

Pinus is a genus of vascular plants (generally trees and rarely shrubs), commonly called pines, belonging to the group of conifers and, within this, to the family of the Pinaceae, which present a frequently whorled and more or less regular branching.

Details of the cracked bark of a copy of Pinus canariensis Adult. Sprouts are observed.
Mature male cones of Pinus ponderosaa var. scopulorum
Mature female cone Pinus coulteri

The crown can be pyramidal or rounded and, in adult trees, broad and depressed. The macroblasts have scale-shaped leaves without chlorophyll, while the brachyblasts are very short, with a membranous sheath of scales, and are terminated by two to five linear or needle-like leaves, each with two or more resin canals. The male cones develop at the base of the annual shoots. The strobili have persistent scales, the tectrices being rudimentary and included, and the seminiferous ones usually present a bulge or umbilicus on the outside (apophosis). They mature biennially or triennially. The seeds, of variable shape, color and size, are apterous or with articulated or intimately welded wings with their more or less lignified testa.


Among the ancients, the pine was the favorite tree of Demeter or Cybele. The coribantes carried tirsos whose ends were pine cones. Pineapple was also used in Bacchus cult ceremonies. Silvano is sometimes depicted with a pine branch in his right hand.


Seeds Pinus halepensis

Subgenus Strobus (syn. Haploxylon)

Strobus Section

Cembra Subsection

  • Pinus cembra L. - Pino cembra or cembro
  • Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc.
  • Pinus albicaulis Engelm.

Flexilis Subsection

  • Pinus flexilis James
  • Pinus armandii Franch.

Strobi Subsection

  • Pinus strobus L. - Weymouth pine, American white pine
  • Pinus lambertiana Dougl.
  • Pinus ayacahuite Ehrenb.
  • Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jacks. - Himalayan blue pine
  • Pinus peuce Griseb. - Pino de Macedonia
  • Pinus parviflora Siebold & Zucc.
  • Pinus monticola Dougl. ex D.Don

Cembroid Section

Cembroides Subsection

  • Pinus cembroides Zucc.
  • Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frém.
  • Pinus edulis Engelm.
  • Pinus pinceana Gord.

Balfourian Subsection

  • Pinus balfouriana Jeffrey ex A.Murray
  • Pinus aristata Engelm.

Gerardian Subsection

  • Pinus gerardiana Wall.
  • Pinus bungeana Zucc.

Nelsonii Section

  • Pinus nelsonii Shaw.

Subgenus Pinus (syn. Diploxylon)

Section Pinus (syn. Sylvestris)

  • Pinus sylvestris L. - Wild pine, red pine, Scottish pine
  • Pinus mugo Turra - Mountain pine
  • Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC.
  • Pinus hwangshanensis Hsia
  • Pinus nigra Arn. ss. lt. - Black pine
  • Pinus heldreichii Christ.
  • Pinus tabuliformis Carrière
  • Pinus thunbergii Parl.
  • Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc.
  • Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gord.
  • Pinus yunnanensis Franchet - Yunnan pine.
  • resinous pines Aiton
  • Tropical Pinus Morelet

Pinaster Section

  • Pinus pinaster - Pino rodeno, resin pine.
  • Pinus halepensis Mill. - Carrasco pine, white pine
  • Pinus brutia Here.
  • Pinus merkusii Jungh. " De Vries
  • Pinus latteri Mason
  • Pinus roxburghii Sarg.
  • Pinus canariensis - Canary pine.

Pinea Section

  • Pinus pinea L. - Pino piñonero

Banksian Section

  • Pinus banksiana Lamb.
  • Pinus contorta Haenke

Australis Section

  • Pinus palustris Mill. - Long leaf pine
  • Pinus caribaea Morelet
  • Western Pinusis Swartz
  • Pinus taeda L.
  • Pinus echinata Mill.
  • Rigid pinus Mill.
  • Serotin pinus Michx.

Leiophylla Section

  • Pinus leiophylla Schltdl. & Cham.
  • Pinus chihuahuana Engelm.
  • Pinus lumholtzii B.L.Rob. " Fernald
  • Pinus teocote Schltdl. & Cham.

Oocarpae Section

  • Pinus pringlei Shaw
  • Pinus lawsonii Roezl
  • Pinus oocarpa Schiede
  • Pinus radiata D.Don. Morelet (no. P. insignis) - Pino de Monterrey
  • Pinus attenuata Gord. (no. P. tuberculata)
  • Pinus greggii Engelm.
  • Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.

Powerful Section

  • Pinus ponderosaa Dougl. - Pino ponderosa
  • Pinus arizonica Engelm.
  • Pinus montezumae Lamb.
  • Pinus hartwegii Lindl.
  • Pinus durangensis Martínez
  • Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl.
  • Pinus rudis Endl.
  • Pinus torreyana Parry ex. Carr.
  • Pinus engelmannii Carrière
  • Pinus jeffreyi A.Murray - Jeffrey's dick.
  • Sabinian Pinus Dougl.
  • Pinus coulteri D.Don.

Species by region

There are about 110 species of pine in the world. Pines are native to the northern hemisphere, with only one species found south of the equator, on the island of Sumatra (2°S, the Sumatran pine). In North America they range from 66°N in Canada (Jack pine) to 12°N south in Nicaragua (Caribbean pine). The subtropical mountains of Mexico are home to the greatest diversity of species of this genus, with about 47. The western United States (California) is the second place on the planet with the most diversity of pines. In Eurasia they are found from the Canary Islands and Scotland west to the Russian Far East, and south from the Philippines to 70°N in Norway and eastern Siberia (Scotch Pine and Siberian Dwarf Pine respectively). Seven species are native and originating from the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding areas and have survived and developed since ancient times. In North Africa there are pine trees in the mountainous areas, as well as in the Himalayas and in Southeast Asia. Pine trees have been introduced into temperate and subtropical areas of the Southern Hemisphere, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, New Zealand, and Australia, where they grow widely as a timber resource, and some species have even become invasive.

