October 28
Contenido October 28 is the 301st (thirty-first) day of the year—the 302nd (thirty-second) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 64 days left to end the year.
- 312: In the battle of the Bridge, Constantine I the Great defeats Majencio in the struggle for the Roman Empire. It becomes Christianity.
- 709: In Yaxchilán (Mexico) the Xok lady, the wife of King Escudo Jaguar II, is made to pass a rope with stubs of obsidian through a hole in the tongue.
- 1092: In the Taifa of Valencia (in the present Spain), Al-Qadir died killed by a revolt led by the cadí Ibn Yahhaf.
- 1483: In the present Spain, Rodrigo Ponce de León definitively reconquers the village of Zahara de la Sierra.
- 1492: In the Bahamas Islands, the Spanish Rodrigo de Jerez is the first western to see the Indians smoking tobacco and the first to imitate them.
- 1538: In the village of Santo Domingo, on the island of La Española, in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomás de Aquino, the first university of America is founded.
- 1546: Pedro Guerrero is appointed Archbishop of Granada.
- 1575: ecclesiastical authorities in Spain authorize the transfer of Brother Alonso Pérez H.C. to New Spain.
- 1707: in Houei, East Japan, at 14:00 (local time) an earthquake of magnitude 8.6 occurs in the scale of time and a tsunami left between 5000 and 20 000 victims. It was the most intense earthquake in Japan's history until it came back on March 11, 2011.
- 1746: Lima, the capital of the Virreinate of Peru, is devastated by an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 in the scale of magnitude of the moment, which leaves a balance of more than 5000 dead. The port of Callao is completely rooted by the resulting tsunami, which leaves another 5000 dead (only 250 people survive). Damage is recorded along the South American Pacific coast.
- 1848: In Spain the first railroad that worked in that country, the Barcelona-Mataró line was inaugurated.
- 1861: in Caracas (Venezuela), President Manuel Felipe de Tovar founded the Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela.
- 1862: In Caimito de la Hanábana (province of Matanzas), the Cuban patriotic boy José Martí writes his first known letter, addressed to his mother, Leonor Pérez, where he narrates the horrors of the prison in Matanzas, which he knew because his father, Mariano Martí served as judge of the region.
- 1873: in Cuba, Salvador Cisneros Betancourt is the President of the Republic in Arms.
- 1875: in Caracas (Venezuela) the National Pantheon is inaugurated.
- 1886: In the United States, President Grover Cleveland inaugurates the Statue of Freedom, given by France.
- 1892: in Paris, France, the forerunner of Emile Reynaud films is his Bright pantomimes - animated films through the system known as optical theatre. This fact is recognized as the beginning of the cartoons.
- 1893: In the city of New York (United States), the Cuban patriot José Martí talks on the evening offered by the Spanish-American Literary Society in homage to Venezuelan general Simon Bolivar.
- 1895: In the village of Vega de Pestán (Cuba), the brothers Antonio and José Maceo, both Cuban independence soldiers, are fired. They will never see him again, and Joseph will die in combat on July 5, 1896.
- 1896: In the province of Camagüey the troops of Calixto García occupy the village of Guáimaro.
- 1900: in Barcelona (Spain) is founded the Real Club Deportivo Espanyol.
- 1905: in waters near Finisterre (Spain) the Spanish battleship Cardinal Cisneros is born.
- 1918: Czechoslovakia is founded as one of the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
- 1922: In Italy, the March on Rome of Benito Mussolini takes place two days before being appointed Prime Minister of Italy.
- 1930: in the United States, Pablo Picasso wins the first international Carnegie painting award.
- 1938: In the framework of the Spanish civil war, the International Brigades leave Spain.
- 1940: the beginning of the Greco-Italian War with the entry of Greece in the Second World War.
- 1943: in the port of Philadelphia—according to a boulder created in 1955 by U.S. ufologist Morris K. Jessup (1900-1959)—the military teleportation operation "Philly Experience" was supposed to take place on this date.
- 1944: In La Coruña (Spain), the Municipal Stadium of Riazor is inaugurated.
