Polytechnic university of Valencia


The Polytechnic University of Valencia (official name: Universitat Politècnica de València) or UPV is a Spanish public university based in Valencia. The UPV is organized into eleven higher technical schools, two faculties and a doctoral school, which are in charge of organizing the teaching of 39 degrees, 9 double degrees, 77 masters, 12 double masters and 30 doctoral programs. It has 42 departments and 45 research centers and institutes.


Vera Campus.
Logo of the institution located at the west end of the Vera Campus

The germ of what is now the UPV dates back to the 1968-1969 academic year, when the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Valencia was created, by virtue of Decree-Law 5/1968 of June 6, which integrates four centers: the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers, established in 1959; the Higher Technical School of Architecture, which had been operating since 1966 as a delegated section of the School of Barcelona; the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports, and the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers, both created in 1968, by virtue of Decree 1731/1968, of October 24.

This last decree stipulated that in the academic year 1968-1969, in addition to the studies of Agricultural Engineering, the first course of Civil Engineering, Canals and Ports and Industrial Engineers and the first, second and third year of Architecture.

During this first course, the School of Agronomists moved to Paseo al Mar (later Blasco Ibáñez Avenue) and the first courses of new engineering were also taught there, while the ETS of Architecture was temporarily installed in the Palace from the 1909 Exhibition, a building ceded by the Valencia City Council until the completion of the works on the land expropriated at the time on the road to Vera.

In 1970, the Higher Polytechnic Institute moved to the Vera campus and one year later, in 1971 (Decree 495/1971 of March 11, which approved the departmental structure of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Valencia and constituted Polytechnic University) the institution was definitively constituted as a university, renamed Polytechnic University of Valencia, being its first rector Rafael Couchoud Sebastiá.

The rest of the centers gradually joined the initial nucleus: the Center for Industrial Technical Engineering of Alcoy (today the Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy), Industrial Technical Engineering of Valencia (today the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering), Technical Engineering of Public Works of Alicante (transferred to the University of Alicante in 1991), Technical Agricultural Engineering of Valencia (today integrated together with the ETS of Agricultural Engineers in the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering and the Natural Environment), Technical Agricultural Engineering of Orihuela (transferred to the Miguel Hernández University in 1997), Technical Architecture (today ETS of Building Engineering) and the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Later, the University School of Informatics and the Faculty of Informatics were created (today integrated into the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering), the Higher Technical School of Geodetic, Cartographic and Topographic Engineering, and the Higher Technical School of Engineers of Telecommunication.

In 1993, the Gandía School was founded and one year later, in 1994, the Alcoy center became a Higher Polytechnic School, a rank that the Gandía center also reached during the 1999-2000 academic year. Also, during that academic year, the Faculty of Business Administration and Management was launched.


The UPV has three campuses and two affiliated centers.

Vera Campus

Agora of the Vera Campus

It is the main campus of the UPV and is located to the north of the city of Valencia, in the Camí de Vera, between the exit of the A-7 motorway towards Catalonia (currently V-21) and the sea, which is very close.

It occupies a plot of 558,306 m² in which various buildings are distributed that house 462,848 m² of constructed area at various heights.

Its construction has been carried out in phases. It began in 1970 with the first, which today occupies the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering. In 1975 the second phase was built, made up of the Ágora area, the Rectorate and the Agronomists, Roads, Canals and Ports, Industrial and Architecture schools, and from the 1990s it began to expand to the east until it reached the buildings that make up the Polytechnic City of Innovation (CPI).

Alcoy Campus

Library facade in the Carbonell Building of Alcoy Campus

The Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy is located in the urban area of the city of Alcoy in the Viaducto building, the old Ferrándiz and Carbonell factories (three emblematic buildings of the city of Alcoy), and in the modern building Georgina Blanes Nadal, which includes research units, a sports hall and an underground car park.

