Pedro Opaso


Pedro Opaso Letelier (Talca, July 20, 1876-Santiago, April 9, 1957) was a Chilean politician, who for a brief period was Vice President of Chile in July 1931.

Early years of life

He was the son of Ursicino Opaso Silva and Margarita Letelier Silva. He studied at the Liceo de Talca (currently Liceo Abate Molina), to later study Medicine at the University of Chile.

Marriage and children

Married to Sara Cousiño Talavera (July 4, 1878 - September 25, 1973), they had 6 children: Raquel, Víctor, Sara, Pedro, Fresia and Enrique.

Public life

He began his political life as the first mayor of Río Claro, later in 1920 being taken to various ministries by the Liberal Democratic Party. He was elected deputy for Curicó (1921-1924) and senator for Talca (1924-1930) and Talca, Linares and Curicó (1930-1932).

He was the leader of the United Liberal Party (PLU) and negotiated with the rest of the parties the quotas for the formation of the Thermal Congress in 1930.

By the fall of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo in 1931, he was president of the Senate, so he had to assume the vice-presidency of the Republic. On July 26 he took office, quickly assembling for the night a ministry, headed by a reluctant Juan Esteban Montero in the Interior, while Pedro Blanquier, his other key piece, remained in the Treasury.

The ministers arrived on the morning of the 27th and, through a decree, Opaso handed over command of the nation to Montero. His tenure lasted less than 24 hours, and the speed with which he untethered command earned him the nickname "the Passer" by the satirical magazine Topaze, which I would accompany him until his death.

Later, he was elected senator for Curicó, Talca, Maule and Linares (1933-1949). He joined the Liberal Party in 1933, after the PLU merged with it. He was president of the board of directors of Banco de Talca between 1936 and 1957.

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