Physical constant

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In science, the physical constant is the name given to the value of a physical magnitude that, given a system of units, remains invariable in physical processes over time. In contrast, a mathematical constant represents an unchanging value that is not directly involved in any physical process.

There are many physical constants; some of the best known are Planck's reduced constant ( {displaystyle hbar }), the gravitation constant (G{displaystyle G}), the speed of light (c{displaystyle c}), allowivity in the void (ε ε 0{displaystyle epsilon}), magnetic permeability in the vacuum (μ μ 0{displaystyle mu _{0}}) and the elementary load (e{displaystyle e}). All these, being so fundamental, are called universal constants.

On the other hand, since 1937 Paul Dirac and other scientists have speculated that the value of physical constants might decrease in proportion to the age of the Universe. To date, no experiment has indicated that this is the case, although it has been possible to calculate the maximum levels of this hypothetical variation of the constants. The maximum levels of annual variation are, in any case, very small, being 10-5 for the fine structure and 10-11 for the gravitation constant. The issue is still a matter of controversy today.

Some considerations

Dimensional and dimensionless constants

Physical constants can have dimensions such as, for example, the speed of light in the vacuum (which in the SI is expressed in meters per second), while others, such as the constant of fine structure (α α {displaystyle alpha }) that characterizes the interaction between electrons and photons, is dimensional.

Unless natural units are used, the value of constants that have dimensions will depend on the unit system used. By contrast, dimensionless constants are independent of the system of units used and are known as fundamental physical constants. The fine structure constant is probably the best known of these dimensionless constants. The ratios of the masses (or other properties) of the particles are also fundamental physical constants.

Physical constants and life in the Universe

In many of these constants a precise adjustment occurs that makes the existence of the human being in the cosmos compatible. If the value of certain of those constants were only slightly different from what they possess, the Universe would have to be radically different, making it impossible for life as we know it to emerge. The fact that the Universe is properly calibrated and adjusted to accommodate intelligent life has intrigued many and has also been the subject of scientific and philosophical debate. Perhaps one of the best answers that explains the adjustment of the constants is the one given by the anthropic principle. This affirms that since the human being is here, the Universe must be a universe capable of housing it and, therefore, it is not possible to wonder about the possibility that these values were different since, if so, there would be no one who could ask him.

Tables of physical constants

NOTE: Although many properties of materials and particles are constant, they are not shown in tables as they are specific to the respective materials or particles.

Table of universal constants

AmountSymbolValueRelative error
Vacuum characteristic impedanceZ0=μ μ 0c{displaystyle Z_{0}=mu _{0}c,}376,730 313 461... Ωdefined
Electrical vacuum permitε ε 0{displaystyle epsilon _{0},}8,854 187 817... × 10-12 F·m-1defined
Magnetic Permeability of Vacuumμ μ 0{displaystyle mu _{0},}4π × 10-7 N·A-2 = 1,2566 370 614... × 10-6 N·A-2defined
Constant universal gravitationG{displaystyle G,}6,671 91(99) × 10-11 N·m2/kg21.5 × 10-6
Constant of Planckh{displaystyle h,}6,626 070 15 × 10- 34 J·sdefined
Reduced Constant of Planck =h2π π {displaystyle hbar ={frac {h}{2pi }}}}1,054 571 817 646 16 × 10- 34 J·sExactly
Speed of light in the vacuumc=1μ μ 0ε ε 0{displaystyle c={frac {1}{sqrt {mu _{0}epsilon _{0}}}}{,}299 792 458 m·s-1defined

Table of electromagnetic constants

AmountSymbolValue1 (units SI)Relative error
Bohr Magnetonμ μ B=e /2me{displaystyle mu _{B}=ehbar /2m_{e}}9,27400949(80) × 10-24 J·T-18.6 × 10-8
Nuclear Magnetonμ μ N=e /2mp{displaystyle mu _{N}=ehbar /2m_{p}}}5,050 783 43(43) × 10-27 J·T-18.6 × 10-8
Quantum resistanceR0=h/2e2{displaystyle R_{0}=h/2e^{2},}12 906,403 729 652 3 ΩExactly
Constant von KlitzingRK=h/e2{displaystyle R_{K}=h/e^{2},}25 812.807 459 304 5 ΩExactly

