Parana (Argentina)

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Subfluvial tunnel linking Paraná with the city of Santa Fe
Paraná River View from the High Coast

Paraná is the capital city of the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina. It is located to the west of the province, to the east of the Paraná River —shortly before it receives the Salado River. Administratively it is a head municipality of the Paraná department, it includes a rural area and the town of the same name within the Gran Paraná agglomerate in the Sauce district. Since 2009 there is a zoning of the city through four relatively autonomous units.

It has 137 km² and a population of 247,863 inhabitants, according to definitive data from the 2010 census, being the most populous city in the province and the fourteenth nationwide. In addition, it is the main component of the agglomerate called Gran Paraná. Together with Gran Santa Fe they make up an urban area of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, linked by the Raúl Uranga-Carlos Sylvestre Begnis subfluvial tunnel.

Paraná was formed at the time of the Spanish colonization, but it was not founded as a city, but rather its settlement was gradual. Between 1853 and 1861 it was the capital of the Argentine Confederation.

The landscaped ravines, such as the Urquiza Park, are one of the singular characteristics of Paraná, which has a close relationship with the river that gives it its name.


The place name of the city comes from the Paraná River on whose shore it is located.

Originally called Bajada del Paraná, when the town was founded it became Villa Nuestra Señora del Rosario de la Bajada del Paraná. Later, this name was forgotten and it was renamed Villa del Paraná and then City of Paraná. Inevitably it was simplified to Paraná.


The city arose in the seventeenth century when neighbors of the city of Santa Fe settled on the other bank of the Paraná River. The population of the place was slowly developing by acquiring a certain increase, both in the coastal zone near the old landing site, and in the fields that stretched along the Paraná river, without the ceremonies accustomed to the founding of a Spanish city; there was no prior choice of the land, lacked of the of justice and of the founding agreement; but the conditions were favourable for the population; there were abundant cattle, the soil was fertile, there was no lack of water, nor wood, and at the moment there was a relative peace with the native peoples. The first settlers called the place with the name written in Castilian graph used until the centuryXIX Like Baxada del Paraná and currently in the same language as it sounds: Paraná Fall.

Map of Argentina, from the beginning of the centuryXIXwhere the city of Paraná is named after Low.

The chapel was the axis of the population and given its increase, the Ecclesiastical Council of Buenos Aires transformed it into a Parish dedicated to the Virgen del Rosario on October 23, 1730. In the absence of a formal foundation, this date is considered as the beginning of the official chronology. On June 25, 1813, it reached the category of town and became independent from the city of Santa Fe, adopting since then the name Paraná, in 1822 it was designated the capital of the Province of Entre Ríos and is elevated to the rank of city on August 26, 1826.

Between March 24, 1854 and December 2, 1861, Paraná was the capital of the Argentine Confederation until Buenos Aires was designated the capital of the country in 1862. In 1883, with the reform of the Provincial Constitution, Paraná regained the character of provincial capital, which it had obtained in 1822.

In 1994, Paraná, together with the City of Santa Fe, hosted the Reform Convention of the Argentine National Constitution.

Geographic location and population

It is located on the banks of the homonymous river from which it takes its name; 470 km separate it from Buenos Aires, the federal capital of the country and about 25 km from the neighboring city of Santa Fe with which it is connected through the Raúl Uranga-Carlos Sylvestre Begnis subfluvial tunnel (former "Hernandarias").

According to INDEC census data at the end of 2010, Paraná had 247,863 inhabitants. While the Paraná department had 339,930 inhabitants.

Description and environment

Central view of Paraná.
Another central view of the city.
Calle Martiniano Leguizamón The RosedalUrquiza Park.

The city mixes buildings of numerous times and styles. Its municipal palace of European lines, one of the most beautiful in the country, the Municipal Theatre "3 of February" (eclectic), the House of Government (Italian Renaissance), along with the modern towers that rise in close proximity to the Urquiza Park, central area and wide avenues and boulevards. In 2010 around 70 buildings began to be built. In 2011, 315 projects were presented to build buildings. By the end of 2013 the large number of buildings in the city is notorious, it is estimated that they are more than 100. Paraná is the largest and most populous city in the Province of Entre Ríos. In addition to the large number of buildings in the downtown area, the monoblock districts are also added at different points of the city, ranging from 2 floors to 5 floors, such as the El Sol, Paraná XIV, Rocamora, among others. There are also numerous neighbourhoods with identical housing, such as 240 homes, 188 homes, Mosconi III, among others.

The exuberant natural environment contributes to this tourism development. A careful and extensive park, Parque Urquiza, connects the lower bank of the river with the elevated city located on the ravines, like a balcony overlooking the river. Also of importance are the Parque Nuevo, with a large native vegetation and a completely natural environment, with trails that go into the thickness of the wild mount. Due to the high position of the city (about 50 meters above the river) there are beautiful views from different points of it. Its beaches are one of the busiest tourist spots in the city, its active pedestrian located in the center of the city has a great contribution to the city either for its shopping centers or for its Banks installed in this area.

Ejido limits

On December 16, 1824, the first law of the province was sanctioned that determined the extension of the ejidos of the populations to be able to locate the farms:

The Government shall designate the distance of two leagues from background to each wind, in circumference of the peoples...