Gandia Campus

The EPSG is located in El Grao de Gandía, just 600 meters from the beach, 500 meters from the port and 3 km from the city. It occupies a 25,461 m² plot on which several buildings are located with a total of 32,047 m² built.

Organization and administration

As a Spanish public university, the UPV is organized in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 4/2007 of April 12, which modifies Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on Universities, in schools and faculties (which organize all the processes leading to obtaining official bachelor's and master's degrees), departments (which coordinate teaching and research in the different areas of knowledge) and research centers and institutes (which can be set up in cooperation with other entities). In addition, and in accordance with the provisions of these laws, it has 2 affiliated external centers.

The governing bodies of the UPV are divided into: collegiate bodies (Social Council, Governing Council, University Senate, Advisory Board, School and Faculty Boards and Department Councils) and individual bodies (rector, vice-rectors and directors delegates, general secretary, manager, deans and directors of schools, departments and university research institutes).

José Esteban Capilla Romá was elected rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València for a period of 4 years in June 2021 together with the members of the Board of Directors, which is made up of 10 vice-rectors, a delegated director, the general secretary and manager.

Schools and colleges

Access to the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering of the Vera Campus
UPV Gandia Campus
Building Viaducte Alcoy Campus
Entry to the EPSA (Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy)
Jardí Central del Campus de Vera

The UPV is made up of eleven schools and two faculties, and has three affiliated centres:

  • Campus of Valencia
    • Higher Technical School of Architecture
    • Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering and the Natural Environment
    • Higher Technical School of Engineering of Design
    • Higher Technical School of Building Engineering
    • Higher Technical School of Geodetic, Cartographic and Topography Engineering
    • Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering
    • Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
    • Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers
    • Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers
    • Faculty of Business Administration and Management
    • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Alcoy Campus
    • Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy
  • Gandia Campus
    • Higher Polytechnic School of Gandy
  • Registered centres
    • Escuela Universitaria Ford Spain
    • Florida University


The UPV has 42 departments:

  • Biotechnology
  • Animal Science
  • Architectural Composition
  • Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and History of Art
  • Communications
  • Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
  • Architectural constructions
  • Drawing
  • Economics and Social Sciences
  • Agroforestry ecosystems
  • Sculpture
  • Applied Operational Research and Quality
  • Graphic Architectural Expression
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Applied Physics
  • Agricultural and Rural Environment Engineering
  • Computer Systems and Computers
  • Mapping Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  • Engineering of Construction and Civil Engineering Projects
  • Systems and Automatic Engineering
  • Field Engineering
  • Transport Engineering and Infrastructure
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Graphical Engineering
  • Hydraulic Engineering and Environment
  • Mechanical and Materials Engineering
  • Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
  • Textile and Paper Engineering
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Thermal machines and motors
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mechanics of Continuous Media and Structure Theory
  • Organization of Business
  • Painting
  • Vegetal production
  • Architectural Projects
  • Engineering projects
  • Chemistry
  • Computer and Information Systems
  • Food Technology
  • Thermodynamic Applied
  • Urbanism

University research centers and institutes

The UPV also has 45 university research centers and institutes, including its own and mixed or subsidized:

  • Advanced Food Microbiology Center
  • Centre for Quality and Change Management
  • Aquaculture and Environment Research Centre (ACUMA)
  • Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno
  • Center for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering
  • Research Centre in Production Management and Engineering
  • Center for Research in Business Management (CEGEA)
  • Economic Engineering Research Centre
  • Research Center in Mechanical Engineering
  • Research Center in Software Production Methods
  • Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Research Center
  • Center for Research in Graphic Technologies
  • Physical Technology Center: Acoustics, Materials and Astrophysics
  • Centro Valenciano de Estudios sobre el Riego (CEVER)
  • Mediterranean Agroforestry Institute
  • Institute of Automatic and Industrial Computers
  • University Institute of Animal Science and Technology
  • Instituto Universitario de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón (ICITECH)
  • CMT University Institute - Thermal Motors
  • Instituto Universitario de Conservación y Mejor de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana
  • Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería del Agua y del Medio Ambiente
  • University Institute of Food Engineering for Development
  • University Research Institute of Mechanical and Biomechanical Engineering
  • University Institute of Energy Engineering
  • University Institute of Multidisciplinary Mathematics
  • University Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics
  • University Institute of Heritage Restoration (IRP)
  • Instituto Universitario de Seguridad Industrial, Radiofísica y Medioambiental
  • Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica
  • University Institute of Information and Communications Technologies (ITACA)
  • University Institute of Telecommunication and Multimedia Applications
  • Joint University Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants I
  • Joint University of Biomechanics of Valencia
  • Joint University Institute for Computer Technology
  • Joint University Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Inter-university Institute for Molecular Recognition Research and Technological Development
  • Design Institute for Automated Manufacturing and Production
  • Institute of Research and Innovation in Bioengineering
  • Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas
  • Institute of Materials Technology
  • Transport and Territory Institute
  • Instituto Valenciano de Investigación en Intelligence Artificial
  • Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management
  • Molecular Image Instrumentation Institute
  • Institute of Electrical Technology


Researcher at UPV

One of the pillars of its activity is its research capacity. In recent years, R+D+i activity has grown at a rate close to 23%. According to the latest published data (period 2006-2009), the UPV is the leader among Spanish universities in revenue from licenses. The University also has its own science park, called Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, which covers a space of 140,000 m², and brings together 60% of the active R&D group, that is, around 1,000 researchers and 500 support people.

Research structures

The UPV organizes its research and technology transfer activity through different structures. These include university departments, university research institutes and their own research structures (known as EPI). This series is completed by the R+D+i groups, which result from the free grouping of PDI and other personnel around certain lines of experimentation.

The lines of activity of the university institutes are as follows:

  • Instituto Universitario de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón (ICITECH):

Created in 2005, its objective is to combine the efforts of the different groups that work from the UPV in the field of concrete, construction and structures. His field of research focuses on the characterization of materials, testing of structures and construction elements, development of models, advice and specialized consultancy.

  • University Institute of Information and Communications Technologies (ITACA):

His field of research covers the areas of digital electronic systems, industrial electronics, high-performance computer systems, telecommunications systems, health care systems, and industrial applications of electromagnetism.

  • University Institute of Automatic and Industrial Information. AI2:

Its activities are focused on the application of systems engineering and Information and Communication Technologies in production processes. His fundamental lines of research are robotics, industrial computing, computer vision, graphic computing and process control.

  • Instituto Universitario CMT*Motores Térmicos:

Instituto CMT*Motores Térmicos, dedicated to the study of thermal engines, is very internationally active in the research and development of diesel engines, with more than 25 years of experience in advanced research in the automotive sector.

  • Instituto Universitario de Conservación y Mejor de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana:

Its objectives are the recovery, conservation and improvement of agricultural diversity and, in particular, of the traditional Valencian varieties. To achieve these objectives, it combines genetic improvement techniques and new biotechnology tools.

  • Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería del Agua y Medio Ambiente. IIAMA:

IIAMA develops its lines of research around areas related to water and the environment, and covers all processes related to the hydrological water cycle.

  • University Institute of Food Engineering for Development:

Since its constitution, the Institute has sought to influence aspects of development directly linked to food, such as a more rational use of natural resources, greater quality and safety in food, and more hygienic manufacturing and conservation processes, efficient and environmentally friendly.

  • University Institute of Multidisciplinary Mathematics. IMM:

This university institute is dedicated to research, technological development and innovation in the field of applied mathematics, with a vocation for multidisciplinary interaction with the technological and social environment.

  • University Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics. IUMPA:

The IUMPA works in the Valencian Community in the field of mathematics, especially in the field of pure mathematics, in the direction of basic science and in collaboration with other centers and departments.

