October 3
Contenido October 3 is the 276th (two hundred and seventy-sixth) day of the year—the 277th (two hundred and seventy-seventh) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 89 days left to end the year.
- 52 B.C.: Vercingétorix, the Galician leader, presents his weapons to Julius Caesar, ending the site of Alesia and the Roman conquest of Galia.
- 42 B.C.: in Macedonia the first battle of Philippi is waged; decisive victory of the Triumviros Marco Antonio and Octavian against the forces of the assassins of Julius Caesar, Marco June Bruto and Cayo Casio Longino.
- 382: Emperor Theodosius I ends the peace treaty with the godos for settlement in the Balkans in exchange for a military service.
- 1574: In the Netherlands, the siege of Leiden ends with the withdrawal of Spanish troops.
- 1683: Admiral of the Qing Shi Lang Dynasty arrives in Taiwan (under the Kingdom of Tungning) to receive the formal surrender of Zheng Keshuang and Liu Guoxuan after the battle of Penghu.
- 1700: in Spain, the dynasty of the Austrians ends in Spain with the will of Carlos II.
- 1714: In Spain, King Philip V approved the constitution of the Royal Spanish Academy.
- 1778: British Captain James Cook arrives in Alaska.
- 1795: General Napoleon Bonaparte rises to defend the French National Convention against the counter-revolutionary army.
- 1816: In the Spanish-speaking village of San Francisco de Borja, after thirteen days of siege – as a response to the 1816 Lusobrasileña invasion – the Guaraní soldiers of Major Andresito Guazurarí are defeated by the Portuguese and Brazilian forces in the battle of San Borja.
- 1825: The Republic of Bolivar officially changes its name to the Republic of Bolivia. The then deputy for Potosí, Manuel Martín Cruz, says: “If from Rómulo to Rome, from Bolivar to Bolivia”.
- 1835: In Nuremberg (Germany) the company Staedtler was founded.
- 1847: In Ocotlán, Mexico, the image of Christ appears in heaven, known as the Lord of Mercy or the prodigy of Ocotlán.
- 1849: In Baltimore, writer Edgar Allan Poe is found delirious in a tavern. He'll die four days later.
- 1863: In Austria, Mexican monarchists (including José María Gutiérrez de Estrada) offer the crown of Mexico to Maximiliano de Habsburg.
- 1864: near Ciudad Mendoza (about 250 km east of Mexico City) at 1:53 local time there is an earthquake that destroys the chapel that the Spaniards had built in 1594 on the pyramid of Cholula (the largest in the world).
- 1873: In Spain, the cantoneros landed in Garrucha (Almería), where they entered the interior, returning with a lot of money, food and livestock.
- 1898: in Spain, the first electric tram circulates in Madrid.
- 1904: Spain and France signed a treaty on Morocco over the agreement of 27 November 1912 that led to the creation of the French and Spanish protectorates.
- 1911: In Amestris, the brothers Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric burn down their home and leave their hometown, Rizembul, thus beginning their journey to recover their bodies.
- 1912: In Nicaragua, U.S. soldiers placed Nicaraguan rebels under the command of Benjamin Zeledon in the hills Coyotepe and La Barranca near the city of Masaya.
- 1918: King Boris III of Bulgaria accedes to the throne.
- 1921: in Mexico, the Ministry of Public Education is established.
- 1929: Serbs, Croats and Slovenians join in forming the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, "Land of the South Slavs".
- 1932: Iraq is independent of the British Empire.
- 1935: In the framework of the Second Italian-Ethiopic War, Italy invades Ethiopia under the command of General Emilio De Bono.
- 1942: In Peenemünde, Germany, the Nazis launch the V-2/A4 rocket. It is the first object made by the man who comes into space.
- 1948: in Peru, the Aprist Revolution occurs, where the Peruvian Navy also rebelled. As a result, President José Luis Bustamante and Rivero would ban the APRA for the second time, after this party was free for three years.
