Peaks of europe

View of the Western massif (with Torre Bermeja and Peña Santa) from the road to hill Jermoso.
The Picu Urriellu from the viewpoint of Carreña.

The Picos de Europa are a mountainous massif located in the north of Spain that belongs to the central part of the Cantabrian mountain range. Although not very extensive, its proximity to the sea makes it abundant in geographical features of great interest. Currently, the Picos de Europa National Park is the second most visited national park in Spain, after Teide National Park (Tenerife).

This limestone formation extends through Asturias, León and Cantabria, and its heights stand out, in many cases above 2500 m s. no. m., due to how close they are to the Cantabrian Sea, since at their northernmost point they are barely 15 kilometers from the sea. Geographically, the Picos de Europa are located on the line of the Cantabrian mountain range, although they are considered as an independent unit from it due to their most recent formation. They occupy a total area of 67,455 hectares distributed among the three provinces.[citation required]

The Picos de Europa are divided into three massifs: the Western or Cornión massif, the Central or Urrieles massif, and the Eastern or Ándara massif.

The highest altitudes are found in the Urrieles massif, which happens to be the most rugged of the three, as fourteen of its peaks exceed 2600 m altitude, with the Torre Cerredo, 2650 m, as the roof of these mountains and the third maximum in the entire Iberian Peninsula, after Sierra Nevada and the Pyrenees. Another mountain that is part of this massif is Picu Urriellu or Naranjo de Bulnes, of great historical importance in Spanish mountaineering. It was conquered for the first time on August 5, 1904, by Pedro Pidal, Marquis of Villaviciosa, and his teammate and guide Gregorio Pérez Demaría el cainejo, a natural shepherd from Caín de Valdeón, [citation required] an ascent that is considered the birth of mountaineering in Spain.

In the Western massif or Cornión, named for the horn shape that its silhouette offers when seen from the west, stands out the Peña Santa, which with its 2596 m in altitude is 110 m higher than the next peak of this massif, the Torre de Santa María or Torre Santa de Enol. Due to these two mountains, the Peña Santa and the Torre Santa, this massif is also known as the Peñas Santas.

The Eastern massif, also called Ándara because the circus of the same name is located there, is the most modest of the three, both in height (its roof, the Morra de Lechugales, reaches 2444 m altitude) as in verticals.


The Urrieles, headed by the Pico de los Cabrones and Torre Cerredo from the vicinity of Lake Enol, in the western massif.

Some historians have come to identify the Picos de Europa with the legendary Mount Vindio where, according to the chronicler Lucio Anneo Floro, the Cantabrians took refuge from the Roman legions and where they thought that «the waves of the sea would rise before than the arms of Rome".

In the Ora Marítima, a work by Rufus Festo Avieno that includes the Periplo massaliota of 530 B.C. C., it is already described how the navigators who passed through the Cantabrian coast towards Brittany distinguished these mountains.

In the year 1530 the historian Lucio Marineo Sículo already called them Rupes Europae.[citation required] Ambrosio Morales, chronicler of Philip II, cites them in 1572 as Mountains of Europe.[citation required] Fray Prudencio de Sandoval, in 1601, calls them Peñas or Sierras de Europa,[citation required] as well as the Portuguese Rodrigo Méndez Silva,[citation required] the Benedictine Gregorio de Argaiz,[citation required] the Jesuit Luis Alfonso de Carballo[citation required] and the Benedictine monk Francisco de la Sota.[citation required]

There are numerous theories as to why the Picos de Europa received their name. Traditionally, the origin of its toponymy has been associated with the fact that it was supposedly the first European land that sailors saw when they came from America, although this assumption is not shared by many scholars.

Other hypotheses suggest that the name comes from the surprise that for visitors to the Iberian Peninsula it meant finding these energetic limestone cliffs in the confines of Europe, or that it was coined by Central European pilgrims who made the Camino de Santiago, who would have So called to these mountains because of their resemblance to the Alps.

Be that as it may, the reality is that the reason is unknown for sure, especially if one takes into account that the inhabitants of the nearby regions simply call them Picos.