The limits of the ejido of the municipality of Paraná were extended by provincial decree of May 30, 1868 (previously authorized by law of May 20, 1868) to cover the lands located between that city and the Las Tunas stream to the this.

Art. 1 It is understood within the ejidos of the City of Paraná the lands located between that City and the Arroyo of the Tunas to the East, considering as limits the western part of the same Arroyo, to the Sud the place called Los Berros, in a line with that Arroyo and the Rio Paraná.

The Ejido Act of 13 March 1872 established that the localities of the province should have a 4-square league ejido. As a result of a dispute with individuals by the anegadizos of the Bajada Grande, and in the face of the complaint of the Municipality of Paraná, the provincial government issued a decree on 23 October 1917 confirming the limits set on 30 May 1868:

ARTICLE 1. Confirm in all its parts the Decree of May 30 of 1868 setting the limits of the Ejido de Paraná, clarifying it in the following terms: to the east, the creek "Las Tunas" western part; to the south, the creek "Los Berros" and from its completion, "El Timbó" to its mouth in the Paraná River to the west, the Paraná River, Paracao arm; and to the north.

Provincial Law no. On September 14, 1973, Law No. 5396 (promulgated on November 4, 1973) was sanctioned, which repealed it.

The Curupí municipal islet (formerly El Dique islet), located in front of Puerto Nuevo, was formed in 1943 after a downspout of the Paraná River and is owned by the municipality of Paraná through a donation made by the provincial government by decree- Law No. 4816 sanctioned and promulgated on September 12, 1969. The law did not incorporate it into the municipal commons, so it is under provincial jurisdiction. Since July 21, 1995, it has been a protected natural area. Puente Island, located nearby, is privately owned and does not belong to the Paraná ejido.


Paraná Climogram.
To square since 1931, indicating only the tropicalisation of the Calor Island of the Great Paraná. Without bias from the heat accumulator, the region expresses the To according to the Weather Station of Green Gold

Paraná has a pampas climate, with an average temperature of 18 °C (annual) and an annual rainfall total that does not exceed 1250 mm.

In the summer the average temperature of the city is 23 °C, with maximum peaks of 37 and minimums of 10 °C, with an average level of precipitation (seasonal average of 400 mm).

In winter the temperature drops below 0 °C causing frost, with maximums of 18 and minimums of 5 °C, with low rainfall (seasonal average of 100 mm). The annual average relative humidity is 73%.

Industry and commerce

Peatonal San Martín, Paraná shopping street
Central street of the city.

Paraná is the seat of the provincial government, this being its main activity. However, industrial activities such as dairy, packaging, furnishings, animal food, juice and wood are highlighted.

Government and administration

The Executive Power of Paraná is exercised by the municipal mayor, elected by popular vote every four years. The seat of government is the Municipal Palace.

The legislative power is in charge of the Deliberative Council, which is located at the intersection of Corrientes and Andrés Pazos streets, on the same block as the Municipal Palace, separated from it by the Plaza de la Confederación Argentina .

After the Constitutional Reform of the Argentine Republic in 1994, the municipalities acquired the quality of autonomous entities, which gives the municipalities a police power for regulatory legal purposes, being able to act accordingly.

Municipal Palace

The Municipal Palace is located on the corner delimited by two important arteries in downtown Paraná: Urquiza and Corrientes. Its extension is 1700 m². The site where it is located had belonged to Faustina Albornoz since the 18th century, then it was owned by Colonel Naruri and was purchased by the provincial government, from the colonel's descendants, in 1883. Finally, on September 8, 1889 the provincial government donated said land to the municipality of the capital. On August 15, 1990, it was declared a "Historical Monument of the City of Paraná", according to Ordinance No. 7248.

The building was built by the Borgobello y Forlese company based on the plans executed by Santos Quintín Domínguez y Benguria, a prominent official and member of the deliberative council for a long period. The total cost of the work added to its furniture was $200,000 national currency. It was inaugurated on December 31, 1890 during the administration of Enrique Berduc.

The municipal house is representative of the architecture of the late 19th century, in which sumptuousness and inspiration in European lines stand out. Going up the main staircase of the palace is the image of the Virgen del Rosario, patron saint of the city.

The clock

The clock and bells of the municipal palace are of special importance within the heritage of the city. The watch was made in Udine, Italy. The machinery consists of a 24-hour wind-up pendulum from which 4 axes arise for the different planes of the tower. A small metallic sphere inside reads Anticaditta Fratel, Solari di Pesarüs, Provincia di Udine.

The two bells, placed one above the other, also come from Udine. The lower one of 81 cm and the upper one of more than 1 m in diameter are located 28 and a half m from the ground floor. The coat of arms of the municipality is applied in relief on the first bell. Both read Municipality of Paraná, Opera di Francesco Broilli, in Udine, Italy. The clock faces are 2.05m in diameter and 35cm high Roman numerals.


Municipal Coat of Arms

Paraná City Shield.

