Pauling scale
Contenido The Pauling scale is a classification of the electronegativity of atoms. In it the index of the most electronegative element, fluorine, is 4.0. The corresponding value to the least electronegative, francium, is 0.7. The other atoms have been assigned intermediate values.
Globally it can be said that in the periodic table of elements electronegativity increases from left to right and from bottom to top. In this way, the elements with strong electronegativity are in the upper right corner of the table, that is, those closest to fluorine (F).
Δ Δ {displaystyle longrightarrow } Atomic radio decreases Δ Δ {displaystyle longrightarrow } ionization energy increases Δ Δ {displaystyle longrightarrow } Electronegativity increases Δ Δ {displaystyle longrightarrow } | |||||||||||||||||||
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |
Period | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | H 2.1 | He | |||||||||||||||||
2 | Li 1.0 | Be 1.5 | B 2.0 | C 2.5 | N 3.0 | O 3.5 | F 4.0 | Ne | |||||||||||
3 | Na 0.9 | Mg 1.2 | Al 1.5 | Yeah. 1.8 | P 2.1 | S 2.5 | Cl 3.0 | Ar | |||||||||||
4 | K 0.8 | Ca 1.0 | Sc 1.3 | Ti 1.5 | V 1.6 | Cr 1.6 | Mn 1.5 | Fe 1.8 | Co 1.9 | Ni 1.9 | Cu 1.9 | Zn 1.6 | Ga 1.6 | Ge 1.8 | As 2.0 | Separate 2.4 | Br 2.8 | Kr | |
5 | Rb 0.8 | Mr. 1.0 | And 1.2 | Zr 1.4 | Nb 1.6 | Mo 1.8 | Tc 1.9 | Ru 2.2 | Rh 2.2 | Pd 2.2 | Ag 1.9 | Cd 1.7 | In 1.7 | Sn 1.8 | Sb 1.9 | You 2.1 | I 2.5 | Xe | |
6 | Cs 0.7 | Ba 0.9 | Lu | Hf 1.3 | Ta 1.5 | W 1.7 | Re 1.9 | You 2.2 | Go 2.2 | Pt 2.2 | Au 2.4 | Hg 1.9 | Tl 1.8 | Pb 1.9 | Bi 1.9 | Po 2.0 | At 2.2 | Rn | |
7 | Fr 0.7 | Ra 0.7 | Lr | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og | |
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
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