Plant toxic substances

Colchicum autumnale, from where the mattress is extracted

The vegetable toxic substances are divided into six main groups:


They are complex compounds, whose name comes from alkali. More than 5,000 different types of them have been discovered. They all contain at least one nitrogen atom and are basic in character. They produce an intense physiological action on the central nervous system or the parasympathetic. They are widespread in about 10% of the plant kingdom.

  • Andromethodoxine - (Rododendro, Kalmia)
  • Atropine - (Laughs)
  • Colchicina - (Cólquico)
  • Conidine - (Conidio)
  • Gelsemina or Gelseminine - (Yellow Jasmine)
  • Hiosciamine - (Laughs), Black Bell
  • Mandragorina - (Mandragora)
  • Papaverina - (Opio)
  • Solanina - (Dulcamara)
  • Taxina - (Iron)


Substances in which a sugar is chemically attached to another molecule.

  • Arbutina - (Kalmia)
  • Briomina - (Nueza)
  • Esculina
  • Cumarine
  • Ligustrina - (Alheña)
  • Ranucolina


More than 400 have been discovered, most of them in plants related to the lily, foxglove and oleander.

  • Convalamarina or Convalarina - (Muguete)
  • Digitoxin or Digitoxin - (Digital, you get the drug also called Digital)
  • Eleborina - (Eleboro Fétido), (Eleboro Negro) or (Rosa de Navidad)
  • Neriosido - (Adelfa)
  • Robitina - (Spine acacia)


So called because they release hydrogen cyanide (HCN) when hydrolyzed by some enzymes. They can be found in a wide variety of plants, and the main damage produced is the destruction of red blood cells through the inhibition of cytochrome oxidase, a molecule responsible for transporting oxygen.

  • Amigdalina
  • laurel-cerezo
  • Indian or yuca brava
  • sauco


Phytotoxins are large protein molecules, which can generally be destroyed by prolonged heating. They are among the plants known to be most toxic and are not destroyed by digestive processes.

  • Ricino


Oxalates are made up of fine crystals of calcium oxalate and are generally found among Araceae. They cause immediate local irritation if they are chewed, and serious kidney problems if they are absorbed through the intestine.


Resinoids are complex substances and very different from each other. The only property they share once extracted is that they are semi-solid at room temperature, and can burn easily.

  • Iridina - (Prayon), (Iris Policromo)


Goitrogens are substances found in cabbages that prevent the body from assimilating iodine, the element necessary for the thyroid gland to function normally. They can cause inflammation and dysfunction of said gland.

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