

The protoplasm is the living material of the cell, that is, the entire interior of the cell (also the nucleus and the cytoplasm).

It is formed by the elements and chemical substances found in nature, forming non-living bodies or structures.

In a colloidal state, protoplasm is made up of the following substances:

  • Water: 75 to 80% of protoplasm, structural functions, conveyor, thermoregulator, solvent, lubricant.
  • Sales or electrolytes: of structural functions and pH regulators (acidity level): K (potasio), Mg (magnesium), P (phosphorus), S (azufre), Na (sodium), Cl (chloro).
  • Proteins: 10 to 15% of protoplasm, are organic molecules of different sizes formed by amino acids, their chemical composition is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which gives us a chain of amino acids. Its functions are structural (nails, hair); hormonal (hormones, for example insulin).
  • Enzymes: protein compounds that increase the speed of a chemical reaction (biological catalyst); and transport (oxygen transport).
  • Glucids: they are the fuel source of the cells and are molecules that are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its functions are to store energy for the cell (as a primary source) and constitute cell walls.
  • Lipids (neutral fats, phospholipids, cholesterol): they are insoluble substances in water but soluble in organic solvents. Its chemical composition is also carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They serve as an energy reserve, thermal insulation and to form the cell membrane that gives protection to cell organs and structures.

Cellular properties

Protoplasm has 3 fundamental physiological properties, irritability, metabolism and reproduction.

  1. La irritability is the ability of the protoplasm to respond to a stimulus, which determines its ability to adapt to the environment.
  2. The metabolism is the fundamental process that characterizes life and that includes all the chemical reactions that take place in a cell. Some metabolic reactions are related to the synthesis of protoplasma (anabolic) and others are involved in its disintegration (catabolic), metabolism includes a number of functional processes such as digestion, breathing, absorption and excretion.
  3. La reproduction is the formation of new cells similar to the original, through direct division mechanisms or amitosis or indirect division or mitosis; the latter is the most frequently observed in animal cells. In addition, there is a special form of cell division that occurs in the maturing stage of sexual cells or gametes, called meiosis.

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