UNAQ). Likewise, he stressed that to date more than 5,000 jobs have been generated in the aeronautical sector and more than one thousand one hundred million dollars in foreign direct investment in said field.
SEDESU reports in its 2007 Economic Yearbook that, according to the 2004 Economic Censuses of the secondary sector, in the state of Querétaro there were 4,639 industries where 110,896 people worked. Of these 4,639 industries, 4,157 belong to the manufacturing sector, 298 to the construction sector, 169 to the mining sector, and 15 to the electricity, water, and gas sectors. Of the total personnel employed in the industrial sector of the State, 94,364 worked in the manufacturing sector, 12,679 in construction, 2,263 in the electricity, water and gas sector, and 1,590 in mining.
According to estimates of the Regional Information System of Mexico (SIREM), the secondary sector in Querétaro participates with 38.5% of the total GDP. It is made up of four large economic divisions: Manufacturing 34%, Construction 2.7%, Electricity, gas and water with 1.5% and Mining with 0.3%.
The State has 17 industrial parks in operation, some of them are:
- Benito Juárez Industrial Park, 450 hectares, 112 companies.
- Querétaro Industrial Park, 347 hectares, 122 companies.
- Jurica Industrial Park, 70 hectares, 72 companies.
- Parque La Montaña, 29 hectares, 35 companies.
- Balvanera Industrial Park, 53 companies.
- Bernardo Quintana Industrial Park, 175 companies.
- The Marques Industrial Park, 60 companies.
- Pueblito Industrial Park, 32 companies.
- Finsa Industrial Park- Queretaro, 19 companies.
- La Cruz Industrial Park, 14 companies.
- Querétaro Aerospace, Park 6 companies.
- Noria Industrial Park, 21 companies.
- New San Juan Industrial Park, 30 companies.
- O'Donnell-Aeropuerto Industrial, Park 20 companies.
- Santa Rosa Industrial, Park 2 companies.
Main activities (1999):
- Metal mechanics and auto parts, 669 companies (32 % of the total).
- Food and processed drinks, 598 companies.
- Trash, printing and publishing, 240 companies.
- Chemistry and stained glass.
Tourism has increased in importance in its economy. Querétaro has become the first destination without a beach in the country and the seventh among all (1,764 million visitors and 65% hotel occupancy during 2006). 92% of the visitors come from different parts of the republic (62% from the Valley of Mexico, others are Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Nuevo León with 5% each). The remaining 8% comes mainly from Canada and the United States. There are 226 hotels, totaling 8,239 rooms. Tourism represents an income of 2,611 million pesos. It recently won the National Award for Diversification of the Mexican Tourism Product, at the Tianguis Turístico Acapulco 2011.
Magic Towns
The State of Querétaro has six Magical Towns, assigned for their great cultural, economic, tourist and historical value, which are:
Areas declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity
The State of Querétaro has four sites that are part of the list of Cultural Heritage of Humanity and an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO: the Historic Monuments Zone of Santiago de Querétaro, the Franciscan Missions of Sierra Gorda and the Otomi Chapels, places of memory and living traditions of the Otomi-Chichimeca culture, as Intangible Heritage of Humanity.[citation required]
Franciscan Missions of the Sierra Gorda
In the Sierra Gorda of Querétaro. Named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a beautiful representation of the Baroque, are the five Franciscan missions: Jalpan, Tancoyol, Concá, Landa and Tilaco. Built between 1751 and 1762, under the direction of Friar Junípero Serra.