The Picos de Europa are located within the line that, from west to east, occupies the Cantabrian mountain range. They comprise a more or less rectangular surface of about 20 kilometers from north to south and approximately 35 km from west to east, which gives about 550 square kilometers.

They are as modest in extent as they are rich in the number of summits and peaks, fourteen being counted above 2600 m, forty over 2500 m, and almost 250 above 2000 m altitude.

The different massifs are defined by the rivers that escort and cross them. Thus, the Picos de Europa as a whole is limited by the rivers Sella and Dobra, to the west, and by the Deva to the east. Two other rivers, the Cares and the Duje, were in charge of, in a work of millions of years, sculpting the valleys through which they flow today and thus giving shape to the three massifs. The Cares separates the Cornión and Urrieles massifs, and, further east, the Duje separates these from the Ándara massif.

Administratively, these mountains are located in three different autonomous communities: the Principality of Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León (province of León). It should be noted that the central area of the Peaks, the Urrieles, is practically equidistant from the three provincial capitals, Oviedo, León and Santander, being located about 85−90 km of them. The Treasurer peak is also remarkable, in the Central massif, for being a trifinio or point where the three provincial limits coincide.

Vega de Liordes, an enclave in the León sector of the Picos de Europa National Park belonging to the municipality of Posada de Valdeón registered -35.8 °C on January 7, 2021.

The three massifs

Western Massif or Cornión

10 highest summits of the Cornion
Torres de la cebolleda
Name Altitude (m) Status
1Torre Santa2596León
2Santa de Enol Tower2486Asturias
3Torre de Enmedio2467Asturias
4José de Prado2463AS/ LE
5Tower of the Horcada2455Asturias
6Torco Tower2452AS/ LE
7Tower of Cebolleda III2445Asturias
8Alpine Needle2438AS/ LE
9Juan Menéndez Needle2435AS/ LE
10Cimadevilla Needle2432AS/ LE

It is the largest of the three massifs and is bounded by the Sella and Dobra rivers to the west and the Cares to the east. Administratively, it is located between Asturias —municipalities of Amieva, Cabrales, Cangas de Onís and Onís— and León —municipalities of Sajambre and Valdeón.

It is very important to note that this set of mountains, where the lakes of Covadonga are also located, as well as the Santa Cueva de Covadonga, were part of the first national park created in Spain since 1918. At that time it was called Covadonga Mountain National Park, being renovated, expanded and renamed in 1995, receiving the name of Picos de Europa National Park. In this massif you can distinguish different areas that will be detailed from north to south.

North Zone

The tower of Santa Maria or Enol (2486 m).

The northernmost area of the Cornion is adorned by the lakes of Covadonga from where, towards the south, it gains height as it reaches the shelters of Vegarredonda (1420 mand Vega de Ario (1615 m). At the height is the viewpoint of Ordiales, characteristic point of this massif and place where the remains of Pedro Pidal are located. The Vegarredonda refuge is a good step to reach the central and western zone, while the Vega de Ario, also called Marquis de Villaviciosa in honor of the Naranjo conqueror, is in the easternmost area of the massif. From this point, and also from the neighboring summits of the Jultayu and the Cuvicente, you can see some splendid views of the wall of the Central Massif. At these two summits, around the 2000 m of altitude, can also be seen, 1500 m Below, at the bottom of the valley, the village of Cain, intermediate point of the route of the Cares that, from south to north, part of Posada de Valdeón and arrives in Camarmeña, but which is from Cain where it offers its most spectacular views. Among the shelter of Vega de Ario and the summit of the Jultayu, the Jitu system, a group of highly important karsts that reaches a depth of 1135 m.

Other highlights in this area are, in its northernmost part, the Jascal rock (1724 m) and the Hairy Head (1798 m). Going southwards there are more important heights and from the Cuvicente towards the southwest (in the direction of the Peñas Santas area) there are mountains such as the Peña Blanca or the Robliza, both surpassing the 2200 m.

