Pierre Aubenque


Pierre Aubenque, Ph.D. (L & # 39; Isle-Jourdain, July 23, 1929-Versailles, February 23, 2020) was a renowned French philosopher, especially for his work as a commentator on Aristotle.


A former student of the ENS (French Normal School of Philosophy), he also worked as lecturer at the University of Montpellier, from 1955 to 1960, later he taught at the Universities of Besançon and Aix-Marseille.

In 1969 he began teaching classes in the History of Ancient Philosophy at the Paris IV-Sorbonne University.

He was professor emeritus at this University until the end of his life and also held the position of general secretary of the Institute of Philosophy in Paris. He was one of the most recognized figures in current Western philosophy.

Among his theoretical contributions, it stands out that he has given a new light to Aristotelian metaphysics, especially from the readings that Heidegger made of this classical philosopher. He has also contributed novelties to the study of Thomas Aquinas, highlighting how this philosopher developed the concept of & # 34; analogy & # 34;, which was not present in Aristotelian texts.

Another of his main contributions was the French edition of the Davos Debate, held by Heidegger and Cassirer about Kant in 1929.

He died at the age of ninety in Versailles.


His works are focused on philosophers of Classical Antiquity, highlighting:

  • Le problème de l' être chez Aristote. Essai sur la problématique aritotélicienne (The problem of being in Aristotle. I test on the aristotelian problem) PUF, Paris, 1962. Translated to Spanish by Editorial Taurus, Madrid 1981.
  • La prudence chez Aristote (Trudence in Aristotle) Paris 1963. Translated to Spanish by Editorial Crítica, Barcelona, 1999
  • Sénèque Paris, 1964
  • Concepts et catégories dans laimae antique (Concepts and categories in old thinking) Paris, 1980
  • Problèmes aristotéliciens (Aristotelian problems) Paris, 1983.
  • Aristote et les choses humaines, suivi de "la politique stoïcienne." (Aristoteles and human affairs, followed by stoic politics) Didier. Paris, 1998
  • "Faut-il déconstruire la metaphysique? (Does metaphysics need to be deconstructed?) PUF, Paris 2009. Translated to Spanish by Ediciones Encounter, S.A., Madrid, 2012.

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