Parallel circuit


A parallel circuit is a connection of devices (generators, resistors, capacitors, coils, etc.) in which the input terminals of all the connected devices coincide with each other, as than their output terminals.

Following a hydraulic simile, two water tanks connected in parallel will have a common inlet that will feed, as well as a common outlet that will drain both at the same time. In homes all loads are connected in parallel in order to have the same voltage.


Depending on the devices connected in parallel, the total or equivalent value is obtained with the following expressions:

  • For generators
TE Conex 05.svgTE Compon 07.svgTE Conex 09.svg
TE Conex 07.svgTE Compon 07.svgTE Conex 11.svg
TE Conex 14.svgTE Compon 07.svgTE Conex 14.svg
TE Conex 05.svgTE Compon 05.svgTE Conex 09.svg
TE Conex 07.svgTE Compon 05.svgTE Conex 11.svg
TE Conex 14.svgTE Compon 05.svgTE Conex 14.svg
VT=V1=V2=...=Vn{displaystyle {V_{T}}={V_{1}}={V_{2}=
IT=I1+I2+...+In{displaystyle {I_{T}}={I_{1}} +{I_{2}} +...+{I_{n}}},}
  • Also for Resistance
TE Conex 05.svgTE Compon 01.svgTE Conex 09.svg
TE Conex 07.svgTE Compon 01.svgTE Conex 11.svg
TE Conex 14.svgTE Compon 01.svgTE Conex 14.svg
1RT=1R1+1R2+...+1Rn{displaystyle {1 over R_{T}}={1 over R_{1}}}}+{1 over R_{2}}+...+{1 over R_{n}}},}
  • For Condensers
TE Conex 05.svgTE Compon 04.svgTE Conex 09.svg
TE Conex 07.svgTE Compon 04.svgTE Conex 11.svg
TE Conex 14.svgTE Compon 04.svgTE Conex 14.svg
CT=C1+C2+...+Cn{displaystyle {C_{T}}={C_{1}} +{C_{2}} +...+{C_{n}}{,}
  • For Switches
TE Conex 05.svgTE Interu 1A.svgTE Conex 09.svg
TE Conex 07.svgTE Interu 1B.svgTE Conex 11.svg
TE Conex 14.svgTE Interu 1C.svgTE Conex 14.svg
Interruptor AInterruptor BInterruptor CDeparture

Rules of parallel circuits

Battery association: calculate the total voltage: (v1+v2+v3…)/vn → (Each component has the voltage of source A and B) series or parallel circuits serve to have an automatic repair of connections or automatic circuits such as a focus (lamp).

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