

A principality is a form of government in which the head of state is a prince. This model of government occurred a lot in the Middle Ages and the Modern Age in the periods that are covered from the 15th to the 18th century, the principalities were politically speaking, small regions that depended on the medieval metropolis.

Current Principalities

Currently there are, among others, those of Liechtenstein, Monaco and Andorra. It is also part of the official name of the Spanish Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias and of the United Kingdom, the Principality of Wales, for historical reasons. The titles of Prince of Asturias and Prince of Wales are held by the heirs to the crowns of Spain and the United Kingdom, respectively.

We also find other types of principalities, such as that of Catalonia, which received this name during the existence of the Crown of Aragon and was fully in force until the century XIX. However, in the Royal Decree of November 30, 1833 establishing the provincial division of Spain under Javier de Burgos, the only principality mentioned is that of Asturias, mentioning Catalonia just like that.

There are currently three sovereign states with the rank of principality, in which the prince is the head of state. Are:

  • AndorraFlag of Andorra.svgAndorra - Principality of Andorra
  • LiechtensteinBandera de LiechtensteinLiechtenstein - Principality of Liechtenstein
  • MonacoBandera de MónacoMonaco - Principality of Monaco

In addition, two historical regions maintain the institution on a purely honorary basis, part of two monarchical states, the prince being the successor to the throne of those states. Are:

  • Bandera de AsturiasAsturias - Principality of Asturias (Spain)
  • Bandera de GalesWales - Wales Principality (United Kingdom)

Historical Principalities

Principality of Antioch

The Principality of Antioch is one of the Crusader States in the Holy Land. In the First Crusade, Prince Bohemond of Taranto carried out a victorious military campaign to recover territories that Byzantium had lost to the Muslim advance. However, once his campaign was over with the capture of Antioch, Bohemond retained the territory, creating this principality.

Principality of Capua

The Principality of Capua was a de facto independent state, sometimes a vassal of the Byzantine or Holy Roman Empire, in southern Italy between the 8th century and XII. Its eponymous capital was the city of Capua.

Principality of Catalonia

The Principality of Catalonia, which received this name during the existence of the Crown of Aragon and was fully in force until the XIX. However, in the Royal Decree of November 30, 1833 establishing the provincial division of Spain under Javier de Burgos, the only principality mentioned is that of Asturias, mentioning Catalonia just like that.

Principality of Galilee

The Principality of Galilee was one of the four seigneuries of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, according to John of Ibelin, the commentator of the XIII. The principality itself was centered around Tiberias, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, but by adding the vassal territories, the domain encompassed all of Galilee and southern Phoenicia (now Lebanon). The Principality had among its vassals the Duchies of Beirut, Nazareth, and Haifa, which often had an enormous number of sub-vassals. The independent city of Sidon was in the middle of the Galilean lands. There are reasons to doubt Galilee's position as the lord of some of these lands.

Principality of Viana

The principality was created by Carlos III of Navarre for his grandson Carlos de Trastámara, heir to the Kingdom of Navarre on January 20, 1423. The title is still in use today, falling to the heiress to the throne of the Kingdom of Navarre, Doña Leonor de Borbón, Princess of Asturias, Princess of Gerona and Princess of Viana.

Principality of Girona

The principality that occurred between the X century and the XX in these lands, it was called the Geronese Royal Community Principality. The title is currently still in use, falling on the heiress to the throne of the Crown of Aragon, Doña Leonor de Borbón, Princess of Asturias and Princess of Gerona.

Principality of kyiv

The Principality of kyiv or Rus' of kyiv was the first East Slavic state, ruled from the city of kyiv, now in Ukraine, from about 880 to the mid-12th century. The reigns of Vladimir the Great (980-1015) and his son Yaroslav I the Wise (1019-1054) marked the golden age of Kiev, which saw the acceptance of Orthodox Christianity and the creation of the first legal code written in the Slavic language, the Ruskaya Pravda.

Principality of Lucca and Piombino

The Principality of Lucca and Piombino, which on June 23, 1805 at the request of the Senate of Lucca, was constituted the Principality of Lucca and Piombino, which was assigned to Napoleon Bonaparte's sister Elisa Bonaparte and her husband Felice Baciocchi.

Principality of Moscow

Muscovy, Principality of Moscow was the name of the Russian state between the 14th and 16th centuries. The Grand Principality of Moscow, as this state is known in Russian documents, was the successor to Kievan Rus' in its northern territories and the predecessor of the Russian Tsarate, which in turn preceded the Russian Empire.

Principality of Orange

The Principality of Orange was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire founded in 1173 from Orange County. From 1431 to 1544 it was independent and since then it belonged to the Kingdom of France. It was finally dissolved in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht.

Principality of Pindus and Voivodeship of Macedonia

The Principality of Pindus and Macedonian Voivodeship was an autonomous state during World War II under the control of Italy. The Pindus is a mountainous region in Northern Greece and in the southern part of Albania and North Macedonia, inhabited by Vlachs (Aromuns), Megleno-Romanians and Macedonians.

Principality of Serbia

The Principality of Serbia was a state that existed from 1815 to 1882. It was founded after the Second Serbian Uprising, and existed until 1882, when the Kingdom of Serbia was proclaimed.

Principality of Sperlinga

The Principality of Sperlinga was a state that existed between the years 1597 and 1658. It was founded after Giovanni I Natoli of Sperlinga, and existed until 1597, when the Kingdom of Natoli was proclaimed.

Principality of Tarragona

It received the name Principality of Tarragona from a feudal government concession granted by Bishop San Olegario in 1128 to Roberto de Aguiló with the authorization of the Pope, as a donation made by Ramón Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona, to repopulate and make fruitful the lands of the old Tarragona headquarters and the surrounding countryside of Tarragona, which had been depopulated during the Muslim domination.

On the death of the concessionary bishop, Oleguer of Barcelona, the donations had to be agreed again and the bishop who succeeded him, Bernardo Tort, proposed a new assignment agreement whose terms did not satisfy Roberto de Aguiló and the new archbishop, with the approval of Pope Leo IX, he restored the government of these lands to the domain of Count Ramón Berenguer IV of Barcelona in 1151.

Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal

The Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal, Grand Duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal or Rus of Vladimir-Suzdal was one of the great principalities that they succeeded Kievan Rus as the major Slavic power from the late 12th century to the late 14th century. Traditionally considered the cradle of the Russian language and nationality, Vladimir-Suzdal would gradually evolve into the Grand Principality of Muscovy.

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