Middle Zone

The natural way of entering the central area of the Cornión, that prior to the area of the Peñas Santas, is by Vegarredonda. The eastern area of this area is composed of mountains such as Cotalba peak (2026 m), the Requexón (2174 m), the porru Llagu (1926 mor the tower of the Three Poyones (2092 mthe highest. Special mention deserves the Porru Bolu (2025 m), a limestone mole that, saving the distances, resembles the Urriellu picu and offers interesting climbing paths to reach its summit. They also stand out, already looking for the foothills of the tower of Santa Maria or Enol, Los Argaos, a set of peaks with N-S alignment whose highest elevation is the most southern (2152 m).

Area of the Peñas Santas

First snow in the Peña Santa.
2200 m from the top of the Torrecerredo to the village of Cain, here seen from the Cuvicente.

Around the Holy Jou are the most relevant peaks of this mountain, highlighting above all the Peña Santa (2596 m). The second in height is the Santa de Enol Tower or Torre de Santa Maria (2486 m), which happens to be the other great protagonist of the Cornion, seconded to the north by the needle of Enol. To the west of the Santa Maria Tower is the group of the five towers of Cebolleda, which reaches a height of 2438 m. To the south of the Santa tower, surpassing the Horcada de Santa Maria (2346 m), are in alignment N-S, the tower of the Horcada (2455 m), the tower of Enmedio (2467 m), the towers of the Three Marys (2420 m) and the Torco tower (2452 m). Just the Forcadona (2304 m) separates the [torre del Torco from the immense wall that from west to this form the Peña Santa. Hiding it are other peaks of remarkable importance, such as the needle of the Corpus Christi and the needle of the Cat to the southwest, or the José de Prado needle, almost integrated into the imposing south wall of the Cornion roof.

Starting from the Torco tower, following the E-O alignment, are the peaks of Los Estribos (2300 m), the White Cabra tower (2320 m), El Diente (2301 m) and the Garita Cimera (2276 m).

To the northeast of the jou Santu, and separated from the tower of Santa Maria by the jou of the Asturians, are the peak of the Asturians (2274 m), the tower of the Canal Parda (2350 m) and the tower of the Naughty or the Alba (2393 m).

La Bermeja sector

Autumn in the Vegabaño forest in the foothills of the Jario peak.

The southern part of the Cornion massif is dominated by the Bermeja tower, which with its 2400 m dominates in height all the elevations of its environment. Among these stands out to the north (between the Bermeja and the Peña Santa) mountains such as the towers of the Cotalbín, the tip Extremera, the Cuetalbo and, more west, the Highs of the Green. All these elevations approach the 2200 m altitude.

Nearest to the Bermeja Tower, west of it, are the Moledizos I and II, of 2254 and 2295 mrespectively. To the south of the Bermeja tower there are also relevant heights, such as the Pescuezo Pardo (2302 m), the towers of Parda (2317, 2316 and 2236 m), the Ita tower (2236 m), the tower Ciega (2240 m) and the towers of the Arestas (2136, 2125 and 2122 m).

Still further south of these summits is an area of mountains that surround the 2000 m of altitude, like the Canto Cabronero (1996 m) and Peña Beza (1958 m). More modest in height are the mountains around Vegabaño, where to 1300 m is another mountain shelter. Of these they deserve to be highlighted the Jario peak (1913 m), the Neon pica (1792 m) or the Dobres pineapple (1796 m), all of them close to the lioness town of Soto de Sajambre.

