Prime Minister of Israel


The prime minister of Israel (in Hebrew, ראש הממשלה‎ Rosh HaMemshalah, lit. Head of Government (Arabic: رئيس الحكومة‎ Ra'īs al-Ḥukūma) is the head of government of the State of Israel.


Black Curtain hiding the entry into the residence of the Prime Minister of Israel

Israel is a parliamentary republic, so it has both a head of state, the president of Israel, who holds largely ceremonial powers (except for a few), and a head of government, the prime minister, who holds the executive power. The prime minister's official residence, Beit Aghion, is in Jerusalem.

After an election, the president nominates a member of the Knesset to become prime minister after asking party leaders who they support for the position. The nominee has 42 days to form a viable coalition. He then presents a government platform and must receive a vote of confidence from the Knesset to become prime minister. The Knesset's vote of confidence is received by obtaining a relative majority in the assembly.

In practice, the prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the ruling coalition. Elections for the Knesset are held every 4 years, so that is the maximum term for a prime minister without a re-election election. However, few Israeli governments have managed to complete the four legislature years that they should. Between 1996 and 2001, the prime minister was directly elected, separate from the Knesset.

Unlike most prime ministers of parliamentary republics, the prime minister is both de jure and de facto chief executive. This is because Israel's Basic Laws explicitly vest executive power in the government, of which the Prime Minister is the leader.

The current prime minister is Benjamin Netanyahu, being the longest serving president and with the most governments formed. The first to hold the position was David Ben-Gurion, leader of the Mapai, a center-left party that was the predecessor of the current HaAvodah. The only woman to lead the Israeli government was Labor Golda Meir.

List of Prime Ministers of Israel

N.oPortrait Name Political party
(Electoral Coalition)
Term in office Election (Knesset) Government
1Zalman Shneor at Bialik Prize award ceremony (cropped).jpgDavid Ben-Gurion
Mapi 14 May 194810 March 1949 - Provisional Mapi • Mapm • Hapoel HaMizrachi • New Alia • S blind • Mizrachi • General Zionists • Agudat Yisrael
10 March 19491 November 1950 1949 (1°) 1 Mapi • United Religious Front • Progressive • S ignoreO • Democratic List of Nazareth
1 November 19508 October 1951
8 October 195124 December 1952 1951 (2°) Mapi • Mizrachi • Hapoel HaMizrachi-Agudat Yisrael-Poalei Agudat Yisrael • Democratic List for Israeli Arabs • Agriculture and Development
24 December 195226 January 1954 Mapi • General Zionists • Progressive • Mizrachi • Hapoel HaMizrachi • Democratic List for Israeli Arabs-Work and Progress-Agriculture and Development
2Moshe Sharett Portrait cropped.jpgMoshe Sharett
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Mapi 26 January 195429 June 1955
29 June 19553 November 1955 Mapi • Mizrachi • Hapoel HaMizrachi• Democratic List for Israeli Arabs-Work and Progress-Agriculture and Development
(1)Zalman Shneor at Bialik Prize award ceremony (cropped).jpgDavid Ben-Gurion
Mapi 3 November 19557 January 1958 1955 (3rd) Mapi • Mafdal • Mapm • Ahdut HaAvodá • Progressive Party • Democratic List for the Israeli Arabs-Work and Progress-Agriculture and Development • Progress and Development-Cooperation and Brotherhood
7 January 195817 December 1959
17 December 19592 November 1961 1959 (4th)
2 November 196126 June 1963 1961 (5°) 10° Mapi • Mafdal • Ahdut HaAvodá • Poalei Agudat Yisrael • Progress and Development-Cooperation and Brotherhood


