Peruvian Language Academy


The Peruvian Academy of Language (APL) is a cultural institution that brings together writers, writers, poets, linguists and scientists, experts in the use of the language Spanish in Peru. It is a collective member of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language.


It was established in Lima on May 5, 1887 as corresponding to the Royal Spanish Academy. On August 30, he held his first public function in the assembly hall of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, when Francisco García Calderón, former president of Peru, was elected as the first president. Although it is true that it was inaugurated in 1887, its start was postponed due to the War of the Pacific, since during the Chilean occupation of Lima a large part of the books from the National Library were stolen and taken to Chile as war booty.; This event forced Ricardo Palma to prioritize the reconstruction of the Library, leaving aside the idea of inaugurating the APL years before.

García Calderón is succeeded by Ricardo Palma, first as president and then as director. Palma was a brave defender of Peruvianisms , which he exposed in his books Lexicographical Ballots and Neologisms and Americanisms , in addition to fighting against the Royal Academy Spanish to accept them.

Among its members is Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Cervantes Prize (1994) and the Nobel Prize for Literature (2010), who also has a seat at the Royal Spanish Academy. But along with this distinguished name of Spanish-American literature, there were also renowned members: Víctor Andrés Belaúnde, Guillermo Hoyos Osores, Augusto Tamayo Vargas, Luis Jaime Cisneros, as well as Aurelio and Francisco Miró Quesada. In the field of Quechua linguistics related to Peruvian Spanish, Rodolfo Cerrón Palomino participates, and in Peruvianisms - especially Limaisms and archaisms - Martha Hildebrandt.

The poet and translator Ricardo Silva-Santisteban (Lima, 1941) was the president of the institution from 2014 to 2017. The current president is Marco Martos Carrera, who has been elected until 2022.

The Academy - based in Lima - organized the VIII International Congress of the Association of Academies (1980).


Academics by number

Peruvian intellectuals and members of the Peruvian Academy of Language in their visit to the Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute of the University of San Marcos (2011). Among the present are: Mario Vargas Llosa, Marco Martos, Jorge Puccinelli, Camilo Fernández Cozman, Fernando de Szyszlo, Edgardo Rivera Martínez, Carlos Germán Belli, among others.
Academic Date of incorporation Occupation Year of birth Place of birth Notes
Martha Hildebrandt Pérez-Treviño 1971 Linguist, politics 1925 Freedom Perpetua Secretariat 1993-2005
Mario Vargas Llosa 1975 Writer 1936 Arequipa
Carlos Germán Belli 1980 Writer 1927 Lima
Manuel Pantigoso Pecero 1982 Poet, literary critic 1936 Lima
Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino 1991 Linguistic 1940 Junín
Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino Díaz 1995 Priest, theologian 1928 Lima
Fernando de Trazegnies Granda 1996 Lawyer, historian, genealogist 1935 Lima
José León Herrera 1998 Philosopher, Orientalist 1930 Lima
Marco G. Martos Carrera 1999 Writer 1942 Piura President of the Academy from 2006 to 2014 and since 2018.
Ricardo González Vigil 2000 Poet, literary critic 1949 Lima
Ricardo Silva-Santisteban Ubillus 2001 Poet, editor, literary critic 1941 Lima President of the Academy from 2014 to 2017
Eduardo Francisco Hopkins Rodríguez 2005
Solomon Lerner Febres 2006 Philosopher 1944 Lima
Alberto Varillas Montenegro 2008 Lawyer 1934 Lima
Camilo Rubén Fernández Cozman 2008 Poet 1965 Lima
Alonso Cueto Caballero 2009 Writer 1954 Lima
Marcial Rubio Correa 2010 Counsel, Constitutionalist 1948 Lima
Harry Belevan-McBride 2012 Diplomatic 1945 Lima
Carlos Thorne Boas 2012 Lawyer, philosopher, novelist 1926 Lima
Carlos Garatea Grau 2014 Philologist, linguist 1966 Lima
Victor Oswaldo Holguín Callo 2014 Historian 1950 Lima
Antonio González Montes 2014 1949 Lima
Eliana González Cruz 2017 Linguistic 1968 Lambayeque
Oscar Coello Cruz 2022 Poet, professor and literary critic 1947 Piura Editor Bulletin of the Peruvian Academy of Language

Deceased academics

  • Francisco García-Calderón and Landa
  • Ricardo Palma
  • José de la Riva Agüero y Osma
  • Víctor Andrés Belaúnde Diez-Canseco
  • Aurelio Miró Quesada Sosa
  • José Jiménez Borja
  • Augusto Tamayo Vargas
  • Luis Alberto Sánchez
  • Estuardo Núñez Hague
  • Luis Jaime Cisneros Vizquerra
  • Francisco Miró-Quesada Cantuarias
  • José Agustín de la Puente Candamo
  • Fernando de Szyszlo Valdelomar
  • Edgardo Rivera Martínez
  • Martha Hildebrandt
  • Ismael Pinto Vargas
  • Eugenio Chang Rodríguez
  • Luis Alberto Ratto Chueca

Peruvian corresponding academics

  • Mr. D. Alfredo Bryce Echenique
  • Mr. D. Armando Zubizarreta
  • Mr. D. Luis Enrique López
  • Ms. D.a Rocío Caravedo
  • Mr. D. Julio Ortega
  • Mr. D. Pedro Lasarte
  • Mr. D. Juan Carlos Godenzzi
  • Mr. D. Jesus Cabel Moscoso

Foreign corresponding academics

  • Mr. D. James Higgins
  • Mr. D. Humberto López Morales
  • Mr. D. Julio Calvo Pérez
  • Mr. D.a Raquel Chang-Rodríguez
  • Mr. D.a Isabelle Tauzin-Castellanos
  • Mr. D.a Immaculate Lergo
  • Mr. D. Pedro Lastra
  • Mr. D. Stephen M. Hart
  • Mr. D. Juan Jesús Armas Marcelo
  • Mr. D. César Ferreira
  • Mr. D. Thomas Ward

Honorary Scholars

  • Mr. D. Johan Leuridan Huys
  • Mr. D. Antonio Gamoneda Lobón
  • Mr. D. Jorge Eduardo Arellano


  • Francisco García-Calderón y Landa (1887-1905)
  • Ricardo Palma (1905-1919)
  • Javier Prado (1919-1921)
  • José de la Riva Agüero y Osma (1934-1944)
  • Víctor Andrés Belaúnde Diez-Canseco (1944-1966)
  • Aurelio Miró Quesada Sosa (1967-1979)
  • José Jiménez Borja (1979-1982)
  • Augusto Tamayo Vargas (1982-1988)
  • Estuardo Núñez Hague (1988-1991)
  • Luis Jaime Cisneros Vizquerra (1991-2005)
  • Marco G. Martos Carrera (2006-2014)
  • Ricardo Silva-Santisteban Ubillús (2014-2017)
  • Marco G. Martos Carrera (2018-2022)

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