Central or Urrieles Massif

10 highest peaks of the Urrieles
The Orange of Bulnes and the Vega of Urriello
Name Altitudes Status
1Torre Cerredo2650AS/ LE
2Llambrion Tower2642León
3Torre del Tiro Tirso2641León
4Tower without Name2638León
5Casiano Tower of Prado2622León
6Llastria Tower2621León
7White Tower2619CB/LE
8Peña Vieja2617Cantabria
9Torre de la Palanca2614León
10Bermeja Tower2606AS/ LE

Located between the valleys excavated by the rivers Cares and Duje is the central massif, undoubtedly the most aggressive and vertical of Picos de Europa. It has the highest heights of the three massifs, since 38 of its peaks exceed the 2500 mfourteen of them (both curiously the same number of eight thousand on the planet) above the 2600 m. Only the Santa rock, in the Western massif, would enter that group of 38 mountains above 2500 m. Although it is less extensive than the Cornion massif, the Urrieles massif has more high mountain surface than the previous one, crowned by the Torrecerredo with its 2650 m altitude. However, it is not at that point where the legend of this particular massif and Picos de Europa is concentrated in general. To find it you have to go to the east, to the heart of the Urrieles, to the Orange of Bulnes or Picu Urriellu, authentic symbol of the Asturian mountain and place where they have been written, since their conquest in 1905, the most beautiful pages of Spanish alpinism. They serve as examples the opening of the first track in their west face, 550 m by Alberto Rabadá and Ernesto Navarro in 1962, or the "Winter Dreams", for which José Luis García Gallego and Miguel Ángel Díez Vives were hung from that wall for 69 days uninterrupted.

Like the Cornion, the Central Massif can be divided into different areas for easier and more understandable analysis.

Maín rock group

From north to south, the first summits are those of the group of the Peña Maín, among which are the Cueto Redondo, the Cabeza la Mesa (which with 1605 m is the highest of this set) or the Burning Head. From any of them you have spectacular views of the heart of the Urrieles.

To the west is Bulnes, a town that, both because of its situation and the isolation to which the geography has subjected it for centuries, may be the one that best represents the presence of man in this hostile environment. From Bulnes, and through the Balcosin canal first and the Camburero canal afterwards, you reach the base of the peak with which you share a name, the Orange of Bulnes.

Naranjo de Bulnes Group

The Southern Face of Bulnes Orange.

The limits of this spectacular set of summits can be placed between the Santa Ana hill in the south and the Castil rock in its northern part. Starting in the south are the towers of the Navarro Tyre (2602 m), set of three summits the highest of which is the only one that exceeds the 2600 m. Further north, through the Horcada del Infanzón (2482 m) are the Campanarios, another triple summit whose height reaches the 2572 m. To the east of this set and through the jou del Infanzón you will find the tower of the Tiros of Santiago and something else to the north, the Cuchallón de Villasobrada (2416 m).

The Urriellu or Naranjo of Bulnes shape, along with the mountains of its surroundings, the jou behind the Picu, a mountain circle that leaves inside a hole as spectacular as deep. Starting in the north following the sense of the clock needles appear the Carnizoso tower (2332 m), the tower of the Bear (2461 m), the Risco Victor and, through the so-called Bonita Collada, the needle of the Martinez (2422 m) from where it descends to the Collada Bonita (2382 m), privileged place to observe the southern face of the Picu. Following the south the tower of the Colladetas appears (2456 m) and then the Morra, bicephalous summit that has a maximum height 2554 m, which is supposed to be the highest summit of all those around, along with the Orange, the jou behind the Picu. The west zone of the jou after the Urriellu is covered by the Torca Shooters (2386 m), before it in the south of the Picu Urriellu (2519 m), from which the Celada Canal departs to the Vega de Urriellu.

To the east of this set would only remain the Castil Rock (2444 m), imposing pyramid that marks the end, in the north, of the great heights of the Urrieles.

Torrecerredo Group

Torrecerredo and Cabrones. Among them, the Western massif, always presided over by the Peñas Santas.

Geographically this sector is located west of the picu Urriellu and borders more west with the river Cares. From north to south, it begins with the Murallón de Amuesa that quickly gains height until configuring the first summits, as are the Cuetos del Trave (2253 m the highest) and, after surpassing the cove of the Water, the peak of Dobresengros (2395 m). The Dobresengros channel was baptized with the same name, which is part of the vicinity of Cain and which it accesses, after saving a level of 2000 mto the highest peaks in this area.