San Juan del Rio
Historical Center of the city of San Juan del Río, Querétaro, along the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, granted in 2010. San Juan del Río also has the designation of Historical Monuments Zone, by a federal decree of 1986.[citation required]
In the State of Querétaro the most outstanding musical institutions are:
- Philharmonic Orchestra of the State of Queretaro (OFEQ)
- Banda de Música del Estado de Querétaro
- Escuela de Música Sacra y Conservatorio J. Guadalupe Velázquez
- Estudiantina Femenil y Varonil de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Museums in the State | ||
Municipality | Museums | |
Santiago de Querétaro | * Regional Museum | |
* Museo de Arte de Querétaro MAQRO | ||
♪ Museum of Contemporary Art | ||
* Museo Fundación Santiago Carbonell | ||
* Museo de Sitio de Santa Rosa de Viterbo | ||
* Museo de La Estudiantina | ||
* Museo de Ciencia el Péndulo de Foucault Concyteq | ||
♪ Museum of the Restoration of the Republic | ||
♪ Museum of the City | ||
♪ Museum of Conspirators | ||
* Museo Casa de la Zacatecana | ||
* Bichos Museum | ||
♪ Cerro de las Campanas Museum, La Magia del Pasado | ||
♪ Museo del Ferrocarril de Querétaro | ||
* MUCAL Calendar Museum | ||
♪ Museum of Sacro Art | ||
San Juan del Río | * Museum of the Historical Center | |
♪ Museum of Death | ||
♪ Museum of birth | ||
* Iztachimecapan Museum | ||
Jalpan de Serra | * Historical Museum of the Sierra Gorda | |
♪ Tancamá Archaeological Zone | ||
* Pame Xi’oi Community Museum | ||
Amealco | ♪ Museo de la Muñeca Artesanal | |
* Community Museum Otomí Intercultural Institute (San Ildefonso Tultepec) | ||
Correction | * El Pueblito Community Museum | |
* Museo de Sitio de la Zona Arqueológica del Cerrito | ||
* Rubén González Museum. Art, tradition and faith. | ||
Columbus | * Colón Community Museum | |
♪ Museum of Miracles | ||
Cadereyta | * Cadereyta Regional Museum | |
* Planetarium Dr. José Hernández Moreno | ||
Huimilpan | * Huimilpan Community Museum | |
Tolimán | * Community Museum Ya Nfädi Yu Nohño The Knowledge of the Ottomans | |
Landa de Matamoros | * Lucio Municipal Museum Marquez | |
* Community Museum of Treasures of Our History | ||
* Chronic Community Museum and Agricultural Art of the Sierra Gorda | ||
Pinal de Amoles | * Former Community Museum of Bucareli | |
* Royal Community Museum and Minas de las Escanelas | ||
Ezequiel Montes | ♪ Casa Museo del Dulce | |
♪ Museum of the Mask | ||
♪ Museum of the Anomas | ||
* Museo del Cine Nacional Rosalío Solano | ||
San Joaquín | * San Joaquín Mineral Community Museum | |
Tequisquiapan | * Museo México me Encanta. Mexican miniature traditions | |
* Museo del Queso y el Vino Tierra de Alonso | ||
Source: | Cultural Information System (SIC Mexico) |
- Some Museums of the State of Queretaro
Cultural Venues
Congress Center and the Metropolitan Theater
The purpose of the Congress Center is to be a detonator of the economy in the state. It is located at Pase o de las Artes 1531-B Colonia Josefa Vergara in Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro. A few minutes from the Airport and the Historic Center. It has an exhibition floor called "El Gran Salón Querétaro" of 6,450 m² divided into 4 rooms: A, B, C and D, all of them flexible to the needs of the event. Additionally, it has: Loading and unloading area with 2 accesses, Terrace and lobby. The Congress Center has parking for 1,550 cars and 26 buses.
Above the Exhibition Floor we can find 3 large halls: Constitución Hall, Casa de los Corregidores Hall and Acueducto Hall. Next to these rooms there is also an outdoor terrace and kitchen.
Right in front of the Congress Center, in November 2012 the Metropolitan Theater opened its doors to all Queretaro residents seeking to enrich their culture.
The Metropolitan Theater has 3 rooms:
•The main hall seats 1,344 people; It is divided into four sections which makes visibility spectacular from any point. The stage has a mechanics of 49 rods with its engines, tramoya, 4 mobile platforms, an orchestra pit elevator, acoustic shell and whatever is necessary for the presentation of theater companies, concerts, premieres, dance, etc.
•The experimental theater has a capacity for 305 people, especially for events with a more intimate atmosphere; In the background it has a panoramic view of the city of Querétaro.
