Plantago lanceolata


Lesser plantain or seven-veined plantain (Plantago lanceolata) L. is a species of perennial herbaceous plant native to all of Europe, America and western Asia where it grows on dry land, slopes, roadsides and uncultivated places.

View of the plant
seven veins (Chile).


It is a perennial herbaceous plant without branched stems and with flower stems that reach 30 to 50 cm in height, it has a short central rhizome from which many yellow rootlets sprout. The lanceolate or ovate, long, somewhat toothed, radical leaves are arranged in a basal rosette at the base of the stem, have three to seven longitudinal veins that taper and continue on the petiole. The terminal inflorescence is a dense spike with very small white or purplish flowers. The spike is short during flowering and then lengthens. The fruit is a pixidium with four to sixteen seeds.


  • The plant is used in decoction, syrup or fluid extract to treat fodders, bronchitis and asthma.
  • Gargarism relieves the anginas.
  • In colirium it is indicated for conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids.
  • It is used for otitis (a disease of the ears), since the tire has anti-inflammatory properties, in burns, insect bites, usually it applies the green leaves crushed on the wounds, in the case of the ear the leaf is crushed and some drops are placed in the affected ear.
  • In ointment with olive and wax, (recipe known from the time of the Egyptians), it is skin regenerator, scarring and also against the infection in wounds such as: cuts, sores, lunches, burns, blows, bleeding blows, insect bites, is dermatological.
Active principles

P. lanceolata contains phenylethanoids such as acteoside (verbascoside), cystanoside F, lavandulifolioside, plantamajoside, and isoacteoside. It also contains glycosides, iridoids, aucubin, and catalpol.


Plantago media was described by Carlos Linnaeus and published in Species Plantarum 1: 113-114. 1753.


Plantago: generic name derived from plantago = very mainly, name of various species of the genus Plantago L. (Plantaginaceae) –related to Latin planta, -ae f. = "sole of the foot"; Because of the shape of the leaves, they say. Thus, Ambrosini (1666) tells us: "It is called Plantago by Latin authors, a word they take from the sole of the foot (because of the width of its leaves, which remind us of the sole of the foot; and also because the leaves have lines as if made with a plow, similar to those we see on the sole of the foot)"

lanceolata: Latin epithet meaning "lanceolate", in references to its leaves.


Chromosome numbers of Plantago lanceolata (Fam. Plantaginaceae) and infraspecific taxa: 2n=12

  • Plantago decumbens Bernh. ex Rchb.
  • Plantago dubia L.
  • Plantago eriophora Hoffmanns. " Link
  • Plantago glabriflora Sakalo
  • Glareous plant A.Kern.
  • hungarian plant Waldst. " Kit.
  • Plantago sphaerostachya Hegetschw.
  • Lancela plant subsp. sphaerostachya Hayek 1912
  • Captain Plant Here.
  • Arnoglossum lanceolatum (L.) Gray
  • Lagopus lanceolatus (L.) Fourr.
  • Lagopus timbali Fourr.
  • Synuate plant Lam.

Vernacular names

  • In Argentina: Alpiste strawrero, calracho, carmel, carrajó, grass of the almorranas, the of the almorranas, liantel, llanté, plain, tire, tire, five nerves tire, narrow-leaf tire, stripe tire, narrow-leaf tire, narrow-leaf tires, seven-leaf tires
  • Vegetables, herbs

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