Pontifical Javeriana University


The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) is a private Colombian university based in Bogotá and Cali. It was founded in 1623 and its name derives from San Francisco Javier. Its San Ignacio University Hospital was recently ranked as the third best hospital in Colombia, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. In 2020, the Faculty of Medicine was classified as the best in the country by the magazine Dinero, considering the results of the Saber Pro tests, carried out by ICFES. In recent years, the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences has positioned itself as the second best business school in the country, according to the French Eduniversal ranking.

The British magazine Times Higher Education has ranked it as the best university in Colombia for five consecutive years (2018-2022). In the 2023 edition of the QS World University Ranking, by Quacquarelli Symonds, it was ranked 13th in Latin America and consolidated as third in Colombia.

The university has been the training center of the Colombian elite. Among its graduates, the following stand out: Henry Krieger, Riyad al-Maliki, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Rodolfo Llinás, Vanessa de la Torre, Jorge Enrique Abello, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, Daniel Samper Pizano, Marta Lucía Ramírez, Jorge Alfredo Vargas, Paulina Vega and Ernesto Samper.[citation required]

It is run by the Society of Jesus and is considered one of the oldest and most traditional universities in Colombia. It is part of the Association of Universities Entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America (AUSJAL), a network made up of 30 universities, and the Association of Jesuit Universities (International Association of Jesuit Universities), which has 167 universities in the world.

In 2001, it was awarded as the first university in Colombia to receive High Quality Institutional Accreditation by the National Accreditation Council (CNA). On March 6, 2012, for a period of 8 years, it was renewed your accreditation. On July 22, 2020, it again renewed its accreditation, this time granted for a period of 10 years in the Multicampus category through resolution 013170. It is one of the only five universities accredited for 10 years in the country.

Additionally, it has 179 research groups recognized by Colciencias and manages one of the best library systems in the country, made up of 8 libraries located in Bogotá and Cali that house a collection of more than 430,000 volumes of printed books, 500,000 electronic books, 160 databases, 38,000 electronic magazines, 6,000 printed magazines, 11,000 film titles and approximately 4,800 sound recordings.

In order to promote the values of care, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, welcoming others and fraternity, on October 15, 2020, Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Catholic Education appointed the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), together with the Universidad Católica del Sagrado Corazón (Italy), the Universidad Notre Dame (United States) and the Australian Catholic University (Australia) to lead the Global Education Pact, thus establishing four thematic axes within which the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana leads the reflection on technology and integral ecology.

Currently, the Science 2022 project is underway, which proposes the renovation of the Faculty of Sciences at the Headquarters through the construction of a new building for it, which will have laboratories and high-tech classrooms and infrastructure in the that scientists of the highest level will be trained.[citation required]


Bacteriology student

In Bogota, it is made up of 18,661 undergraduate students and 4,628 graduate students; 3,314 professors (1,260 full-time and 2,054 full-time) and more than 1,900 administrative employees.

In Cali, it is made up of 6,805 undergraduate students, 1,207 postgraduate students and 1,232 professors (369 full-time and 863 full-time professors).

Between the Headquarters and the Cali Branch, the university has more than 18 faculties, 73 undergraduates, 123 specializations, 98 master's degrees, 16 doctorates, 9 ecclesiastical programs and 593 diplomas and courses.


Colonial Period

On July 19, 1621, Pope Gregory XV granted the University a document called In Supereminenti, the legal document that gave «university value to the courses given in the colleges of the Company of Jesus in America" and "gave the degrees a universal value". King Philip III, by means of the decree of February 2, 1622, ordered the authorities of America to execute the pontifical document, thus opening the way for the foundation of the Javeriana in the Colegio de la Compañía de Jesús in Bogotá, which today is known as the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé. Father Baltasar Mas, S.J., presented the Pontifical Brief and the Royal Certificate to the Academy of Santa Fe on June 13, 1623. Under these new conditions, the first degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Theology were awarded to those who had been Previously they had passed the corresponding courses at the Colegio de la Compañía de Jesús in Bogotá, today called the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé.

On June 23, 1704, the Academy of San Francisco Javier was elevated by Clement XII to the category of Public University, by virtue of the Brief "In Apostolicae dignitatis". The King of Spain, on his part, ratified the Pontifical Brief. Two years later, the first Law lessons began at the Javeriana University.[citation required]

After 143 years of work, on July 31, 1767, the fathers of the Society of Jesus had to leave the capital of the New Kingdom of Granada. This date marks the end of the first stage of the existence of the Javeriana University.

