The plenum (from the Latin plēnum «complete, full») is a closed space where air or other gases exist at low speeds and pressures slightly above atmospheric, as a result of the action of a fan or mechanical blower. The design of this chamber has as a result that the pressure of the introduced gas is distributed in the same way throughout its internal surface.
The plenum is very frequently used in air conditioning installations in which air is injected (referring to the injection plenum). The air is distributed throughout the interior of said volume, allowing any type of exit or start from this space to occur at the same pressure.
Another practical application of the plenum box is its use in buildings with false ceilings on their floors. By injecting outside air into the space between the slab and the false ceiling, a small overpressure is achieved that prevents the hot air that exists in a floor from rising to said space and accumulating, causing an accumulation of air over time. flawed that gives rise to bad odors, and can even generate condensation of water vapor in some closed places.
This contribution of air is used by the fan coils located in the false ceiling to provide air conditioning from the existing air in said space.
Also used in coaxial cable.