The municipal coat of arms is the work of Santos Domínguez y Benguria. Its introduction took place on May 25, 1877 at a meeting of the Municipal Commission, which was also attended by residents. It was Domínguez y Benguria himself, who also held the position of Municipal Vice President, who was in charge of presenting the municipal insignia. In that act he stated that "when forming the shield of the Municipality, the Nation, the Province and the said Municipality have been taken into account."


It is made up of an oval that in its upper part contains the star of Entre Ríos in a purple field and the intertwined hands of the fraternity on a blue background, which represents the province to which the municipality belongs. The other half represents the city with the view of the characteristic ravine of the Bajada, at its foot the Paraná River and in the background some islands. At the foot of the ravine you can see an artificial lime kiln, in front of it is a rustic pier that overlooks the side of a ship anchored in the river, which is being loaded with lime. Some men are seen engaged in the task of loading and a canoe that approaches the shore and a flock of ducks that cross the river flying against the background of the sky.

The two parts of the oval are separated by a white ribbon bearing the inscription "MUNICIPALIDAD DE PARANÁ".

Above the oval you can see the Phrygian cap of freedom, illuminated by the May sun, representing the Argentine Republic.

And surrounding the shield are a bundle of wheat straw, a piece of rough wood, an anchor, and a piece of shell and limestone. At the foot of the oval is a ribbon with the colors of the Argentine nation, light blue and white.

Municipal flag

The municipal flag was created by ordinance no. 7641, sanctioned on June 1, 1994 and promulgated on July 23 of the same year. In its first article, the ordinance establishes the creation of the Flag of the Municipality of Paraná and in its second article that it will be constituted by the Municipal Coat of Arms in a preponderant manner and its background will be white.

Neighborhoods of Paraná

The city of Paraná is made up of 270 neighborhoods and 5 districts.


Decentralization. Does not include Municipal Unit No. 5.

The process of decentralization was implemented by Decree No. 204 on 13 March 2009 by the mayor José Carlos Halle with the zoning of the city of Paraná, through four relatively autonomous units, distributed in operational areas according to their urban, social, cultural and economic characteristics in the headquarters where they develop, articulating the provision of the services of the different areas with the activity of neighbors and social entities on each territory. Years later a new municipal unit is added the "N.o 5. By this way, five municipal units.

  • Municipal Unit No. 1: Centre
    • Headquarters: Montevideo 356

Limits: Av. Almafuerte, Av. Ramírez, Bv. Racedo, Ituzaingó, F. Sánchez, Arroyo Antoñico, Ameghino, Chaco, Urquiza, Sarmiento, Laprida, Patagonia, Col. Palavecino, Sarmiento, Panama, Osinalde, Los Vascos, Nicaragua, Av. Laurencena, Paraná River, Las Viejas Stream, February 3, South America, Candiotti, February 3.

  • Municipal Unit No. 2: West
    • Headquarters: Pronunciation 624

Limits: Av. Ramírez, Bv. Racedo, Ituzaingó, F. Sánchez, Arroyo Antoñico, Ameghino, Chaco, Urquiza, Sarmiento, Laprida, Patagonia, Col. Palavecino, Sarmiento, Panama, Osinalde, Los Vascos, Nicaragua, Av. Laurencena, Río Paraná, Valentín Deníz, Bañados del Oeste, Gral. Sarobe.

  • Municipal Unit No. 3: Southeast
    • Headquarters: Confederation of Argentina and Bartolomé Zapata

Boundaries: Av. Ramírez, O'Higgins, Av. Zanni, Arroyo Saucesito (Limit of ejido), Arroyo Las Tunas (Limit of ejido), Av. Almafuerte.

  • Municipal Unit No. 4: Northeast
    • Headquarters: Av. Almafuerte 3465

Boundaries: Av. Almafuerte, Las Tunas Stream (Ejido Limit), Paraná River, Las Viejas Stream, February 3, South America, Candiotti, February 3.

  • Municipal Unit No. 5: South
    • Headquarters: Av. Pedro Zanni 2900

Boundaries: Bañados del Oeste, Gral. Sarobe, O'Higgins, Av. Zanni, Arroyo Saucesito, Arroyo Los Berros, Arroyo Cazuelas (Limit of Ejido).

Municipal units

The areas or municipal operating units are the central, western, northeast, southeast and south zones.

According to the 2010 census, the city of Paraná has 247,863 residents, of whom 117,600 are men and 130,263 are women.

Mayors of Paraná

Escudo de la Municipalidad de Paraná
Municipal Presidents of
the City of Paraná
Period Municipal President Membership
Ecio Bertellotti de facto
Eduardo Gambino de facto
Juan Scacchi de facto
Alfredo Villamonte
Dagoberto Viola
José Nicolás Petric
Carlos Martín Nogues
Maximine Aldasoro
César Stagnaro
Interino de facto
Roberto José Renauld
Interino de facto
Emilio Pedro Pacher
Interino de facto
Ramón Otero Aguirre
Interino de facto
Marciano Edgardo Martínez
Interino de facto
Mario Francisco Mathieu
Interino de facto
Juan Carlos Esparza
Justice Party
Arnaldo Antonio Pagoto
Interino de facto
Carlos María Aguilar
Interino de facto
Carlos Francisco Quintero
Interino de facto
Humberto Cayetano Varisco
Radical Civic Union
Mario Armando Moine
Justice Party
Julio Solanas
Justice Party
Humberto Cayetano Varisco
Radical Civic Union
Sergio Varisco
Radical Civic Union
Julio Solanas
Justice Party
José Carlos Halle
Justice Party
White Osuna
Justice Party
Sergio Varisco
Change (UCR)
Adam Humberto Bahl
Front Justicialista

Transport means

Entrance to the Subfluvial Tunnel.