Current period

On October 1, 1930, 163 years after the University was closed, the Foundation Act of the Javeriana University was signed, restored in the Rectory of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé. In 1931 the first academic year was inaugurated with the Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated in the Church of San Ignacio of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé. On July 31, 1937, the feast of San Ignacio de Loyola, the Holy See canonically erected the Javeriana University, and on August 24 of the same year approved its statutes. At the beginning of the following year, it granted it the title of Pontifical University.

The headquarters of the university, at first, remained in the Plaza de Bolívar, in the classrooms of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé, until the forties, when it moved to Carrera Séptima with Calle 40, its current headquarters. The first rector (see Annex: Rectors of the Javeriana University) was Father José Salvador Restrepo, S.J., who was then the rector of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé.

On October 6, 1970, in response to the requests of the Valle del Cauca community and the specific efforts of a group of practicing accountants who aspired to obtain a professional university degree, a public accounting program was started in Cali that originated the so-called Extension of the Javeriana University of Cali. On November 20, 1978, the board of directors proposed the name Seccional de Cali, with an organization similar to that of the headquarters in the capital and under the same superior authorities. The council of regents, at the request of the board of directors, adopted the name of "seccional de Cali".

On May 16, 1985, the statutes governing the university were approved by the Colombian Government, in Resolution No. 5117 of the Ministry of National Education.[citation required]

In 2001, the National Accreditation Council (CNA) granted it High Quality Institutional Accreditation. On March 6, 2012, for a period of 8 years, its accreditation was renewed. On July 22, 2020, it again renewed its accreditation, this time granted for a period of 10 years in the Multicampus category, and it was thus the first university in Colombia to receive such recognition.

Emblems and symbols

The following descriptions correspond to information acquired from the General Regulations of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana approved in 1979.

Escudo de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Flag of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


“The coat of arms is made up of an oval field surrounded by laurel leaves, a symbol of excellence, in which the letters IHS are inscribed, taken from the seal of the Company of Jesus; On the crossbar of the Greek letter eta, written in capital letters, rests a cross. The field is crowned with a tiara with its pretenses and two crossed keys, which form the pontifical emblem.

“The keys, symbol of the mission entrusted to Saint Peter according to the Gospel, correspond to the logo formed by the first two letters of the apostle's name. The monogram formed by the letters IHS corresponds to the abbreviation of the name of Jesus written in Greek.”


“It is circular and has in the center the image of San Francisco Javier, Patron of the University, surrounded by the legend, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The word Colombia completes the circle of the legend at the bottom, above which the year 1623 appears, which corresponds to the legal inauguration of the University.”

This stamp was used for the first time in 1935, the year in which the first graduates of the University finished their studies. It is usually used in diplomas, degree certificates and ceremonial pieces. It is also used as the Rector's seal.


“The flag consists of three horizontal stripes, all of equal width: the upper one is yellow (Process T 5717), the central one is white, and the lower one is blue (Bronze 5129). These are the three institutional colors of the University.”

"Generally, the flag of the University is flown next to the flag of Colombia and the flag of the Holy See, in this order, from left to right"


Since its foundation, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana has had 45 rectors, considering the two acting rectors at the Headquarters and the Cali Branch.

According to the Statutes of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, the Rector, who is the personal government authority in charge of the general direction of the University and legal representation, will be appointed by the Grand Chancellor of the University, the P Arturo Sosa Abascal, S.J. and confirmed by the Holy See. The Rector's term will be six years and may be extended for up to three more years.[citation required]

Note: "To fulfill its functions and in accordance with these Statutes, the Society of Jesus may intervene in the direction of the University. It will designate the Rector of the University, the Sectional Rectors, the Vice-Rectors of the Headquarters and Sectional and the Deans of the Ecclesiastical Faculties. You may also participate in the appointment of other directors of the University".