- 1951: at the Nevada nuclear test site—in the framework of Operation Buster-Jangle (which will unintentionally expose some 6500 infantry soldiers to seven atomic explosions for training purposes for a month), the United States detonates the Baker atomic bomb of 3.5 kilotons, dropping it from a B-50 bomber.
- 1951: in Catalonia, Spain, the Argentine pilot Juan Manuel Fangio wins his first world title Formula 1.
- 1956: Spanish Television services are opened in Spain, which the next day began broadcasting their programs on a regular basis.
- 1958: in the Vatican City, Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli is elected Pope, and adopts the name of John XXIII.
- 1958: 256 meters underground, in the U12b.04 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 16:00 (local time) United States detonates its Evans atomic bomb, of 0.05 kiloton. It's the 189th bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1958: In Sweden, Boris Pasternak gets the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- 1958: the Soviet Union grants Argentina a credit (equivalent to 100 million dollars of that time, which is equivalent to 835 million 2016) for the purchase of Soviet oil equipment, at an interest rate of 2.5 % per year.
- 1959: In the strait of Florida the Cessna plane that moved from Camagüey to Havana (500 km) disappears to Commander Camilo Cienfuegos.
- 1959: in Mexico, a category 5 hurricane causes floods in the state of Colima, killing 1800 people in the region (Huracán de México, 1959). It will appear in the center of Mexico on October 29.
- 1962: In Washington, United States, President John F. Kennedy pledges to stop trying to invade Cuba, and the Soviet Union removes the atomic missiles installed in Cuba. The Missile Crisis is over.
- 1962: at 04:41 (local time) in a rocket from the Semipalátinsk test site (about 150 km west of the homonym city) in Kazakhstan, the Soviet Union launches an atomic bomb of 300 kilotons that explodes 150 km above Karaganda, capital of the homonymous province in the centre of Kazakhstan. It is the nuclear test n. 187 K4 of the 981 that the Soviet Union detonated between 1949 and 1991 that, measures in kilotons, represent 54.9 per cent of the total nuclear tests carried out in the world.
- 1970: in three different holes, 118 meters underground, in the U3h area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bombs Truchas-Chacón (1), Truchas-Chamisal (2) and Truchas-Rodarte (3), of about 8 kilotons each. It is the bombs n. 709, 710 and 711 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1971: United Kingdom launches the Prospero X-3 satellite on board a fully British rocket.
- 1974: 404 meters underground, in the U12n.09 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 831: Hybla Fair, less than 20 kilotons.
- 1975: in a tunnel 1265 meters underground, in the U20z area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 854 Kasseri, 1000 kiloton.
- 1981: In the United States, Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield form the thrash metal metallic band.
- 1982: in Spain, the PSOE wins general elections by absolute majority.
- 1983: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the closure of the campaign for the presidential elections, the Peronist candidate Herminio Iglesias set fire to a coffin with the name of the candidate of the UCR (Raúl Alfonsín) and the colors of that party.
- 1988: France authorizes the abortive pill known as Mifepristone.
- 1993: Borís Yeltsin decrees private land ownership in Russia.
- 1996: In Argentina the television producer Ideas del Sur was founded.
- 2001: Aeroflot, Russian airline, ceases its operations at Jorge Chávez International Airport, ending the direct connection Lima-Moscow
- 2004: In Colombia, it begins its operations RTVC Public Media System.
- 2005: in Venezuela, President Hugo Chávez declared the country "free of illiteracy".
- 2005: Mexico becomes the hundredth country that ratifies the statute of the International Criminal Court.
- 2007: Cristina Fernández becomes the first woman elected president of Argentina and the second woman to exercise that position.
- 2007: in the Vatican City, Pope Benedict XVI beatifies the Spanish religious of the Spanish civil war.
- 2007: strong floods occur in the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas.
- 2011: In the United States, NASA launches satellite NPP with the mission to make climatological observations of the Earth.
- 2011: in the city of Ica (Peru), an earthquake of magnitude 6.7 in the seismological scale of Richter leaves at least 1 dead and 80 wounded.
- 2012: on the east coast of the United States, the hurricane Sandy affects the states of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York causing floods and devastation at their pace. The losses are estimated at $20 billion.
- 2020: the first case of COVID-19 in the Marshall Islands is confirmed.