  • University Institute of Heritage Restoration. IRP:

Its activities are focused on the conservation and restoration of historical and artistic heritage, and it is structured into two thematic areas: the Area of Intervention in Pictorial and Sculpture Heritage, and the Area of Intervention in Architectural Heritage.

  • Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Nanofotónica. NTC:

This institute is a European leader in micro/nanofabrication of silicon structures to develop nanotechnology and nanoscience, in particular, the possible applications of photonics in areas such as fiber optic systems and networks, biophotonics, defense, security, photonic computing, etc.

  • University Institute of Telecommunication and Multimedia Applications. iTEAM:

iTEAM carries out its research, development and innovation activities in areas such as optical communications, mobile communications, audio processing, microwave applications, electromagnetic radiation, signal processing, multimedia communications, etc

  • Joint University Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants. IBMCP:

Joint center of the UPV and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), its objective is to generate knowledge to obtain plants with greater productivity, fruit quality or high added value properties, and more resistant to stress to contribute to a less aggressive agriculture with the environment.

  • Instituto Universitario Junta de Biomecánica de Valencia. IBV:

The IBV is a technological center that studies the behavior of the human body and its relationship with the products, environments and services that people use. It is a concerted center between the Institute of Small and Medium Industry of the Generalitat Valenciana (IMPIVA) and the UPV that is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in the fields of health and well-being technologies.

  • Joint University Institute of Chemical Technology. ITQ:

ITQ, a joint center of the UPV and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), focuses its research in the field of chemical and materials technologies, in the development of catalysts, the transformation of biomass into energy or the applications for photovoltaic cells, hydrogen storage and fuel cells.

  • Instituto Universitario Junta Tecnológico de Informática. ITI:

ITI is a technological center specialized in Information and Communication Technologies, in areas such as artificial vision, biometrics, human language processing technologies, multimodal interfaces, software quality and testing, computational intelligence, augmented reality, biomedical signal processing, communication networks, etc. It belongs to the Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community (REDIT).

  • University Institute of Animal Science and Technology:

The mission of the Institute of Animal Science and Technology is the development of research in the field of technology applied to animal production and associated basic science, with the aim of improving production systems, the competitiveness of livestock companies and its sustainability.

  • University Institute of Energy Engineering:

This center addresses research, technological development and innovation in the fields of thermal, electrical, nuclear, renewable energy and advanced systems from a multidisciplinary perspective.

  • Instituto Universitario de Seguridad Industrial, Radiofísica y Medioambiental. ISIRYM:

The ISIRYM began its activity in 2004 and since then stands out for its research in the fields of electrochemical engineering, corrosion, nuclear safety, membrane processes and reactors. It has recognized international prestige in the area of nuclear safety and electrochemical engineering.

The UPV's own research structures are:

  • Instituto Agroforestal Mediterranean. IAM:

This center focuses its activity on the areas of protection and production of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, and ecology in the Mediterranean basin. His field of research covers citrus and fruit growing, agroforestry entomology, fungi, agroforestry ecology, substrates, virology, etc.

  • Design Institute for Automatic Manufacturing and Production. IDF:

Its activity focuses on research, technology transfer, technical advice and teaching in the fields of design, prototyping, manufacturing, automation and robotics, and covers the entire product life cycle, with special emphasis on improving production processes.

  • Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas. IGIC:

Located in the Grao de Gandía, the IGIC aims to develop knowledge in different areas of action of integrated management: from the planning of the coastal territory to the technological tools for intervention and monitoring of ecosystems.

  • Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development:

Constituted as a research center at the end of 2008, it is an inter-university institute of the UPV and the University of Valencia. His research activity focuses on the fields of human health, safety, food and the environment. More specifically, in the development of chemical sensors, pharmacological studies, new materials, new methods and microelectronic equipment.

  • Materials Technology Institute:

The Institute of Materials Technology focuses its research, development and innovation activities on "materials science", in areas such as research into new materials, degradation, recycling of polymers and materials for construction, metallurgy and plastics.