•Dance Hall, is specially dedicated to meet the needs of dance and theater groups. It has space for 135 people.
Cultural Centers
- Centro Educativo y Cultural del Estado de Querétaro Manuel Gómez Morín (CECECEQ)
- Centro Cultural Tejeda
- Centro Cultural El Portal del Diezmo
- Centro de las Artes de Querétaro, CEART
- CAC UNAM Campus Juriquilla
- University Centre for Musical Studies
- Centro de Arte y Cultura Querétaro
- Royal Colegio Santa Rosa de Viterbo
- Centro Cultural Casa del Faldón
- Centro Queretano de la Imagen
- Centro de Lectura Gabriel García Márquez
- The Old Railway Station
- ARTIUM, Centro Cultural Todos las Artes.
- The Factory
- Centro de Arte Bernardo Quintana Arrioja
- The Cartelera, A Theatrical Space.
- Santiago Cultural
Theaters and auditoriums
- Cineteca Rosalío Solano
- Theatre of the City
- Auditorio Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez
- Teatro Esperanza Cabrera
- Teatro de la República
- Auditorium of the Centro de las Artes de Querétaro (CEART)
- Multiple Forum of the City Museum
- Auditorium of the City Museum
- Clandestine Theater G
- Corrective Stadium of Queretaro
- Free Air Forum of the Querétaro Arts Centre, CEART
- Teatro Sol and Luna
- Mesón de los Cnomics de la Legua UAQ
- IMSS Theatre
- Teatrino of the City Museum
- Corral de Comedias
Houses of Culture
- Casa de Cultura el Marqués
- Casa de Cultura de Santa Barbara
- Casa de Cultura el Pueblito
- Casa de Cultura Candiles
- Casa de Cultura San Juan del Río
- Casa de Cultura Felipe Carrillo Puerto
- Casa de Cultura Ignacio Mena Rosales
- House of Bicentennial Culture
Human Development Centers
- Human Development Centre the Olvera
- Human Development Centre Joaquín Herrera
- Los Angeles Human Development Centre
- Human Development Centre Lomas de Balvanera
Plazas and Parks
- City Lives East
- Garden of Art
- Plaza de Armas
- Plazuela "Mariano de las Casas".
- Warrior Garden
- Plaza Fundadores
- Carlos de Sigüenza Public Library and Góngora
- Public Library Plutarco Elías Calles
- Querétaro Public Library 2000
Art schools
- Free School of Writers
- Free Film School
- Laudería School
- Escuela de Música Sacra y Conservatorio J. Guadalupe Velázquez
- La Criba
- Gallery Freedom
- Epigmenio González Delegation
- Children's Gallery of the Centro Cultural Casa del Faldón
- Main Gallery of the Centro de las Artes de Querétaro, CEART
- Galería Casa de los Leones del Centro Queretano de la Imagen
- Professional Gallery of the Centro de las Artes de Querétaro, CEART
Archaeological zones
Cerro Archaeological Zone and La Cruz Neighborhood
Located in the municipality of San Juan del Río, it is the oldest pre-Hispanic settlement in the state of Querétaro (1200 BC), the place where the conquest of this territory began. His old name: Iztacchichimecapan. On June 24, 1531 the Spanish arrived and peacefully conquered the town they named "San Juan" for being the day of San Juan Bautista and "del Río" by the mighty that bathes its shores. The ceremonial center is located on the edge of federal highway 57, right next to the bus terminal of the city of San Juan del Río.
The emergence of Ranas occurred perhaps towards the end of the Early Classic period, between AD 200 and 600. C., the latter date on which specialists have located its apogee, which must have lasted until around the year 1000 of our era.
Very possibly Toluquilla was related to the neighboring site of Ranas. Studies indicate that it remained occupied from the year 300 AD. C. until around 1300 AD.
This ceremonial, political, and administrative center likely played a prominent role in controlling cinnabar mining and trade routes in the area.