- 2021: At the world level the Roblox video game suffered one of the largest massive falls in its history, which lasted for 72 hours. Following this, the platform was closed for 48 hours, showing a maintenance banner.
- 1466: Erasmus of Rotterdam, humanist, philosopher, philologist and Dutch theologian (f. 1536).
- 1510: Francisco de Borja, a Spanish religious (f. 1562).
- 1550: Kostka Stanislaus, Polish Religious (f. 1568).
- 1667: Mariana de Neoburg, Spanish aristocrat, second wife of King Charles II (f. 1740).
- 1784: José Tadeo Monagas, a Venezuelan military and political president on three occasions (f. 1868).
- 1769: Simon Rodriguez, Venezuelan philosopher and educator, tutor of Simon Bolivar (f. 1854).
- 1775: José de Palafox, a Spanish military officer (f. 1847).
- 1779: Francisco Cea Bermúdez, a Spanish politician and diplomat (f. 1850).
- 1794: Benjamin B. Wiffen, British poet and hypnist (f. 1867).
- 1812: Cirilo Villaverde, patriot and Cuban novelist, author of Cecilia Valdés (f. 1894).
- 1854: Jean-Marie Guyau, a French philosopher and anarchist poet (f. 1888).
- 1856: Cecilia Arizti, pianist, musical educator and Cuban composer (f. 1930).
- 1857: Ary Renan, a symbolist painter, French poet, writer and political activist (f. 1900).
- 1860: Jigoro Kano, educator and Japanese martial artist, creator of Judo (f. 1938)
- 1866: Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, a Spanish writer (f. 1936).
- 1878: Conrado del Campo, Spanish composer (f. 1953).
- 1889: Francisco Martínez García, Spanish politician (f. 1936).
- 1890: Joaquín García-Hidalgo, journalist and Spanish politician (f. 1936).
- 1891: Giacomo Lercaro, Cardinal and Archbishop of Italy (f. 1976).
- 1892: Hernán Vera, Mexican actor (f. 1964).
- 1895: Viriato Fiallo, Dominican doctor and politician (f. 1983).
- 1897: Edith Head, American fashion designer (f. 1981).
- 1901: Walter Spalding, writer, journalist, essayist, genealogist and Brazilian folklorist (f. 1976).
- 1902: Elsa Lanchester, British actress (f. 1986).
- 1903: Evelyn Waugh, British satirical novelist (f. 1966).
- 1906: Xosé Filgueira, Spanish intellectual (f. 1996).
- 1906: Luis Macía González, Colombian tenor (f. 2000).
- 1907: Miguel Caló, musician and Argentine composer (f. 1972).
- 1908: Arturo Frondizi, politician and Argentine president (f. 1995).
- 1909: Francis Bacon, British painter (f. 1992).
- 1910: Arturo Camacho Ramírez, Colombian poet (f. 1982).
- 1914: Jonas Salk, American physiologist (f. 1995).
- 1914: Richard L. M. Synge, British biochemical, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1952 (f. 1994).
- 1914: Dody Goodman, American actress (f. 2008).
- 1917: Honor Frost, Underwater Archaeologist (f. 2010)
- 1919: Bernhard Wicki, Austrian filmmaker
- 1921: Chico O'Farrill, trompetist and director of Cuban orchestra (f. 2001).
- 1922: Gershon Kingsley, composer of German origin (f. 2019).
- 1924: Antonio Creus, a Spanish motor racing pilot (f. 1996).
- 1928: Ion Mihai Pacepa, Romanian engineer.
- 1929: Joan Plowright, British actress.
- 1929: Marcel Bozzuffi, French actor (f. 1988).
- 1929: Juan Gallardo Muñoz, Spanish writer (f. 2013).
- 1930: Bernie Ecclestone, British businessman.
- 1930: Inocente Iznaga González, Cuban singer, "Jilguero de Cienfuegos" (f. 2012).
- 1931: Analía Gadé, an Argentine actress (f. 2019).
- 1932: Suzy Parker, American model and actress (f. 2003).
- 1933: Garrincha, Brazilian footballer (f. 1983).
- Charlie Daniels, American musician (f. 2020).
- Horst Before, German sculptor.
- Nino Castelnuovo, Italian actor (f. 2021).