Pinus sylvestris
Pinus canariensis

Europe and Asia

European and Mediterranean region (some extended to Asia and Macaronesia).
  • Pinus brutia - Turkish pine.
  • Pinus canariensis - Canary pine.
  • Pinus cembra - Swiss pine.
  • Pinus halepensis - Carrasco pine.
  • Pinus heldreichii - (no. Pinus leucodermis) Bosnian pine.
  • Pinus uncinata - Black pine.
  • Pinus nigra - Salt pine, bare pine.
  • Pinus peuce - Pino de Macedonia.
  • Pinus pinaster - Pino rodeno, resin pine.
  • Pinus pinea - Pino piñonero.
    Pinus pinea
  • Pinus sylvestris L. - Pine albar, wild pine.
  • Pinus mugo - Pino move.
Pinus bungeana
Pinus wallichiana
  • Pinus amamiana
  • Pinus armandii - White pine from China.
  • Pinus bhutanica - White pine from the Bhutan.
  • Pinus bungeana
  • Pinus dalatensis - White pine from Vietnam.
  • Pinus densata
  • Pinus densiflora - Red pine from Japan.
  • Pinus eremitana
  • Pinus fenzeliana
  • Pinus fragilissima
  • Pinus gerardiana
  • Pinus henryi
  • Pinus hwangshanensis
  • Pinus kesiya
  • Pinus koraiensis
  • Pinus krempfii
  • Pinus latteri
  • Pinus luchuensis
  • Pinus masson
  • Pinus merkusii - Sumatra pine.
  • Pinus morrisonicola - White pine from Taiwan.
  • Pinus orthophylla
  • Pinus parviflora - White pine from Japan.
  • Pinus pumila - Siberia dwarf pine.
  • Pinus roxburghii
  • Sybiric Pinus - Siberia pine.
  • Pinus squamata
  • Pinus tabuliformis - Chinese red pine.
  • Pinus taiwanensis - Taiwan red pine.
  • Pinus thunbergii - Black pine from Japan.
  • Pinus uyematsui
  • Pinus wallichiana - Blue pine.
  • Pinus wangii (without P. kwangtungensis).
  • Pinus yunnanensis - Yunnan pine.
Pinus albicaulis
Pinus longaeva

North America

Canada and USA, North Mexico
  • Pinus albicaulis
  • Pinus aristata
  • Pinus attenuata
  • Pinus balfouriana
  • Pinus banksiana
  • Pinus clausa
  • Pinus contorta
  • Pinus coulteri
  • Pinus echinata
  • Pinus edulis
  • Pinus elliottii
  • Pinus flexilis
  • Pinus glabra
  • Pinus jeffreyi
  • Pinus lambertiana
  • Pinus longaeva
  • Pinus monophylla
  • Pinus monticola
  • Pinus muricata
  • Pinus palustris
  • Pinus ponderosaa (no. P. washoensis)
  • Pinus pungens
  • Pinus radiata - Pino de Monterrey
  • Pinus reflexa
  • Remote pinus
  • resinous pines - Red pine
  • Rigid pinus
  • Pinus saineana
  • Serotin pinus
  • Pinus strobus
  • Pinus taeda
  • Pinus torreyana
  • Pinus virginiana
Pinus radiata
Pinus mugo
Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
  • Pinus apulcensis - Acapulco pine
  • Pinus arizonica - Pino de Arizona
  • Pinus ayacahuite - White pine from Mexico
  • Pinus caribaea - Caribbean Pine
  • Pinus cembroides - Mexican piñonero, Piñón
  • Pinus chiapensis - White Pine of Chiapas
  • Pinus cooperi - Pino albacarrote
  • Pinus cubensis - Pino de Cuba
  • Pinus culminicola - Potosi Pine
  • Pinus devoniana (syn. P. michoacana) - Pino de Michoacán, Pino escobetón, Pino lacio, Pino real
  • Pinus durangensis - Pino de Durango
  • Pinus engelmannii - Pino Apache.
  • Pinus estevezii -
  • Pinus georginae
  • Fatty Pinus (no. P. douglasiana)
  • Pinus greggii -
  • Pinus hartwegii -
  • Pinus herrerae -
  • Pinus hondurensis (no. P. caribaea var. fundurensis- Pino de Honduras
  • Pinus jaliscana - Jalisco Pine
  • Pinus johannis -
    Pinus tabuliformis
  • Pinus lawsonii - Lawson's Pine.
  • Pinus leiophylla - Chihuahua Pine, Ocote, Chinese Pine
  • Pinus lumholtzii
  • Pinus luzmariae
  • Pinus maximartinezii
  • Pinus maximinoi (no. P. tenuifolia)
  • Pinus montezumae - Ocote, Male Ocote, White Pine
  • Pinus nelsonii
  • Western Pinusis - Pine of the island Spanish
  • Pinus oocarpa - Ocote, Chinese Ocote, Male Ocote
  • Pinus patula
  • Pinus orizabensis
  • Pinus pinceana
  • Pinus praetermissa
  • Pinus pringlei
  • Pinus pseudostrobus - White pine, ocote pine
  • Pinus quadrifolia
  • Pinus rzedowskii
  • Pinus strobiformis - Chihuahua white pine
  • Pinus tecunumanii
  • Pinus teocote
  • Tropical Pinus - Tropical Pine

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