El Cerrito (Cerrito Pyramid)
Cerrito Pyramid: It is located 8 kilometers south of the state capital. It is very similar to the Media Luna pyramid in Tula, Hidalgo. Its architecture is of marked Teotihuacan influence.
The Archaeological Zone of El Cerrito is a construction of great proportions that was the head of a Mesoamerican pre-Hispanic settlement of great national importance. Here important vestiges have been found such as sculptures, tombstones, calendrical glyphs and various figurines. Its development dates back to the first millennium AD.
Pyramidal Basement: For almost a thousand years the site was exposed to climatic agents and increasing human intervention, which led to great deterioration. Even in the present century there were numerous cases of looting since there was no control, people simply found figurines and took them.
It was not until 1995 that the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) began to carry out work and managed to control almost half of the surface and rescue some pieces, which are found in the Regional Museum and in registered collections.
In this small archaeological zone, you can find a small museum of the site and in it some archaeological pieces. Now there are also small tours within the area and with guides who can explain it to you.
Paleontological vestiges
In the year 2002, archaeological remains of mammoths were discovered in the municipality of Corregidora and Amealco, These findings were made by locals and analyzed by anthropologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History.
The State of Querétaro has a very peculiar gastronomy, based on the typical products of the semi-desert, the agricultural and livestock activities of the region, and its viceregal heritage. Pre-Hispanic ingredients such as corn, chili, fruits and cacti predominate.
Queretan gastronomy is linked to civic festivities and religious traditions, since it has the opportunity to appreciate the magnificence of the kitchen. During these celebrations you can taste these dishes in the streets of downtown Querétaro, since for visitors and locals there are the popular festivals, where main courses, drinks, desserts or simply a snack are offered. Queretaro's cuisine with its richness, variety and presence is part of the national gastronomic heritage.
Currently, in each municipality of the State, popular fairs are held in which you can savor typical dishes of the region, such as tacos pasado, sweet potato, fresh waters, stew accompanied with colored tortillas, rice with pomegranate, egg bread or pulque, enchiladas and guacamole from Querétaro, gorditas of martajado corn stuffed with crumbs or cheese, charales, scrambled eggs; capirotado and fritters with piloncillo honey and guava among others. Querétaro has plum or other fruit wine and cured almond pulque. Tequisquiapan is known for being one of the main producers of cheeses and wines in the country, with the strangest and richest flavors.
- Migajas Gordites (filled with fried pork).
- Corn chunks and enchilado cheese.
- Queretanas enchiladas (of cheese).
- Snow of mantecado (from vanilla with cinnamon, raisins and dried fruit).
- "Natilla Queretana" (Nieve de dulce de leche con nuez).
- Guajolotes (chilled and fried foil, filled with enchilada, carrots, potatoes, onion, cream, chilies in vinegar and cheese), are currently also filled with unbrown carnitas or ham
- Baked catheter.
- Buñuelos (remoted in piloncillo sauce with guayaba and cinnamon).
- Borage barbeque (cocked in hole with maguey leaves).
- Crystal fruit (biznaga).
- Cajeta.
- Quiote (Tallo del maguey, which is cooked with piloncillo).
- Carnitas de Santa Rosa Jáuregui.
- Revoltillo (Huevo with green sauce, is prepared mainly in the Sierra Gorda - Jalpan).
- Atole de Teja (Elaborated with sunflower seeds, used in the Sierra Gorda - Pinal de Amoles).
- Tamales (Cheese with chili and sweet).
- Gold tacos.
- Red Pozole.
- Penca (Penca de maguey asada stuffed regularly with meat, chorizo and cheese).
- Garbanzas
- Rabbit in Penca
- Mole de pancita
- Camote and breast soup
- Chivo tapeado (smoothed with chili, traditionally cooked in a hole on the ground for 6 hours).
- Fillings (these are typical of the holy week period, are breads filled with chilacayote or rice with milk, caped and bathed in a powdered piloncillo sauce with toasted garnjoli)
Typical regional foods: -manzano chile also called plum -whole and raw goat's milk cheese -wine, Freixenet is the most produced brand in the state, it is a Spanish investment
Nunneries in Querétaro
- Real Convento de Santa Clara de Jesús, foundation made by Don Diego de Tapia. The religious who inhabited him came from Santa Clara and San Juan de la penitencia, from the Cd. of Mexico in 1607.