- 1952: at 16:59, within a boat anchored on Trimouille Island (north Australia), the UK detonates its first atomic bomb, Hurricane, of 25 kt (the same power as Fat Manthe second and last atomic bomb used against civilian population in Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. UK becomes the third nation that has atomic bombs all over the world.
- 1953: Petrobras was founded in Brazil.
- 1959: In Godoy Cruz (Argentina) the Feliciano Gambarte Stadium of the Godoy Cruz Sports Club is inaugurated.
- 1961: near the village of Pozo Cavado, in Quemado de Güines (in the Cuban province of Las Villas), the band of Thondike (Margarito Lanza Flores)—in the framework of the attacks organized by the CIA—attack the Novoa farm, and murder the volunteer master Delfín Sen Cedré.
- 1962: In Cabo Cañaveral (United States), the ship is launched Sigma 7 (of the Mercury Project), with astronaut Wally Schirra on board on a flight that turned six rounds into Earth orbit and lasted nine hours.
- 1964: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the visit of General Charles de Gaulle (“Degól”) unleashed riots against the Government of Arturo Umberto Illia: “Degól, Perón, one heart” and “Degól, Perón, third position”.
- 1965: In Cuba, Fidel Castro officially reads the farewell letter written by Che Guevara.
- 1968: In Peru, General Velasco defeats President Fernando Belaúnde Terry.
- 1968: 118 meters underground, in the U3fs area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its Welder atomic bomb, of less than 20 kt. Half an hour later, 301 meters underground, detonates the 3 kt Knife-C pump. It is the bombs No. 579 and 580 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1973: in San Nicolás de los Arroyos (Argentina) two terrorists from the right-wing organization Triple A enter the headquarters of the newspaper The North and write down the editor, José Domingo Colombo.
- 1974: In the United States, President Richard Nixon begins his trial for the “Watergate” case.
- 1981: in Oviedo the Prince of Asturias Awards are awarded in its first edition.
- 1988: At the Edwards Air Base (in the Mojave Desert) the perfect landing of the American Space Shuttle Discovery takes place, successfully completing NASA's first mission since the Challenger's fatal crash in 1986.
- 1989: the failed military coup of October 3 to the regime of General Manuel Antonio Noriega by a group of officers of the Panamanian Defense Forces.
- 1989: officially approved the heraldic shield representing the municipality in the village of Valdeaveruelo, Guadalajara, Spain.
- 1990: the GDR is dissolved and becomes part of the RFA, so Germany became a united nation.
- 1992: the singer Sinéad O'Connor breaks a photo of Pope John Paul II as I repudiate her conservative policies.
- 1993: Mogadiscio's battle takes place in this city of Somalia between the troops of the United States and the guerrillas of this country.
- 1994: in Cheiry, in the canton of Fribourg (in Switzerland), several followers of the cult Order of the Solar Temple commit suicide by taking tranquilizers. On October 5, another 48 will be shot and cremated.
- 1996: in Paris, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and Bosnia-Herzegovina establish diplomatic relations by signing an agreement.
- 2005: Sun eclipse over Europe and Africa.
- 2009: the Basque Alakrana is kidnapped by Somali pirates. The captivity lasted 47 days.
- 2010: Germany completely liquidates war repairs (together with the generated interests) since the adoption of the First and Second World War treaty.
- 2013: near the island of Lampedusa (Italy), a boat with about 500 African immigrants is on fire and shipwreck. They only survive about 150.
- 2017: In Spain, King Felipe VI addressed an extraordinary message to the nation because of the holding of a referendum of self-determination, constitutionally illegal, convened by the Government of Catalonia and suspended by the Constitutional Court on 7 September that year.
- 2018: The Judiciary of Peru cancels the humanitarian pardon granted to former President Alberto Fujimori during the government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.
- 2019: in Ecuador, a national public transport paralysis is carried out due to the elimination of fuel subsidies. Consequently, serious disturbances and substantial material damage were generated in the main cities of the country. In the face of this critical and chaotic situation, President Lenin Moreno declared the state of emergency.
