Portuguese economy


Portugal has transformed into a well-diversified, service-based market economy after joining the European Economic Community in 1986. Over the past two decades, successive governments have privatized many state-owned companies and sectors. key sectors of the economy, including the financial sector and telecommunications. The country joined the European Monetary Union in 1998 and adopted the euro on January 1, 2002.

During the 1990s, Portuguese economic growth was above the European Union average, but fell between 2001 and 2008. Its gross domestic product is close to ⅔ of the EU average.


In 2018, Portugal was the ninth world producer of olives (740,000 tons), the 16th world producer of pears (162,000 tons), the 17th world producer of tomatoes (1.33 million tons) and the world's 20th largest producer of grapes (778,000 tons). The country also produced, in the same year, 713,000 tons of corn, 431,000 tons of potatoes, 344,000 tons of oranges, 267,000 tons of apples, 160,000 tons of rice, in addition to lower yields of other agricultural products such as cabbage (137,000 tons), onion (130,000 tons), carrot (108,000 tons), wheat (67,000 tons), melon (57,000 tons), oats (55,000 tons), etc. Some of Portugal's most famous products are olive oil, wine, and Portuguese pears.

Current situation

Under the conservative government of Pedro Passos Coelho (2011-2015), Portugal engages in an "austerity policy" aimed at reducing the public deficit and revitalizing the private sector: reduction of the minimum wage and retirement pensions, increase in taxes and reduction of state aid. However, the deficit remains at 4.4% of GDP, which generates threats of sanctions by the European Union, precariousness and poverty increase in the country.

Macroeconomic data


GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

  • 2000: US$ 159,000 million (converted according to purchasing power parity). 173 000.8 million euros (type of conversion: 1 USD = 1,0882 € at 30/01/01)
  • 2006: US$ 192 572 million (nominal GDP)

GDP per capita

Comparison of nominal per capita GDP in Spain, Portugal and Mexico during the centuryXX.based on World Population, GDP and per capita GDP.

(Converted according to purchasing power parity). Year 2000

  • Year 2000: US$ 15,800

€17,193.56 (Conversion rate: 1 dollar = €1.0882 as of 01/30/01)

  • Year 2005 19 730

GDP distribution by sectors

According to 2008 data:[citation required]

  • Agriculture: 4 %
  • Industry: 25%
  • Services: 71 %

GDP Growth

In 2000, GDP growth was estimated at 2.7%.[citation required]

Inflation Rate

In 2000, the inflation rate was 2.8%.[citation required]

Consolidated gross debt of public administrations (% of GDP)

  • 2002: 55.5
  • 2003: 57.0
  • 2004: 58.7
  • 2005: 63.9

Trade balance

  • 2000: $41 billion, equivalent to €44 616.2 million
  • 2005: 61 100 million USD
  • 2000: 26 100 million USD or 28 402 million €
  • 2005: 38 $100 million USD
Balance (exports-imports)
  • 14 900 million USD or 16 214.18 million €

Economic data of the population

Employed population

  • About five million, according to data from 2000.

Employed population by sector

According to 1999 data, the employment percentages by productive sectors were:

  • Services: 60%
  • Industry: 30%
  • Agriculture: 10%

Unemployment rate

According to data from the European Union, the unemployment rate presented the following evolution between 2000 and 2005:

  • 2000: 12.0 %
  • 2002: 5.0 %
  • 2003: 6.3 %
  • 2004:
  • 2005: 7.6%


Their previous currency was the Portuguese escudo; since January 1, 2002 it is the euro.

Portugal in the international context

Despite its degree of development, Portugal's low demographic weight means that its specific influence in the international context is less than that of other European powers. According to data from the World Bank, Portugal ranks 30th in the ranking of largest economies by GDP, and 24th place if the indicator we use is Per Capita Income. Portugal has one of the lowest birth rates in the world (less than one child per woman) which will cause imminent population loss if the trend is not corrected in the coming decades. According to Eurostat, Portuguese healthcare also has very positive indicators (267 doctors and 365 beds per 100,000 inhabitants). Despite this, Portugal is the European country with the highest ratio of deaths from HIV (155 people per 100,000 inhabitants). On the other hand, according to the World Economic Forum, Portugal is the 46th country in the world in the Global Competitiveness Index. The following table can analyze the socioeconomic context of Portugal based on data from the World Bank, Eurostat and the World Economic Forum:

IndicatorValuePosition in the worldIncrease
Gross domestic product (nominal)228 539 250 000 USD
Source: World Bank (2020)
Richest countries in the world by GDP
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 47th position
112 649 895 USD 936 in 2000 (incr: 102.9 %)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2009
Surface92 391 km2
Source: World Bank (2008)
The world's largest countries
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 110.o
Population10 297 080 inhabitants
Source: World Bank (2020)
Most populous countries in the world
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: position 68.o
10,225,803 inhabitants in 2000 (incr: 4%)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2009
CO2 emissions5.5 tons
Source: World Bank (2007)
Countries with higher CO2 emissions
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 61st position
5,836 tons in 2000 (incr: -5,8%)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2007
Per capita income22 194 USD
Source: World Bank (2020)
Countries with the largest Renta Per Capita
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 39th position
11 600 USD in 2000 (incr: 97.5 %)
Source: Evolution between 1962 and 2009
Birth rate1 person
Source: World Bank (2008)
Countries with highest birth (children per woman)
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: position 171.o
1,52 persons in 2000 (incr: -34.2 %)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2008
% Internet users42.1 %
Source: World Bank (2008)
Countries with the highest rate of Internet users
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 51st position
16.43 % in 2000 (incr: 156.2%)
Source: Evolution between 1990 and 2008
Average days to create a company6 days
Source: World Bank (2009)
Faster countries for a company
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: post 151o
78 days in 2003 (incr: -92.3%)
Source: Evolution between 2003 and 2009
Energy consumption per inhabitant2363 kilograms
Source: World Bank (2007)
Countries with increased energy consumption per capita
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 50th position
2 473.16 kilograms in 2000 (incr: -4.5 per cent)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2007
Land dedicated to agriculture38.2 %
Source: World Bank (2007)
Countries with more land devoted to agriculture
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 105th position
41.86 % in 2000 (incr: -8.7 %)
Source: Evolution from 1961 to 2007
Power consumed4860 kilowatt-hour
Source: World Bank (2007)
Countries with more electricity consumed
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 39th position
4 013.96 kilowatt-hour in 2000 (incr: 21.1%)
Source: Evolution between 1960 and 2007
Forest area38 630 km2
Source: World Bank (2007)
Countries with greater forest area
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 70th position
35 830 km2 in 2000 (incr: 7.8%)
Source: Evolution between 1990 and 2007
Paved roads86 %
Source: World Bank (2004)
Countries with more paved roads
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 42nd position
86% in 2000 (incr: 0%)
Source: Evolution between 1994 and 2004
Life expectancy (women)82.4 years
Source: Eurostat (2008)
European countries sorted by highest life expectancy for women
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 24th position
80.2 years in 2000 (incr: 3%)
Source: Evolution from 1995 to 2008
Life expectancy (men)76.2 years
Source: Eurostat (2008)
European countries sorted by highest life expectancy for men
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 17th position
73.2 years in 2000 (incr: 4%)
Source: Evolution from 1995 to 2008
No. of cancer deaths155.6 deceased population
Source: Eurostat (2008)
European countries ordered by the number of deaths due to cancer
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 20th position
161.3 persons in 2000 (incr: -3.5 per cent)
Source: Evolution from 1995 to 2008
No. of HIV deaths6.3 deceased population
Source: Eurostat (2008)
European countries ordered by the number of HIV deaths
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 1st position
8.9 persons in 2000 (incr: -29.2%)
Source: Evolution from 1995 to 2008
No. of beds in hospitals365.1 units/100 000
Source: Eurostat (2004)
European countries sorted by number of beds in hospitals
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 29th position
381.6 units in 2000 (incr: -4.3 per cent)
Source: Evolution between 1996 and 2004
N.o. of active doctors267,8 doctors/100 000
Source: Eurostat (2004)
European countries sorted by number of active doctors
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 17th position
263.5 units in 2000 (incr: 1.6%)
Source: Evolution between 1996 and 2004
Global Competitiveness Index4,376 units
Source: World Economic Forum (2011)
Most competitive countries
Bandera de PortugalPortugal: 46th position
4,477 units in 2008 (incr: -2.3%)
Source: Evolution between 2008 and 2011

Foreign trade


The merchandise with the greatest weight in Portugal's imports for the period 2010-until April 2015 is presented below. The figures are expressed in US dollars, FOB value.