  • Transport and Territory Institute:

Its activities are focused on the development and participation in research programmes, projects and networks in the field of transport and its impact on the territory, through an interdisciplinary team.

  • Institute of Knowledge Management and Innovation. INGENIO:

The INGENIO Institute, a joint center of the UPV and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), focuses its activity on studies on innovation and the analysis of the relations between science and innovation, and public science policies, technology and innovation.

  • Molecular Image Instrumentation Institute. I3M:

Joint center of the UPV, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), its priority activity consists of researching new scientific instrumentation techniques for imaging applications in the biomedical field. More specifically, his research focuses on the development of instruments for obtaining molecular images of the organism.

  • Inter-university Institute of Research in Bioengineering and Technology Oriented to the Human Being. I3BH:

The i3BH is made up of the Bioengineering Unit of the UPV and the Clinical Psychology departments of the Universities of Valencia and Jaime I of Castellón. Its main activity is oriented towards the investigation of new technologies applied to the improvement of the capacities of the human being.

  • Electrical Technology Institute. ITE:

Created in 1994 as an association of technology companies with the support of the Institute of Medium and Small Valencian Industry (IMPIVA) and the UPV, it directs its services, projects and products towards the energy, electricity, electronics and communications.

  • Advanced Food Microbiology Center:

His research includes the development of new molecular methods to quickly and reliably detect bacteria that can be especially dangerous for consumers of food products.

  • Biomaterials and Tisular Engineering Center:

He focuses his activity on the development of materials for tissue regeneration and the study of the interaction of synthetic materials with cells. In it, materials are produced and modified, their properties are measured and characterized, and biological interaction is studied through cell culture.

  • Quality and Change Management Centre:

Created in 2007 as a result of the integration of five UPV research groups, its lines of research focus on the development of models of excellence and quality, process improvement, higher education management, tools change management, project management and its optimization.

  • Economic Engineering Centre:

His research activity focuses on the field of valuation and appraisal of various assets (rural and urban real estate, works of art, architectural heritage, capital equipment, financial assets, companies, intangible assets, etc.), in collaboration with other Spanish and foreign universities, as well as with professional associations and the Public Administration.

  • Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno. CIAE:

Its purpose is to investigate the interaction between the different artistic disciplines and their relationship with the environment, while fostering the promotion and dissemination of knowledge.

  • Center for Research in Business Management (CEGEA):

Created at the end of the 1970s, CEGEA develops its research and teaching work in the field of postgraduate training in the management of agri-food companies.

  • Production Management and Engineering Research Centre. CIGIP:

CIGIP focuses its activity in the field of production management and engineering, through operations management, supply and distribution chain management, modeling and business engineering.

  • Research Center for Software Production Methods (ProS):

The ProS Center aims to improve traditional software development methods and provide new methods and techniques in order to systematically and productively develop quality software.

  • Center for Research in Graphic Technologies:

The Center for Research in Graphic Technologies has been dedicated to research and development of projects in the world of graphic arts, ceramics and color management for more than a decade.

  • Vehicle Technology Research Center:

This center works on solving technical problems in the industrial field related to the railway and automotive sectors. Within the group, the lines of research dedicated to structural integrity, vibrations, noise, vehicle dynamics and robotics stand out.

  • Multidisciplinary Fluid Modeling Center:

Among his lines of research, the study of new methodologies for the design of urban water supply and evacuation facilities stands out, and the search for water and energy saving strategies.

  • Physical Technology Center: Acoustic, Materials and Astrophysics:

His main lines of research are, on the one hand, the research and development of photonic materials and applications based on them, and, on the other, the application and development of applications in the field of acoustics.

  • Centro Valenciano de Estudios sobre el Riego. CVER:

CVER is a multidisciplinary research center created in 1996 by the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat Valenciana and the UPV, oriented towards knowledge and research on Valencian irrigation, with the aim of providing solutions to improve the efficiency of irrigation.