To the south of the peak of Dobresengros appears, imposing, the group of Cabrones. First the needles of Cabins (2474 m) and then the peak of the Cabins (2553 m), beautiful summit of stylized silhouette that, towards the east, shelters the jou of the Cabrones, especially arid area and place where the refuge José Ramón Lueje (2035 m) and the Trave system, a set of three simas that, with its 1441 m depth is the most important of Picos.

Without almost rest you reach the symbol of this area, the Torrecerredo (2650 m), ceiling of the Urrieles and the highest point in many hundreds of kilometres round. It is also a privileged place to observe the massif of the Peñas Santas.

The Torrecerredo is escorted by two needles of singular names, since from their walls the Risco Saint Saud (Risco St.2575 m) and, slightly lower, the Labrouche tower (2525 m). These summits bear the name of two illustrious figures of Picos de Europa, the count of Saint Saud and Paul Labrouche, many times companions and discoverers, during the late nineteenth century, of many of the secrets of these mountains.

Following to the south, pasted to Torrecerredo is the Bermeja tower (2606 m) and, after passing the Bermeja Collada (2485 m), the Coello tower (2584 m). Turning eastward and then north, is the Bear Tyre (2576 m) and after overcoming the Horcada de Don Carlos (2418 m), Boada's peak (2523 m). Finally, the parade tower (2596 m), summit that offers spectacular views both to the west side of the Bulnes Orange and to Torrecerredo and beyond to the Cornión.

From the Parade tower in the north direction is the Fridge of Urriellu (2559 m), another privileged balcony from which to admire the west face of the Orange, and the Diente de Urriellu. Further north, and after crossing the Horcada Arenera, the Albos ensemble arises. In this group of heights stand out the Fridge Albo (2442 m), the Albo cueto (2414 m), the Albo peak (2442 m) and the three Areneras towers (2445 m the highest). From the Albos, continuing to the north, the channel of Camburero is crossed and, later, the Balcosín channel to the village of Bulnes.

Peña Vieja Group

The Tower of the Red Horcades (2503 m) is one of the most significant mountains in the Central Massif.
Top zone of the cable car of Fuente Dé, Peña Vieja between clouds.

Starting from the southern area of the previous area, that is to say, of the Bull of the Bear, and following the astur-leoness dividing, the Areniza peaks rise, triple summit whose highest height reaches the 2515 m. Following this path to the south of the Urrieles appears the stylized and pyramidal peak Treasurer (2570 m), relevant for its beauty and peculiar because it is the point where the three provinces that share the territory of the Picos de Europa, that is, Asturias, Cantabria and León. Also spectacular is the landscape that offers to the one who arrives at its summit, as it overlooks almost all the relevant points of the Urrieles.

Tracing the line that separates from Leon and which follows the astur-cantabra dividing towards the east, the tower of the Red Horcades is left (2503 m) and beyond, the peaks of Santa Ana (the highest of which exceeds by one meter the barrier of the 2600 m).

In the southeast direction, already in the Cantabrian territory, two sharp needles, that of the Canalona and that of Bustamante, precede the Vieja Peña, which with its 2619 m is the highest elevation of this set of mountains and all Cantabria. To the south, already within the limits of this massif, is the forgotten rock (2430 m) and to the northeast from the peaks of Santa Ana would reach the towers of Tyre Navarro, already discussed above. The group Arenizas—Tesorero, Horcados Rojos, Santa Ana and Tiro Navarro—shape the jou de los Boches, which is south of the jou Sin Tierre, which in turn would lead, further north, to the Urriellu vega.

In the opposite direction, south of the Red Horcades, there would be the Jou Sin Tierre, in whose northwest end is the refuge of Veronica Cabaña (2325 m), the most singular of how many are in Picos, because its structure is the metal dome of the anti-aircraft batteries of a carrier ship.

To the north of Vieja pineapple, crossing the so-called cuetos of San Juan de la Cuadra to enter astur territory, you can access the valley of the Moñetas, leaving to the west the group of the picu Urriellu and reaching on the road to the vegas of Sotres (eastern border of the Urrieles) the picturesque lake of the Moñetas.