Bogota Headquarters

Colonial Period

  1. Baltasar Mas Burgués, S.J. – 1623
  2. Sebastian Murillo, S.J. – 1628
  3. Francisco de Fuentes, S.J. – 1636
  4. Francisco Sarmiento, S.J. – 1639
  5. Baltasar Mas Burgués, S.J. – 1641
  6. Juan Manuel, S.J. – 1642 – 1645
  7. Pedro Fernández, S.J. – 1646
  8. Juan Gregorio, S.J. – 1651
  9. Francisco Varaiz, S.J. – 1653
  10. Juan Gregorio, S.J. – 1657
  11. Gaspar Cujía, S.J. – 1659
  12. Bartolomé Pérez, S.J.
  13. Juan de Santiago, S.J. – 1673
  14. Juan Martínez R., S.J. -1677 - 1681
  15. Francisco Alvarez, S.J. – 1682
  16. Pedro de Mercado, S.J. – 1686
  17. Pedro Calderón, S.J. – 1706
  18. Diego de Tapia, S.J. – 1733 – 1734
  19. Mateo Mimbela, S.J. – 1735
  20. Francisco Cataño, S.J. – 1737
  21. Jaime López, S.J. – 1738 -1741
  22. Tomás Casabona, S.J. – 1743 – 1749
  23. Ignacio Ferrer, S.J. – 1756
  24. Manuel Román, S.J. – 1761
  25. Manuel Zapata, S.J. – 1764 – 1765
  26. Nicolás Candela, S.J. – 1767

Current period

  1. José Salvador Restrepo, S.J. 1930 – 1932
  2. Jesús María Fernández, S.J. 1932 – 1935
  3. Alberto Moreno, S.J. (E) 1935
  4. Carlos Ortiz, S.J. 1935 – 1941
  5. Francisco Javier Mejía, S.J.(E) 1941
  6. Felix Restrepo, S.J. 1941 – 1950
  7. Emilio Arango, S.J. 1950 -1955
  8. Carlos Ortiz, S.J. (E) 1955 – 1956; (rector) 1956 – 1960
  9. Jesus Emilio Ramírez, S.J. 1960 – 1966
  10. Fernando Barón, S.J. 1966 – 1970
  11. Alfonso Borrero, S.J. 1970 – 1977
  12. Roberto Caro, S.J. 1977 – 1983
  13. Jorge Hoyos Vásquez, S.J. 1983 – 1989
  14. Gerardo Arango Puerta, S.J. 1989 – 1998
  15. Gerardo Remolina Vargas, S.J. 1999 – 2007
  16. Joaquín Emilio Sánchez, S.J. 2007 – 2014
  17. Jorge Humberto Peláez Piedrahita, S.J. 2014 – 2023
  18. Luis Fernando Múnera Congote, S.J. 2023 – Presente

Luis Fernando Múnera Congote, S.J., Rector of Bogotá Headquarters

Graduated in Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bachelor of Theology and Doctor of Philosophy from the Sèvres Center of the Society of Jesus in Paris. At the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, he was dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, and associate professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, where he held the position of career director. At the Cali Section, he worked in the area of social formation and coordinated the Specialization in Ethics and Values, where he also served as a professor of Ethics, Politics and Philosophy.

Cali Sectional

Since the statutory reform that established a new management scheme, creating the position of Section Chancellor in 2003, the following have held the position:

  1. Joaquín Emilio Sánchez, S.J. 2003 – 2007
  2. Jorge Humberto Peláez Piedrahita, S.J. 2007 – 2014
  3. Luis Felipe Gómez Restrepo, S.J., 2014 – Presente

Luis Felipe Gómez Restrepo, S.J., Chancellor of the Cali Section

Lawyer with a Master's in Economics and Business Administration, philosopher from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and theologian from the Sèvres Center of the Society of Jesus in Paris. He was director of the newspaper Editorial La Patria S.A., executive director of the Peace Program of the Company of Jesus, rector of the Berchmans College in Cali, president of the Network of Jesuit Colleges of Colombia-Acodesi.


Bogota Headquarters

It has 18 hectares of land and approximately 202,988 square meters of construction. In it, 45 buildings, 18 cafeterias, a building with 1,200 parking spaces and a travel agency are located. The headquarters is located in the Cataluña neighborhood, Carrera Séptima with Calle 42, and has consolidated its structure since 1940. It is bordered by powerful references of the city such as the National Park, to the south; the emblematic Seventh Race, to the west; the Eastern Hills and the traditional neighborhood of Chapinero, to the north. Today the University maintains its status as an open campus where any citizen can visit its interior.