The strategic geographical position makes it a convergent center of numerous routes that communicate it with the region, the country and other countries. In this road network, the construction of the Raúl Uranga-Carlos Sylvestre Begnis subfluvial tunnel was vital since its inauguration in 1969 until 2001 and which communicates to Paraná with Santa Fe. A new bus terminal and its airport are connected to numerous land and air destinations. Ferroviary development is incipient, devoted to the transport of cargo. The port is inactive and receives occasional cruises and boats that are passing. During the celebrations for the city's bicentennial (25 June 2013), President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the governor of Entre Ríos, Sergio Urribarri and the governor of Santa Fe, Antonio Bonfatti signed an agreement for the construction of the future Puente Santa Fe-Paraná.


Collective Line 22.

The city is run by 23 lines of collectives (buses) regulated by the municipality (according to rules promulgated by the Deliberating Council, through the concession mechanism). By the way, the Public Transportation System of Passengers of the city of Paraná is made up of the services provided by the bus company Buses Paraná U.T.E. (Transporte Mariano Moreno S.R.L. and ERSA Urbano S.A.). The collective lines connect most neighborhoods and nearby towns (Colonia Avellaneda, Oro Verde, San Benito, Sauce Montrull, Tezanos Pinto and Villa Fontana).

  • Annex: Urban transport of the city of Paraná


Training at Paraná Central Station.

Currently there is an intercity Light Rail service that has stops at certain points along its route. Below is the line and its stops.

Paraná-Colonia Avellaneda line

  • Paraná Station
  • Ap. Francisco Ramírez
  • Ap. Division of the Andes
  • Ap. Miguel David
  • Ap. The Garzas
  • Ap. Gdor. Faustino Parera
  • Ap. Salvador Caputto
  • Ap. Gdor. Héctor D. Maya
  • Estación Ramón A. Parera
  • Ap. Colonia Avellaneda

Taxis and Remises

There are around 500 legal taxis and remises in the city, and there could be almost half as many illegal ones. The taxis are white with yellow and black plotters and the remises vary in color but must have a green and black plotter, without exception.

Paraná Bus Terminal

It is located on the border between the central area and the northeast area of the city, on Avenida Gral. Francisco Ramírez at 2350. It is the main terminal of the Province of Entre Ríos although it presents some problems since it is very small for The city has only 20 platforms (10 for national and international lines and 10 for provincial lines).


"Justo José de Urquiza" airport building.

The Paraná Airport is located 10 km from the city center, at Salvador Caputto street at 3300, its Military Air Base is on the other side by Jorge Newbery avenue at 4200. There is not much tourist activity in said airport, most tourists travel by bus. This airport is national and only international for fruit and other food exports.

Long-distance buses

Paraná has a long-distance bus system that communicates with almost all of Argentina. The main companies that arrive and depart in Paraná are:

  • Flecha Bus
  • San José
  • Andesmar
  • The Practical
  • Zénit
  • Via Bariloche
  • Chevallier
  • Northern Cruise

It also has two interurban-national lines that connect it with its neighboring city, in the future conurbana, Santa Fe, the companies are the following:

  • Line 906: Litoral Fluvials (Pertained to the ERSA Group)
  • Line 907: Entre Ríos Combined Automotive Transport Company -ETACER- (Pertained to the Flecha Bus Group)

Main routes

  • Gral Avenue. Francisco Ramírez
  • Avenida Almafuerte
  • Avenida Jorge Newbery
  • Avenida Francisca Arias de Larramendi
  • Avenida Circunvalación José Hernández
  • Autovía Acceso Norte República de Entre Ríos
  • Gdor Avenue. Raúl L. Uranga
  • Pedro Zanni
  • Avenida Blas Parera
  • Avenida de las Américas
  • Gdor Avenue. Héctor D. Maya
  • Avenida Antonio Salellas


Medium Wave

  • LT14 Radio General Urquiza AM 1260 kHz.

Frequency Modulation

Numerous stations of a varied nature: commercial, university, community, religious and State, generate programming and transmit it via Modulated Frequency from the city.

The following stand out for their career, among others: (commercial private) FM Cadena 10, FM Stop, FM Cambalache, Radio La Voz, Radio San Agustín, Radio Planet, Nueva FM Cielo, FM Milenium, Europa FM, FM Ciudad, FM Libre, FM Líder, FM Litoral and FM Nueva Era; (private non-commercial) FM Madrigal; (community and NGO) FM Barriletes, Radio La Cultural; (university) LRI781 Radio UNER, LRI365 FM University; (religious) Good News FM, Radio Santa María, Gospel Station, LRI347 FM Corazón; (of the Municipal State) FM Costa Paraná.