Some relevant summits of this small mountain range would be the Red Cothers (2295 m, the highest), the Garmona (2291 m), the Cuadra cuetu (2231 m), the Albo's Condom (2125 m) or the Escamelláu (2063 m).

In the eastern foothills of Vieja are the pastries of Áliva, where the river Duje is born, and they serve as a division between the central massif and the massif of Ándara, being also a place of great beauty, very busy being the way between the upper station of the cable car of Fuente Dé and the town of Espinama, for which they are considered one of the gates of Liébana to the Picos de Europa. Here is the refuge of Aliva, the one with the greatest capacity of those located in the vicinity of the Picos.

Sector of the Flames

The area of the Llambrion.

In this area located in the southwest of the Central massif is the highest concentration of elevations of the Picos de Europa, with several heights that exceed the 2600 m. Specifically it encompasses nine of the fourteen peaks that exceed those 2600 m.

Around the Llambrion tower (2642 m and ceiling of this set) can be found heights of great relevance and all very close. It stands out, due to its height that it rivals the Llambrion itself, the Tirso shot], with its 2641 m altitude. There are also the [torre without Name (2638 m — and currently in the process of being baptized as Schulze tower, in honor of the figure of this pioneer of the Picos de Europa — the Casiano tower of Prado2622 m), the Llastrias tower (2621 m), the White Tower (2617 m), the tower of the Palanca (2614 m), the tower of Peñalara (2607 m) and the tower of the Big Hoyo (2602 m). To the south of the Casiano tower of Prado you can also mention the tower of the Mines of the Coal, which stays in 2595 m altitude.

The imposing north wall of the Torre de la Palanca (2614 m).

To the southeast of the White Tower there are important elevations, such as the Llago, the Madejuno or the shootings of Casares already in the vicinity of Cabaña Verónica. Following towards the southeast, other peaks that emerge, such as the tower of the Dark Hoyo, the peak San Carlos, the tower of the Altáiz or the peak of the Padierna, are approaching to Fuente Dé, at the southern end of the Urrieles.

To the west of the Palanca tower three important towers are elevated, Diego Mella, Delgado Úbeda and Peñalba tower. Continuing in that west direction you will start to lose height with peaks of less relevance until you reach the river Cares. It is worth noting, as soon as we begin the route to the river, the tower of the Celada (2470 m), both by its height and by the other name with which it has also been baptized, tower of Don Pedro Pidal, in honor of the man whose name is probably the most important in the history of these mountains.

The Cifuentes clubs

The Pyramidal Peña Castil2444 m).

In the west, very close to the river Cares, stands out the needle of Mary of Carmen, which is followed by the Borracho, the Cantadota and the Torre de las Mojosas. Each of these mountains is gaining in height, rounding this last Torre de las Mojosas 2000 m. More east, after the hole of the Mojosas surrounds the south, the needle of Maria Luisa appears (2386 m) and immediately after, the Friero tower (2445 m), which although it is not by little the highest height of this set, it is the mountain that presents the most spectacular and difficult walls, especially on its northern side.

More east you access the channel of the Cabida or Chavida (2160 m), which separates the area of the Friero from the central, presided by the Tower of Salinas (2446 m). But before reaching the roof of this set you will find the Hoyo Chico tower (2356 m) and the tower of the Hole of Liordes (2474 m), ceiling of this formation.

Following this is the channel of the Pedavejo (2030 m), which gives way to the High of the Canal, the rocks of the Regaliz (triple name, being the highest 2229 m), the tower of the Alcacero (2247 m) and peña Remoña (2227 m). Beyond it descends to Fuente Dé, a thousand meters below.

To the east of Fuente Dé, already outside the Peñas Cifuentes mountain range, you will find peaks such as the Joracao or the Valdemoro, which surround the 1800 m and mark the end of the Urrieles in the southeast.

