President of the Generalitat of Catalonia


The president of the Generalitat of Catalonia (in Catalan, president of the Generalitat de Catalunya; in Occitan, president dera Generalitat de Catalonha) holds the highest representation of the Generalitat and the ordinary representation of the State in the autonomous community of Catalonia. Likewise, he directs and coordinates the action of the autonomous government. He is chosen by the autonomous Parliament from among its deputies and appointed by the King of Spain.

The current president of the Generalitat of Catalonia is Pere Aragonès, appointed by the king on May 22, 2021 and who took office on the 24th of that month, after being sworn in by an absolute majority of the Parliament of Catalonia.


The election of the president of the Generalitat is established in articles 152.1 of the Spanish Constitution and article 67.2 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 2006, and is displayed by articles 49 et seq. of law 3/1982 as well as by articles 127 and 128 of the regulation of the Parliament of Catalonia of 2005. In the election of the president there are 3 clearly specified phases:

  • 1.a phase: once the autonomous elections are held and the Parliament has resigned, passed away or lost a question of confidence by the regional president, the president of the Parliament of Catalonia conducts a round of consultations with the different representatives of the political groups and proposes a candidate for the presidency of the Generality, which is obligatory to be a member of the Parliament.
  • 2.a phase: the proposed candidate, if he accepts the designation, has to expose the government program that seeks to form and request the confidence of the regional parliament, in a plenary session called "debate de investidura". At the end of the debate, the vote was taken, in which the candidate was investigated, provided that he obtained a number of affirmative votes equal to or greater than the absolute majority of the chamber. In case of not getting it, it would go to a second round, two days later where the candidate would be invested by a simple majority. In the case, that the candidate had not gained the confidence of the parliament in any of the two rounds, the president of the regional parliament would have to present new candidates successively with the maximum term of two months. After that time without investigating a president, parliament is self-dissolved and new elections are called.
  • 3.a phase: the president of parliament, in case a proposed candidate has been chosen, must communicate the decision of the parliament of Catalonia to the king of Spain. Within 5 days, the king, who is the only one who has such a faculty, must appoint him as the autonomous president of Catalonia, with the good looks of the president of the government.


The causes for cessation of functions of the president of the Generalitat are established by article 59 of law 3/1982 and articles 129 and following of the regulation of the Parliament of Catalonia of 2005. The causes for cessation of the president are:

  • The adoption of a motion for censorship, which in the event of admission to proceedings, proceeds to the holding of a debate in which the president and the candidate proposing the matter can intervene. In the case of approval, the president is dismissed, just like the rest of the government and the candidate explicitly proposed in the motion is invested as new president.
  • For the denial of a motion of trust, in which, after a previous debate, if the President is denied confidence, he is ceased in conjunction with the other members of the Government.
  • Dimission.
  • Because of the notorious physical and mental incapacity recognized by the Catalan Parliament and which disqualifies the president from exercising his functions.
  • For death.

In the penultimate and last case, the president of the Parliament of Catalonia assumes the functions of the president of the Generalitat, and must prepare the elections of a new Catalan Parliament for the election of a new president.

List of presidents

Presidents of the Generalitat of Catalonia since 1977

Legislature Government President of the Generality of Catalonia Start of mandate End of mandate Notes
1.°(Josep Tarradellas) Adolfo Suárez junto al presidente de la Generalitat de Cataluña a su llegada a Barcelona. Pool Moncloa. 24 de febrero de 1979 (cropped) (cropped).jpegJosep Tarradellas
Firma Josep Tarradellas sense fons.png
17 October 1977 8 May 1980
See notes
After the restoration of the Generality, he is appointed president of the General Assembly by the Government of Adolfo Suárez.
Ciu 1980s.png
Pujol I
2.°Jordi Pujol 1980s (cropped).jpgJordi Pujol
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura d'en Jordi Pujol.svg
24 April 1980 30 May 1984
See notes
Member of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia within the list of Convergence and Union. He took office as a result of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia in 1980 and repeated his legislature in the following elections of 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995 and 1999.
Ciu 1980s.png
Pujol II
30 May 1984 22 June 1988
Ciu 1980s.png
Pujol III
22 June 1988 9 April 1992
Ciu 1980s.png
Pujol IV
9 April 1992 16 December 1995
Convergència i Unió (logo).jpg
Pujol V
16 December 1995 16 November 1999
Convergència i Unió (logo).jpg
Pujol VI
16 November 1999 16 December 2003
Logotip del PSC.svgLogo de ERC (antiguo).svg
Logo ICV-EUiA.svg
3.°Pasqual Maragall 2004 (cropped).jpgPasqual Maragall
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura d'en Pasqual Maragall.svg
16 December 2003 24 November 2006
See notes
Mayor of Barcelona (1982-1997). Member of the Party of the Socialists of Catalonia, accesses the post as a result of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia of 2003/small/2005
Logotip del PSC.svgLogo de ERC (antiguo).svg
Logo ICV-EUiA.svg
4.°José Montilla 2008 (cropped).jpgJosé Montilla
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura de José Montilla.svg
24 November 2006 23 December 2010
See notes
Member of the Party of the Socialists of Catalonia, accesses the post as a result of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia of 2006
Logo CiU.png
More I
5.°Artur Mas 2010c (cropped).jpgArtur Mas
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura Artur Mas.svg
23 December 2010 21 December 2012
See notes
Member of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia within the list of Convergence and Union. He takes office as a result of the 2010 elections to the Parliament of Catalonia and repeats in the next 2012 legislature.
Logo CiU.png
Mas II
21 December 2012 12 January 2016
Junts pel Si teal.png
6.°Carles Puigdemont 2016b (cropped).jpgCarles Puigdemont
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura de Carles Puigdemont – transparent background.png
12 January 2016 28 October 2017
See notes
Member of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia within the list of Junts pel Yes. He takes office as a result of the 2015 elections to the Parliament of Catalonia.
Suspension of autonomySoraya Sáenz de Santamaría 2018b (cropped).jpgSoraya Sáenz de Santamaría assumed the competencies
as Vice-President of the Government of Spain
28 October 2017 17 May 2018
See notes
Cowboy. Functions and powers suspended by the president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, and delegated to the vice president of the Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría following the application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution.
Junts per Catalunya.svg ERC logotipo compacto.svg
7.Quim Torra 2018b (cropped).jpgQuim Torra
Representative of Barcelona
Firma de Quim Torra i Pla.svg
17 May 2018 28 September 2020
See notes
Eleventh candidate for the Barcelona constituency, where he was chosen with the list of Junts per Catalunya. He takes office as a result of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia in 2017. Disqualified by a judgement of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia for disobedience ratified on 28 September 2020 by the Supreme Court.
8.°Pere Aragonès 2018 (cropped).jpgPere Aragonès
Representative of Barcelona
Signatura Pere Aragonès i Garcia.png
30 September 2020
(in functions)
24 May 2021
(in functions)
See notes
Member of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in the elections of February 14, 2021. He takes office as a result of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia of 2021.
ERC logotipo compacto.svg Junts per Catalunya (2020).svg
24 May 2021 Position


Pere AragonèsQuim TorraCarles PuigdemontArtur MasJosé MontillaPasqual MaragallJordi PujolJosep TarradellasJosep IrlaLluís CompanysJuan MolesFrancisco Jiménez ArenasLluís CompanysJoan CasanovasFrancesc Macià

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