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Pampliega is a town and a municipality located in the province of Burgos, in the autonomous community of Castilla y León (Spain), region of Arlanza, judicial district of Burgos, head of the town hall of your name.


It is a town in the province of Burgos in Spain, located about 30 km from the capital, on a hillside on the banks of the Arlanzón, from which it dominates the valley. There is a beautiful view from the esplanade of his church.


The origins of Pampliega date back to the II century BC. C., when it appears in the tables of Ptolemy with the name of Ambisna, one of the important crossroads of the time. Later it kept the name of Pamplica.

The noble Goth Chindasvinto had himself proclaimed king by the Visigoths in this town, in 642. Likewise, the Visigoth king Ervigio maintained a relationship with this town. Finally, it was the place of retirement and death of the other Gothic king: Wamba, in the monastery of San Vicente (today disappeared). His body was kept buried there until Alfonso X of Castilla ordered it transferred to Toledo to the church of Santa Leocadia.

Landscape of Pampliega by Juan de Echevarría (c. 1920), Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao.

In 2014, the Pampliega City Council requested the return of the remains of King Wamba to the cathedral chapter of the Toledo cathedral, the temple where they are currently found. They were transferred along with the remains of Recesvinto there in 1845 after being desecrated by French troops during the War of Independence, by order of Isabel II.

The figure of King Wamba is an important symbol in the town, having a monolith with his effigy, a street and a square in his honor, a seal with his anagram, a rural house, a winery, a recreational club; until a catholic circle of workers in 1893 was baptized with his name.



Presencio gate in the remains of the Pampliega walls.

The town remains partially walled. The walls that enclosed the town started from the castle, at the top of the hill to the river. In these walls there were three entrance gates:

  • Burgos's, north.
  • Bridge, west.
  • Presencio's, to the South, which is the only one that stands today.

The expansion of the population outside the walls began in the 16th century.

Church of Saint Peter

Pampliega view, with the church of San Pedro at the bottom.

Monumental Renaissance church that presides over the town. Tower-portico: XVI century. It is at the feet. Gothic South cover, with sculptures, vegetables and buds. It is the main entrance. Altarpiece from the XVI century; one of the most beautiful in the region, by Domingo de Antwerp, in walnut, oak and pine. The central street stands out with its tabernacle, San Pedro in chair and the Assumption; at its height are the beautiful nudes of Adam and Eve. Finally, Calvary.

  • Body 1: Underreliefs of Jesus' Childhood. Four statues of the Fathers of the Church.
  • Body 2: Low reliefs of the Passion.
  • Body 3: Life of Saint Peter. In the center, Saint Peter in Chair (the head of the parish). At the ends, the 4 evangelists.
  • Body 4: Life of the Virgin. In the center, Assumption and sides Adam and Eve.

Pulpit: stone (rough), with medallions of Peter, Paul and Andrew. Romanesque side altarpiece. Baroque side altarpiece; dedicated to the Virgin.

Illustrious sons

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