Oriental or Ándara Massif

10 highest summits in Ándara
At the bottom of the mountain range
Name Altitude Status
1Morra Lechugales2444AS/CB
2Horse Chair Cimero2436Cantabria
3Pica del Jierru2424AS/CB
4Pico Cortés2373AS/CB
5Pyco del Grajal de Arriba2349Cantabria
6Silla del Caballo Bajero2339Cantabria
7Prao Cortés2288Cantabria
8La Rasa de la Inagotable2284Cantabria
9Cuetu La Junciana2267Cantabria

As previously mentioned, the Ándara massif is the least extensive of the three and also the least lavish in heights. Its main axis extends from southwest to northeast, dividing into two slopes at the point where its greatest heights are concentrated, around the Circus of Ándara. This massif is escorted by the rivers Duje to the west and Deva to the east and administratively it is located between Asturias and Cantabria.

Description of the Ándara massif

The Alndara massif extends from southwest to northeast, dividing into two sides at the point where its highest heights are concentrated, around the Arndara circus. The river Duje, west, separates this massif from Los Urrieles and the river Deva, east, marks the eastern boundary of the Picos de Europa.

Inside there are several remains of mining operations (mines of Mazarrasa, Evangelista, La Providencia,...) currently abandoned, and the remains of the buildings that are left behind are still visible. It is easy to find also the abundant palamines, some of them hindered to avoid the entry of the cattle to them.

There is a mountain haven, the Andara Casetón, which facilitates access to the massif and a few minutes from it, in the direction of the Valdominguero peak, is the old bed of the Lake Andara. This lake, one of the largest populated by the Picos de Europa, was accidentally dumped during the mining activities already mentioned, probably because of some blast.

The first mountain alignment to be observed in the south is the Avenas Summits. The southernmost peak of this set is the Castro Cogollos (1692 m), then is the peak of the ox (1870 m), the Joracón de la Miel (1902 m), the peak of the Arenosa Canal (1882 m) and the peak of the Corvo (1878 m).

Through the chamber hill you access the core of the Eastern massif. Following the Southwest-North-West alignment appear in the first place the Chamber Picos (2050 m), followed by Pozan peak (2188 m), also known as the Jiso, whose southeast edge forms the most important climbing itinerary of the Alndara Massif.

Following to the north there are already relevant heights, such as the Prao Cortés (2288 m) and the Cortés peak (2373 m). Also the Cueto the Encina (2193 m), which gives way to the Morra de Lechugales, maximum height of this massif with its (2444 maltitude.

More north are the peaks of the Jierru (2422 m) and the chop of the Jierru (2421 m), also known as the Evangelist or Infant Shooting. At this point there is a fork, which to the north goes to the Valdominguero peak (2265 m), the Malatas and the Cuetu the Vezada, which will give, west, to the vegas of Sotres.

Following the Valdominguero peak to the north are the Jou without Tierre (2159 mthe highest of the two, the cuetu Tejau (2129 m), the picu Boro, the cuetu the Clabreros and, finally, the spade of Fuente Soles, which will give to the Jito de Escarandi, the northern limit of the massif of Ándara.

From the Valdominguero peak to the northeast there are other peaks, such as the Soriano peak (2161 m) and the cuetos of the Paths and of the Ramazosa (both around the 1900 m at altitude), in the immediate vicinity of the shelter of the Anchor. On the other side of the shelter rises the Pico del Macondíu, from 1999 m.

Highlights are also the summits that are east of the Lechugales Moor, as are the chair of the Cimero Horse (Callo Cimero).2436 m), and south of this, the Table of the Pine (2154 m).

From the Jierru's itch a lane extends to the northwest that runs through summits like the spike of the Arriba grajal (2349 m) the Grajal beak of Down (2248 m), the Castle of the Grajal (2091 m), the rasa of the Inagotable (2284 m) and the Devil's cue (2267 m), also known as cuetu La Junciana.

To the east of the Junciana the peak of the Sacred Heart rises from (2214 m) and with great significance since the last year of the nineteenth century a ceremony is celebrated by the people of the place. From this top to the east, through the horcada Jonfría (1988 m), you will find peaks like the peak of the Jonfría (2067 m), the Castillin (2042 m), the height of the Novillos (2033 mor, already in the eastern end, the rock of the Roblo (1775 m).