Portrait of prime minister Levy Eshkol. August 1963. D699-070 (crop).jpgLevi Eshkol
ה ה ה ה
Mapi 26 June 196322 December 1964 11°
22 December 196412 January 1966 12°
Labour alignment
12 January 196623 January 1968 1965 (6th) 13° Alignment • Mafdal • Mapm • Independent Liberals • Poalei Agudat Yisrael • Progress and Development-Cooperation and Brotherhood • Gahal• Rafi
HaAvodá 23 January 196828 January 1969
28 January 196926 February 1969
-Portrait of Yigal Allon.jpgYigal Allon
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26 February 196917 March 1969
4Dan Hadani collection (990044371800205171).jpgGolda Meir
↓ ה ה ה
17 March 196915 December 1969 14th
15 December 196910 March 1974 1969 (7th) 15° Alignment • Gahal • Mafdal • Independent Liberals • Progress and Development-Cooperation and Brotherhood
10 March 19743 June 1974 1973 (8°) 16° Alignment • Mafdal • Independent Liberals
5Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - ISRAEL AMBASSADOR TO U.S.A. YITZHAK RABIN AND HIS WIFE LEAH (1) (crop).jpgIsaac Rabin
сторики станики стастаники
3 June 197422 April 1977 17° Alignment • Independent Liberals • Ratz • Mafdal
-Shimon Peres (1986).jpgShimon Peres
أعربية Русский أعربية
22 April 197720 June 1977
6Menachem Begin, Andrews AFB, 1978.JPGMenájem Beguin
أعربي ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
Likud 20 June 19775 August 1981 1977 (9th) 18° Likud • Mafdal • Agudat Yisrael • Dash
5 August 198110 October 1983 1981 (10th) 19° Likud • Mafdal • Agudat Yisrael • Tami • Telem-Movement of the Renewal of Socialist Zionism • Tehiya
7Yitzhak Shamir (cropped 2).jpgYitzhak Shamir
ה ה ה ה
Likud 10 October 198313 September 1984 20°
8Shimon Peres (1986).jpgShimon Peres
أعربية Русский أعربية
13 September 198420 October 1986 1984 (11th) 21° Alignment • Likud • Mafdal • Agudat Yisrael • Shas • Morasha • Shinui • Ometz
(7)Yitzhak Shamir (cropped 2).jpgYitzhak Shamir
ה ה ה ה
Likud 20 October 198622 December 1988 22nd
22 December 198811 June 1990 1988 (12th) 23° Likud • Alignment • Mafdal • Shas • Agudat Yisrael • Degel HaTorah
11 June 199013 July 1992 24° Likud • Mafdal • Shas • Agudat Yisrael • Degel HaTorah • New Liberal Party • Tehiya • Tzomet • Moledet • Peace and Integration Unit • Geula
(5)Yitzhak Rabin (1986) cropped.jpgIsaac Rabin
сторики станики стастаники
HaAvodá 13 July 19924 November 1995 1992 (13th) 25° HaAvoda • Meretz • Shas • Yiud
-Shimon Peres (1986).jpgShimon Peres
أعربية Русский أعربية
HaAvodá 4 November 199522 November 1995 26°
(8)22 November 199518 June 1996
9Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu (crop).jpgBenjamin Netanyahu
لون من و من و منانامنانان
Likud 18 June 19966 July 1999 1996 (14th) 27° Likud-Gesher-Tzomet • Shas • Mafdal • Yisrael BaAliyah • Yahadut HaTorah • Third Way
10Ehud Barack 1999 (1).jpgEhud Barak
מווה ה
6 July 19997 March 2001 1999 (15°) 28° Israel • Shas • Meretz • Yisrael BaAliyah • Center Party • Mafdal • Yahadut HaTorah