Table of atomic and nuclear constants

AmountSymbolValue1 (units SI)Relative error
Radio de Bohra0=α α /4π π R∞ ∞ {displaystyle a_{0}=alpha /4pi R_{infty },}0.529 177 2108(18) × 10-10 m3.3 × 10-9
Fermi coupling ConstantGF/( c)3{displaystyle G_{F}/(hbar c)^{3}1,166 39(1) × 10-5 GeV-28.6 × 10-6
Consisting of fine structureα α =μ μ 0e2c/(2h)=e2/(4π π ε ε 0 c){displaystyle alpha =mu _{0}e^{2}c/(2h)=e^{2}/(4pi epsilon _{0}hbar c),}7,297 352 568(24) × 10-33.3 × 10-9
Hartree EnergyEh=2R∞ ∞ hc{displaystyle E_{h}=2R_{infty }hc,}4,359 744 17(75) × 10-18 J1.7 × 10-7
Quantum of circulationh/2me{displaystyle h/2m_{e},}3,636 947 550(24) × 10-4 m2 s-16.7 × 10-9
Rydberg ConstantR∞ ∞ =α α 2mec/2h{displaystyle R_{infty }=alpha ^{2}m_{ec/2h,}10 973 731.568 525(73) m-16,6 × 10-12
Effective Thomson Section(8π π /3)re2{displaystyle (8pi /3)r_{e}^{2}}0.665 245 873(13) × 10- 28 m22.0 × 10-8
Weinberg Anglewithout2 θ θ W=1− − (mW/mZ)2{displaystyle sin ^{2}theta _{W}=1-(m_{W}/m_{Z})^{2},}0.222 15(76)3.4 × 10-3

Table of physical-chemical constants

AmountSymbolValue1 (units SI)Relative error
Constant atomic massmu=1u{displaystyle m_{u}=1 u,}1,660 538 86(28) × 10-27 kg1.7 × 10-7
Number of AvogadroNA,L{displaystyle N_{A},L,}6,022 140 76 × 1023defined
Boltzmann Constantk=R/NA{displaystyle k=R/N_{A},}1,380 649 × 10-23 J·K-1defined
Constant FaradayF=NAe{displaystyle F=N_{A}e,}96 485,332 123 310 018 4 C·mol-1Exactly
First radiation constantc1=2π π hc2{displaystyle c_{1}=2pi hc^{2},}3,741 771 852 191 76 × 10-16 W·m2Exactly
for spectral radiancec1L{displaystyle c_{1L},}1,191 042 82(20) × 10-16 W · m2 sr-11.7 × 10-7
Number of Loschmidta T{displaystyle T}=273.15 K and p{displaystyle p}=101.325 kPan0=NA/Vm{displaystyle n_{0}=N_{A}/V_{m},}2,686 7773(47) × 1025 m-31.8 × 10-6
Universal consistency of ideal gasesR{displaystyle R,}8.314 462 618 153 24 J·K-1·mol-1Exactly
Constant molar of PlanckNAh{displaystyle N_{A}h,}3,990 312 712 893 431 4 × 10-10 J · s · mol-1Exactly
Molar volume of an ideal gasa T{displaystyle T}=273.15 K and p{displaystyle p}= 100 kPaVm=RT/p{displaystyle V_{m}=RT/p,}22,710 981(40) × 10-3 m3 · mol-11.7 × 10-6
a T{displaystyle T}=273.15 K and p{displaystyle p}=101.325 kPa22,413 996(39) × 10-3 m3 · mol-11.7 × 10-6
Sackur-Tetrode Constanta T{displaystyle T}=1 K and p{displaystyle p}= 100 kPaS0/R=52{displaystyle S_{0}/R={frac {5}{2}}}}}
+ln [chuckles](2π π mukT/h2)3/2kT/p]{displaystyle +ln left[(2pi m_{u}kT/h^{2}}{3/2}kT/pright]}}
-1,151 7047(44)3.8 x 10-6
a T{displaystyle T}=1 K and p{displaystyle p}=101.325 kPa-1.164 8677(44)3.8 x 10-6
Second radiation constantc2=hc/k{displaystyle c_{2}=hc/k,}1,438 776 877 503 93 × 10-2 m·KExactly
Constant Stefan-Boltzmannσ σ =(π π 2/60)k4/ 3c2{displaystyle sigma =(pi ^{2}/60)k^{4}/hbar ^{3}c^{2}}5.670 374 419 184 43 × 10-8 W·m-2·K-4Exactly
Constant of the Displacement Act of Wienbenergia=(hc/k)/{displaystyle b_{energia}=(hc/k)/,} 4,965 114 231...2,897 7685(51) × 10-3 m · K1.7 × 10-6
Conventional value of Josephson's constant2KJ− − 90{displaystyle K_{J-90},}483 597,9 × 109 Hz · V-1defined

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