

Collections of articles of Linguistics - (Portal)
Language study components
日本語 简体字 繁體字 Français Español العربعربية Русский Русский Δ (semantic)
Fields and subfields
Linguistics general 日本語 Linguistic Corpus 日本語 Interpretation 日本語 Lexicograph Русский
Interdisciplinary studies
Language Acquisition Δ Estudios Critical Analysis of Speech Δ Antropología Linguistics Δ Criptoanalysis Δ Desciframiento Δ Estudios Estilística Δ Filosofía del idioma Δ Linguistics antropológica Δ Linguistics applied Δ Linguistics cognitive Δ Linguistics computational Linguistics ü linguistics evolutiva
Formalism Δ Structurelismo Δ Transformational or Generative Grammar Δ Functionalism Δ Functional Systemic Grammar Δ Word Grammar 日本語 Estratificacional
Classification of the world ' s languages
the most spoken..............
Glossary of linguistic terms List of linguists
Other interesting links
Writing 日本語 简体字 简体字 繁體字 Français Español العربية Русский أعربية Русский SIL International (Summer Institute of Linguistics)

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