Ariel Sharon Headshot (1).jpgAriel Sharon
أعربي أع أع من منان
Likud 7 March 200128 February 2003 2001 29° Likud • HaAvodá-Meimad • Shas • Center Party • Mafdal • Yahadut HaTorah • Yisrael BaAliyah • National Union-Yisrael Beitenu • New Way • Gesher
28 February 200321 November 2005 2003 (16th) 30° Likud • Shinui • National Union • Mafdal • HaAvodá-Meimad • Agudat Yisrael
Kadima 21 November 200514 April 2006 Kadima • Likud • Agudat Yisrael
-Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - P.M. Olmert with Shahar Peer and Udi Gal (cropped) (cropped).jpgEhud Olmert
מוווה אוהמהרהט
Kadima 4 January 200614 April 2006
1214 April 20064 May 2006
4 May 200631 March 2009 2006 (17th) 31° Kadima • HaAvoda • Shas • Gil • Yisrael Beitenu
(9)Netanyahu official portrait (cropped1).jpgBenjamin Netanyahu
لون من و من و منانامنانان
Likud 31 March 200918 March 2013 2009 (18th) 32° Likud • Yisrael Beitenu • Shas • HaAvoda(Independent) • HaBayit HaYehudi • Yahadut HaTorah
18 March 20136 May 2015 2013 (19°) 33° Likud • Yesh Atid • HaBayit HaYehudi • Yisrael Beitenu • Hatnuah
6 May 2015April 9, 2019 2015 (20°) 34° Likud • HaBayit HaYehudi • Shas • Yahadut HaTorah • Yisrael Beitenuuntil 18 November 2018)
-April 9, 201917 September 2019 April 2019 (21°)
17 September 201917 May 2020 September 2019 (22°)
(9)17 May 202013 June 2021 2020 (23°) 35° Likud • Kajol Lavan • Shas • Yahadut HaTorah • HaAvodá/(Independent) • Derekh Eretz • Gesher • HaBayit HaYehudi
13Naftali Bennett Official (cropped).jpgNaftali Bennett
מווווווה ل أن
Yamina 13 June 20211 July 2022 2021 (24°) 36° Yesh Atid • Kajol Lavan • Yamina • HaAvoda • Yisrael Beitenu • Tikva Jadashá • Meretz • Ra'am
14Yair Lapid (D1237-011) (cropped).jpgYair Lapid
ה ה
Yesh Atid 1 July 202229 December 2022
(9)Netanyahu official portrait (cropped1).jpgBenjamin Netanyahu
لون من و من و منانامنانان
Likud 29 December 2022Position2022 (25°) Thirty-seventh Likud • Shas • Yahadut HaTorah • Religious Zionist Party • Otzma Yehudit • Noam


Benjamín NetanyahuYair LapidNaftali BennettBenjamín NetanyahuEhud OlmertAriel SharónEhud BarakBenjamín NetanyahuShimon PeresIsaac RabinIsaac ShamirShimon PeresIsaac ShamirMenájem BeguinShimon PeresIsaac RabinGolda MeirYigal AllonLevi EshkolDavid Ben-GuriónMoshé SharetDavid Ben-Gurión

List of presidents by tenure in office

  1. Benjamin Netanyahu: 15 years and 91 days (in two non-consecutive periods of 3 years and 18 days and 12 years and 73 days, plus one current third)
  2. David Ben-Gurion: 13 years and 112 days (in two non-consecutive periods of 5 years and 258 days and 7 years and 229 days)
  3. Yitzhak Shamir: 6 years and 242 days (in two non-consecutive periods of 339 days and 5 years and 268 days)
  4. Yitzhak Rabin: 6 years and 132 days (in two non-consecutive periods of 3 years and 18 days and 3 years and 114 days)
  5. Menachem Begin: 6 years and 113 days (in two consecutive periods)
  6. Levi Eshkol: 5 years and 247 days
  7. Ariel Sharon: 5 years and 39 days (including 100 days in the period for 'temporary inability')
  8. Golda Meir: 5 years and 19 days
  9. Shimon Peres: 3 years and 67 days (in three non-consecutive periods of 59 days, 2 years and 37 days and 227 days)
  10. Ehud Olmert: 2 years and 351 days
  11. Moshe Sharett: 1 year and 281 days
  12. Ehud Barak: 1 year and 245 days
  13. Naftali Bennett: 1 year and 18 days
  14. Yair Lapid: 5 months and 28 days
  15. Yigal Allon: 19 days

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