- 2020: the first case of COVID-19 in Solomon Islands is confirmed.
- 1292: Leonor of Clare, the eldest daughter of Gilbert of Clare, count of Hertford and Gloucester, and Joan of Acre; wife of Hugo Despenser the Young (f. 1337).
- 1610: Gabriel Lalemant, a French missionary (f. 1649).
- 1713: Antoine Dauvergne, French composer and violinist (f. 1797).
- 1716: Giovanni Battista Beccaria, Italian physicist (f. 1781).
- 1790: John Ross, American Cherokee Cacique (f. 1866).
- 1792: Francisco Morazán, Honduran military and political (f. 1842).
- 1797: Leopoldo II of Tuscany (f. 1870).
- 1800: George Bancroft, American politician and historian (f. 1891).
- 1804: Allan Kardec, French spiritist (f. 1869).
- 1804: Townsend Harris, First Consul General of the United States in Japan (f. 1878)
- 1832: Lina Sandell, Swedish poet and author of góspel hymns (f. 1903)
- 1837: Nicolás Avellaneda, Argentine journalist, 8th president (f. 1885).
- 1848: Henry Lerolle, a French painter (f. 1929).
- 1858: Eleonora Duse, Italian actress (f. 1924).
- 1863: Piotr Kozlov, Russian explorer (f. 1935).
- 1867: Pierre Bonnard, French painter (f. 1947).
- 1868: Francisco Vidal and Barraquer, Spanish cardinal (f. 1943).
- 1869: Alfred Flatow, German gymnast (f. 1942).
- 1875: Gerardo Murillo, Mexican painter and writer (f. 1964).
- 1879: Warner Oland, an American actor (f. 1938).
- 1880: Karl Ruberl, Austrian singer (f. 1966).
- 1882: A. Y. Jackson, Canadian painter (f. 1974).
- 1886: Alain-Fournier, French writer (f. 1914).
- 1889: Carl von Ossietzky, a German writer, nobel prize for peace in 1935 (f. 1938).
- 1890: Emilio Portes Gil, Mexican president (f. 1978).
- 1893: Charles II, Romanian king (f. 1953).
- 1894: Walter Warlimont, German general (f. 1976).
- 1895: Sergei Yesenin, Russian poet (f. 1925).
- 1896: Gerardo Diego, Spanish poet (f. 1987).
- 1897: Louis Aragon, French writer (f. 1982).
- 1898: Leo McCarey, American filmmaker (f. 1969).
- 1899: Louis Hjelmslev, Danish linguist (f. 1965).
- 1900: Thomas Wolfe, American writer (f. 1938).
- 1903: Ran In-ting, Taiwanese painter (f. 1979),[chuckles]required]
- 1904: Charles J. Pedersen, American chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987 (f. 1989).
- 1904: Ernst-Günther Schenck, German physicist (f. 1998).
- 1905: Julio Castellanos, Mexican painter (f. 1947).
- 1910: Juan Cunha, Uruguayan poet (f. 1985).
- 1910: Antoine Dignef, Belgian cyclist (f. 1991).
- 1911: Michael Hordern, British actor (f. 1995).
- 1911: Edgar Sanabria, Venezuelan politician (f. 1989).
- 1913: Ramón Antonio Cereijo, Argentine economist (f. 2003).
- 1914: Jan Nowak-Jeziorański, journalist, writer and Polish politician (f. 2005).
- 1915: Ben Molar, Argentine composer and musical producer (f. 2015).
- 1916: James Herriot, a British veterinarian and writer (f. 1995).
- 1918: Pedro Lazaga, director and Spanish film writer (f. 1979).
- 1919: James M. Buchanan, American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1986 (f. 2013).
- 1919: Francisco Ponz Piedrafita, a Spanish professor and physiologist (f. 2020).