  • Centro en Red de apoyo a la Innovación en la Prevención de Risks Laborales:

This center is an initiative of the UPV and the Department of Economy, Finance and Employment of the Generalitat Valenciana, with the support of different economic and social agents, whose objective is the promotion of research, technological development and innovation in the field of occupational risk prevention.

  • R & D Network Center in Biomedical Engineering. CRIB:

The activities of the CRIB focus on the application of Information and Communication Technologies to the field of health, better known as e*health. Specifically, he works in the fields of telemedicine and telecare, clinical information integration systems, computer-assisted medical intervention or virtual reality applied to health.

  • R & D & I Network in Automobile Engineering:

Its objective is the development and transfer of technology for the automotive sector in areas such as product development, advice, tests, certifications, training and information.

R+D+i Management Service (SGI)

The purpose of the R+D+i Management Service is to support and promote the coordination and execution of the administrative economic management processes of the research, innovation and knowledge transfer activity of the Universitat Politècnica de València, favoring the participation of UPV researchers in the various support programs for carrying out R+D+i activities.

Promotion and Support Service for Research, Innovation and Transfer (I2T)

The Research, Innovation and Transfer Promotion and Support Service (I2T) is the UPV research results transfer office (OTRI). Its mission is the general promotion of the UPV R & D+i and the protection and transfer of the results of its research, favoring the interrelationship of UPV researchers with the business environment.

Polytechnic City of Innovation (CPI)

Polytechnic City of Innovation.

One of the large projects undertaken by the UPV is the so-called Polytechnic City of Innovation, a science park developed on the same UPV campus in Vera (Valencia) on a physical space of 140,000 m², with around 130,000 m² built. The CPI is managed through the CPI Foundation, whose mission is to ensure proper compliance with the objectives defined by the Foundation's board of trustees within the framework of the CPI and proper coordination with the UPV units that provide services to users of the science park. There is also the ITM


UPV Library in the Agora

The Library of the Polytechnic University of Valencia integrates a total of 12 libraries and study rooms with a total of 13,001 m² and 3,232 reading places and houses in its collections more than 550,000 paper monographs, 24,000 electronic books and 19,000 magazines electronics. Every year about 2'2 million entries to its rooms and 660,000 home loans are registered, almost 730,000 documents are downloaded and more than 6'7 million queries are made to the catalogue.

It also manages the RiuNet institutional repository and the OJS platform of open magazines PoliPapers.

Its main office is located in the Ágora of the Vera Campus.

Integrated Employment Service

The Integrated Employment Service (SIE) is the driving force and manager of all the initiatives adopted in the field of employment at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and its objective is to contribute to the better labor insertion of its graduates.

From the SIE, various projects are promoted, with the aim of helping its graduates to have an approach to the world of work such as the employment observatory, chairs with companies, internship management for students, programs abroad, management of job offers, employment guidance and training for employability throughout his professional career on the 3 campuses: Alcoy, Gandía and Vera.


The Polytechnic University of Valencia stands out for its international commitment, and to develop this dimension, it has the following administrative structures:

Office of International Action

6G Building, headquarters of the University Service for International Action

The Office of International Action (OAI), integrated within the Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Communication of the Universitat Politècnica de València, has the main purpose of coordinating, promoting and supporting the international participation of the University in postgraduate programs and academic collaboration carried out by agreement with foreign universities, as well as promoting the participation of the UPV in international academic cooperation projects.

International Exchange Programs Office

The Office of International Exchange Programs (OPII) supports teaching activities with foreign universities and manages academic exchange programs with universities with universities in Europe and the rest of the world, as well as the mobility of professors and staff of administration and services.

Students sent7938108799401.0271.0271.1061.0461.1321.0821.147
Students received4946938611,0891.4101.4101.6651.6851.7401.6961.783

These data make the UPV the fifth European university in total number of Erasmus students, adding those sent and received, according to the data corresponding to the 2008-2009 academic year (latest data available).

