

The order is the property that emerges at the moment when several open systems, but originally isolated, come to interact by coincidence in space and time, producing, through their natural interactions, a synergy that offers a feedback in the environment, so that the elements used as raw material, provide work capacity to other systems in their state of elaborated matter.

The ability of some systems to remember the past (to have memory), produces in that system the ability to establish an organized and coordinated method to repeat the achievement achieved by natural selection, and accelerate the goal to be achieved. In this process, a price is paid: the loss of their individuality, greater dependence on new elements that can exist thanks to a more comfortable economy, but gaining in specialization. Under this approach, the order is the organization of the parts to do something functional and precise, which implies the presence of a channel that establishes a transaction of loads with less cost and therefore with development potential for an emergent psychodynamics, giving the opportunity for the observer to impute an intentional purpose and, as can be deduced, an intelligent action.

Scopes of order

In the field of social order, order refers to the way in which communities are organized. Thus, there are hierarchical societies, which are based on a rigid and pyramidal social organization, or in their antipodes, anarchist societies, whose order is much more flexible and therefore requires strong behavioral values, such as respect for the freedom of the another, equality and responsibility for one's own acts. In the different forms of social organization, the determining factors are the culture and the particular phenomena that make up the nature of each one of them, and not necessarily the written laws, which only reflect the social laws created by the community, or some of its social parts.

In the field of dynamic systems, the human being is identified as a complex system that tends to converge in coherent states, which is known as a self-organization process, which could be defined as the emergence and consolidation of an order to starting from a spontaneous coordination of lower level elements, in which the properties of the system are not reduced to the properties of the sub-systems, but the psychic properties of the human being emerge in relation to self-organization, from the possible global patterns of activity that can emerge - from the interaction of the sub-systems -, only those that lead to a stable configuration of the system will persist. The repetition of those most valid patterns available is the essence of self-organization and at the same time contributes to the constitution of the dynamic attractor of the system. Thus the attractor can be thought of as a persistent memory (Velasco, 1999).

Other points of view

From another point of view, order is not only an intelligent action, but everything that works in a certain way. Thus, although the one who observes the order and ultimately defines it is an intelligent individual, the order is found naturally in the arrangement of events or other observable concepts. What we call time presents a natural order for events and, guided at least by the specific knowledge of human beings up to the present day, the chronological order is unidirectional and invariable.

The antonyms of order can be, depending on the context in which it is used, disorganization, disorder and chaos.

In the same way, there are orders of orders, which we usually call structures. There are many structures in the most diverse fields of both nature and social life, etc.

It can also be defined in the ability to do things.

Meanings in different disciplines


  • Used in male, a order may refer to an ordering criterion.
  • In philosophy, order (in Greek) cosmos) is what opposes chaos.
  • In biology, order is one of the categories of taxonomy.
  • In social sciences, it usually refers to social order or public order.
  • In mathematics, the different types of order are treated by the theory of order.
  • In computing, Algoritmo is used


  • Used in female, one order is an imperative, a mandate, understood in the sense of something to be obeyed, such as Ministerial Order.
  • In Catholicism it may refer to religious orders. There are many honors and decorations in many countries bearing the name of Order.
  • In honourable civilian or military institutions, such as Order of Charles III.
  • In gastronomy, the number of portions of a certain enough food is named for a single person. For example: An order of fries.

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