- 1920: Myrna Mores, Argentinean singer (f. 2014).
- 1920: Philippa Foot, British philosopher (f. 2010).
- 1920: Ana Maria Primavesi, ingeniera agronoma brazilian of Austrian origin (f. 2020).
- 1922: Raffaele La Capria, writer, screenwriter and Italian translator (f. 2022).
- 1923: Edward Oliver LeBlanc, Dominican politician (f. 2004).
- 1924: Harvey Kurtzman, American hysterist (f. 1993).
- 1925: Gore Vidal, American writer (f. 2012).
- 1925: George Wein, producer and promoter of American jazz (f. 2021).
- 1928:
- Alvin Toffler, American writer and futurologist (f. 2016).
- Erik Bruhn, Danish dancer and choreographer (f. 1986).
- Kåre Willoch, Norwegian economist and politician, Prime Minister of Norway between 1981 and 1986 (f. 2021).
- 1930: Dora Prince, an Argentine actress (f. 2015).
- 1933: Neale Fraser, Australian tennis player.
- 1934: Rodolfo Martín Villa, Spanish politician.
- 1935: Charles Duke, American astronaut.
- 1936: Arthur Decabooter, Belgian cyclist (f. 2012).
- 1936: Steve Reich, American composer.
- 1937: Agustín López Zavala, Mexican voice actor (f. 1993).
- 1938: Eddie Cochran, American musician (f. 1960).
- 1938: Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Peruvian economist and politician, president of Peru between 2016 and 2018.
- 1939: Bob Armstrong, American fighter (f. 2020).
- 1940: Nacha Guevara, an Argentine actress.
- 1941: Chubby Checker, American musician.
- 1941: Andrea de Adamich, Italian racing pilot.
- 1942: Alan Rachins, American actor.[chuckles]required]
- 1942: Margarita Zimmermann, mezzosoprano argentina.
- 1943: Jeff Bingaman, American politician.
- 1943: Jesús Mariñas, a Spanish journalist.
- 1943: Leonel Hernández, Costa Rican footballer.
- 1944: Pierre Deligne, a Belgian mathematician.
- 1945: Viktor Saneyev, Soviet athlete.
- 1946: Ricardo Brandon, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2016).
- 1947: John Perry Barlow, American poet and essayist.
- 1947: Fred DeLuca, American businessman, co-founder of the Subway fast food chain.
- 1949: Lindsey Buckingham, American composer and guitarist, of the Fleetwood Mac band.
- 1949: J. P. Dutta, Indian film director and producer of Bollywood.[chuckles]required]
- 1951: Emilio Chuayffet, Mexican lawyer and politician.
- 1954: Al Sharpton, American preacher.
- 1954: Stevie Ray Vaughan, American blues and jazz guitarist (f. 1990).
- 1955: Angela Molina, Spanish actress.
- 1956: Deborah Coleman, American guitarist and singer (f. 2018).
- 1958: Louise Lecavalier, Canadian dancer.
- 1958: Chicho Sibilio, Dominican basketball nationalized Spanish.
- 1959: Greg Proops, American actor.
- 1959: Ricardo Valencia, Spanish alpinist (f. 2007).
- 1960: Luces Velásquez, Colombian actress.
- 1961:Ginés Ramón García Beltrán, bishop of the Diocese of Getafe.
- 1961: Ludger Stühlmeyer, composer, organist, singer and master of German chapel.
- 1962: Spartacus (Juan Antonio Ruiz), Spanish bullfighter.
- 1962: Tommy Lee, American musician, Mötley Crüe.
- 1964: Clive Owen, British actor.
- 1965: Jan-Ove Waldner, Swedish table tennis player.
- 1965: Sammy Pérez, Mexican actor and comedian (f. 2021).
- 1967: Rob Liefeld, American illustrator.
- 1967: Denis Villeneuve, Canadian filmmaker
- 1967: Maru Dueñas, actress, director and Mexican theatre producer (f. 2017).
