Portal: Judaism


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Portal de Judaism

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Welcome to Wikiportal of Judaism from Wikipedia in Spanish. This portal is intended for all those interested in Judaism. If you want to help, head to the Wikiproject:Judaism.

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. It is the oldest and the smallest of the three monotheistic religions—Christianism, Judaism and Islamism; also known as “religions of the book” or “Abrarahámicas”—and that of which the other two were historically broken down.

More about Judaism...
Did you know that?
  • ... Judaism is the oldest and the smallest of the three monotheistic religions?
  • ...there are approximately 14.5 million Jews all over the world?
  • ...now the most sacred place for the Jews is the Wall of Lamentations?
  • ...according to the Hebrew calendar we meet in the year 5781?
  • ...people like Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud or Hannah Arendt were Jews?
Featured article
Jaredis reading a sign in Jerusalem.

The Ultra Orthodox Judaism is an internal stream of Orthodox Judaism. Them syrup (in Hebrew: אה) (transliterated: Jaredim), they are also known as ultra-orthodox Jews, or as those who fear God, are Orthodox Jews whose religious practice is especially devoting. The syrups affirm, like all Orthodox Judaism, that the Torah delivered on Mount Sinai by God, with their respective laws, constitutes the "manual of instructions of the world". In other words, the Torah is the code that allows, in fundamental terms, the harmonious behavior of Creation and created, the regulation of its laws and principles and the methods that will lead each individual to join God to enjoy infinite delight, the ultimate goal of the creation of the world.

However, even though other orthodox Jewish groups (either jasydic or modern orthodox) accept this claim, there are differences between all groups in terms of behavior in non-legal areas; that is, in the field of individual and collective cosmovision, which is not regulated by the Torah.

The syrups often live outside the lay societies that surround them, including the beans, because they try to put biblical precepts into practice in a non-hospitable environment. Today they show a strong presence in Israel, where they have their own neighborhoods (and even their cities), their political parties, their trades and their schools. There are also groups of syrup in many Jewish diaspora communities, particularly in the United States and Western Europe. The syrups have their own newspapers, the most important of which is Hamodia ("The Announcer").
Selected image
Leopold Pilichowski: Sucot, 1894/95, Jewish Museum of New York
Holidays and days of mourning
  • Rosh Hashana
  • Yom Kipur
  • Sucot
  • Shemini Atzeret
  • Simjat Torah
  • Jánuca
  • Your Bishvat
  • The Omer account
  • Lag Ba'omer
  • Purim
  • Pésaj
  • Shavuot
  • Isru Jag
  • Hoshanah Rabbah
  • Fast of the 17th of Tamuz
  • Fast of 10 Tevet
  • Esther's fast
  • Fast of the firstborn
  • Fast of 9 Av
  • Fast of Guedaliá
Next holidays

Rosh Hashana is the Jewish festival It is the feast of the beginning of the year for the Jews. It is the first and second day of the month Tishrei and the Gregorian calendar, this year 2018 coincides with 9 and 11 September. It is usual to touch the shofar (an instrument that is a horn that blows) and eat apple with honey.

More about Rosh Hashana...
Who's Jewish?
Saul Bellow (1915-2005) was an American writer of Jewish origin. He was born in Canada, but he lived as a child in the United States. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976.
More about Saul Bellow...
  • Wikiproject: Judaism
  • Portal:Israel
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