Numerous repeater stations of the programming of Onda Media and FM radio broadcasters of the City of Buenos Aires also operate through FM


Two Analog Open Television stations operate from the city: LRI450 Channel 9 (Paraná) with 5 Kilowatts and the regional TV station Channel 11, "El Once TV", an independent signal owned by Federal Communication, through the digital signal UHF 36.1, also broadcast through CATV. Since 2011, there has also been a digital terrestrial television broadcasting station owned by the Federal System of Public Media and Content, operated by the Argentine Satellite Solutions Company on UHF channels 22, 23, 24 and 25 under the ISDB-T standard with 1 Kilowatt, which broadcasts the signals of the channels: Encuentro, Paka-Paka, MiradorTV (Federal Network of Public Television), CINE.AR, TEC TV, Argentine Public Television, Construir TV, DeporTV, Channel 26 News, France 24 in Spanish, Chronicle Television, Journalistic Information (IP), UNIFE, C5N, La Nación +, TeleSUR and RT in Spanish.

Two local signals are generated and distributed exclusively by cable: channel 7 of the Gigared company and "Somos Paraná" of Cablevisión.


The following written press and digital journalism publications stand out: El Diario, Diario UNO de Entre Ríos, Entre Ríos al día, Semanario Análisis, Mercosur Information Agency (AIM), X-MásTV and APF Digital.


Centenary School, opened in 1914.
Normal School "José Maria Torres".
Rectorate of the Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos.
Faculty of Education Sciences of UNER.

Numerous primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutes and universities, both public and private, complete the educational offer of the city. The National Technological University (Paraná Regional Faculty), the National University of Entre Ríos, the Argentine Catholic University (Paraná Headquarters), the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos, the José María Torres Superior Normal School (the first Normal school in the country and created by decree of President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in 1870) and several national universities represented through local and satellite centers. The city of Paraná has its "University City" outside its municipal jurisdiction, it is located in the town of Oro Verde, south of the city. Among the most historically outstanding primary schools, secondary schools, universities and private institutions in the city we can find:

  • Primary schools:
    • Escuela Normal Superior José María Torres
    • School No. 1 of the Centenary
    • School No. 161 "Republic of Entre Ríos"
    • School N° 4 "Domingo Faustino Sarmiento"
    • School No. 181 "Osvaldo Magnasco"
    • N° 3 School "Bernardino Rivadavia"
    • School N° 6 "Ernesto A. Bavio"
    • School No. 20 "Casiano Calderón"
    • School N° 99 "Tabaré"
    • Italian College D-206 "Galileo Galilei"
    • Instituto D-40 "Enrique Carbó - Obra de Don Bosco"
  • Secondary schools:
    • Escuela Normal Superior José María Torres
    • School No. 16 of the Centenary
    • National College No. 1 "Faustino Sarmiento Sunday"
    • School No. 50 "Republic of Entre Ríos"
    • School No. 26 "Olegario V. Andrade"
    • School No. 36 "Gral. Justo J. de Urquiza"
    • Escuela de Educación Técnica N° 3 "Tte. Luis C. Candelaria"
    • Private Institute of Technical Education D-76 "John XXIII"
    • Private College D-209 "El Madero"
    • Instituto D-40 "Enrique Carbó - Obra de Don Bosco"
    • School No. 37 "Gral. Manuel Belgrano"
    • Private Institute of Education D-12 "Cristo Redentor"
  • Public universities and tertiary institutions:
    • Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos
    • Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
    • National Technological University
  • Private tertiary universities and institutions:
    • Catholic University Argentina
    • Instituto de Educación Superior D-74 "Cruz Roja Argentina - Filial Paraná"
    • Kennedy University
    • 21st Century University
    • Higher Technical Institute D-211 "ETER"


San Roque Hospital.

The city has numerous public and private health institutions. Within the public sphere are different health centres, three of them are referenced; and also hospitals, two of them provincially referenced. Within the private sphere we can find various sanatoriums, clinics, and a hospital.

Among the most outstanding are the following:

Public health institutions

  • Reference Health Center "Dr. Arturo Oñativia"
  • Reference Health Center "Dr. Gerardo Domagk"
  • Reference Health Center "Dr. Ramón Carrillo"
  • Hospital-School of Mental Health
  • Baxada Hospital "Dra. Teresa Ratto"
  • Hospital General San Martín (Referent at provincial level)
  • Hospital Materno Infantil "San Roque" (Referente a nivel provincial)
  • Hospital Pascual Palma

Private health institutions

  • Clinic
  • Paraná Regional Military Hospital "Dr. Francisco Soler"
  • Instituto de Traumatología y enfermedades Óseas (ITEO)
  • Private Pediatric Institute (IPP)
  • Rawson Institute
  • Sanatorio La Entrerriana
  • Child sanatorium


Sports life is particularly active in the city. Among the various sports facilities are the football stadium, the sports complexes The Pencil and Tortuguitasbelonging to the student clubs and Rowing Club respectively and the extensive golf course of the student club. In addition to the clubs mentioned above, the Club Atlético Patronato, the Atlético Echagüe Club and the Club Atlético Olimpia stand out. The Nautical Club, the Recreativo Bochas Club (basquet club) and the Fishermen Club. The Rowing Club, with its beach over the river, its swimming pool and its canoes and boulevards, completes the aquatic recreational offer. The Paranae Classic is disputed between the Paronato Athletic Club and Paraná Athletic Club.