- 1937: Lenny Wilkens, U.S. coach and ex-balloncestist.
- 1938: Oscar Barney Finn, Argentine filmmaker.
- 1938: Bernadette Lafont, French actress (f. 2013).
- 1939: Jane Alexander, American actress.
- 1941: Hank Marvin, British guitarist, of the band The Shadows.
- 1941: Pacho O’Donnell, Argentine historian, writer and politician.
- 1941: Doris Wells, actress, writer and filmmaker from Venezuela (f. 1988).
- 1943: Cornelia Froboess, German singer and actress.
- 1943: Charo López, Spanish actress.
- 1944: Michel Colucci, French actor and humorist.
- 1944: Dennis Franz, American actor.
- 1949: Caitlyn Jenner, athlete and figure of American television.
- 1952: Thomas Dinger, German singer and composer (f. 2002).
- 1952: Annie Potts, American actress.
- 1955: Bill Gates, American businessman.
- 1956: Mahmud Ahmadineyad, Iranian engineer and politician, President of Iran between 2005 and 2013.
- 1956: Dave Wyndorf, American singer of Monster Magnet.
- 1956: Franky Vercauteren, Belgian footballer.
- 1957: Florence Arthaud, French navigator (f. 2015).
- 1957: Paco Ortega, Spanish musician and composer.
- 1957: Stephen Morris, British musician, Joy Division drummer and New Order.
- 1958: Concha García Campoy, a Spanish journalist (f. 2013).
- 1958: William Reid, Scottish musician of The Jesus and Mary Chain.
- 1962: Daphne Zuniga, American actress.
- 1963: Lauren Holly, American actress.
- 1963: Eros Ramazzotti, Italian singer.
- 1964: Juan Darthés, Brazilian actor.
- 1965: Jami Gertz, American actress.
- 1967: Kevin Macdonald, Scottish filmmaker.
- 1967: Julia Roberts, American actress.
- 1967: John Romero, American video game programmer.
- 1969: Ben Harper, American musician.
- 1972: Axel Kuschevatzky, film critic and Argentine producer.
- 1972: Brad Paisley, American singer.
- 1973: Alvin Burke (MVP), American fighter.
- 1973: Felipe Desagastizábal, Argentine footballer.
- 1974: Joaquín Phoenix, American actor and musician.
- 1974: Leave Stefanović, Serbian footballer.
- 1977: Emiliano Brancciari, Argentinian musician of No Te Va Gustar.
- 1979: Aki Hakala, Finnish drummer of The Rasmus.
- 1979: Jawed Karim, American software engineer and entrepreneur, YouTube founder.
- 1980: Juan Pablo Espinosa, Colombian actor.
- 1980: Alan Smith, British footballer.
- 1981: Dwayne Cameron, New Zealand actor.
- 1981: Milan Baroš, Czech footballer.
- 1982: Mai Kuraki, Japanese singer.
- 1982: Matt Smith, British actor.
- 1983: Jarrett Jack, American basketball player.
- 1983: Taras Mijálik, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1984: Obafemi Martins, Nigerian footballer.
- 1985: Troian Bellisario, actress, writer, producer and American director.
- 1987: Frank Ocean, American singer, rapper and composer.
- 1987: Aaron Meijers, Dutch footballer.
- 1988: Jamie xx, British producer and composer.
- 1988: Federico Moretti, Italian footballer.
- 1988: Edd Gould, British animator (f. 2012).
- 1988: Devon Murray, Irish actor.
- 1989: Camille Muffat, French swimmer (f. 2015).
- 1990: Hannah Trigwell, British singer.
- 1990: Youssef Msakni, Tunisian footballer.
- 1993: Enrico Crescenzi, Italian footballer.
- 1994: Giselle Bonilla, American actress.
- 1997: Sierra McCormick, American actress.
- 1997: Winwin, rapper, dancer and NCT band model.
- 1998: Mateusz Żyro, Polish footballer.
- 1998: Nolan Gould, American actor
- 1669: Agustín Moreto, Spanish playwright (n. 1618).
- 1703: John Wallis, British mathematician (n. 1616).
- 1704: John Locke, British philosopher (n. 1632).
