Pandorga (Royal City)

Tribute to the Pandorga, Jardines El Prado, work of the sculptor López-Arza
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La Pandorga is a massive popular festival in the La Mancha town of Ciudad Real, which is celebrated every year on July 31st. It has its origin in the offering of flowers and field products the population made to the Virgen del Prado, patron saint of the city. It is the main act of the Pandorga that is carried out preceded by a parade with regional costumes that ends in the Santa Basílica Catedral, where the offering is made. The celebration of La Pandorga represents the gratitude of the farmers for the fruits received from the harvest. For this reason, one of the important points of this festival is the procession that the bidders, dressed in regional costumes, make to the Basilica of the Virgen del Prado carrying numerous presents in the form of fruits, vegetables and bread that they deposit at the feet of the Virgin., Patron saint of the city.

It is also the occasion to name Pandorgo and Dulcinea, representatives of the Manchego peasant, chosen by the residents. We will recognize him by his black regional costume, just like her by the gathered headdress and multicolored skirt. In the streets, Pandorgo acts as a host, inviting everyone who wishes to a zurra -a typical drink similar to sangria- and "puñao" -a snack of dried and toasted chickpeas-. The Brotherhood of Pandorgos takes care of the development and conservation of the celebration.

But today, in addition to the procession, the festival is much more and Ciudad Real celebrates it not only with activities and concerts at its fairgrounds, but also with numerous events organized throughout the week leading up to the festival.

Festival of regional tourist interest.

  • Wd Data: Q6059632
  • Commonscat Multimedia: The Pandorga / Q6059632

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