

Pennisetum, also called sericura (from the Latin penna feather and mushroom bristle) or simply penisetos, is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants with some annual members, of the Poaceae family. They are found in all temperate regions of both hemispheres.

In Spain the species Pennisetum setaceum is considered an Invasive plant with great potential danger. It has successfully invaded different types of habitats, from tropical or subtropical to the most arid and semi-arid, displacing the native flora, which is why it is considered a very dangerous invasive species. As a gardener, it is used for its reddish inflorescence color on the greenish plant, in large areas where it develops properly and in positions near water, such as ponds or lakes. It is also used as a dune shortening, ground cover, or stacked in planters as an ornamental use.

It is currently described in various parts of the world, such as Hawaii and Arizona (United States), Mexico, South Africa and Australia (Salinas, M.J.; López-Escoriza, A.; Cabello, J., 2011), where it is causing serious problems.

In Spain it was introduced to the Canary Islands in the 40s, and its dispersal has been considerable, representing a great threat to the Canarian ecosystems. It is currently found in some locations on the Mediterranean coast (Almería, Granada and Málaga) and also on the Atlantic coast (Cádiz).

Bioadaptation and distribution

Potentially it is very problematic due to its competitiveness, adaptation to different environmental conditions, high seed production, easy dispersal and difficult control.

It is very resistant to fire, which even promotes the regeneration and rejuvenation of populations. An increase in the intensity and frequency of fire has been detected in those areas where there are large populations.

In the Peninsula it has been introduced as an ornamental, and can be found in some nurseries. It can be seen in roundabouts, gardens and promenades along the Mediterranean coast. It inhabits beaches and their proximities, highway ditches and paths, expanding very easily along highways and in spaces with altered vegetation as a result of urbanization activities.

Due to its characteristics, this species can become a serious problem in olive groves, vineyards, woody crops in general, meadows and pastures. Its easy adaptation makes it very competitive for water resources if trees or bushes are considered around it.

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Among the 80 species of the genus are cespitose, stoloniferous and prostrate herbs, with a wide diversity of heights (between 15-800 cm) and leaves with widths that vary between 3 and 35 cm, without crossed veins.
They are bisexual plants with hermaphroditic florets. The inflorescences form spikelets or panicles in the leaf axils surrounded by non-spiny hairs.

In this genus there are species considered weeds, such as p. alopecuroides, or P. clandestinum, used for pastures P. donsonii etc., for forage P. purpureum, for grain cultivation P. glaucum or for lawns and playing fields.


It requires very little maintenance or care, it requires abundant watering so as not to affect species around it, it does not withstand a lot of flush and skew cuts as it dries out, it should be cut in a tubular or rounded shape, leaving taller spikes on the crown. It can grow on sandy, clayey, and preferably silty loam soils.


Pennisetum alopecuroids.
  • Pennisetum alopecuroids (L.) Spreng.
  • Pennisetum americanum (L.) K.Schum.
  • Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov.
  • Pennisetum cenchroids Rich.
  • Pennisetum chilense (E.Desv.) B.D.Jacks. ex R.E.Fr.
  • Pennisetum downsonii Stapf & C.E.Hubb.
  • Pennisetum durum Beal
  • Pennisetum elegans Hassk.
  • Pennisetum exaltatum Hook.f. & B.D.Jacks.
  • Pennisetum glaucum
  • Pennisetum massaicum Stapf
  • Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin.
  • Pennisetum polystachyon (L.) Schult.
  • Pennisetum purpureum
  • Pennisetum setaceum
  • Pennisetum sieberianum (Schlecht.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb.
  • Pennisetum trachyphyllum Pilg.
  • Pennisetum villosum R.Br. ex Fresen.

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