This is a brief timeline of some of the most emblematic buildings of the Javeriana University:

  • 1951: The university began its development with the construction of the Emilio Arango building, S.J., today headquarters of the central government of the University.
  • 1955 is built the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio and the Barrientos Conto building, houses of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • 1954: the building Félix Restrepo, S.J. is opened with the programs of Bacteriology, Art and Decoration, Law, Nursing, Commerce, Philosophy and Letters and in 1959 the University House of Women, today called Carlos Ortiz building, S.J.
  • 1958: Architecture Workshops are opened.
  • 1976: opens to the public the building Jesus Maria Fernandez, S.J., which currently houses the Alfonso Borrero Cabal Library S.J., 20.
  • 1980-1990 a new stage of development began with buildings such as José Gabriel Maldonado, S.J. for the Faculty of Engineering, in 1991; Gabriel Giraldo, S.J., for the Faculty of Legal Sciences, in 1993; the classroom building Fernando Barón, S.J., in 1996 and in 1998 the Don Guillermo Castro Park Building for 1,200 vehicles.
  • 2000: the south east development of the University is consolidated with the Pedro Arrupe building, S.J. where are the Ecclesiastical faculties; the Javeriano Sports Training Centre and the Manuel Briceño building, S.J. for the Faculty of Social Sciences, Psychology and Philosophy, thus closing a cycle of development.
  • 2018: the "University Capital Development Master Plan" is launched along with a strict Ecological and Environmental Policy. Within the plan is the construction of the building of the Faculty of Arts, building Jorge Hoyos, S.J; Centro Ático, Unidad de Biología Comparativa; the building of Engineering Laboratory; the new headquarters of Faculty of Sciences and the facilities for Continua Education on 125th Street. The third step of the Master Plan projects the construction of the new headquarters for the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; an auditorium with capacity for 1,800 people; the Faculdad de Arquitectura and the expansion of the sports area with a pool above the circumvalar.

Cali Sectional

The campus of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali is located in the south of the city, in Pance, at the foot of the Farallones de Cali, which are part of the Andes Mountains, in a totally rural environment where vegetation and fauna typical of the region. The campus is made up of eight buildings (Las Palmas, Guayacanes, Aulas del Lago, Administrativo, Samán, Almendros, Educación Continua, Las Acacias and El Cedro Rosado (recently inaugurated). Two more buildings are currently being built on campus, which has It also has five cafeterias in which more than a dozen gastronomic options are distributed among restaurants, ice cream parlors and others, the Javeriana Store, two branches of the La Mercateria supermarket, one in the Guayacanes building and the other in the Almendros building. a large parking lot that surrounds the entire campus, a branch of Banco CorpBanca, and an MBA branch of Temple University's Fox School of Business.

The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences has international AACSB accreditation and has double degree agreements for undergraduate and master's programs with the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Catholic University of Lille in France, as well as with the IQS School of Management of the Ramon Llull University in Spain. The Faculty is endowed with a wide range of laboratories and centers oriented to the practice of business, finance and economics; among them are: the Accounting and Finance Laboratory (point of the Colombian Stock Exchange), the Design Factory Laboratory, the Marketing, Logistics and Mass Consumption Laboratory; the Games and Strategic Thinking Laboratory, the Applied Economics Laboratory (LEA) and the Campus Nova Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which promotes student business initiatives.

The Faculty of Engineering and Sciences received the ABET international reaccreditation in 2022 and has double degree agreements at the undergraduate and postgraduate level with the Turin Polytechnic and the Milan Polytechnic in Italy, the National Higher School of Electronics, Electrotechnics, Computer Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications in France and Aizu University in Japan. In addition, it is equipped with modern centers and specialized laboratories such as the Process Automation Center (CAP), the Central Mixing Laboratory, the Industrial Engineering Laboratory, the Environmental Research Laboratory, the Materials Laboratory, the Soils Laboratory and the Telecommunications Laboratory - Cisco.

Panoramics of the campus of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali Section

La Seccional also has one of the most complete library systems in southwestern Colombia, made up of the Central Library and three other satellite libraries; the Alfonso Borrero Cabal S.J. Auditorium; the Simulated Hospital Training Center - Clinical Simulation Laboratory; the Loyola Sports Center, adjacent to the university campus whose purpose is to promote sports activity among students; the Language Center, with a wide variety of foreign language courses at all levels; and the Xaveriano Writing Center, the first of its kind in Colombia, whose purpose is to help students develop their writing skills.