- 1968: Nadia Calviño, Spanish politics.
- 1968: María Luisa Calle, Colombian cyclist.
- 1968: Greg Foster, American basketball player.
- 1969: Gwen Stefani, American singer, No Doubt band.
- 1969: Lorenzo Antonio, Mexican singer and composer.
- 1970: Dalila, Argentinean singer.
- 1971: Kevin Richardson, American singer, from the Backstreet Boys band.
- 1972: Black Thought, American rapper, The Roots band.
- 1972: Kim Joo-hyuk, South Korean actor.
- 1973: Keiko Agena, American actress.
- 1973: Neve Campbell, Canadian actress.
- 1973: Angélica Gavaldon, Mexican tennis player.
- 1973: Lena Headey, British actress.
- 1975: India Arie, American singer.
- 1975: Talib Kweli, American rapper.
- 1976: Eduardo Bustos Montoya, Argentine footballer.
- 1976: Herman Li, Chinese guitarist, from the DragonForce band.
- 1976: Seann William Scott, American actor.
- 1977: Daniel Hollie, American fighter.
- 1978: Gerald Asamoah, German footballer of Gané origin.
- 1978: Christian Coulson, British actor.
- 1978: Claudio Pizarro, Peruvian footballer.
- 1978: Jake Shears, American vocalist, Scissor Sisters.
- 1978: Shannyn Sossamon, American actress.
- 1979: John Hennigan "John Morrison", American professional fighter.
- 1979: Josh Klinghoffer, American guitarist, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
- 1980: Anquan Boldin, American football player.
- 1980: Danny O'Donoghue, Irish composer and singer, from the bands The Script and Mytown.
- 1980: Rubén Ochandiano, Spanish actor.
- 1980: Héctor Reynoso, Mexican footballer.
- 1980: Alexéi Chekunkov, Russian politician, since 2020 Minister of Development of the Far East and the Arctic.
- 1981: Zlatan Ibrahimović, Swedish footballer.
- 1981: Jorge Iván Pailós, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1982: El Juli, Spanish bullfighter.
- 1982: Erik von Detten, American actor.
- 1983:
- Frederico Chaves Guedes, Brazilian footballer.
- Tessa Thompson, American actress.
- Thiago Alves, Brazilian professional fighter.
- 1984:
- Anthony Le Tallec, French footballer.
- Ashlee Simpson, American singer.
- Chris Marquette, American actor.
- Yoon Eun-hye, South Korean singer and actress.
- 1985: Courtney Lee, American basketball player.
- 1986: Jackson Martínez, Colombian footballer.
- 1988: ASAP Rocky, American rapper.
- 1990: Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic, Swiss footballer.
- 1997: Ann Makosinski, Canadian inventor.
- 1997: Bang Chan, singer, dancer, composer, Australian producer, group leader Stray Kids.
- 2000: Michell Orozco, Colombian actress.
- 2004: Noah Schnapp, American actor.
- 1078: Iziaslav I of Kiev (n. 1024).
- 1207: Xin Qiji, Chinese poet (n. 1140).
- 1226: Francis of Assisi, religious and holy Italian (n. 1181).
- 1568: Isabel de Valois, aristocrat, wife of Felipe II of Spain (n. 1545).
- 1568: Ñuflo de Chaves, Spanish conqueror (n. 1518).
- 1611: Carlos de Lorena, aristocrat french (n. 1554).
- 1611: Margaret of Austria-Stiria, Austrian aristocrat, wife of Philip III of Spain (n. 1584).
- 1629: Giorgi Saakadze, Georgian military (n. 1570).
- 1667: Alonso Cano, a Spanish painter (n. 1601).
- 1685: Juan Carreño de Miranda, a Spanish painter (n. 1614).
- 1750: Georg Monn, Austrian composer and organist (n. 1717).
- 1820: Vicente Emparan, Spanish military, general captain of Venezuela (n rule 1747).
