Orthographic projection

Illustrative scheme of an orthographic azimutal projection.

The orthographic projection is a graphic representation system that consists of representing geometric elements or volumes in a plane by means of orthogonal projection. It is obtained in a similar way to the "shadow" generated by a "light source" coming from a very distant source. Its appearance is that of a photograph of the Earth. It was invented by the Spaniard Juan de Rojas y Sarmiento in the XVI century.

  • La polar projection is characterized because all meridians are straight lines and the distance between parallels decreases as we move away from the center. The distance between parallels or meridians depends on the scale so when the distance decreases the scale and when the distance increases the distance increases the scale.

La Antártida en el mundo.png

  • La equatorial projection is characterized because the parallels are straight lines. It is also a straight line the central meridian. As we move away from the center the scale decreases. Meridians have a bow shape.

Afrika munduan.png

  • La oblique projection It is also characterized by parallels and meridians approaching as they move away from the center.

Sudamérica en el mundo.png

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