Oriental Massif contemplated from the hermitage of San Miguel (Santo Toribio de Liébana)
Taking as a reference the peak of the Sacred Heart, other heights such as the Samelar peak rise to the north (2227 m), the Song of the Concha (2093 m)(2093 m), the High of the Verdians (2024 m) and, already below the two thousand meters, the Becerreras, the cueto of the Becerreras and the Columbros. From the top of the Verdians and through the hill of the Llaguna (1948 m) rise, in the eastern end of the mountain of Ándara, summits like the peak of the Agudinas, 1976 m altitude. The following summits (the peak of the Steel, the peak of the Tarabillera, the peak of the Paña, the cueto of the Llosa and the Ciruenzo Mayor) are gradually losing height to around the thousand three hundred meters and reaching the place where, in the east, the Picos de Europa end.


The orography and climatology existing in the Picos de Europa have defined over time some very particular features of its inhabitants. Livestock and mountain grazing, fodder production and winter hay storage are typical activities in the area. Likewise, the great variety of cheeses made in the different regions, such as Picón, Cabrales, Gamonéu, Liébana and Valdeón.


The Rebekah, king of the Picos.

Of the fauna present in the Picos de Europa, the Cantabrian chamois (Rupricapra pyrenaica parva) stands out. Its presence in the highest areas of the massifs is as spectacular as its agility in such difficult terrain is surprising, since it is the only one that dares to venture into the Peaks to its highest areas.

In more accessible places there is a greater variety of species, such as roe deer, deer, wild boar, fox, bear or wolf. In the rivers, the otter, the dipper, the kingfisher, the Atlantic salmon and the trout. And especially the peculiar capercaillie, which although its presence is greater in the Cantabrian Mountains, here you can also see and hear its song. The capercaillie lives in the forests, where it coexists with the black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), the partridge, the wild cat, the dormouse, the squirrel and the genet.

Among the more than 100 varieties of birds that can be found in the natural park, the large birds of prey stand out, such as the golden eagle, the short-toed eagle, the Egyptian vulture, the griffon vulture and the bearded vulture. They also inhabit the red-billed chough, the yellow-billed chough and the raven. And you can watch the flight of the accentor, the pipit and the alpine sparrow.


The short distance of the Picos de Europa from the coast, approximately 30 kilometers, allows both Atlantic and Mediterranean plant species to develop there. The vegetation present in the Peaks can be differentiated according to the height at which it is found. Thus, the areas dominated by holm oak, oak and beech can be identified.

Above 1500 m, due to the height and steepness of the terrain, the presence of vegetation is limited, where the soil allows it, to alpine meadow. Species of the genus Sedum and Saxifraga stand out among the cracks in the rocks. At a lower altitude you can appreciate the presence of plant species such as ash, juniper, birch, walnut or lime, as well as some species of flowers, such as the Cantabrian columbine, the field wallflower or the immortelle. We can also find carnivorous plants, such as Pinguicula vulgaris.

In 2017, along with other beech forests in Spain and Europe, those of Cuesta Fría and Canal de Asotín were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO as an extension of the primary beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe.

View of the Picos de Europa from the port of San Glorio (1608 m), on the boundary between Cantabria and León.

Shepherds of the Picos de Europa: Exemplary Town of Asturias Award 1994

In 1994, the Shepherds of the Picos de Europa received the Exemplary People Award. The Princess of Asturias Foundation wanted to honor these workers for their incredible work when it came to working the lands included in the area of the Picos de Europa and preserve, for generations, the important pastoral traditions, such as raising the cattle to graze in height during the warm months and lowering them in winter or the creation of traditional Asturian cheeses, such as Cabrales, Gamonéu or Beyos. These shepherds have used this mountainous area for years without affecting its structure, also carrying out rescue acts when some mountaineers were injured. For all this, the Awards jury decided to give him this recognition 23 years ago.

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