- 1838: Black Hawk, tribal chief sauk (n. 1767).
- 1867: Elias Howe, American inventor (n. 1819).
- 1877: Rómulo Díaz de la Vega, Mexican military and political (n. 1804).
- 1880: Adolphe-Félix Cals, a French painter (n. 1810).
- 1881: Orson Pratt, American religious leader (n. 1811).
- 1891: François Éduard Anatole Lucas, French mathematician (n. 1842).
- 1895: Manuel Romero Rubio, Mexican politician and lawyer (n. 1828).
- 1896: William Morris, painter, sketch artist and British writer (n. 1834).
- 1927: Huitzilac Massacre:
- Francisco R. Serrano, Mexican military and political (n. 1886).
- Miguel Peralta, Mexican military (n. 1889).
- Rafael Martínez de Escobar, a Mexican lawyer and politician (n. 1888).
- Carlos A. Vidal, Mexican military and political (n. 1885).
- Alonso Capetillo, Mexican military (n. 1890).
- 1929: Gustav Stresemann, a German politician, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926 (n. 1878).
- 1929: Jeanne Eagels, American actress (n. 1894).
- 1931: Carl Nielsen, Danish composer (n. 1865).
- 1937: Richard Hertwig, German botanist and zoologist (n. 1850).
- 1941: Emiliano Iglesias, a Spanish politician (n. 1878).
- 1943: Emilio Cebrián Ruiz, Spanish composer (n. 1900).
- 1952: Alfred Neumann, German writer and writer (n. 1895).
- 1953: Arnold Bax, British composer (n. 1883).
- 1954: Manuel Romero, Argentine filmmaker (n. 1891)
- 1965: Zachary Scott, American actor (n. 1914).
- 1967: Woody Guthrie, American musician (n. 1912).
- 1967: Malcolm Sargent, director of British orchestra and musician (n. 1895).
- 1969: Skip James, American composer and guitarist (n. 1902).
- 1971: Lester Germer, American physicist (n. 1896).
- 1977: Luis Guillermo Hernández, Peruvian poet (n. 1941).
- 1977: Tay Garnett, American director (n. 1894).
- 1979: Nicos Poulantzas, Greek revolutionary (n. 1936).
- 1987: Jean Anouilh, French playwright (n. 1910).
- 1988: Franz Josef Strauss, German politician (n. 1915).
- 1990: Stéfano Casiraghi, an Italian aristocrat (n. 1960).
- 1993: Gary Gordon, American military (n. 1960).
- 1993: Elías Nandino, Mexican poet (n. 1900).
- 1993: Randy Shughart, American military (n. 1958).
- 1994: John Champion, American film producer and screenwriter (n. 1923).
- 1994: Heinz Rühmann, German actor (n. 1902).
- 1995: Juan Antonio Toledo, Spanish painter (n. 1940).
- 1995: Elena Quiroga de Abarca, a Spanish writer (n. 1921).
- 1995: M. P. Sivagnanam, Indian writer and politician (n. 1906).[chuckles]required]
- 1998: Hugo Batalla, Uruguayan politician (n. 1926).
- 1998: Roddy McDowall, British actor (n. 1928).
- 1999: Akio Morita, Japanese physicist and businessman (n. 1921).
- 2000: Wojciech Jerzy Has, Polish filmmaker (n. 1925).
- 2000: Benjamin Orr, U.S. bassist, of the band The Cars (n. 1947).
- 2001: Eduardo Schinca, playwright, actor and Uruguayan theatre director (n. 1929).
- 2002: José María Jimeno Jurio, anthropologo, historian and Spanish ethnologist (f. 2002).
- 2003: William Steig, American hysterist and writer (n. 1907).
- 2004: Janet Leigh, American actress (n. 1927).
- 2004: Helios Fernández, Colombian actor (n. 1940)
- 2005: Ronnie Barker, British actor (n. 1929).
- 2005: Eric Maluenda, Chilean musician (n. 1952).
