

Parasynthesis is a process of word formation, in which the lexical form is not formed only by means of a derivative morpheme, but is a more complex process in which two or more are added. morphemes, without there being clearly a simpler intermediate form. This process is similar to what is called in Spanish contraction and in English circumfix

Parasynthesis and derivation

André Martinet proposed to analyze parasynthesis, as a word formation scheme in which the resulting lexical form has the form:

[chuckles]M1L+M2L+MnL]M3L{displaystyle left[M_{1}^{L}+M_{2}^{L}+M^{n}{Lright]_{M_{3}^{L}}}}}}}} = Freeble Morphema + Freeble Morphema + Non-Liberable Morphema

A releasable morpheme is normally a lexeme that can occur freely or in other word combinations and a non-releasable moneme is usually a derivative affix. Therefore an important condition to consider a lexicogenic process of word formation, such as parasynthesis, must simultaneously involve three morphemes. An example of this process is the word quinceañero:

[chuckles]M1L+M2L+MnL]M3L{displaystyle left[M_{1}^{L}+M_{2}^{L}+M^{n}{Lright]_{M_{3}^{L}}}}}}}} = [ fifteen + añ(o) + (-ero)= quinceañero]

Since two releasable morphemes fifteen and año and a non-releasable or bound morpheme such as -ero are recognized. It is important to distinguish parasynthesis, which is a single process, from double derivation application, where the occurrence of an intermediate releasable morpheme is recognizable. An example of this is the word paraguazo whose formation can be analyzed as follows:

[chuckles][chuckles]M1L+M2L]MiL+MnL]M3L− − MnL{displaystyle [[M_{1}^{L}+M_{2}^{L}]_{M_{I}^{L}}} +M^{nL}]_{M_{3}{L}}}}{MnL} = [for + water(s)] - bow

Since here an intermediate form umbrella is clearly recognizable, from which it would in turn derive by adding a suffix umbrella, precisely the fact that an intermediate form is recognizable is what prevents us from considering that the above process is parasynthesis.

It must also be distinguished from derivations through discontinuous affixes, in which only a single releasable morpheme is involved. An example of this is the word orange whose formation process can be summarized as:

[chuckles]manL− − +M1L+mbnL]M3L− − MnL{displaystyle [m_{a}^{nL}-+M_{1}^{L} +m_{b}^{nL}]_{M_{3}^{L}}-MnL} = [ to + NARANJ + ado]

Where? manL− − ,− − mbnL,{displaystyle m_{a}^{nL}-,-m_{b}^{nL},} are the segments that make up the cloak. The previous training should not be interpreted as morphism Naranj- is applied a prefix and a suffix (since the intermediate forms *anaranj- or ♪ orange ♪, do not exist), but the addition of a single discontinuous attachment that allows to derive a free form orange otherwise free orange.

Under this proposal by Martinet, the parasynthesis process is clarified and freed from previous confusion, such as whether it was given by a simultaneous suffix and prefix derivation or whether it was a compound plus a prefix. Parasynthesis is, therefore, a particular case of lexicogenesis, which responds to its own rules.

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