

Pediatrics is the medical specialty and branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The term comes from the Greek paidos (child) and iatrea (healing), but its content is much greater than the cure of children's diseases, since pediatrics it studies both the healthy and the sick child.

Chronologically, pediatrics covers from birth until the child reaches adolescence, normally up to 18 years of age. There are even international organizations that extend the age to 21 years. Within it, several periods are distinguished: newborn (0-6 days), neonate (7-29 days), infant (younger infant; 1-12 months of life, older infant; 1-2 years), preschool (3- 5 years), school (6-12 years), puberty (13-15 years) and adolescent (16-18 years).

Childcare is one of the specialties of medicine. It means "care of children" and comes from the Latin puer/pueris (the child/of the child) and cultura, "cultivation"; that is, the art of parenting. Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that studies the conditions of the dentition, and also of the mouth, assimilating it to stomatology, in children. The current trend is to merge all these meanings into a single term, pediatrics.


Pediatric care has always been linked to the care of mothers during childbirth; issues such as maternal-infant care, the fetal-placental unit, mother and child care, and the very concept of perinatology have emerged from there. Thus, although obstetrics —in many places successfully practiced by midwives and general practitioners— has been linked to gynecology since the 20th century (a specialty today known as Obstetrics-Gynecology), in reality it is intrinsically linked to survival and well-being of the product of conception, that is, of the child, who is the object of pediatric care.

Since the Renaissance, children's illnesses began to be considered as a medical activity and more pediatric-oriented books were written. During the Modern Age, centers dedicated to the care of children began to appear.

From the 19th century, pediatrics developed its scientific base, especially in France and Germany, and the first modern hospitals were created in Europe and North America. Pediatrics becomes a medical specialty with its own entity. In the 20th century, Mr. Andrés Martínez Vargas was a precursor of Pediatrics in Spain, who in 1915 published his fundamental Treatise on Pediatrics, an irreplaceable work for having a clear and overall vision of Pediatrics known and practiced by his contemporary colleagues.

Definition of newborn or neonate

A newborn or neonate can be called a child who is less than 28 days old. These first 28 days of life are the ones that carry the greatest risk of death for the child. However, some pediatric books consider the newborn and the neonate as two different periods.

The perinatal period is the period of time from the 28th week of gestation to the seventh day of life outside the womb of the baby.

The neonatal period refers to the first 28 days of a newborn's life.

Classification according to gestational age of the newborn and classification according to weight

Physical and neurological characteristics allow us to accurately assess gestational age, since the newborn will be classified among the following categories:

  • Extreme premature birth: Conception product from 21 weeks to 27 weeks of gestation.
  • Newborn very premature: A product of conception between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation.
  • Newborn Preterm (RNPT): A product of conception from 28 weeks to less than 37 weeks of gestation.
  • Newborn to term (RNAT): A conception product from 37 weeks to 41 weeks of gestation.
  • New postterm birth (RNPT): A product of conception of 42 weeks or more of gestation.

Based on birth weight, it is classified as:

  • Newborn macrosomal: weight greater than 4000 grams.
  • Newly born normopeso: between 2500 and 3500 grams.
  • Newborn underweight: less than 2500 grams.
  • Newly born of very low weight: less than 1500 grams.
  • Extremely low weight born: less than 1000 grams.

Child psychology

The work of child psychology is essential for early detection of psychological problems that may arise. Going to a psychological office at an early age is key, since that is when the child's personality is developing and he will face problems with a certain vulnerability due to her age. Child psychologists also help to get more out of their skills and abilities in any field so that children learn to be little by little autonomous. And finally, they help parents in the upbringing and education of their children.

There are two theories that gain weight in child psychology thanks to which experts make a psychological diagnosis of the child. Sigmund Freud who focuses his theory on the satisfaction of the wishes of the minor while the development of his personality occurs. And, on the other hand, Jean Piaget who focuses his studies on the development of his intellect and the ability to relate.

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