Imports of Portugal for the period 2010-up to June 2015 expressed in USD value FOB.
Mercy per tariff chapter
20102011201220132014January-April 2015
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and distillation products; bituminous materials; mineral waxes 11 013 679 814 14 020 194 332 14 852 474 661 14 714 678 052 13 165 006 655 2 567 900 126
Car vehicles, tractors and other ground vehicles, parts and accessories 8 417 246 338 8 082 401 652 582 200 790 6 063 189 087 7 565 855 318 2 502 255 235
Mechanical boilers, machines, appliances and devices; parts of these machines or appliances 5 958 635 114 5 870 653 582 5 304 314 918 5 669 433 885 6 357 640 226 1 735 865 536
Machines, appliances and electrical material, and parts thereof 5 774 017 777 5 842 250 479 5 100 269 663 5 200 208 132 5 430 730 658 1 480 685 436
Plastics and their derivatives 2 732 226 458 3 230 226 283 2 968 451 086 3 357 757 956 3 555 998 872 1 000 867 104
Packaging drugs 2 838 784 291 2 839 559 857 2 666 796 934 2 626 789 370 2 720 608 657 922 335 398
Iron and cast steel 2 284 718 852 2 729 663 529 2 362 598 021 2 565 145 899 2 598 353 459 768 133 153
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 1 560 431 457 1 817 218 828 1 699 601 584 1 712 603 669 1 846 239 834 534 650 881
Organic chemicals 1 190 011 516 1 493 367 822 1 818 605 724 1 658 141 060 1 497 331 714 346 989 276
Instruments and apparatus of optics, photography or cinematography, measuring, control or precision; instruments and medical apparatuses; parts and accessories of these instruments or apparatuses 1 353 702 747 1 362 691 441 1 240 269 703 1 362 817 915 1 427 579 910 426 328 347
More chapters 28 353 469 524 30 972 809 535 27 733 099 469 30 169 137 321 31 396 446 702 8 666 599 218
Total71 476 923 88978 261 037 34071 328 682 55375 099 902 34677 561 792 00520 952 609 711


The following are Portugal's main trading partners for the period 2010-April 2015. Most of its importers are in Europe except the United States and Angola. The figures expressed are in US dollars FOB value.


Exports from Portugal for the period 2010-up to June 2015 expressed in USD value FOB.
Importing country
20102011201220132014January-April 2015
Spain 12 197 779 135 14 363 875 167 12 967 663 263 14 890 249 681 15 095 878 188 4 592 614 253
Germany 5 994 782 921 7 832 104 410 7 237 363 761 7 326 797 760 7 497 792 805 2 244 151 802
France 5 398 106 454 6 925 714 323 6 806 966 823 7 290 011 693 7 517 400 983 2 246 949 299
Angola 2 533 202 172 3 165 393 906 3 852 439 033 4 144 128 614 4 200 992 445 806 990 168
United Kingdom 2 503 450 719 2 902 451 272 3 015 548 790 3 451 311 926 3 896 227 360 1 203 558 533
United States 1 628 700 680 1 981 760 889 2 401 280 058 2 660 273 709 2 799 232 164 883 285 294
Netherlands 1 621 924 185 2 263 970 470 2 391 413 735 2 533 543 775 2 541 643 838 713 703 673
Italy 1 700 304 557 2 102 598 086 2 145 096 069 2 059 255 618 2 070 982 921 577 450 876
Belgium 1 222 012 427 1 823 166 254 1 775 811 813 1 790 715 217 1 727 754 197 425 401 447
Rest of the world 10 967 138 053 13 942 186 803 15 193 830 730 16 596 295 038 16 631 437 936 4 555 740 576
Total45 767 401 30257 303 221 58057 787 414 07562 742 583 03063 979 342 83718 249 845 921

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