Javerian identity

Within the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana there is a strong component of Integral Formation in which the promotion of the educational principles of the Society of Jesus, the construction of community and internal growth are prioritized, understood as a participatory and continuous process that seeks coherent and balanced development. of its students, professors, administrators and graduates in all dimensions of the human being (ethical, spiritual, cognitive, affective, communicative, aesthetic, sociopolitical, environmental, social, etc.).

"The specific purpose of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is the Integral Formation of People and the creation, development, conservation and transmission of science and culture in a way that transcends the purely informative and technical".

The effort to achieve a successful Comprehensive Training is evident in the different Xaverian fields from the implementation of a Vice-Rectory such as the University Environment, having the San Ignacio Hospital as the epicenter of the campus, to projects and spaces for participation such as: Xaverian Symposium Laudato Si and Xaverian Forums. Within this great offer of Integral Formation, their most recent participation in the Global Educational Pact to which 24 were called, thanks to the work that the university has carried out for the last five years, delving into the encyclical of Pope Francis on home care, stands out. common, to promote and deepen knowledge in the area of technology and integral ecology. This reflection on integral ecology has transformed the curricula of the University, has inspired graduate work, research projects, and postgraduate programs. An intelligent alliance to generate a change on a planetary scale, so that education is a creator of fraternity, peace and justice.

Issues related to Javeriana Comprehensive Training: Social Commitment, Sustainability, Legal Office, Week for Peace, Pensar Institute, Javeriano Water Institute, among others.



Bogota Headquarters

It has the Alfonso Borrero Cabal, S.J. General Library, the Mario Valenzuela, S.J. Philosophy and Theology Library, the Alfonso Llano Escobar, S.J. Bioethics Library. and the Library of the Ignatian Center for Reflection and Exercises CIRE.

The libraries of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana are mediators of the interaction between its educational community and other external stakeholders with the services associated with the bibliographic collections, resources and physical and technological infrastructure, created and offered based on the trends and needs of information from that community.

Collections Between the four libraries there are more than 430,000 volumes of printed books, more than 500,000 electronic books, more than 160 databases, more than 38,000 electronic magazines, more than 6,000 printed magazines, more than 11,000 film titles and more than 4,800 sound recordings. Additionally, there are more than 68,000 titles of graduate work and theses of graduate students of the University.

The Library of Philosophy and Theology is classified as the best of these disciplines in Latin America.

Between the two rooms of valuable books of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (located in the General Library and in the Library of Philosophy and Theology) some 5,000 volumes are preserved from 1481 to about the year 1800. There are twelve incunabula (books printed before 1501 on history, medicine, philosophy, theology and preaching). The oldest book in the General Library dates from the year 1497. In this library there is also the book Cuaderno de viajes by Francisco José de Caldas, four books by Alexander von Humboldt, the original novel El doctor Temis by José María Ángel Gaitán, among others.

Study environments and loan services The Libraries offer individual, group, training and playful study environments for the different work needs of your community. The General Library has nine floors. On floors 4, 3, 1 and 0 are the individual study rooms and cubicles and on floors 4, 2, 1, 0 and basement 2 the group study rooms. In addition, it offers training rooms such as the Capital Markets Room, the tutorial rooms, the Training Room, the Writing Center and the Recording Studio.

It also provides the community with the TV Room, the Interactive Room and the Jesús María Fernández, S.J. Auditorium. in basement 1, as well as exhibitions between floors 0 and 1. In turn, it offers specialized rooms such as the Old and Valuable Book Rooms, the Newspaper Room, the Music Room, the Thesis Room and the Newspaper Library. The Philosophy and Theology Library, the Bioethics Library and the CIRE Library offer individual study spaces and laptops are provided in the first. In addition, the General Library lends desktop computers, laptops, video game consoles, video players, microfiche readers and smart screens. It also offers the home and interlibrary loan service and since 2002 it is the only one in Colombia that offers 24-hour service.

Learning and research support services The General Library has 12 librarians specialized in different areas of knowledge who offer support services for learning and research, such as the search for academic and scientific information, the use of bibliographic managers, and support in good citation practices, updating or replacing bibliography of syllabus, scientific visualization and collaboration networks, scientific intelligence, publication of academic products and support in the construction of the researcher's digital identity.

