

Popowia is a genus of phanerogamous plants with 132 species belonging to the Annonaceae family. They are native to Southeast Asia to Australia.


They are shrubs or small trees. Blade granular or subgranular in texture, glabrous, pubescent, or tomentose. The inflorescences of opposite or extra-axillary leaves. Small, bisexual flowers. Sepals 3, slightly smaller than the petals, valvate. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, petals stout. Stipitous, globose [or ovoid] subsessile monocarp fruits. Seed 1 per monocarp, rough or pitted and with a circumferential ridge.


The genus was described by Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher and published in Genera Plantarum 831. 1839. The type species is: Popowia pisocarpa (Blume) Endl.


  • Popowia gracilis Oliv. ex Engl. et Diels
  • Popowia hirta Miq.
  • Popowia louisii Boutique
  • Popowia ramosissima Hook. f. et Thomson
  • Popowia rufula Miq.
  • Complete list of species

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