Automobile is the second sport that attracts the most amateur masses in the Province. For this reason, Paraná has an autodrome on the outskirts of the city, which is managed by the Club de Volantes Entrerrianos and where there are numerous competitions, the most renowned are the Carretera Tourism, TC 2000, Top Race, National Tourism and Formula 3 South America. In this specialty, the province has in the pilot Omar José Martínez (known popularly as «Gurí» Martínez) its highest representative at the provincial level and one of the highest exponents at the national level. Also, other provincial representatives at the national level, are the Paranians Mariano Werner and Federico Lifschitz, as well as the drivers Martín Ponte, the brothers Prospero and Nicolás Bonelli and Juan Ronconi, all of them from the provincial interior.

Two teams from the city, the Atlético Echagüe Club and the Atlético Olimpia Club compete at a professional level in national basketball tournaments. The first in the National Ascense Tournament and the second in the Federal Basketball Tournament. Both are the top two winners of titles awarded by the National Basketball Association with 27 and 18 respectively. For its part, the club Patronato competed in the Argentine A football tournament at the 2009-10 season, consecration of champion and achieving the promotion to the First National B, corresponding to the second division. In 2015 he got the promotion to First Division.

The softbol is a popular sport in the city that has more than 10 clubs to practice. Paraná is considered the National Capital of Softbol.

Basketball is the most popular sport in the city after soccer. Paraná has two teams in the Argentine professional league, which are: Centro Juventud Sionista (Liga A) and Atlético Echagüe Club (second division).

The city has a renowned sports complex at the government level. This establishment is the Enrique Berduc Park, home to the most prestigious athletics tournaments in the province. The complex has a paved running track, volleyball and basketball courts, a soccer field (also used for rugby) and outdoor recreation space. In addition to offices, responsible for the administration of said sports institution.

Paraná has the Hernandarias-Paraná Marathon, which is a scoring date of the International Swimming Federation (FINA), in which every summer at the beginning of the year runs along the Paraná River from Hernandarias to Paraná in what is the world's longest open water marathon.

In terms of Rugby, the city has clubs such as:

  • Alamo Rugby
  • Capibá Rugby
  • Club Atletico Students
  • Paraná Rowing Club
  • Tilcara Rugby Club


Monument to the Freedom of the Nation in Paraná.

The cultural activities of the city are divided between the main coliseum, the 3 de Febrero Theater and a series of cultural centers among which stand out: the Juan L. Ortiz Cultural Center, La Vieja Usina, La Hendija and the Cultural Center Gloria Montoya. Likewise, the Popular Library of Paraná has the second largest room in the city in which it houses various artistic performances. The cinema has its space in the Nuevo Cine Rex and annually, in the month of February, the city hosts the National Mate Festival.

February 3rd Theatre

Theater Room 3 February.

In honor of the Battle of Caseros, which took place on February 3, 1852, on February 3, it hosts large-scale shows in the different branches of art. Inaugurated on August 8, 1852, the original building suffered a major deterioration around 1890 when it was used as an army troop cantonment. That is why it must have been rebuilt and the new theatre was opened on the same site as its predecessor on October 18, 1908. In 1994 it hosted the inauguration of the Constitutional Reform and was declared National Historical Monument on 10 March 2008 through Decree 390/2008.

Cultural centers

Juan L. Ortiz

The Juanele (as it is known in the city) was inaugurated in December 1987 on the site where the Mercado de Abasto de Paraná had operated, on Avenida Francisco Ramirez. Its name is a tribute to Juan L. Ortiz, one of the Entre Ríos poets of greatest national and international significance. In 1999 it changed its physical location to start operating in the sheds next to the railway station, Boulevard Racedo 250. In this new space, the cultural center has a larger room, three rehearsal rooms, various workshops, a tailor shop and a theater library, and through an agreement with INCAA, a room was equipped with the necessary technology to project films. The space is called INCAA km 470 Paraná.

Gloria Montoya

The Gloria Montoya Experimental Image and Sound Center began operating in December 2003, in a property located in the west ravine of Parque Urquiza, at the end of Avenida Alameda de la Federación (formerly Rivadavia). It has a capacity for 400 seats between the different levels and currently houses the activities of the circus workshop-school.