- 2006: Antonio José Betancor, Spanish filmmaker (n. 1942).
- 2006: Antonio González Calderón, Spanish journalist and screenwriter (n. 1915).
- 2006: Peter Norman, Australian athlete (n. 1942).
- 2006: Alberto Ramento, Filipino Bishop of the Independent Philippine Church (n. 1937).
- 2007: Pablo Palazuelo, Spanish painter and sculptor (n. 1915).
- 2007: Tony Ryan, Irish businessman (n. 1936).
- 2007: Rogelio Salmona, Colombian architect (n. 1927).
- 2007: Vijayan Mash, writer, speaker and Hindu academic (n. 1930)
- 2008: Johnny "J", Mexican rapper (n. 1969).
- 2009: Reinhard Mohn, German businessman (n. 1921).
- 2010: Aníbal Arias, guitarist of Argentine tango (n. 1922).
- 2010: Claude Lefort, a French philosopher (n. 1924).
- 2010: Mansur Escudero, psychiatrist and Spanish Islamist physician (n. 1947).
- 2010: Philippa Foot, British philosopher (n. 1920).
- 2012: Abdul Haq Ansari, Indian teacher (n. 1931).
- 2013: Angels Santos Torroella, a Spanish painter and graphic artist (n. 1911).
- 2013: María Wérnicke, Argentine poet and writer (n. 1930).
- 2015: Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Pakistani writer and historian (n. 1943).
- 2017: Fernando Cavalleri, soccer player and nationalized Chilean nationalized football coach (n. 1949).
- 2017: Yalalal Talabani, Iraqi politician, president of Iraq between 2005 and 2014 (n. 1933).
- 2018: Leon Max Lederman, American physicist, 1988 nobel physics award (n. 1922).
- 2019: Roger Taillibert, French architect (n. 1926).
- 2021: Jorge Medina Estévez, Archbishop and Chilean Catholic Cardinal (n. 1926).
- 2021: Lars Vilks, artist and historian of Swedish art (n. 1946).
- Germany
- Day of German Unity
- South Korea
South Korea:
- National Foundation Day
- Spain
- Celebrate the following towns:
- Darro (Granada): Feast in honour of St. Tiburtius.
- Masamagrell (Valencia): Feast in honor of Saint John the Evangelist.
- Naquera (Valencia): Feast in honor of the Virgin of the Incarnation.
Navarra: Albiasu (Larraun). Arruiz (Larraun). Baraibar (Larraun). Ecay (Araquil). Idocin (Ibargoiti). Imízcoz (Arce). Izco (Ibargoiti). Lakain-ApezborroEchalar). Osa (Ezcabarte). Salinas de Ibargoiti (Ibargoiti). Sengáriz (Ibargoiti). Urbiola (Igúzquiza).
- Celebrate the following towns:
- Honduras
- Day of the
- Iraq
- Independence Day
Catholic saints list
- San Francisco de Borja (f. 1572), priest.
- San Dionisio Areopagita (s. I), bishop.
- Holy Candida of Rome, martyr.
- Saint Fausto, Cayo, Peter, Paul, Eusebius, Cherimon and Lucius of Alexandria (s. III), martyr and confessors.
- Saint Hesiquius of Palestine (s. IV), monk.
- San Maximiano de Bagai (f. 410), bishop and confessor.
- Saint Cyprian of Toulon (f. 543), bishop.
- Saints Ewaldo the Black and Ewaldo the White (f. 695), priests and martyrs.
- San Virila de Navarra (s. X), abad.
- San Gerardo de Namur (f. 959), abad.
- Beato Otón de Metten (f. 802), abad.
- Beato Adelgoto de Chur (f. 1160), bishop.
- Blessed Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and colleagues (f. 1645), martyrs.
- Beato Crescencio García Pobo (f. 1936), priest and martyr.
- Blessed Jesus Emilio Jaramillo Monsalve (f. 1989), bishop and martyr.
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