Politics of Romania


Romania is a national, sovereign and independent state, unitary, indivisible and republican.

It is a rule of law, democratic and social, in which the dignity of the human being, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the free development of the human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values and are guarantee.


National sovereignty belongs to the Romanian people, which exercises it through its representative bodies and by referendum.
No group and no person can exercise sovereignty in their own name.

The territory

The territory of Romania is inalienable.
The country's borders are enshrined by organic law in compliance with the principles and other norms generally accepted by international law.
From the administrative point of view, the territory is organized into rural municipalities, cities and departments. With the requirements established by law, some cities can be declared urban municipalities.
No foreign populations can be moved or colonized on the territory of the Romanian state.

The unity of the people and equality among citizens

The state is founded on the unity of the Romanian people.
Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any distinction of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin.


Romanian citizenship is acquired, retained or lost under the conditions provided by the organic law. Romanian citizenship cannot be withdrawn from those who acquired it by birth.

The right to identity

The State recognizes and guarantees persons belonging to national minorities the right to preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity.
Protection measures taken by the State in order to preserve, develop and express the identity of persons belonging to national minorities must be in accordance with the principles of equality and non-discrimination with respect to other Romanian citizens.

Romanians abroad

The State supports the strengthening of ties with Romanians living outside the country and acts so that they can preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity, while respecting the legislation of the State whose citizens are.

Pluralism and political parties

Pluralism is, in Romanian society, a condition and a guarantee of constitutional democracy.
Political parties are constituted and exercise their activity under the conditions of the law. They contribute to define and express the political will of citizens, while respecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity, the order of law and the principles of democracy.

Trade unions

Trade unions are constituted and carry out their activity in accordance with their statutes, under the conditions of the law. Its purpose is to contribute to the defense of the rights and the promotion of the professional, economic and social interests of employees.
The union must be: • Free • Independent • Democratic • Participatory • Unitary • Responsible • Realistic • Solidarity

International relations

Romania maintains and develops peaceful relations with all States and, within this framework, good-neighborly relations, based on the principles and other generally accepted norms of international law.

International law and domestic law

The Romanian State undertakes to fulfill exactly and in good faith the obligations incumbent on it under the treaties to which it is a party. Treaties ratified by Parliament, in accordance with the law, are part of domestic law.

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