

Orophea is a genus of phanerogamous plants with 104 species belonging to the Annonaceae family. They are native to eastern, southern, and southeastern Asia.


They're Zettiopsis Ridley. Erect trees or shrubs. Blade small with diaphanous spots. Axillary, cymose, stalked or sessile inflorescences, with 1 - or several flowers. Bisexual flowers. Sepals 3, smaller than the outer petals. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, free, each whorl valvate; outer petals ovate or obovate, usually smaller than inner petals (± equal in Orophea hainanensis and O. laui). Monocarp fruits with little stipitate, generally globose or oblong, sometimes constricted between the seeds. Seeds 1-4 per monocarp.


The genus was described by Carl Ludwig Blume and published in Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië 18. 1825. The type species is: Orophea hexandra Blume.


  • Orophea clemensiana P. J. A. Kessler
  • Orophea coriacea Thwaites
  • Orophea desmos Pierre
  • Orophea glabra Merr.
  • Orophea heyneana Hook. f. et Thomson
  • Orophea laui Leonardia et Kessler
  • Orophea Leytensis Merr.
  • Orophea maculata Merr.
  • Orophea megacarpa Bân
  • Orophea megalophylla P. J. A. Kessler
  • Orophea merrillii P. J. A. Kessler
  • Orophea palawanensis Elmer
  • Orophea parvifolia Merr.
  • Orophea polyantha Merr.
  • Orophea sericea P. J. A. Kessler
  • Orophea submaculata Elmer
  • Orophea thorelii Pierre
  • Orophea unguiculata Elmer
  • Orophea vulcanica Elmer
  • Orophea wenzelii Merr.
  • Orophea williamsii Merr.
  • Complete list of species

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