- Real Convento de Santa Rosa de Viterbo, manufactured by Don José Velázquez de Loria. Inhabited by the third-class sisters of San Francisco in 1670.
- Convent of Capuchins founded by Doctor Don José Torres and Vergara. Inhabited by the nuns of San Felipe de Jesús de la Cd. de México in 1721. This Convent was converted into prison by the Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg and General Miramon and Mejía.
- Carmelitas descalzas in Querétaro, his first benefactor, was Archbishop Juan Antonio de Vizarron and Eguiarreta.
- Convent of Saint Teresa of Jesus, the founder of the Marquesa de Salvanevada Doña Antonia Rodríguez de Pedroso, who resigned to his title and gave up all his flow to found the convent in 1802.
Pantheon of Illustrious Queretaros
The Pantheon of Illustrious Queretaros is the first civil pantheon that existed in the city of Querétaro. It dates from 1847, when it still belonged to the church. It is located in front of the viewpoint of the great aqueduct of Querétaro, known as the arches of the city, in the convent of the Santísima Cruz de los Milagros, a spiritual place that has become one of the most visited places in the city thanks to its role of silent witness to history, site of decisive battles and today home to the remains of the city's most notable historical figures, where homage is paid to the city's most illustrious men; whether they are heroes of Independence, founders, benefactors, architects, governors, teachers and artists.
In the center of the Pantheon is the Mausoleum of the Corregidora, which she shares with her husband, the Corregidor Miguel Domínguez. The ashes of Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez arrived in Querétaro from Mexico City on October 23, 1894 and those of the Corregidor on September 15, 1922.
Also inside the pantheon is the Chapel of the Virgen Dolorosa (original patron saint of the cemetery), and two of the great protagonists of the Independence movement rest there: Epigmenio González, José María Arteaga and Don Ignacio Pérez, also called "The Messenger of Freedom". Similarly, the remains of Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana, who donated a large part of his fortune to build the monumental aqueduct, fountains and bridges that today adorn Querétaro.
Another figure such as Valentín F. Frías, historian and writer who greatly enriched the history of the State through his works "the streets of Querétaro" and "Leyendas y tradiciones queretanas" is located in the pantheon. Like his contemporary poet and writer Miguel Ozores.
Road infrastructure
Querétaro is the crossroads of Mexico, since the two main highways that connect the northeast, the west and the center of Mexico meet here. Federal Highway 57 begins in Mexico City and goes to Piedras Negras, Coah. The municipalities located along this highway are called "the industrial corridor", and they are the most developed in the State. Federal Highway 45 connects to the west with Guanajuato and crosses in a west and northwest direction. in addition to the so-called Pan-American Highway. Due to their strategic importance, both highways receive large investments in the State.
The State Road Commission (CEC) is in charge of the state highways and roads, which make inter-municipal connections, as well as the additions to the federal highways and the capital of Queretaro. The small size of the state has allowed it to maintain itself as one of the best highway systems in the country.
Rail transport
Railways connect municipalities along the industrial corridor with Mexico City, and the rest of the country. However, this is used exclusively for cargo transportation. In 2012, the President of the Republic Enrique Peña Nieto announced the Mexico-Querétaro interurban train project.
Airport service
The State has one airport, the Querétaro Intercontinental Airport, located 22.5 km from the state capital and opened in December 2004 (IATA: QET, ICAO: MMQT). It is mainly a cargo airport that relieves the saturated air traffic of Mexico City, in addition, it offers passenger service through six airlines (Aeroméxico Connect, United Airlines, Volaris, Viva Aerobus, American Airlines and TAR), which connect the state with eight main destinations (Houston, Dallas, Tijuana, Cancun, Guadalajara, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Acapulco and Monterrey).