- 1708: George of Denmark, Danish prince (n. 1653).
- 1740: Ana I of Russia, Russian Empress (n. 1693).
- 1816: Francisco José de Caldas, The Sabio, scientist, naturalist and prosperous Colombian (n. 1768).
- 1899: Ottmar Mergenthaler, German inventor (n. 1854).
- 1900: Max Müller, philologist, mythologist and orientalist German (n. 1823).
- 1904: Samuel Washington Woodhouse, American surgeon and explorer (n. 1821).
- 1916: Oswald Boelcke, German pilot (n. 1891).
- 1918: Inocencio Medina Vera, Spanish illustrator (n. 1876).
- 1931: Ricardo Rendon was a Colombian cartoonist, considered one of the most outstanding in the centuryXX. in his nation. (n. 1894).
- 1938: Ramón Franco Bahamonde, a Spanish military aviator (n. 1896).
- 1941: Maria Nesterenko, Soviet military aircraft (n. 1910)
- 1949: Ginette Neveu, French violinist (n. 1919).
- 1954: Enrique Flores Magón, a Mexican revolutionary (n. 1877).
- 1959: Camilo Cienfuegos, a Cuban revolutionary (n. 1932).
- 1960: Margarita Abella Caprile, an Argentine writer and journalist (n. 1901).
- 1970: Eduardo López-Chávarri, Spanish composer (n. 1871).
- 1972: Mitchell Leisen, American filmmaker (n. 1898).
- 1975: Oliver Nelson, American jazz musician (n. 1932).
- 1977: Miguel Mihura, writer, cartoonist and Spanish humorist (n. 1905).
- 1983: Otto Messmer, American animator (n. 1892).
- 1990: Gervasio, Uruguayan singer (n. 1948).
- 1998: Ted Hughes, British writer (n. 1930).
- 1999: Rafael Alberti, Spanish poet (n. 1902).
- 2001: Grigori Chujrái, director of Soviet cinema (n. 1921)
- 2005: Alberto Ormaetxea, Spanish footballer (n. 1939).
- 2005: Richard Smalley, American chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 (n. 1943).
- 2006: Red Auerbach, American Basketball Coach (n. 1917).
- 2007: Eduardo Primo Yúfera, Spanish chemist (n. 1918).
- 2008: Ricardo Claro, Chilean businessman (n. 1934).
- 2008: Dina Cocea, Romanian actress (n. 1912).
- 2009: Taylor Mitchell, Canadian folk singer (n. 1990).
- 2010: Watts Humphrey, American computer (n. 1927).
- 2011: Juan María Bandrés, politician and Spanish lawyer (n. 1932).
- 2011: Willy De Clercq, Belgian politician (n. 1927).
- 2014: José Mari Manzanares, Spanish bullfighter (n. 1953).
- 2017: Jacques Sauvageot, French anarchist (n. 1943).
- 2020: Alain Rey, linguist and French lexicographer (n. 1928).
- 2022: Jerry Lee Lewis, American singer, musician and composer (n. 1935).
- World Animation Day (International Association of Animation Films).
- World Judo Day (International Federation of Judo).
United Nations:
- Disarmament Week.
- Greece
Greece and Cyprus
Cyprus: Day of No.
- Indonesia
Indonesia: Youth Commitment Day or Hari Sumpah Pemuda.
- Japan
- Gifu Prefecture: Day of Disaster Prevention Earthquakes of Prefecture.
- Paraguay
Paraguay: National Radio Day.
- Czech Republic
Czech Republic: Czechoslovak State Independence Day celebrates the independence of Czechoslovakia from Austria-Hungary in 1918.
- Ukraine
Ukraine: Anniversary of the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis, celebrating the liberation of the Nazi German troops from the territory of the present Ukraine.
- Venezuela
Venezuela: Engineer Day / School Library Day.
Catholic saints list
- San Judas Tadeo (apostole)
- Saint Simon (apostole)
- San Farón de Meaux
- San Ferrucio de Maguncia
- San Fidel de Como
- San Germán de Annecy
- San Ginés de Thiers
- San Juan Dat
- San Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán
- San Salvio de Amiens
- Beato José Ruiz Bruixola
- Beato Salvador Enguix Garés
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