The UPV also offers academic exchange programs aimed at students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, teaching and research staff, and administration and services.


The UPV has an Environment, Urban Planning and Campus Management Area that is in charge of carrying out the tasks of managing and controlling the impact that the University has on the environment, with a double objective: to control and minimize the impact of their teaching and research work, and raise environmental awareness among the professionals they are training.

It is also the first[citation required] Spanish university that has, since May 2009, an Environmental Management System (EMS) certified according to the EMAS European Regulation and the UNE-EN ISO 14001 Standard.

The 2009-2010 report includes some information regarding its commitment to the environment: it reduced in one year, from 2008 to 2009, 7.18% electricity consumption per square meter built and 29.6% the water consumed per enrolled student.

Sculptural Campus

The Polytechnic University of Valencia has a collection of sculptural works by various national and international artists, which make its three campuses an authentic open-air art gallery, known as the Sculpture Campus of the Polytechnic University from Valencia.


Sports are part of university life, integrating into the curricular life of the students and the social life of the staff as one more activity. On a regular basis, almost 30% of the university community participates in sports activities and in the 2015/2016 academic year, more than 11,000 people signed up for healthy physical activities organized by the Servei d'Esports.

During the 2015-2016 academic year, a total of 4,332 users participated in the UPV Internal League; 1,161 students took part in the XXVI University Trophy; 8,570 users enrolled in the sports activity programs or in one of the twenty-one sports schools; and 739 participated in the Sports Training Program.

Regarding the sports results achieved during the 2015-2016 academic year, the 18 medals achieved in the Spanish University Championships stand out.

The UPV has infrastructures that allow the practice of more than 75 different sports specialties: fixed bench rowing, climbing, archery, Valencian pilota, taekwondo, athletics, sailing, handball, beach volleyball, tennis, paddle tennis, cycling, fencing and swimming, among others.

In 2001, he received the Joaquín Blume trophy from the 2000 National Sports Awards, for his work in promoting and promoting sports. The UPV Honorary Athlete award is given annually, this distinction is held by Abel Antón, Sugoi Uriarte, Jesús Calleja, Marc Coma, Laura Gómez and Amaya Valdemoro among others. It offers a quality service backed by the AENOR certification of its service charter.

Student's house

The UPV has a building on the Vera campus and spaces on the Alcoy and Gandía campuses dedicated entirely to student activities. In them, students can study, do work, rest or carry out student representation activities. They have common spaces, computer rooms, places reserved for leisure with the loan of various games, offices and meeting rooms.


Each year, the UPV conducts a survey on job placement among graduates who collect their university degree two years after finishing their degree. The latest data were published in September 2010 and correspond to the 2007-2008 academic year. 2,131 of the 3,917 graduates surveyed responded to the survey. According to these data, 86.8% of UPV graduates find their first job within six months of finishing their degree and 94.6% of graduates would go back to study at the UPV if they had to study again.

