Point to point network

Red punto a punto.png

The types of networks (multipoint) according to technology:

  • Punto-a-Punto Networks (Point-to-PointPtP);
  • Dissemination Networks (broadcast), spread the information to everyone on the network.

Red Point to Point

Point-to-point networks are those that respond to a type of network architecture in which each data channel is used to communicate only two computers, in clear opposition to multipoint networks, in which each data channel is can use to communicate with various nodes.

In a peer-to-peer network, networked devices act as equal partners, or peers, to each other. As peers, each device can take the role of sender or the role of receiver. At one point, device A, for example, can make a request for a message / data from device B, and device B responds by sending the message / data to device A. Device A works as a receiver, while B works as a transmitter. A moment later devices A and B can reverse roles: B, as receiver, makes a request to A, and A, as sender, responds to B's request. A and B remain in a reciprocal or peer relationship with each other.

  • Point-to-point networks are relatively easy to install and operate. As networks grow, knit-to-point relationships become more difficult to coordinate and operate. Its efficiency decreases quickly as the number of devices on the network increases.
  • The links that interconnect the nodes from a knit-to-point network can be classified into three types according to the meaning of the communications they transport:
    • Simplex: the transaction is only made in one sense.
    • Half-duplex: the transaction is made in both senses, but alternatively, that is, only one can transmit at a given time, not being able to transmit the two at the same time.
    • Full Duplex: the transaction can be carried out in both ways simultaneously. When the speed of the Semi-duplex and Duplex links is the same in both senses, it is said to be a symmetrical link, otherwise it is said to be an asymmetrical link


  • It is used in long-range networks (WAN).
  • Lamping algorithms are usually complex, and error control is done in intermediate nodes as well as extremes.
  • The stations receive only the messages given to them by the network nodes. These previously identify the receiving station from the destination address of the message.
  • The connection between the nodes can be made with one or more transmission systems of different speed, working in parallel.
  • Delays are due to the transit of messages through intermediate nodes.
  • The end-to-end connection is made through the intermediate nodes, so it depends on its reliability.
  • Security is inherent in the network's own mesh structure in which each node is connected to two or more nodes.
  • The costs of wiring depend on the number of links between the stations. Each node has at least two interfaces.

Advantages of peer-to-peer networks

  • Easy to configure.
  • Lower complexity.
  • Lower cost since no dedicated network devices or servers are required.

Disadvantages of peer-to-peer networks

  • Uncentralized administration.
  • They're not very sure.
  • All devices can act as a client and as a server, which can slow down their operation.
  • They're not scalable.
  • They reduce their performance

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