Museum of the city
  • Museum of Fine Arts "Pedro E. Martínez", inaugurated on August 30, 1926, is located in Calle Buenos Aires 355. It has 10 permanent exhibition rooms and cultural activities take place in its central courtyard in summer times.
  • Historic Museum Martiniano Leguizamón. Founded in 1917 with the name of Central School Museum, then it was called the Museum of Entre Ríos, being reorganized in 1948 by adopting its current name. It is located in Buenos Aires and Laprida street, opposite the Plaza Alvear (San Miguel). It has historical collections and pieces, in addition to an important library.
  • Provincial Museum of Natural and Anthropological Sciences Prof. Antonio Serrano. It is located in Gardel 62, opposite Alvear Square (also known as San Miguel Square). The museum emerged from the impulse of a group of students who founded the museum on August 3, 1917 Asociación Estudiantil Pro Museo Popular. In 1924 the General Council of Education of the province appointed Professor Antonio Serrano as its director. A decade later, on December 19, it was transformed into Provincial Museum and finally in 1982 it was appointed in honor of Professor Serrano. Its collection includes samples of the region's flora and fauna, as well as numerous anthropological and archaeological pieces.
  • Museum of the City. Inaugurated on 14 July 1994, it is located in Buenos Aires 226. In its rooms it houses exhibitions of objects, documents and photos about the city in its different aspects: historical, urban and everyday life. It is also home to temporary samples, book presentations.
  • Site Museum. It was created on December 16, 2002, at the subsoil of the Municipal Palace. It has four exhibition rooms: one houses the Intendent Gallery, two possess the cultural heritage belonging to different divisions and the room Ruth Garimberti is the venue for exhibitions of plastic arts, talks, music, presentation of books, among others. Since 2006 all rooms have signage in braille.
  • House of Culture. It exhibits handicrafts and performs cultural activities such as talks, cultural exhibitions, theatre and conferences.
  • Museo Casa de Gobierno de Entre Ríos. It exhibits photographs, models, furniture, documents and other objects that form part of the institutional life of the building. It has five different rooms that offer a tour of the origins of Casa de Gobierno; passing through the Executive and Legislative Branch; a multimedia extension room provided with state-of-the-art technology for informative and cultural proposals such as workshops, talks, audiovisual projections; and finally a room dedicated to the workers of the State.

Featured Events

Costume Party

Since 1999, the largest costume party in Latin America has been held in Paraná. It began as a birthday celebration for a group of friends who most of them coincided in adding years in the same month, August. That is why they decide to celebrate all together and in a special way: with costumes and, over the years, more attendees were summoned until it managed to consolidate itself as the most important event in the region. This event turns the city into a tourist pole, attracting more than 60,000 tourists and generating great income. In the years 2020 and 2021 the party was suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Places of interest

May 1st Square

Paraná Cathedral.
Monument to San Pedro in the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Plaza 1o de mayo is the main square in the city of Paraná. It is located on the block bordered by the streets: Urquiza, San Martín (peatonal), Su Santidad Francisco and 25 de Mayo. There are many important buildings around it: the Cathedral of Paraná, the municipal palace, the building of the mail, the headquarters of the Banco de Entre Ríos, the regular school José María Torres, the school of the Huerto (the meeting site of the Argentine Confederation) in addition to businesses, dining rooms and hotels.

In the place where the plaza is currently located, a fort was built that served as protection against the indigenous people.

The square had different names: Plaza Mayor, Plaza del Orden and Plaza Principal before receiving its current name: Plaza 1.º de Mayo, in memory of the pronouncement of General Urquiza towards Rosas on May 1, 1851.

The following monuments stand out in the square:

  • A monument to General Don José de San Martín: arranged by provincial law of August 1908 and inaugurated on 25 May 1910. It is a reproduction of the original of the French sculptor Luis J. Daumas. A bronze and granite barn is located at the front of the monument and at the foot of the equestrian figure.
  • Pino de San Lorenzo: It is located opposite the Cathedral Church, on Monte Caseros Street. The specimen is descendant, obtained by seed, from the famous pine of San Lorenzo or pine of San Martín.

Provincial Government House

House of Provincial Government.

The House of Government of Entre Ríos, known as Gris Houselocated in the Civic Centre of the city is the headquarters of two of the three provincial powers: the Executive branch and Legislative power. Its construction was projected by the Topographic Department of the Province, in whose charge was the architect Bernardo Rígoli, during the rule of Eduardo Racedo, on July 20, 1885. By the end of that same year the construction had begun, under the direction of Luis Sesarego. In turn, the carpentry was in charge of Boeri and Cía.Victoria and the blacksmith's shop and turn shop held Juan Oliver, a resident of the same city.

Already averaging the year 1888 is enabled a part of the building and in April 1889 the enclosures of both chambers are opened, definitively concluding the work in 1890.

The building is based on two styles, the baroque and the Renaissance and conceived as a European palace.

It was declared a National Historical Monument in 1942.

Parque Urquiza

Urquiza Park is the main park in the city. It comprises a sector of 44 has located northwest of the city, by the river, limited by the Costanera avenue "Laurencena", Boulevard Mitre, Moreno, Güemes and Los Vascos.

Created in 1894 on land that belonged to General Justo José de Urquiza, with various indigenous and exotic species includes a recreation, recreation and tourist attraction.

It has different sectors, sports sites, sculptures and statues and even an amphitheater.


The coast of Paraná was inaugurated on 12 December 2004. The main part extends from the private beach of Paraná Rowing Club (west) to the "Sala Mayo" (east), but the entire stretch of the coast would be from the Plaza Le Petit Pisant (west) to a newer part of the coastal edge in Leiva Street and Ambrosetti (east). The Costanera has pedestrian roads, public seats, plazas with children's games, restaurants, public drinkers, stops of line 1, public baths, police custody, and also a view of the Paraná River, the beaches of Thompson, the Islands Bridge and islote Municipal.