In addition, in Jalpan de Serra there is an aerodrome with a runway 1,200 m long. To date, it does not receive commercial flights and is essentially used to connect the Sierra Gorda region with Santiago de Querétaro, mainly by government aircraft.
Passenger transportation
The modern and spacious Querétaro Bus Terminal serves as a land link between the nearby entities (mainly) highlighting the departures to the Mexican capital at intervals of 20 min (up to 5 min on peak days and hours), in addition to destinations to practically any state population by means of buses from private companies.
The public transport network in the municipality of Querétaro and the surrounding area is efficient and has arrivals approximately every 10 minutes at any stop point. This generates less use of automobiles over short distances.
The specialized Transportation system of the State Government supports the transfer of people with disabilities and the elderly, through five routes that circulate through the main avenues of the capital of Queretaro.
The public transportation system that is currently known as Qrobús has great support for the Queretaro population, since it starts very early and with multiple departures, as well as the increase in new transportation routes. This generates no longer changing several routes to reach the desired destination.
- Diario de Querétaro
- Plaza de Armas
- News
- The Sun of San Juan del Río
- The Rigid
- Newspaper El Pueblito
- The Universal Queretaro
Radio stations
- Image
- Radio Formula
- Multiworld
- Acir Group
- Radio Capital
- Corporación Bajío Comunicaciones
- Radiophonic response
- Twilight Querétaro Radio
- Susupop
- EXA Cherokee
- EXA San Juan del Río
- Radio UAQ
- Azteca Querétaro
- Televisa Querétaro
- Wizz (formerly Cablecom; regional cable system)
- Megacable.
- SiiTV
- Telemedia Cable television.
- Maxcom TV (coding cable system)
- Dish (coding cable system)
- Radio and Television Querétaro
- Totalplay
Basic education in the State of Querétaro
An indicator of the state of education at this level is the number of students per teacher. Based on data from the Second Presidential Report for the 2008 to 2009 school year, we establish that in Querétaro there are 26.7 students for each teacher in basic education, occupying the first national position in this regard. On the other hand, to see how high this indicator is compared to other entities, we say that the number of students per teacher in this State is 2.23 standard deviations above the national average, which is 22.06 students per teacher.
Higher secondary education in the State of Querétaro
According to recent statistical data, included in the Government Plan of the Governor of the State of Santiago de Querétaro, Lic. José Calzada Rovirosa (2010-2015), enrollment at this level in the 2009-2010 school year amounts to 61,419 students served by 4,111 teachers in 213 schools. Each of the municipalities of the entity has at least one school of this educational level.
The coverage of upper secondary education constitutes a problem, considering that only 58.2% of the population between 16 and 19 years of age is enrolled in any of its options and modalities. After high school and before finishing high school, is when more students drop out of the educational system.
The secondary completion rate is 64.5% and the upper secondary education rate is only 42.9%. The low terminal efficiency registered by this subsystem is mainly due to failure and desertion.
The challenge of increasing coverage for the coming years is precisely at this level. In addition to improving the achievement of educational objectives, it is Terminal Efficiency.