Reading promotion services The General Library also offers reading promotion activities such as Reading Clubs, Story Time and Talks and Gatherings with authors, Exhibitions and Biblocinema. In addition, it makes donations of books to other educational entities and vulnerable communities.

Certifications, adaptations and awards In 2009, the Bibliographic Information Chain of the General Library was certified under the ISO 9001:2008 Quality standard from a commitment process to formalize the importance of the user, their satisfaction of information needs and the delivery resources and quality services, with adequate infrastructure and trained human talent. In 2020, the General Library adapted to the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic. Virtual services were strengthened, face-to-face services were adapted to biosafety protocols, and collections were qualified to respond to the syllabus bibliography and academic needs. and investigative. In addition, collaborative work with other units of the University and external entities was adopted as the key to management. That same year, the Javeriana Institutional Repository ranked first nationally, and 149th worldwide, in the Transparent Ranking of Webometrics Institutional Repositories.

Cali Sectional

The library system is made up of the General Library and three other satellite libraries, two located on campus and one in the Legal Office of the Law School in the center of the city.

The four libraries house more than 300,000 volumes of printed and digital documents in all areas of knowledge and in different formats. In addition, they have consultation and interlibrary loan services from the Alfonso Borrero Cabal Library, S.J. from the Bogotá headquarters, which has one of the most extensive bibliographical collections in the country.

Students, professors, and graduates have access to numerous databases and research tools such as EndNOte, Multibuscador, IsiWeb, Journal Citation Report, Publindex, RefWorks, Latindex, Bowker's Global Books, Thesaurus of Economics - IEDCYT, Psychology Thesaurus - IEDCYT, Humanities and Social Sciences Thesaurus - Unesco, Health Sciences Thesaurus - bvs. Students can access individual study cubicles and group study rooms.

The library system has a bibliographic switching resource that allows the reproduction of articles from journals, conferences, patents or existing book chapters in other libraries at a local, national and international level, through the Istec, Anahuac agreement and the subscription to the British Library. Likewise, it offers a Selective Information Dissemination (SDI) service that informs teachers and researchers about the material acquired by the library in the areas of their interest.

Resource Center for Learning and Research (CRAI)

It is a space for the convergence of services focused on the needs of students, teachers and researchers. This center allows the creation, production, use and management of resources, contributing to the improvement of the quality of the teaching, learning and research processes, according to the dynamics of modernization of higher education. In this convergence of services and resources, which support the substantive functions, are: computer services, document access, user training, content creation, learning spaces, laboratories, among others.

Faculties and departments

Bogota Headquarters

Faculty of Sciences

  • Biology
  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Microbiology
  • Nutrition
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Bacteriology

Faculty of Engineering

  • Civil engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Systems Engineering
  • Mechatronic Engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Bioengineering
  • Telecommunications Engineering
  • Data science

Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • History
  • Literary studies
  • Sociology
  • Cultural Studies

Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

  • Business Administration
  • Public accounting
  • Economy
  • Finance

Faculty of Legal Sciences

  • Law

Faculty of Political Science and International Relations

  • Political Science
  • International relations

Faculty of Philosophy

  • Philosophy

Faculty of Education

  • Bachelor of Basic Education with emphasis on Castellana Language and Humanities
  • Bachelor of children ' s pedagogy
  • Bachelor of Physical Education

Faculty of Theology

  • Theology

Faculty of Communication and Language

  • Social Communication
  • Information Sciences and Bibliothecology
  • Modern Languages

Faculty of Medicine

  • Medicine

School of Dentistry

  • Dentistry

School of Nursing

  • Nursing

Faculty of Psychology

  • Psychology

Faculty of Arts

  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Music

Faculty of Architecture and Design

  • Architecture
  • Industrial design

Faculty of Environmental and Rural Studies

  • Ecology

Cali Sectional

Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Economy
  • Organization management (business management)
  • Mercadeo
  • international business

Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Basic Health Sciences
  • Medical Clinics
  • Public Health and Epidemiology
  • Surgical Clinics
  • Infant
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Nursing Care

Faculty of Creation and Habitat

  • Art, Architecture and Design

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Communication and Language
  • Legal science and policy
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities

Faculty of Engineering and Sciences

  • Natural and Mathematical Sciences
  • Electronics and Computer Sciences
  • Civil and Industrial Engineering

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