
PicoBSD was a FreeBSD 3.0-current version, one of the operating systems derived from BSD, contained on a single floppy disk, which, in its different variants, allows dialup access to remote networks.), a router or a communications server (dialin). Its minimum requirements to run are a computer with a 386SX CPU processor with 8 Mb of RAM memory (it does not require a hard drive as the system does not need to be installed when loaded into memory as a LiveCD).

PicoBSD was made freely available under the BSD license. Its main developer was Andrzej Bialeck, and its latest version was 0.42.

With the flexibility that FreeBSD offers, in addition to the availability of source code, it was possible to prepare an installation that would perform various tasks, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Work station without hard drive.
  • Portable phone access solution. (Portable dial-up access solution)
  • Custom demonstration disc.
  • Powered controller (in a flash or EEPROM).
  • Firewall.
  • Communications server.
  • Replacement of commercial router.
  • A domotic system that does not require hard drive
  • And many others.


There were multiple versions of PicoBSD:

  • A connection version on request (by modem) (Dialup Version).
  • A version for networks (Networking Version).
  • A version for subnet interconnection (Router Version).
  • A version for a connection server (Dial-in server version), not stable.

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