Honorary doctors

  • Joaquín Rodrigo Vidre (1901-1999), Spanish composer. 1988.
  • Vicente Aguilera Cerni (1920-2005), art critic, essayist and Spanish academic. 1990.
  • Federico Mayor Zaragoza (1934), Spanish senior official, Director General de la Unesco between 1987 and 1999. 1990.
  • Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997), French naval officer, explorer and sea researcher. 1990.
  • Valentina V. Tereshkova (1937), Soviet cosmonaut. 1991.
  • Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009), American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1970. 1991.
  • Santiago Grisolía García (1923), Spanish biochemical. 1991.
  • Álvaro Siza Vieira (1933), Portuguese architect. 1992.
  • Franco Modigliani (1918-2003), Italian American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1985. 1992.
  • José Calavera Ruiz (1931), engineer doctor of Caminos, Canales and Puertos. 1992.
  • Kisshomaru Ueshiba (1921-1999), Japanese aikidoka.1992.
  • Francisco Fernández Ordóñez (1930-1992), a Spanish politician. 1992.
  • Norman Foster (1935), British architect, Prince of Asturias Award for Arts 2009. 1992.
  • Emilio Attard Alonso (1915-1997), Spanish politician and lawyer.1993.
  • Manuel Valdivia Ureña (1928-2014), Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo y catedrático. 1993.
  • Santiago Calatrava Valls (1951), Spanish architect and sculptor. 1993.
  • Francisco Lozano Sanchís (1912-2000), Spanish artist. 1994.
  • Vicente Enrique and Tarancón (1907-1994), Spanish cardinal. 1994.
  • Rafael Alberti (1902-1999), Spanish poet and writer. 1995.
  • Gianluigi Colalucci (1929), Italian restorer. 1995.
  • Salvatore Corrado Misseri, professor of agrarian valuation. 1995.
  • James H. Whitelaw (1936-2006), British engineer, teacher and researcher. 1996.
  • Darío Maravall Casesnoves (1923-2016), Spanish engineer. 1997.
  • Luis García Berlanga Martí (1921–2010), screenwriter and Spanish film director. 1997.
  • Alicia Alonso (1921), Cuban dancer and choreographer. 1998.
  • José Saramago (1922-2010), writer, novelist, poet, journalist and Portuguese playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998. 1999.
  • Hanif M. Chaudhry, Pakistani hydraulic engineer. 1999.
  • Rudolph A. Marcus (1923), American chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1992. 1999.
  • Montserrat Caballé (1933-2018), Spanish lyric singer. 1999.
  • Enric Valor i Vives (1911-2000), Spanish narrator and grammar. 1999.
  • Vicente Ferrer (1920-2009), Spanish philanthropist. 2000.
  • Miquel Batllori i Munné (1909-2003), Spanish priest and historian. 2001.
  • Francisco Brines (1932), Spanish poet. 2001.
  • Marcelino Camacho Abad (1918-2010), Spanish trade unionist and politician. 2001.
  • Nicolás Redondo Urbieta (1927), Spanish trade unionist and politician. 2001.
  • Jean Dausset (1916-2009), PhD in French Medicine, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1980. 2002.
  • Daniel Gianola (1947), Uruguayan acronym engineer and zootechnist. 2002.
  • Robin Thompson, British mathematician and statistician. 2002.
  • José Antonio Marina (1939), philosopher, essayist and Spanish pedagogue. 2003.
  • Princess Muna Al Hussein (1941). 2003.
  • Luis Giménez Lorente (1920-2006), cartographer and Spanish pharmacist. 2003.
  • David W. Thursfield (1946), British engineer. 2004.
  • Juan Francisco Gálvez Morros, promoter of the studies of Animal Science in Spain. 2004, posthumous.
  • Amparo Rivelles (1925-2013), Spanish actress. 2005.
  • Luis Blanes Arques (1929-2009), Spanish composer and musical researcher. 2005.
  • Amable Liñán Martínez (1934), Spanish aeronautical engineer. 2005.
  • Pedro Duque Duque (1963), aeronautical engineer and first Spanish astronaut. 2005.
  • Belisario Betancur IVs (1923-2018), Colombian lawyer, literate and politician. 2005.
  • Juan Roig Alfonso (1949), Spanish entrepreneur. 2007.
  • Enrique Iglesia, Spanish chemist. 2007.
  • Zubin Mehta (1936), teacher and director of Indian orchestra. 2008.
  • Valentin Fuster Carulla (1943), Spanish cardiologist. 2008.
  • Jacques Diouf (1938), Senegalese agronomist engineer, FAO Director General. 2009.
  • Ferran Adrià Acosta (1962), Spanish cook. 2010.
  • Francisco Torreblanca (1951), Spanish reposter master. 2010.
  • Michael López-Alegría (1958), the first astronaut born in Spain to go out into space. 2010.
  • Antonio Pellicer Martínez (1955), Spanish obstetrician and gynecologist. 2011.

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