Big down

Bajada Grande is an area located northwest of the city of Paraná, on the banks of the river. It is bound by Av. Estrada, Av. Larramendi and Antonio Medina.

The large descent area was chosen by the first settlers when in the centuryXVII, Santa Fe (Capital) must have been moved from its first location in the vicinity of Cayastá to its current location. It was also the place in which travelers who were heading to Corrientes or Paraguay stood to continue along the path of the left margin of Paraná.

When the fort was built in the place that currently occupies the 1st of May the population began to concentrate around it, leaving the descent as a landing that with the run of time became an important port for the communication of the city. On October 16, 1896, a pier was inaugurated, built by the company of the Entrerriano Central Railway.

  • In 1895 a school named "Doctor Francisco Soler" was inaugurated.
  • In Bajada Grande there was a cement factory, because the area has limestone deposits.

Puerto Viejo

Panorama del Puerto Viejo. (ca. 1900)

It is located at the end of the Avenida costanera Laurencena next to the mouth of the Antoñico stream. At the time of the Confederation, the port of Paraná was one of the most important with the ability to make foreign trade. In the 1890s, the port acquired outstanding commercial importance with the installation of mills, edible oil factories, brick factories, tiles, tiles, crates, carpentry workshops and blacksmiths, caleras and a naval warehouse. Hotels, restaurants and shops supply the needs of the area. By 1901 it was totally impossible to use the port because of the sand banks formed in front of it. For this reason the construction of the Puerto Nuevo April 16, 1904, finishing only in 1907.

San Miguel Church

The San Miguel Church, located in the corner of Buenos Aires and Carlos Gardel in the center of Paranaense, is one of the most recognized and ancient in the city. Its name recalls that of the patron of the province of Entre Ríos. It is eclectic style with influence of neogothic.

Camping Toma Vieja

Towards the northeast of the city and on the cliff overlooking the Paraná River is the Camping Toma Vieja, a municipal predio that occupies the facilities of the first running water outlet that supplied the city. In 1886 the Municipality of Paraná had granted the exploitation of that service to James Anderson, who built the infrastructure of the current Toma Vieja.

The service covered the area to the east, Rioja; to the west, May 25 (today Santiago del Estero); to the south, Feliciano and New Granada (today Sebastian Vásquez) and to the north, Columbus, including Alameda de la Federación to Mendoza (today Intendente Bertozzi). In the few years, the works were expropriated by deficient, and exploited by the Municipality, which in turn transferred the service of potabilization and distribution of water to Sanitary Works of the Nation in 1905. With the inauguration of the Toma Nueva and the Ramirez potabilizer plant in 1941, the old water was left out of functions and the Municipality decided to transform it into a camp.

The complex includes capacity for 650 tents, a pool complex of 1500 cubic meters in total, highlighting in the same an Olympic pool; and areas for the development of basketball, volleyball, paddle, tennis and football.

In 2013, Governor Sergio Urribarri initiated a project to transform the site into a thermal water complex. In June of the same year, the entrepreneurship was arrested by the inhabitants of Paraná, who resist the advance of the works with a camp on the site. In addition to the action of other organizations.


Deployment of the Armed Forces

Argentine ArmyEscudo del Ejército Argentino.png
Paraná Military Guarndition Units Acronym
Command of the Second Armored Brigade General Justo José de UrquizaCdo Br Bl 2
Logistics Support Base ParanáBAL Paraná
Armoured Communications Box 2Esc Com Bl 2
Army Aviation Section 2Sec Av Ej 2
Paraná Military Hospital Division surgeon Doctor Francisco SolerHM Paraná
Argentine Air Force LogoFAA.jpg
Units belonging to the II Air Brigade
Aerospace Recognition Group
Air Group 2
Base Group 2
Technical Group 2
Group 1 Communications School

External relations

Paraná has a relationship with several cities in America, Europe and Asia, a consulate and a vice consulate.


  • Bandera de Siria Syrian consulate
  • Bandera de Italia vice consulate of Italy

Twin cities

  • Bandera de Uruguay Artigas, Uruguay, since 25 May 2005.
  • Bandera de Italia Leonforte, Italy, since 11 January 1991.
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Muscatine, United States, since 4 August 1989.
  • Bandera de Israel Rejovot, Israel, since 2 April 1995.
  • Bandera de México Xalapa-Enríquez, Mexico, since June 5, 2008.
  • Bandera de Brasil Torres, Brazil, since 7 May 2008.
  • Bandera de Bahamas Nasau, Bahamas, since 19 July 2008.
  • Bandera de Haití Port-au-Prince, Haiti, since 29 November 2008.
  • Bandera de Brasil Porto Alegre, Brazil, since June 12, 1992.
  • Bandera de Bolivia Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, since 22 June 1990.
  • Bandera de Cuba Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, since 23 September 1992.
  • Bandera de Brasil Santo Ângelo, Brazil, since December 10, 1994.

High profiles

Catholic Church Parishs in Paraná

Catholic Church
ParishsVirgin of the Rosary, Saint Michael the Archangel and All Angels, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady of the Carmen, Our Lady of the Piedad, Our Lady of Fatima, Saint Therresses of the Child Jesus, St. Rafaela Mary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. John Bosco and Holy Sunday, Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, St.

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