Private schools in Querétaro
Due to the great economic and demographic growth of the state, the offer of private education has grown for a couple of decades. Some of the private schools from preschool to upper secondary levels are:
- Colegio Álamos
- Colegio Anglo Mexicano de Querétaro
- Colegio Austriaco Mexicano
- College Charles Dickens
- Colegio Fontanar
- Colegio Fray Luis de León
- College Great Britain
- Marcelina College
- Oakland College
- Colegio Plenus
- Colegio Salesiano Querétaro
- International School Querétaro Summits
- La Paz de Querétaro Institute
- Instituto Queretano Marista
- Maple Grove Academy
- Wellington School
University careers Queretanas best evaluated in 2009 - according to El Universal | ||
University, Campus | Race | Position |
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Campus Querétaro | Civil engineering | 4° |
Electronic Engineering | 3° | |
Industrial Engineering | 5° | |
Mechanical engineering | 2° | |
Mechatronic Engineering | 2° | |
Maths | 3° | |
Medicine | 4° | |
Dentistry | 5° |
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Campus Juriquilla
- Institute of Neurobiology
- Centre for Applied Physics and Advanced Technology
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering Institute, Academic Unit (LIPATA)
- Cultural Academic Center
- Campus Library
- Multidisciplinary Research and Teaching Unit (UMDI)
- High Technology Centre (CAT)
- International Human Genome Research Laboratory
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Airport)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Juriquilla)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Amealco)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Cadereyta)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Jalpan)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus San Juan del Río)
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro UAQ (Campus Tequisquiapan)
- Technological Institute of Querétaro ITQ (Campus Centro)
- Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro ITQ (Campus Norte)
- Technological Institute of Querétaro ITQ (Campus El Marqués)
- University Tec Millennium UTM (Campus Querétaro)
- Interglobal University (Campus Querétaro)
- University of the Valley of Mexico
- National Pedagogical University
- Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro UPQ
- Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ)
- Aeronautics University in Querétaro (UNAQ)
- Universidad Mondragón Mexico Before Universidad Contemporánea
- Univative University
- International University of Querétaro
- University of Advanced Studies (UNEA)
- Marist University of Querétaro
- Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río
- Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
- Technological University of San Juan del Río
- Universidad Liceo LES (Liceo Estudios Superiores)
- Anáhuac Querétaro University
- Cuauhtémoc University
- University of the Gulf of Mexico
- Technological University of Querétaro
- Normal School of the State of Querétaro
- University of León (Plantel Querétaro)
- University of London (UdeL City of Querétaro)
- Banking and Commercial School
Research centers
- Instituto Mexicano de Transporte (IMT)
- Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI)
- Research Centre in Applied Science and Advanced Technology of IPN (CICATA)
- Advanced Social Research Centre (CISAV)
- National Center for Research in Animal Physiology and Improvement (CENIF-MAI)
- Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica del Estado de Querétaro (CIATEQ)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Teaching in Technical Education (CIIDET)
- Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica (CIDETEQ)
- Materials Laboratory Queretaro Unit of CINVESTAV-IPN
- Center for Animal Production, Research and Extension (CEIEPAA-UNAM)
- Air Technology Centre (CENTA)
- National Metrology Centre (CENAM)
- Neurobiology Centre
- Institute of Earth Sciences (UNAM), Juriquilla Campus
- Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Carso (CIDEC)
- Transmissions and Mechanical Equipment (TREMEC)
- Centro Queretano de Recursos Naturales (CQRN)
- MABE Technology and Development
- Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias (INIFAP)
- UNAM Institute of Physics
Sport infrastructure | |||||||
Installation | M. Querétaro | M. San Joaquín | |||||
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | ||
Sports unit | 8 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
pools | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Football fields | 7 | 7 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Baseball fields | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Basketball fields | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
Volleyball court | 1 | 1 | ND | 0 | 1 | ND | |
ND = Not Available | |||||||
Infrastructure was not reported in the rest of the municipalities between 2005 and 2007. | |||||||
Source: Institute of Sport and Recreation of the State of Querétaro. |
The Estadio Corregidora in Querétaro is the home of the Gallos Blancos de Querétaro soccer team. As for basketball, the José María Arteaga Auditorium is the headquarters of the Libertadores de Querétaro who play in the National Professional Basketball League.
The duathlon event in the municipality of Tequisquiapan, climbing and rappelling in Peña de Bernal, hiking in Sierra Gorda, and regular tournaments in the six golf courses in the State are already famous.
The practice of Charrería, the national sport of Mexico, is also important in the state, with one of the largest charro canvases in the country, Rancho El Pitayo, near the community of Tlacote El Alto, which was the headquarters of the Congress and National Charro Championship in 2015.
The equestrian competitions with national qualification in the different clubs, and the bullfighting season in the four squares of the State.
In the State of Querétaro, sports are organized through Sports Associations.
The Olympic Stadium of Querétaro, located in the center of the municipality of Santiago de Querétaro, is the headquarters of the Gallos Negros American Football team, of the Professional American Football League of Mexico.
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Southwest: ![]() | South: ![]() | Sureste: ![]() |
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